The benefits and harms of a Turkish bath (hamam): who can and who can’t?

The history of eastern baths goes back more than one century. It is believed that they appeared in the second half of the first millennium AD, and their ancestors are Roman baths. However, oriental baths have their own characteristics.

The technology of their construction was described in the 19th century by English travelers, but their creation was attributed only to one of the eastern peoples, namely the Turks. That’s why everyone calls eastern baths – hammams – Turkish, although this type of baths is common throughout the Muslim East. In the literal sense, the word "hammam" should be understood as "spreading steam."

So, in a Turkish bath you don’t just wash and undergo health procedures. In a sense, the hammam is an island of democracy, and there is no difference between the poor and the rich, the old and the young, the beautiful and the ugly. The familiar world with its hierarchy remains behind the walls, and everyone can visit the hammam, without restrictions. In the old days in Turkey this also applied to women.

By visiting the Turkish hammam separately from men, women did not just wash and cleanse their bodies. In addition to the fact that the baths have a very beautiful setting, pleasant warmth and soft light, there you could fully enjoy the procedures that preserve health and beauty, show off your best outfits, drink coffee or tea with your friends, and of course, share little women’s secrets, discussing their men. By the way, a Muslim woman could demand a divorce if her husband refused to let her go to the bathhouse with her friends.

Today, the popularity of the Turkish bath hammam is constantly growing throughout the world. Here in Russia, we also appreciate the luxury and splendor of Turkish hammam baths, as well as their unique healing properties.

The benefits and harms of a Turkish bath (hamam): who can and who can’t?

Finnish sauna

Its structure is not much different from the Russian one. The same wooden structure (only the Finns give preference to light types of wood) with two rooms: a dressing room (slightly wider and larger than in a Russian bathhouse) and the steam room itself. Just like in the Russian version, a heater stove is used for heating. The main difference between a sauna and a bathhouse is the temperature level and the dryness of the steam. The operating mode of Finnish saunas can reach 80-105⁰С, humidity is kept at 3-15%. It is the dryness of the steam that allows it to withstand high temperatures. As a rule, you can stay in a sauna longer than in a bathhouse. The recommended period for entering the steam room in the sauna is from 8 to 12 minutes, and in the bathhouse from 5 to 10. However, there is no friend to the taste and color, so no one forbids giving in to the park in the sauna.

Modern saunas are often equipped with an electric stove. Compact sizes with high-quality ability to warm up the room make electric sauna stoves popular. In practice, they make it possible to build very small bathhouses that can even fit in an apartment.


Massage in its pure form - with hands - is used in Turkish baths. There are even sunbeds and special massage therapists.

The main difference between a Russian bath is the use of brooms as a massage tool. It is difficult to say how and where such a tradition came from. There is something similar only in a Japanese bath - there they beat the body with a bunch of bamboo sticks. But this is just self-massage.

The main difference between a Russian bath is the use of brooms

A broom is not only kneading. Not even a massage at all. To a greater extent, this is the effect of many microelements, phytoncides and aromatic substances contained in the leaves and bark of plants. Due to this, treatment with a broom promotes more complete cleansing of the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. Naturally, you need to know how to properly take a steam bath in a Russian bath.

Despite all the differences, no matter what the steam room, Russian, Finnish or Turkish, the main thing is the improvement in health and the pleasure that the procedures bring.
Choose the type of structure and air conditioning according to your taste. For whom:
lovers of “hot” food, with moist steam and fairly high temperatures. The sauna will appeal to people who prefer a tropical climate to dry heat.

A traditional Russian steam room, known to everyone for its birch brooms, herbal teas and jumping into the ice hole afterwards. The main “active” force of the Russian bath is moist hot steam. The temperature in the steam room is approximately 60-70°C on the lower shelves and 90-100°C on the upper shelves with almost 100% humidity. Steam is “produced” by stones heated from the stove, which are periodically watered with water: they are hidden inside the stove, so the heat and steam last for a long time. To achieve a therapeutic effect and simply for better relaxation, herbal decoctions are often added to the water: chamomile, thyme, pine needles, oregano, linden or mint. Correctly selected components have a beneficial effect on the nervous and respiratory systems.


The bath promotes sweating, due to which toxins are removed from the body, metabolism increases, and blood circulation improves. As a result, you feel lightness throughout your body along with a pleasant languor, and you gain perfectly cleansed skin with a healthy, fresh color. Some time after the session you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Weight loss is often advertised as one of the effects of the bath. This is partly true; in one session you can lose from 2 to 4 kilograms. But for the most part it will be water, which will return to the body again after several meals.


an optional part of the bath, but in combination with hot steam they
improve blood circulation
fight the first signs of cellulite
and congestion, swelling and problematic skin. Natural masks and scrubs made from honey, salt, coffee and herbal infusions will perfectly complement the procedures. Enlarged pores and accelerated metabolism will enhance the absorption of nutrients into the skin, enhancing the cosmetic effect significantly. Scrubs and masks should be applied in the shower or dressing room, immediately after leaving the steam room. After the procedure, you can return to the warmth and soak for a few more minutes.

