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Why Cindy Crawford's workouts are back in fashion New issue
CrossFit is a young direction in sports that appeared thanks to the efforts of two enthusiasts - Lorena Genai
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Ifbb (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) Rules for Athletes (Amateurs) 2011 Edition
Women's fitness is a very tough sport that requires participants to have outstanding gymnastic training.
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Yoga exercises to improve posture. Yoga exercises for beautiful posture. How and when to exercise
The first exercise for posture Yoga for beginners begins with the ability to sit correctly with your back straight.
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Protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss: how to create a menu and get out of it correctly
Benefits and harms High protein content affects the organs and performance of our body,
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Fresh cabbage soup with chicken, calorie content, quick and simple recipes
How many calories are in cabbage soup made from fresh and sauerkraut? There are many dishes in Russian cuisine,
General physical training (GPP) for runners: my set of exercises
We know, we know: you like to run, and not spend hours in the gym. But no matter how
Rules of running for weight loss - how much to run, when, how
Is it possible to run immediately after eating? Everyone knows that running immediately after eating
Chicken wings - how many calories and are they harmful?
Calories in chicken Many people have the opinion that chicken breast has the minimum amount of calories.
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Ginger with garlic, lemon and honey for weight loss: reviews, ginger drink with garlic.
Proportions and recipes for boosting immunity When preparing immunostimulating recipes, you should not take ingredients
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In order to lose weight, it is not necessary to adhere to a strict diet or starve. To get the results you want
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