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Justin has his sights set on significant weight loss. By radically changing his lifestyle, Justin became 40 kg lighter. And he continued to strive for excellence, hoping that one day he would be able to conquer the competitive fitness scene and make his father proud!

Body transformation: lose weight like Justin

Tired of being a Donut

I've been fat for as long as I can remember. As a child, my friends were always thinner than me, and all family members seemed quite thin compared to me. But I just absolutely loved food.

Close relatives, especially my mother, tried to put me on a diet, but I hated the idea. I hated the idea that my favorite foods would suddenly be banned. I had to find all kinds of loopholes, and this only made my eating habits worse.

I was teased at school. The nickname Donut stuck with me, and gradually I learned to live with it. And today ridicule continues to ring in my head. I didn’t have a girlfriend, and it seemed to me that no one was interested in me. I was disgusted with myself, my self-confidence was at zero, and the thought that I could radically change everything did not occur to me. Taking part in all the sports competitions available at school, I always got myself into trouble, but I couldn’t compete on an equal footing with guys who were much better physically developed.

My self-esteem took another devastating blow when the partying and clubbing phase began. I saw my friends having a great time dancing with attractive girls, and I felt like I was out of place in this celebration of life. I couldn't buy the fancy clothes that everyone around me was wearing. The store was full of T-shirts, shirts, and jeans that I liked, but the small and medium sizes didn't fit—I needed an XL or even an XXL. It was killing. I rarely bought new things because I was annoyed that clothes didn’t fit me well.

Excess weight also interfered with finding a job. I wanted to become a carpenter, but my application was rejected. I suppose the employer reasoned that a more physically developed guy would work harder.

In short, I understood that being overweight was nothing but trouble. It was time to change something.

Ryan Reynolds

Still from the movie “King of Parties”

Reynolds trained and dieted to gain 11 kilograms of muscle mass for the 2004 film Blade 3: Trinity, which was a far cry from his routine at the time. “I led a pretty unhealthy lifestyle. I didn't care what I ate or drank."

- he admitted in an interview with Muscle and Fitness.

But after three months of training six days a week and following a 3,200-calorie daily diet, he achieved his goal.

“This time changed my life because it taught me to do things that previously seemed impossible,”

he told Muscle and Fitness.

Still from the movie "Blade 3: Trinity"

Big changes, impressive results

Before me was an example of a friend who lost about 5 kg. Inspired by his success, I believed that I, too, could get rid of extra pounds, and asked a friend to tell me about his technique. He ran every day, and for the whole day he ate only three small portions of food. I started training with him, and my weight slowly crept down.

Every week I was able to lose more and more. I started out with modest goals and my first priority was to get to double digits. I remember the day when I climbed on the scales and they showed 99 kg. I was in seventh heaven! I went to the gym twice a day: once at noon for a 5-kilometer run, and then around 5-6 pm for strength training.

Every day I worked until I lost my pulse, because the result was worth it, but when I reached the 88 kg mark, I hit the wall. Back then I had no idea what a training plateau was or how to deal with it, but later I found a lot of information about how a real bodybuilder should eat and train. I thought that I could try drugs for burning fat, after which I didn’t even notice how I reached the final goal - 80 kg. My abs were clearly visible and I was amazed at my results. In 6 months I lost 40 kg! My happiness knew no bounds, but such a sharp weight loss led to my skin becoming loose in some places. Everyone told me it wasn't a problem, but it really upset me. I wanted to look perfect so I could start a career as a fitness model or even try my hand at competitions.

I felt like the loose skin was preventing me from moving forward. I read that gaining muscle mass helps tighten the skin, but when I started working on mass, I noticed that I was starting to gain fat again, and this was not part of my plans. In short, I realized that the only solution was plastic surgery.

My idol is Steve Cook. I watched all his training videos and listened to all his advice; they motivated me to become better. He talked about setting long-term goals. Remembering this was good, but writing down your goals on paper was even better. In the future, these goals pushed me forward.

Complete body transformation in just 30 days. 10-minute set of exercises.


To get in shape, you don't have to wait for the right moment.