For a long time, people went to the bathhouse at the first sign of a cold in order to “steam” thoroughly, and this is connected not only with warming up the frozen body. The body temperature in the bath can rise to 39°C, which kills most bacteria. It turns out that the sterile hot air of a bath can not only warm the entire body, but also relieve the beginning of an acute respiratory infection. But this advice is only correct for initial symptoms: if you already have a fever, the bath will not be of any benefit.

Contrasting cold water douches or those same dives into ice holes and snowdrifts in winter are part of hardening. Alternating high and low temperatures causes blood vessels to contract and expand, which trains them, improves blood circulation and is an excellent hardening procedure that restores immunity.

It is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol before, during or after a bath.
The heart is already under strain, and alcohol will only add to its work. A hot body will perceive alcohol differently, so headaches and nausea are practically guaranteed, and you will negate the entire beneficial effect of the bath. For whom:
the dry steam of a sauna will appeal to people who can hardly tolerate the tropical climate and sea humidity, preferring the dry heat of the steppe, desert or middle zone.

The traditional Finnish steam room differs from the Russian bath in dry steam. Water is poured onto a pile of hot stones, which lie in the open (unlike in a bathhouse, where they are hidden in the oven). The temperature in the sauna reaches 90-120°C with low humidity of 10-15%. High temperatures increase sweating, removing waste and toxins from the body. Due to the dry steam, the sauna is easily tolerated even by children. However, dry hot air with prolonged exposure can irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, which manifests itself as soreness, dry throat and an irritating cough. If you feel these signs, leave the sauna and drink warm herbal tea or water.


— The dry heat of a sauna is indicated for people with certain skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema) and has advantages over wet steam. Humidity provokes exacerbations of many skin diseases, so a sauna can be recommended for those who are strictly prohibited from taking a bath.

You should not try to steam in a sauna with a broom: low humidity will cause the leaves to dry out and quickly fall off.
As in the case of a bath, drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindicated, as they can lead to overload of the body, poor health and even poisoning. Who:
100% air humidity in the hammam will appeal to fans of tropical climates. Relatively low temperatures will be good for those who cannot tolerate extreme heat.


- This is a Turkish type of steam room, which is considered one of the most gentle and easily tolerated. The temperature in the hammam is the mildest: 40-50°C. The heat spreads gradually, warming the entire room through the floor tiles and sun loungers. The stones from which the benches are made heat up to 50-60°C and release heat gradually. The air humidity in the hammam is maximum, up to 100% - this is its main feature. Its popularity in Russia is due to the similarity between the conditions of the hammam and the Russian bath, which use wet steam for treatment and relaxation.


The undoubted advantage of the hammam is the light, soft steam that is formed due to the large evaporation surfaces. In the case of a hammam, both the floor and the beds for guests serve as “stones”. High humidity and moderate temperature are no less effective than the conditions of a bath or sauna, but at the same time much more delicate.

The hammam is popular in beauty salons and fitness centers because its conditions are perfect for beauty treatments and the prevention of muscle pain after physical activity. High humidity has a beneficial effect on the skin, and gentle heating reaches the deep layers of muscles, relaxing them after hard training.

The thick steam filling the room is almost tangible: acting as a mysterious curtain, it muffles sounds and isolates you from others. Even if there are people in the room, they will not prevent you from relaxing, letting go of all your problems and being alone with yourself. In the hammam, all problems will “disappear into the fog” in the literal and figurative sense.

You can understand whether a hammam is your place or not from the first minutes of your visit: if you feel pleasant warmth and enveloping comfort, then you have found yours. If you immediately feel dizziness, heaviness in your chest and the feeling that your oxygen has been “cut off,” alas, this is not your story.

1. Temperature: 60-90°C in the bath, 100-120°C in the sauna, 40-50°C in the hammam. 2. Humidity: 80-100% in the bath, 10-15% in the sauna, 100% in the hammam. 3. Materials: the bathhouse and sauna are upholstered in wood, the hammam consists entirely of stones and tiles. 4. Steam technology: the bathhouse and sauna are heated by hot stones and water poured onto them, the hammam is heated evenly through the walls, floor and sun loungers.

General contraindications for visiting a bathhouse, sauna or hammam are cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hepatitis, pregnancy, severe anemia, acute viral respiratory diseases and skin diseases. If you are not sure that there are no contraindications, consult your doctor.

The World of Baths is an amazing place to relax. There are many types of steam rooms, among which hammam and sauna stand out. In the sauna, the temperature is raised to 90 or 120 C, and in the hammam - to 35-55 C. In the sauna, the humidity is less than 15%, and in the hammam - 70-95%. It remains to figure out: hammam or sauna - which is better?

