Surgery to increase height and lengthen legs

Growing pains

Children's height

Typically, a person’s active growth stops by the age of 17-20. However, due to various life circumstances, growth can either slow down very much or stop completely. Let's discuss a few obvious situations:

  • A good example is gymnasts and female gymnasts, whose childhood is filled with heavy physical activity. Moreover, when intensive training is canceled, in most cases the child’s body takes its toll and resumes full development, but may simply not have time to gain the centimeters that are missing during the growth period.
  • A strong blow to a child, especially to the head, for example, during training in professional boxers or during a fight, falling from a bicycle, etc. also will not pass without a trace for health in general and growth in particular, because It's not just trauma, it's shock.
  • Stress in childhood or adolescence can take away centimeters, because many strong experiences are often accompanied by metabolic disorders and a malfunction of the hormonal system, but this is not always detected by doctors or relatives. All this leads to growing pains.

In addition, the lack of sufficiently varied, especially protein, nutrition, sleep problems, a difficult psycho-emotional situation and ecology will increase these problems. Naturally, for a successful and fulfilling life, growth is not the main thing. But in their youth, comparing themselves to taller peers, many short people feel inferior. They believe that their short stature is the reason for their career and personal failures. To eliminate feelings of insecurity and unnecessary worries and complexes from your life, you can try to grow up, especially since medical science claims that the bone skeleton completes its development no earlier than 25 years, but according to the latest data, the cartilage layers in the spine are fully formed and ossified by the age of 35 . This gives hope to increase growth at least to the value that was inherent in nature, but did not manifest itself. Typically the margin is 7-12 cm.

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Veklich V.V. fixation device

When performing an operation to increase the height or lengthen the legs, doctors at the Ladisten clinic use the patented apparatus of V.V. Veklich.

In the development of the Veklich apparatus (the modernized Ilizarov apparatus), the disadvantages of ergonomics and invasiveness were taken into account and corrected. The device does not have needles that injure the skin, instead there are arcs and semi-rings; the installation of such a device is minimally invasive. This design reduces the rehabilitation period, since soft tissues are virtually not injured.

It is worth noting that the Veklich device is quite lightweight and ergonomic, so the patient’s rehabilitation during the period of wearing the device and recovery occurs with minimal discomfort. Its shape and size are developed individually, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the patient.

How to become taller

  • Growth stimulants. Some pharmaceutical companies offer growth stimulants. In their advertising campaigns, they say that not all the necessary substances for harmonious (from the word harmony, not hormone!) development can be obtained by a person with daily traditional nutrition and offer special complexes, which include everything, and, very likely, hormones . Taking such drugs to increase height is a very responsible decision that cannot be made alone or only after receiving recommendations and advice from a pharmacy; one must definitely obtain professional medical advice. Much safer is a healthy lifestyle and a set of special exercises.
  • Leg lengthening. The second cardinal way to increase height is surgery to lengthen the leg bones based on the method of G.A. Ilizarov. After a computer examination of all leg bones and joints, an external apparatus is installed on the lower leg, which crosses the tibia or fibula. At the site where the bone is cut and the leg gradually, often spontaneously, stretches, a callus begins to grow, filling the gap. Orthopedic surgeons promise an increase in height of 3 cm per month. The whole process, taking into account personal characteristics and assigned tasks, can last a whole year or even longer, because first they perform surgery on one leg, lengthen it, carry out rehabilitation measures, and only after that they move to the second leg. In fact, you will have to spend this period of your life in a hospital; it is very difficult to combine such treatment with work or study. Therefore, any healthy person, before making a decision about surgery to increase height, must collect maximum information, reviews, evaluate the cost of this process and carefully weigh the pros and cons.
  • Shoes with heels or platforms. The easiest and fastest way to increase your height is to use high-heeled, platform or thick-soled shoes. Women have no problems in this matter. They offer a variety of models for everyday life, sports and recreation. But men shouldn't be upset either. Modern manufacturers produce special shoes for all seasons with a built-in high insole, which allows you to increase your height by 5-10 cm, and visually these shoes are no different from ordinary ones.
  • Gymnastics. And the last way to become taller and stop worrying about it is through gymnastics. Basically, all gymnastic exercises for growth are aimed at stretching the spine and strengthening its muscles. Having chosen a certain set of exercises, it is important to make sure that they do not cause pain to the back and joints. If pain occurs, classes should be canceled and run to the doctors. However, it is important to be able to distinguish pain from difficulty performing exercises, especially under load. Difficulties can be caused by a lack of training and flexibility. Exercises to increase height can be done at home, including on a wall bars or gymnastics board, in a fitness center with an instructor and using specially designed exercise equipment.

