A relaxing set of exercises for stretching the whole body

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Before you start stretching your muscles, be sure to do a warm-up; this will collectively prepare all areas of the body for more serious loads. Don't ignore stretching, it's not a fad, but a key point in training.

MUSCLE STRETCHING is a system of exercises that allows you to lengthen a muscle from its original state, make it flexible and elastic to withstand loads from the environment.

When performing exercises to stretch muscles, you must adhere to a number of rules.

Proper muscle stretching

All movements are performed at a moderate pace, suddenness of movements is excluded, otherwise unwarmed muscles can easily receive a painful injury;

Do not hold your breath, breathe evenly and deeply, exhale while stretching the muscles, inhale at the relaxation stage;

It is necessary to stretch the muscle areas until you feel slight discomfort; you need to feel how it stretches; if pain occurs, release the pressure on the muscle;

After stretching a specific area, hold at the maximum stretch point for 10-15 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Always start with minimal pressure on the muscles, gradually increasing the load; if you immediately start pulling with all your might, injury is guaranteed, and the muscles will ache for a long time and remind you of themselves at the most inopportune moment.

Studio "On the splits"

Website: https://nashpagate.ru Phone: Cost: from 990 rub. per course

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Basic stretching is a contact stretching exercise adapted for home workouts. We stretch the whole body, all muscle groups. We practice beautiful swings and dynamic exercises. Any level of training!

Stretching PRO - contact stretching for all muscle groups (back, shoulders, neck, arms, feet), adapted for home workouts, with an emphasis on transverse/longitudinal splits. Any level of training!

Contraindications to muscle stretching

» For lower back diseases » For high blood pressure; » Inflammation of the pelvis and hips; » Complex spinal injuries; » Presence of cracks in the bones; » The presence of severe bruises on the legs; » Problems with joints and ligaments - in this case, be sure to consult a doctor.

Now let's proceed directly to the description of methods for stretching all muscle groups, start stretching from top to bottom of the body:

Forming a general idea of ​​stretching

The stretching training system is aimed at developing the flexibility of the human body.

Forming a general idea of ​​stretching
Among the pleasant bonuses - along the way, ligaments, tendons and joints are strengthened, muscle spasms are relieved, joint mobility increases, blood flow improves, and it is possible to get rid of constant back pain. Stretching has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it relaxes, calms, lifts the mood, and for women it significantly improves their well-being during PMS. After just a few weeks of targeted and regular training, athletes notice improved sleep. If you want to make your own body flexible and flexible, improve your health and recharge with good emotions, you will definitely like muscle stretching exercises.

Stretching is equally suitable for both experienced athletes and beginners. The only caveat: without initial physical training, you should not start stretching “to the fullest.” An undertrained body needs to gradually increase loads to avoid injury in the first session. If you have health problems, it is a good idea to visit a physical therapist before starting stretching. This especially applies to people diagnosed with hypertension and hip injuries.

If you have no contraindications for muscle stretching, then the general strengthening effect of these exercises will not be long in coming. All of them, regardless of the type of stretching, are quite simple from a technical point of view, but extremely effective due to the gradual increase in stretching intensity. In each exercise, you should stretch as far as possible so that the muscles feel a slight tension (but not discomfort or severe pain).

Neck stretching exercises

1. Tilt your head down as far as possible, be sure to touch your upper chest with your chin; you should feel a stretch not only in your neck, but also a slight stretch in your back muscles. At the bottom point, hold for 2-3 seconds.

2. Then tilt your head back and also stop for a better stretch for a couple of seconds.

3. Do not hold your breath; breathe; when tilting your head, exhale; when tilting back, inhale.

4. For better stretching, when lowering your head down, lightly press the back of your head with your hands.

5. Remember, the neck is a bundle of nerve endings, so there is no harshness, everything is done smoothly, with controlled movements.