A sauna and a hammam bring the body into a different physiological state, therefore, which is better: a hammam or a Finnish sauna must be decided based on the capabilities of your body.

Turkish hammam

This is a completely different type of bathhouse. Firstly, it is a stone building. Secondly, heat is supplied from below, from under the floor. A traditional hammam involves a stay of up to 1.5 hours, necessarily ending with a massage session. Corridors branch off from the central room into steam rooms with different temperatures. The essence of the process is to gradually move from a cooler room to a slightly warmer one. Next, visitors are escorted to the soap room. There they lie down on a high marble table, where bathhouse attendants use special mittens to exfoliate them and then foam massage them. After a dip in the refreshing pool, you'll be taken to the relaxation room, where you can relax on a daybed, sip a cup of tea and prepare for the final step of your spa treatment - a massage with special essential oils.

The Turkish bath is considered soft; the temperature here does not rise above 50⁰C. Therefore, hammam is often recommended to beginners.

Roman bath

One of the most ancient types of baths. In fact, the baths are prototypes of Turkish hammams. These are also stone buildings with central heating and heated floors and walls. The modern Roman bath is distinguished by marble-clad rooms with heated marble loungers. The thermal bath was divided into separate rooms that had to be visited sequentially. They were called: caldarium, tepidarium, frigidarium.

The modern caldarium is a room decorated with ceramic tiles, heated floors and a large bathtub with water. Humidity in the caldarium is kept at 80-100%, temperature 37-45⁰С. The room is usually filled with the aromas of essential oils of healthy herbs and plants. Great importance is attached to design; caldariums are usually decorated in warm colors, with picturesque paintings from the life of Ancient Rome placed on the walls.

Tepidarium is a room with dry warm air. The temperature here, just like in the caldarium, is maintained at 37-45⁰C, but the humidity is much lower, only 30%. The tepidarium is equipped with marble beds and armchairs. Heating, as in all rooms of the Roman baths, is carried out from below. The tepidarium is comfortable for a fairly long stay. After visiting it, the body will require replenishment of moisture.

Frigidarium is a cool room with a swimming pool, where you go after visiting the tepidarium and caldarium to refresh and relax.

What's the result?

The variety of baths is not limited to the list of baths, saunas, hammam and thermal baths. There are Japanese sento baths, Moroccan hammams, and infrared saunas in the world.

It’s best to experience the bathing traditions of different countries for yourself, choose your favorite and finally get your own.

To achieve cleansing of the body and harmony with the outside world, you need to go to a bathhouse or sauna. The combination of hot air, steam with healing herbs and essential oils gives a feeling of calm, which is extremely important for those who are subject to constant stress or live in an environmentally unfavorable area. But choosing a bathhouse or sauna for these purposes is sometimes very difficult, since there are a huge variety of them, each with its own characteristics.

Sauna procedures for weight loss

In a bathhouse, weight loss is promoted not only by steam and high temperature, but also by cosmetic procedures and products. The benefits of the masks and creams used are greatly enhanced here. This is due to the fact that after the steam room, when excess moisture and toxins have left the body through the pores, the process of active absorption of all trace elements located on the surface of the skin begins. That is why you need to apply cosmetics to your skin in between visits to the steam room.

What procedures can be performed in a bathhouse? There are a huge number of them and they differ both in their application and in their target orientation. Masks, scrubs and peelings, creams, etc. are used to achieve results such as:

  • weight loss;
  • reduction of cellulite;
  • body modeling.


Wrapping is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Now it is actively used not only to improve the condition of the skin, but to reduce fat deposits and lose weight in the abdomen and thighs.

How to do a bath wrap for quick weight loss? First of all, cleanse your skin with a light peeling or body milk. After this, apply the nutrient mixture to problem areas: stomach, sides, inner and outer thighs, buttocks. Wrap the body a couple of times with film: special or food film.

Under no circumstances combine wrapping with the process of warming up the body. Firstly, toxins and escaping moisture will not be able to leave the body normally. Secondly, at high temperatures, excretory processes in the body are activated, but absorption almost does not occur, which means the cosmetic effect of your procedure will be minimal.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a simple do-it-yourself bathhouse at the dacha

What mixtures are best to use for wrapping? You can buy special formulations, creams and clay in the store, or use folk recipes.

Each ingredient has its own special properties that you need to pay attention to in order to get the desired effect from the procedure.

Coffee wrap

  • Mix a glass of sesame or linseed oil with 200 gr. thickly brewed natural coffee.
  • Add 200 grams to a glass of coffee grounds. blue clay and dilute with water or milk until it becomes thick sour cream.