Questions about growth. Top 5.

In conclusion, let's look at questions often asked by those who want to become taller.

1. Can a person grow after the growth plates are closed?

Maybe if the growth zones can be awakened in some way. It is known that constant mechanical stress on bones causes them to grow to adapt to external conditions. For some professional massage therapists who constantly work with their fingers, the bones in their hands lengthen over time. For basketball and volleyball players, the leading arm is often longer than the non-dominant arm. Fighters who kick a lot have longer legs even as adults. Logically, nature provides for lengthening and thickening of the limbs at any age, if there is a vital need for this.

2. How does bodybuilding affect growth?

Positive with a reasonable approach to training.

3. Do body proportions change as height increases through exercise?

The human body has the ability to maintain the proportions inherent in it.

4. If the desired result has already been achieved, do you need to train further so as not to lose the gains?

Usually, when building up more than 5 cm, the resulting growth is preserved and stays with you. If you managed to grow by 1–2 cm, then this achievement may be temporary, and it is better to continue training.

5. How does sleep affect growth?

Prolonged, sound sleep is a very important condition for the natural growth of the body. It is during sleep that the main amount of the hormone somatotropin is produced. If a person is constantly lacking sleep, then even regular exercise to increase height will not help him much.

Just because you're short doesn't mean you'll live with it your whole life. You can always use the method that suits you, taking into account the above recommendations on lifestyle, style and nutrition. Perseverance, patience and faith in success will sooner or later lead you to your desired goal.

I really hope that this material was useful to you and that you have fewer questions about whether and how you can increase your height. Good luck!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

Exercises to increase height

The number of sets of exercises designed to stretch the spine and increase height is limitless. The final choice should be left to a specialist - a sports doctor or fitness instructor. However, there are quite primitive exercises, the implementation of which cannot cause any harm, will help maintain good posture, maintain the internal muscle corset, and even protect against scoliosis.

  • Lying on your back, on a hard surface, bend your knees, feet should be close to the floor, and do not raise your head. Smoothly turn your legs to the right and left 5 times.
  • Lying on the floor, on your back, bend your legs in turn and press each one to your stomach with your hands 5 times. The head should be motionless.
  • Repeat the previous exercise, raising your head while pressing your leg.
  • Lying on your stomach, extend the opposite arm and leg as far as possible, relax, repeat for the other arm-leg pair. Then simultaneously stretch your arms and legs. Repeat 5 times.

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How do legs lengthen and height increase?

Height increase surgery is a surgical intervention that is performed by lengthening two legs at the same time. If there is disproportion of the limbs, lengthening is also done for one leg.

Previously, this operation was performed using the Ilizarov apparatus. The Ilizarov technique was founded and proposed in 1951. The essence of the technique was to stretch soft tissues and bone, resulting in distraction (stretching). Under the influence of tissue tension, bone regenerate occurs. Over time, the renegade turns into ordinary bone tissue.

In addition to its advantages, the Ilizarov apparatus also has serious disadvantages: for example, due to its non-functional structure, it leaves large scars from the needles after the end of treatment. In addition to the cosmetic defect, which was especially embarrassing for women and mothers of girls, doctors were concerned about the healing of wounds. Very often, an infection got into the holes where the needles were located, after which an infection occurred that could lead to muscle contractures or osteomyelitis.

Foods to increase height

To increase height, a full, competent, healthy diet, good metabolism and the absence of excess weight play an important role, because the more weight, the greater the load on the joints and intervertebral discs. But you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with diets at the same time as physical exercise.

Foods for the spine (advised by V. Dikul)

Animal proteinEggs, milk, fish
Vegetable proteinBeans, nuts, seeds, corn, buckwheat
Fatty acidWalnut oil, flaxseed and hemp oils, fatty sea fish
CalciumHard and processed cheese, liver, nuts, cottage cheese, eggs, cabbage, dried apricots, sunflower seeds, dried apples
PhosphorusBran, peas, fish, cheese
ManganeseSeaweed, bananas, onions, potatoes, kidneys
Vitamin DButter, eggs, milk, fatty sea fish
Vitamin AMelon, peaches, carrots, pumpkin, liver
Vitamins BEggs, milk, lobster, oysters, bananas, oranges, corn, peas
Vitamin CCurrants, plums, apples, pears, sweet peppers, cabbage

There should be 5-6 meals during the day. Fruits are best eaten 20-30 minutes before meals. Animal foods should be accompanied by vegetable salads, including green leaf lettuce, celery, spinach, tarragon, onions and leeks, leaf parsley, dill and any other herbs. During the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of water, and every half hour you need to take 2 small sips; for this you should always carry water with you in your bag.

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