6. Just like in the picture on the right, tilt your head to the side to stretch the lateral muscles of the neck

7. All manual pressure is moderate, to the point of feeling slight discomfort, but not severe pain.

1. Stand straight, slowly turn your head to the left, stretch as far as possible, hold for 2 seconds, then to the right, perform 5-6 turns in each direction.

2. Afterwards, you can perform circular movements with your head, using the full range of motion - tilting your head forward, sideways and back as much as possible.

Preparing for your first stretching workout

First of all, you need to take care of a good warm-up to avoid sprains and other negative consequences. Attention should be paid not only to the legs, but also to the neck, blue, and shoulders. After completing all the preliminary exercises, you can move on to the main training for beginners.

It is worth remembering that all exercises should be performed slowly. There is no need to immediately load the body. The first lesson should be just an introduction.

Shoulder stretches

1. Bend your elbows and place your fingertips on your shoulders, perform circular movements forward and then back for 10 repetitions.

2. During movement, the fingers do not leave the shoulders.

3. Use the maximum range of motion, don’t be lazy; the effectiveness of all movements of the upper body depends on warming up the shoulder joints.

1. Stand up straight, point your left hand to the side towards your right shoulder, and with the palm of your right hand lightly press on the triceps of your left hand, without bending the elbow of your left hand. You should feel a slight stretch in your shoulder, hold this position for 5 seconds and switch your arms.

2. No jerking, apply pressure and keep it in a stretched state, jerking will only bring injury and pain.

1. Ideally, you need to bend your arms slightly at the elbows and begin to move your arms in a circular motion, first moving backwards for 10 repetitions, and then forwards for 10 times.

2. To better warm up the shoulder joint, you can take turns making circular movements with your arms, also 10 repetitions forward and backward.

Warm up exactly sequentially, as indicated in the figures, this way you warm up the muscle areas from lesser to greater load.

Stretching the muscles improves blood circulation and speeds up the access of nutrients to the muscles!

We complicate the stretching training program

After completing the warm-up, you can begin the dynamic part of stretching. To do this, you can watch the course “ Stretching video lessons for beginners .” At the beginning, you need to perform rotational movements, gradually trying to fix the body in the desired position. This will contribute to the springing effect.

stretching video lessons for beginners
We complicate the stretching training program

Next, you can begin the so-called ballistic exercises. The main nuance here is that a person gradually increases the amplitude during movements. Swings must be done with both legs and arms.

  • The next step in stretching for a beginner is to move on to isolated stretching. It will help increase muscle strength. During this workout, you can relax your body. You can also try to do the splits slowly and leisurely, but you don’t need to get too carried away.

Arm stretching exercises

1. As shown in the figure, move your right arm back behind your head and apply light pressure to your right elbow, feeling a stretch in your triceps.

2. Hold for a while and then change the position of your hands, do 5-6 repetitions on each hand.

3. Afterwards, shake your hands slightly to relieve muscle tension or rub your triceps with your palm.

1. Pay attention to the drawing, the right hand, grasping the pole, is pointing the thumb down, this is a very important moment!!!

2. Then, turning the body to the left, feel the stretch of the biceps, having reached the maximum stretch, hold, relax the muscle by turning to the right and turning to the left again, stretch it.

3. Change hands and do the same. After finishing, do flexion - extension of your arms at the elbows, relieving muscle tension.

1. Kneel down and point your fingers towards you.

2. Bend your lower back and slowly lean back, keeping your palms on the floor, creating positive tension in your biceps.

3. Stay in this position for as long as possible

4. Then relax, shake your hands and after 20 seconds repeat again and so on 3-4 times.

The benefits of stretching for pregnant women

Stretching is beneficial for women during pregnancy. Of course, provided that they are performed carefully and measuredly, and the expectant mother is completely healthy.

Stretching is prohibited for women whose pregnancy is complicated and there is a risk of premature birth or miscarriage. In case of gynecological diseases and low placentation, stretching should also be avoided.