Mustard-based mixtures

  • Dilute dry mustard powder a little with water and mix with honey in equal proportions.
  • Mix one spoon of mustard powder with an equal measure of any vegetable oil and two measures of black clay. Dilute with water to desired consistency.
  • Mix 60 grams of mustard with 5 grams of salt and 20 grams of sugar. Add the juice from half a lemon and water, mix thoroughly and cover with a lid for a day. After this, add 30 grams to the mixture. powdered milk and twice as much honey.

Seaweed wrap

  • Soak the kelp sheets in warm water according to the instructions, and then add any vegetable oil to them.
  • Brew a glass of chopped kelp (chaff) in water, soak the bandages in it and wrap them around the body.

Chocolate wrap

  • Melt a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath and cool.
  • Mix melted dark chocolate with an equal share of sour cream.
  • Melt one chocolate bar, containing at least 75% cocoa beans, and add to it 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt and an equal part of blue clay.

Other types of mixtures

  • Vinegar. To prepare it, use regular table vinegar, which is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Soak bandages in the resulting liquid and wrap them around the body.
  • Clay. Mix blue clay with water to obtain a thick cream.
  • Tea. Prepare a strong brew from green tea, without impurities. Soak cotton cloth or bandages in it.
  • Fruity. A variety of fruits and berries are used for it: raspberries, strawberries, currants, citrus fruits, grapes, mangoes and others. Grind them in a blender and mix with cream until smooth.

Slimming masks have a similar effect to body wraps: due to the ingredients used and thick application, they enhance the effect of warming the skin. Under their influence, the pores in the dermis open wider, and the process of removing toxins is more active. In addition, many masks help eliminate cellulite, break down fat in tissues and normalize metabolism, which allows not only to reduce body volume, but also to maintain the achieved result for a long time.

What is the fundamental difference between these procedures?

How to use them? Cosmetics should be applied to the skin after 3-4 visits to the steam room and preliminary cleansing of the skin with a scrub or peeling, in a dense layer, over all problem areas: the waist and abdomen, thighs and buttocks. After this, stay in the dressing room for 10-15 minutes so that all the components take effect, and then wash off the mask under a warm shower.

You can prepare the compositions from ordinary products.

Honey based masks

  • Mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey with cinnamon and mix well.
  • Combine an equal amount of thick honey with cream or sour cream, mix until the consistency is as homogeneous as possible.
  • Beat the yolk of one egg and add to the same amount of honey.

Honey masks should not just be applied to the body in a thick layer, but should be “driven” into the skin with massage movements and light pats.

Ingredients based on coffee grounds

  • To one tablespoon of brewed natural coffee, add the same amount of any vegetable oil and twice as much yogurt or cream.
  • Combine equal parts of blue clay and coffee, dilute the mixture with mineral water to the consistency you need.

Coffee masks also serve as scrubs, and therefore can be used without prior skin preparation.

Masks with fruits

  • Grind half a small apple to a puree consistency, and then combine with 30 grams of honey, an equal amount of sunflower oil and egg yolk.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed grape juice and mix with half a measure of honey and a spoonful of finely ground oatmeal.
  • Grind the strawberries and combine with cottage cheese or kefir.

Other recipes

Any cosmetic procedures in a bathhouse give a stronger effect than at home. This is due to the fact that due to high temperature, blood circulation increases, which means any processes in the skin and subcutaneous layer occur faster than usual.

To achieve maximum cosmetic effect, not only wraps are used, but also various masks and scrubs. You can buy them in the store, but it is much cheaper and more effective to make them yourself, according to recipes that have been proven over the years.

The main purpose of scrubs is to cleanse the skin by removing sebaceous gland products and dead skin cells. In addition, thanks to their use, the absorbent effect of the dermis will increase, thereby improving the effect of wraps, masks and creams. Another advantage of scrubs is that solid particles affect the skin and improve blood microcirculation.

There are such simple options for home scrubs:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. sugar and add 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and a couple of drops of citrus essential oil. Mix well and only then use.
  2. A good mixture is one that includes honey and salt in a weight loss bath. Take 30 g of honey, 15 drops of essential oil and 0.5 tbsp. salt or coffee. Add some more shower gel.

Such procedures are very popular and effective, because due to the thickness of the application and beneficial components, the pores expand and the process of removing toxins is accelerated. In addition, weight loss masks for baths help fight cellulite, enhance the process of fat breakdown and normalize metabolism.

  1. You need to apply the product after 3-4 visits to the steam room. First, lightly scrub, and then apply the selected mask in a thick layer to problem areas. Keep it for 10-15 minutes while in the dressing room, and rinse with warm water.
  2. To create a healthy mixture, you can use honey in a weight loss bath by mixing it with cinnamon and other ingredients. You can also take coffee grounds and fruit.

The most popular cosmetic procedure that helps improve skin condition and reduce fat in the thighs and abdomen. The method of exposure is similar to masks. This cosmetic procedure cannot be combined with the process of warming up the body. Wrap in a bathhouse for quick weight loss according to the following scheme:

  1. First, cleanse your skin using a light exfoliant or simple body milk.
  2. After this, apply the mixture of your choice, for example, it could be a store-bought cream or clay, or do-it-yourself options are also suitable: with coffee grounds, mustard, seaweed, and so on.
  3. Wrap the treated areas in plastic wrap and wrap yourself in a towel or warm robe. Rest like this for 15-20 minutes. At this time, it is recommended to drink some water or tea. As a result, the weight loss bath will become more effective.
  4. After the time is up, remove the film, take a shower and you can go to the steam room.

The most popular saunas and baths

Russian bath - its main feature is wet steam, and the humidity level can vary between 60-100%, while the temperature level is 50-70°C. The next distinctive feature of the Russian bath is the use of a broom for the steaming process. When a steamed body is “treated” with this instrument, metabolic processes are accelerated, the body is rejuvenated and naturally toned. And although the healing effects of the heat of the bath are invaluable, it is very important not to overdo it in the procedures, and to take the most powerful procedures with a broom only after the body is well warmed up and prepared.

Finnish sauna - it is found in almost every Scandinavian home, hotel, not to mention public institutions. There are even Finnish saunas in some schools, factories and hospitals. Those of them that belong to social types have men's and women's sections. Home types of saunas are usually visited by the whole family. The main feature of this sauna is very hot but dry steam. The temperature in the steam room can reach 140°C, while the humidity level is only 15%. Thanks to this combination, staying in the sauna becomes easy. Well, to enhance the effect of hot air, you need to use essential oils, which are applied in small quantities with water to the stones. The Finnish sauna helps get rid of toxins, colds, and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

How to properly take a steam bath to lose weight?

If you think that by going to the sauna once or twice, you will simply, as if by magic, become slim and beautiful, you are deeply mistaken. Losing weight without dieting or exercising is a complex, lengthy, difficult process that will require a lot of attention and effort.

A sauna for weight loss is indeed very useful. In a nutshell, this process can be described simply. We speed up metabolic processes in our body, and at the same time we try to remove excess unnecessary moisture from it. During this, fat deposits are broken down and then removed naturally through the skin, respiratory and excretory systems.

In fact, this is a rather complex process that has to be supported in every possible way to get a significant result. However, one thing is undeniable, the bath will definitely help get rid of excess fat, along with many other methods. At the same time, it has a number of advantages that should not be overlooked.

  • A visit to an ordinary Russian, infrared bath, Finnish sauna or Turkish hammam, if you follow the basic rules, can accelerate your metabolism to extreme speed.
  • After visiting the bathhouse, the feeling of hunger decreases, appetite drops, and the desire to eat harmful “snacks” at inopportune times is significantly reduced.
  • The steam room is beneficial not only in burning fat. It allows you to remove dead skin cells, thereby rejuvenating the epidermis. Regular exposure to humidity and high temperatures enhances the production of collagen and elastin, thereby delaying premature aging.
  • The bath will help get rid of the symptoms of cellulite, fight excessive dryness and even sagging skin.
  • In one sauna session you can easily get rid of 300-450 kilocalories without any effort.

How many kg can you lose in a bathhouse?

It is noteworthy that the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body is not limited only to being in the steam room and the day on which you were there. Metabolism continues to burn fat steadily for another 3-4 days after this.

Despite all the benefits of the steam room, it is impossible for everyone to visit it uncontrollably and thoughtlessly. There are a number of contraindications and precautions that must be followed exactly so that the benefits do not develop into irreparable harm.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Inflammatory and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Urolithiasis, gallstones (cholecystitis).
  • Oncological problems in the body of any etiology.
  • Violation of water and electrolyte balance.
  • Skin pathologies including psoriasis, leprosy, eczema, scleroderma and mycosis.
  • Rheumatic and arthrosis phenomena.
  • Open wounds and injuries.
  • Epilepsy, neuropsychiatric disorders, cerebral palsy.

As you can see, there are quite a few contraindications and our list only superficially illustrates them. To make sure that you can undergo various procedures in a weight loss bath, it is best to go to your doctor. He will prescribe tests, and based on the results obtained, he will give a positive or negative answer.

Many people think that they will simply come to the bathhouse, sit in the steam room and immediately begin to lose excess pounds, as if by magic. Therefore, after the first session, they are surprised to notice that there is no effect and is not expected. Moreover, some, not understanding the rules of visiting a steam room, also receive unpleasant consequences. Let's figure out together how to steam properly in order to ultimately get the maximum benefit.

There are a number of conditions that ensure you get good results. In our case, this is getting rid of excess fat deposits, which we have to fight long and hard.