The workout should consist mostly of exercises in sitting and supine positions. You can add a gymnastic ball to the activity. By doing stretching in a lighter version, the expectant mother will be able to relax (both physically and mentally), improve blood circulation and prepare for childbirth. And in the postpartum period - correct your figure.

The benefits of stretching for pregnant women

Chest stretching exercises

1. This exercise is called scissors - stand straight, legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides and sharply bring your arms in front of you, with your right hand first on top (as in Figure B), then force your arms back, feeling a stretch in your chest and again brings his left hand in front of him, but on top.

2. Continuing to alternate arms in front with arms extended back, stretch the pectoral muscles.

1. An exercise from the old Soviet school is also a good idea: first bend your elbows, spread them to the side so that your forearms are parallel to the floor and push your arms back with your elbows bent.

2. Then, returning to the starting position, spread your arms again, but with your palms up.

3. Alternately perform a push of the arms back with bent elbows and a fly with the arms straightened.

There is one more wonderful exercise. Stand in the doorway, arms bent at the elbows, placed to the side and rest your palms on the baseboards on the sides of the door, elbows should be slightly below shoulder level. Next, leaning forward, we stretch the pectoral muscles, lightly rocking back and forth.

Stretching at home: effective exercises

Today, stretching has formed into a separate direction, which is becoming increasingly popular, because it has enough advantages. Girls often do it, the main goal of which is flexibility and plasticity of the body, since stretching copes with this very well. Fitness centers offer group stretching classes. But you can also perform stretching and flexibility exercises for beginners and at home. The main thing is to study all the features of such classes.

Stretching: features and benefits

Stretching and flexibility exercises are useful for absolutely everyone: both for ladies who want to become more flexible and graceful, and for male athletes and just people who want to improve their muscles Maintain your health and learn to better control your body. To ensure that the exercises bring maximum benefit and effectiveness, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Stretching is divided into two types: static and dynamic. The point of the first is that you will need to linger in one specific position in order to create the maximum load on the target muscle groups. Dynamic stretching involves making sudden movements. Dynamic load is not recommended for beginners, since with an unprepared body it can provoke sprain and rupture of ligaments and tendons.
  • Stretching gives quick results. Once you start exercising, you will soon feel how your muscle strength has increased and your well-being has improved, as the body is actively saturated with oxygen. The figure will become more slender and graceful. And even your skin will become fresher. But, of course, don’t expect that the second time you practice, you’ll be able to do the splits. Obviously, you will become more flexible after about three months of classes.
  • You can't do stretching from a state of rest. Flexibility exercises are performed after active warming up of the muscles. You can jump rope, do squats, and do leg swings. And only when you feel that you are sufficiently warmed up, start stretching.
  • Stretching exercises can be performed at any time of the day. However, experts believe that the best time for this is evening. Smooth and simple gymnastics will help you calm down and relax after a hard day.

During the exercise, you should only feel tension in the muscles and ligaments, but in no case pain. A sharp, severe pain indicates that something is damaged in the body. Do everything carefully and smoothly, listen to your body and give it time to get used to the loads. If you hear a crunch or click, feel a muscle spasm, dizziness or severe pain, stop exercising.

Back stretching exercises

1. Grasp a low bar or stable object in front of you, with your elbows straight and your knees slightly bent.

2. By force, tensing your abdominal muscles, lower your body down, thus warming up your back muscles and relieving muscle tension.

3. Lower yourself into an incline with light leaning downward movements, perform 15-20 light inclines, this will be enough.

1. Starting position - kneel down on a soft rubber mat, pull your stomach in as much as you can, this is how you train the vacuum inside your stomach to prevent your stomach from bulging out, then bend over like a cat, it will stretch your back muscles well, then arch your lower back as much as you can, then lower buttocks to the feet, at the same time the arms look forward without bending at the elbows.