  • On the day you plan to visit the steam room, you should not drink alcohol. If possible, they should be excluded from the diet the day before.
  • It is advisable not to eat anything for about two hours, especially if we are talking about “heavy” foods: fatty, smoked, spicy, pickled.
  • You can’t focus on experienced people who can endure the heat in the steam room from the start, staying there for the maximum amount of time. It is necessary to increase the temperature and residence time only gradually and nothing else. Otherwise, you may get heatstroke or even more unpleasant consequences.
  • It is recommended not to overuse bath procedures, performing them only once or twice a week.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should completely avoid going to the bathhouse until their baby grows up.
  • Immediately before the steam room, it wouldn’t hurt to drink a glass of aromatic herbal tea. The drink should be warm. It will help restore the water-salt balance, and also saturate the body with useful substances before severe stress.

Please note that it doesn’t hurt to take a bottle of clean water with you to the bathhouse. It is acceptable for it to be acidified. However, you should abstain from store-bought juices or sodas; they do not do anything good for you.

In addition to the basic rules, there are also recommendations for preparing for bath procedures. This will allow you to lose from one to three kilograms in just one visit to the steam room. To achieve maximum efficiency, you will have to follow the preparation rules, as well as correctly consolidate the results obtained.

  • Before visiting the steam room, it won’t hurt to take a contrast shower (insert a link to the site’s article). The cold-warm-hot sequence will prepare the body for elevated temperatures. In total, the shower should last at least three minutes.
  • The first stage of visiting the steam room is preparatory, it should not be excessively long, just five to seven minutes will be enough. We are not talking about any broom here yet, and it is better for beginners to be located on the bottom shelf.
  • The rest after the first approach is fifteen minutes. To preserve the effect, it is better to cover yourself with a sheet. It won't hurt to take a warm, relaxing shower during this time.
  • Then you can go for the second approach. Here a broom and other devices are quite acceptable. First you need to stay on the bottom shelf for about two minutes, and then you can move higher. You can be on the top shelf for no more than five minutes, but this time is more than enough to thoroughly steam the skin. If everything is in order, after this you can go down again for another two or three minutes.
  • The second run involves a shorter rest, only 5-8 minutes under the sheet.
  • Just during the third visit, different methods of losing weight in a bathhouse are usually used, procedures that will be described below.

It is believed that after completing all the procedures in the steam room, you do not need to drink anything except clean water. Yes, and it won’t hurt to limit it, since weight loss in the bathhouse is largely due to loss of moisture. This will consolidate the results achieved, but everything should be done wisely. In no case should you allow dehydration, the consequences of which will then have to be treated for a long time and painfully.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with waterproofing bath floors with liquid glass

In order for the result not to be limited to loss of moisture, but to actually help break down excess lipids in the body, you will have to think about a variety of cosmetic procedures. Performed in a steam room, they will have a twice as strong effect on your body, rejuvenate it, make it not only slimmer, but also stronger and more resilient.

Dear ladies, let's start preparations. Please treat this process extremely responsibly. Remember, any deviation from the recipe is fraught with negative consequences. Do not forget to do a test to identify allergic reactions before using this or that product. In addition, do not prepare scrubs, masks and creams for “later”. All home remedies are intended for one-time use only.


Linden-raspberry “elixir”

To prepare the decoction, stock up on:

  • crushed and dried linden flowers - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • chopped and dried raspberries - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water – 1 tbsp.

Linden flowers and raspberries are poured into a pan, filled with water and placed on the stove. When the liquid boils, the fire is reduced and the container is covered with a lid. After 10 minutes, the container is removed from the tile, wrapped in towels and infused for an hour. After which the broth is filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into a thermos.

An aromatic, tasty, healthy decoction has a diaphoretic, protective, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

Drink the decoction in between visits to the steam room.

“Potion” from an aromatic herbal collection

To prepare the decoction, arm yourself with:

  • chamomile – ½ tsp;
  • linden – ½ tsp;
  • mint – ½ tsp;
  • tea rose – ½ tsp;
  • drinking water – 1 tbsp.

Chamomile, linden, mint, rose are poured into a saucepan and water is poured. The container is placed on the stove, the liquid is brought to a boil, after which the heat is reduced and the container is covered with a lid. After 10 minutes, remove the pan from the stove and wrap it in a towel. After 40–60 minutes, the aromatic broth is filtered and poured into a thermos.

The fragrant “potion” is known for its calming, anti-inflammatory, protective, diaphoretic and diuretic effect.

“Cocktail” from a fragrant collection of herbs

To prepare the decoction, take:

  • lemon balm - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • Veronica officinalis – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • chopped and dried strawberries - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water - 1 tbsp.

Melissa, speedwell, and strawberries are poured into a saucepan, water is poured in, and placed on the stove. When the broth boils, the fire is reduced and the container is covered with a lid. After 10–15 minutes, remove from the stove, warm with towels and leave for an hour. Then the broth is filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a thermos.

The “cocktail” is famous for its disinfectant, diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic, restorative and soothing properties.


Sugar-oil scrub

To prepare the product, stock up on:

  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon essential oil – 3 drops;
  • orange essential oil – 3 drops;
  • grapefruit essential oil – 3 drops.

Sugar is poured into the container and oils are poured. The components are mixed and transferred to a jar or container.

The scrub has exfoliating and anti-cellulite properties.

The substance is applied to problem areas with massage movements. After which it is washed off with warm water.

Sauna hammam

– involves a combination of spiritual and physical cleansing. Traditionally, gatherings in such saunas can last up to several hours. In such baths there is relaxation and communication between people. Everyone is served aromatic coffee with oriental sweets, and the latest news is discussed while they relax. The temperature regime in such a bath is very gentle, it barely reaches 35-40°C. Therefore, a Turkish bath can be visited even by those who have contraindications to high temperatures. A special feature of the Turkish bath is the presence of a domed roof, thanks to which all the collected condensate flows neatly along the vertical parts of the bath, and does not drip on those who are inside.

Mechanism of weight loss

How does a sauna help you lose weight? Why is the sauna considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight? It is enough to imagine how many external stimuli attack the human body while you are enjoying their effects: heat, steam, water, high temperature and its changes. The body begins to actively react to all these factors. The processes running in it ultimately lead to the desired result. According to experts, if everything is done correctly, you can lose up to 2 kg in one visit.

If the ambient temperature is higher than inside the human body, thermoregulation processes are launched in it. Sweating begins, blood flow accelerates, and metabolism activates. Together with sweat, harmful salt deposits, toxins and wastes leave the body.

An excellent scientific explanation, after which you will want to lose weight in such a pleasant way. However, do not delude yourself, because when you sweat in the steam room, excess water, not fat, is lost. Moreover, they are replenished quite quickly.

So it’s up to you to decide whether to use baths and saunas for weight loss or choose another, more effective method that allows you to burn fat. A good option is to combine these procedures with proper nutrition and exercise. Then the lost weight will not return.

Origin of name. It is believed that the word “bath” goes back to the Latin “balneum”, which is translated as “expelling pain and sadness”. "Sauna" is an ancient Finnish word that originally meant winter shelter.

Hammam sauna: features

A hammam sauna is simply a place for washing. These Turkish saunas represent a whole direction of Eastern culture. First of all, this concerns the very principle of design of these baths. Each of them is a real work of art. Even visiting any modern hammam, you can be truly surprised by its beauty and splendor of decoration.

There is no bathhouse that can compare with a Turkish one, not only in terms of external and internal decoration, but also in the procedures themselves. If the sauna has a maximum of three rooms (shower, steam room, pool), then in Turkish saunas not only body washing occurs, but also complete relaxation. And to relax their soul and body, hammam lovers can take not an hour, or two, but several hours in a row. While in the Turkish sauna, there is close communication, drinking tea and herbal infusions that help cleanse the body.


Only healthy people can visit the bathhouse. Then it will bring the expected benefits. It is extremely important to know the contraindications so as not to accidentally harm yourself. If any of them are present, you will have to abandon the idea of ​​losing weight in the sauna.

So, it is strictly forbidden to visit washing establishments with high air temperatures if you:

  • have undergone surgery in the last 6 months;
  • have not yet recovered;
  • you are in your menstrual period (until your period is completely over, you cannot step on the threshold of the bathhouse);
  • you are hypertensive or suffer from any ailments of the cardiovascular system.

If you haven’t had a preventive examination for a long time, it’s better to check with a cardiologist just in case. After all, some diseases of the heart and blood vessels can occur hidden.

In the absence of the mentioned contraindications, visiting the bathhouse is not only possible, but even necessary. It will be beneficial to both body and soul.

Turkish steam room: what is it?

The first Turkish baths began to be built in the 7th century. Classic hammams are large buildings with several rooms, each of which maintains a certain level of humidity and temperature.

Photo from

Such saunas are built according to the “palm” principle - there are several small rooms around the main steam room:

  • Jamekian is a locker room where all visitors leave everything they need (clothes, shoes, belongings) and put on a loincloth made only from absolutely natural materials (cotton or silk fabric).
  • Pestemal is a place where guests take a shower.
  • Chebek is a room where you can warm up your body on a hot lounger, which is made of natural marble (“chebek-tashi”). It is quite comfortable to sit on it for a long time.
  • Hararet is a steam room designed for deep cleansing of the skin. Here they perform intense foam and oil massage and peeling.
  • A cafe is a room in which, after all procedures, one rests, eats or drinks healing herbal teas.

Features of the Turkish steam room

Hamam differs from Russian and Finnish baths in that all rooms in it are heated using a boiler placed under the floor covering or built into one of the walls. The steam generated in it is supplied through several small holes, which are located at a height of approximately 1.5 meters.


A distinctive feature of the steam room is the low temperature (30-50C), which is combined with 100% humidity. The steam in it is warm and soft. This allows you to visit it even for those who do not like very hot air or cannot breathe it for health reasons.