2. After holding the stretched position for 10 seconds, go back up to the cat position.

3. Perform 15-20 repetitions in this manner to warm up the muscles of the back and lumbar region.

1. A wonderful exercise for stretching the back muscles, although the abdominal muscles also work hard here, but there is one trick here.

2. Before bending to the side, place your palm on the back of your head, move your elbow forward a little, and do not lean strictly to the side, turning your body slightly, you should feel how the lats stretch.

1. Place your hands on your side and start moving your hips in a circular motion.

2. First perform 15 repetitions to the right, then to the left.

3. Use a large range of motion, bending forward well and back enough; if you do everything correctly at the end of stretching the back muscles, your lower back should be slightly tensed, you will feel it, even if it was slightly squeezed by a belt.

Elastic muscles allow you to increase the range of motion, which makes exercises more effective!

Course Basics

Stretching lesson
Ekaterina Firsova, who conducts video lessons with the basics of a stretching course, is a professional trainer. For many years, she has been successfully developing in this area of ​​fitness and teaching lessons to people of different age groups and with different levels of physical fitness.

Lessons with Firsova are in particular demand because all of her classes are exciting and intense workouts that demonstrate excellent results and help you do the splits without pain or risk of injury. To date, there are already more than 30 video lessons in which Ekaterina Firsova offers a whole range of stretching exercises to strengthen and improve the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

However, this is not the only benefit of gymnastics with Firsova. Considering the basic idea of ​​the direction, we can highlight several main advantages that helped it become so popular. This:

  • Deep muscle training and stretching.
  • Lack of necessary sports skills.
  • Favorable effect on the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body.
  • Approved for use during recovery from injuries.
  • Helps you lose weight and regain your original shape.
  • Develops flexibility, agility, plasticity, grace and endurance.
  • Allows you to do the splits after just a few months of regular exercise (provided the exercises are performed correctly).
  • Ideal for relaxation and rest after a busy day of work.
  • Suitable for use at home.

As you can see, stretching with Firsova is a comprehensive workout, useful for several reasons. The entire course of classes is a step-by-step improvement of the physical abilities of the body, which will help not only become more familiar with fitness, but also achieve the results that every woman dreams of in a short period of time. In just 20-40 minutes a day, provided you practice regularly, you will be able to notice the first changes in your body, namely, grace and incredible plasticity.

Abdominal stretching exercises

1. Lie down on the floor, place your palms as if you are about to do push-ups.

2. While applying force to your arms, straighten them completely at the elbows, at this time the chest and abdominal muscles lift off the surface.

3. Stay in this position for up to 10 seconds, feeling the stretch in your abdominal muscles, then lower yourself to the floor and relax your abs to relieve the feeling of tension and go up again, do this 4-5 times.

1. Take the starting position - feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, for stability, hands on your sides on your belt.

2. Lifting your left hand from your belt, lift it up and tilt it to the right until you feel tension in your oblique abdominal muscles.

3. Feeling the entire left side being pulled, immediately return to the starting position and do the same with your right hand. Remember, when you stretch, you don’t need to linger, stretch as hard as possible and immediately back, this is enough for the muscles to get a decent stretch.

Russian School of Twine

Website: https://russianshpagat.ru Phone: Cost: from 1490 rub. per course

Increase your flexibility and do the splits in 30 days

Online video course of 30 full-fledged stretching workouts from the Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics - Daria Moroz.

You get access to the course immediately after payment, for 3, 6 months or forever (depending on the selected version of the course). You can start classes at any time (the course is available 24 hours a day). The start of the course starts from the moment you pay for it!

Each workout lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. The program is scheduled by day. Every day you will know exactly what exercises to do. You just open the day you need, turn on the video and do the exercises with me on the video. You don’t need to pause the video, you don’t need to spend a long time delving into what’s going on. You go through the entire training with me, via video that can be watched from any device.

Exercises for stretching the buttocks

1. We look carefully at the beautiful girl in the picture and do exactly the same

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