The interior of a modern oriental bathhouse is always made almost entirely of stone, mosaic or tile. Wood is not even used to decorate sun loungers. The ceiling of the steam room has a dome shape. This is done so that condensation does not drip from it and does not disturb visitors, but flows down the walls.

Hammam: visiting rules

Photo from the website

To get only pleasant emotions and maximum health benefits from visiting a hammam, you need to know how to properly go to a Turkish bath: how to steam in a chebek, use peelings or cosmetics, and how long you need to stay in the hammam.

First of all, before starting various massage procedures, you should sweat thoroughly. To do this, lie down or sit on a lounger for 20-30 minutes, which is previously covered with a cloth. The body is steamed, and all the pores are opened, so after about 30 minutes you need to start various types of massage. In a real Turkish bath he is quite energetic and sometimes even tough. Strong movements accelerate the blood, rub the whole body, which allows you to restore flexibility to the joints and stretch the muscles well.

Photo from the site

After such manual therapy, you can lie down and relax for a while, or you can do peeling. To do this, use a hard glove to cleanse all dead and keratinized particles from the skin. The stage following peeling is a light soap massage. A bar of regular soap is placed in a mesh bag and shaken a little, resulting in a thick and soft foam. They cover the visitor from head to toe, and then begin to massage. After this, you can go to the relaxation room - there everyone will be offered to relax and drink a cup of herbal tea.

  • While visiting the hammam, it is prohibited to drink any alcohol or drink very cold drinks.
  • It is better to limit yourself to tea, diluted juices, plain or rose water.
  • There is no need to overeat before the bath. Ideally, more than 2 hours should pass after the last meal.
  • Never make sudden movements in the steam room. This can be bad for warm muscles, as they are easily damaged in this state.
  • It is not customary to go without clothes in such a bathhouse.

The benefits of a Turkish steam room

Oriental saunas are, first of all, complete relaxation of the body. This means that every visitor will have improved sleep, neuroses, anxiety and severe headaches will disappear. But what else is a Turkish bath useful for women and men? First of all, because it really effectively cleanses the skin, improves metabolic processes and accelerates tissue regeneration. By regularly visiting it, you will slow down the aging process, and using natural oils for massage, you will be able to perfectly moisturize and saturate your skin with useful substances.

Photo from the site

The benefit of hamam for women and men is also that it helps:

  • eliminate stagnant processes in various internal organs;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • increase immunity;
  • lose excess weight faster;
  • get rid of salt deposits;
  • improve blood microcirculation in the brain;
  • eliminate pain from diseases and inflammation of the joints, as well as diseases of the spine.

It is recommended to visit the hammam even if you have a cold. Steam even helps cure bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, since warming the body for a long time allows it to more effectively resist various infections. In addition, in hot and humid air, all harmful microorganisms die immediately, so the likelihood of infecting others is zero.

Photo from

Sometimes coaches advise athletes to use Turkish baths as often as possible. But what exactly is hammam useful for after a workout? It quickly eliminates pain from muscle pain caused by heavy training by gently and deeply warming them up.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts say that the benefits of a sauna for weight loss are the same as an intense half-hour workout in the gym. Breathing and pulse quicken, the heart works harder, profuse sweating - there are a lot of similar moments. Only in one case you sit, relax and rest, and in the other you strain yourself while working in the gym. It seems that there is nothing easier than this method of getting rid of extra pounds. But not everything is so rosy. And the lists of positive and negative points are a clear confirmation of this.


  • The bath is a prevention of many diseases;
  • fat folds disappear in problem areas;
  • no need to exhaust yourself with workouts and diets;
  • cleansing the body of harmful impurities and excess fluid;
  • endurance to adverse external factors increases;
  • the mood rises;
  • there is a feeling of lightness;
  • cellulite folds are smoothed out - the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • well-being improves;
  • swelling is eliminated;
  • efficiency.


  • a large number of contraindications;
  • along with sweat, the body leaves such useful substances as lactic acid, ions, urea, amino acids, potassium, etc.;
  • high risk of side effects due to overheating: fainting, dizziness, weakness, lethargy, lack of air, increased blood pressure, tremor, hyperemia of the skin, etc.;
  • short-term weight loss: lost kilograms quickly return;
  • disturbance of thermal balance;
  • uncompensated load on body systems;
  • dehydration;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Undoubtedly, a sauna (or bath) affects weight loss, but it is still not as effective as playing sports. The latter give a sculpted body and lasting loss of extra pounds. The steam room removes harmful substances, but not fat. But if your health does not allow increased physical activity, these procedures can be a good help in the fight against excess weight.

As bonuses. Baths and saunas have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Brain blood flow decreases, which reduces emotional activity, thus relieving stress and anxiety. Muscle tissue relaxes, strength is gradually restored.

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