Prepare your body


Having achieved visible results once, you will want your body to be in great shape forever. The set of exercises given in this article will ensure a complete transformation of the body in just 4 weeks without the need to visit the gym. The main thing is to set a goal and strictly follow it, exercising daily and not forgetting the basics of proper nutrition, the need to stay in the fresh air and a positive attitude. Complete body transformation in 1 month is real.

The selected exercises will allow you to work out various muscle groups without any additional equipment.
Perform them daily for 10 minutes to notice changes for the better within 30 days. The convenience of this complex also lies in the fact that you do not have to leave the comfort of your home to perform it. To speed up the achievement of the desired result and achieve a radical transformation of the body, you can always increase the time, intensity of the load, or choose more complicated versions of the above exercises. What do you need for a full body workout? 1. Plank

You can’t go anywhere without it - an extremely simple, but most effective endurance exercise will tone your core muscles, strengthen your abdominal muscles, hips, arms and back. A number of modifications of the plank allow you to complicate or diversify the usual exercise at any time. For beginners, we suggest the following option: • Lie face down on the floor. • Position your arms so that your shoulders are above your elbows and your wrists are in line with your elbows. • Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles, resting on your forearms. • Hold the indicated position for as long as you can (it’s best to start with 20 seconds). • Without locking your knees, make sure your body forms one line and breathe. 2. Push-ups

It is difficult to find a more suitable and effective exercise for strengthening the chest than push-ups.
That's why it's an essential part of your 30-day body transformation plan: chest, back, triceps and core muscles are strengthened without any additional equipment. • Lie on your stomach. • Place your hands on the floor near your armpits. • Push off the floor so that your elbows remain slightly bent. • Remember to tighten your abdominal muscles. • Bend your elbows and lower yourself until about 5 cm remains to the floor. • Hold the floor for 1 deep breath. • Rise up slowly. • Repeat as many times as possible. If you find it difficult to perform such a push-up, try doing the same on your knees. 3. Lunges

The hips and buttocks will work as intensely as possible when performing this exercise correctly.
To increase efficiency, you can weight the lunges with dumbbells. • Stand up straight. • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. • Step your right leg forward and your left leg back. • Slowly bend your knees until both limbs are bent at right angles. • Push off to the starting position. • Don't arch your back or let your knees go beyond your toes. • For one leg, do 10-15 repetitions, repeat with the other leg. 4. Squats

It is difficult to imagine a full workout without one of the most effective exercises for the legs and buttocks. • Stand, making sure that the distance between your feet matches the width of your shoulders. • Arms can be extended forward for greater balance. • With your knees bent, lower yourself so that the angle of your bent legs is straight and your thighs are parallel to the floor. • Remember to keep your back straight and your knees should not go beyond your toes. • Move up to IP. • Your initial goal is 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions. 5. Raises of opposite limbs

This exercise perfectly strengthens the back and in some cases allows you to get rid of pain in this area.
In addition, the buttocks, hips and shoulders are worked. • Get on all fours. • Hands - under the shoulders, knees - under the hips. • Straighten your leg and opposite arm at the same time. • Return to SP and perform the movement with the other pair of limbs. • Repeat 10 times on each side. 6. Crunches/squats

Position A:
To work your upper abdomen, lie on the floor and place your hands behind your ears. Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor. Exhale, rising to the end point, stay there for a second, inhale and return to the IP. Repeat 15-25 times.

Position B (with rotation):
This exercise is ideal for body transformation as it helps to get rid of fat on the sides of the waist.
Start from position A, but now slowly rise up and turn your body (not your back and shoulders) to the side - try to touch your left knee with your right elbow. Return to IP. Repeat on the other side (10-15 repetitions on each side). 7. Bridge

This pose is used to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, as well as the hips and buttocks.
In addition, this exercise is simply irreplaceable to strengthen the pelvic muscles. • Lie on your back. • Place your hands along your body (palms down). • Bent legs with feet resting on the floor. • Knees – in line with your toes. • Raise your hips and back until only your shoulder blades and feet remain on the floor. • Hold at the top point, count a couple of deep breaths and exhalations. • Lower your hips and repeat 10-15 times. Example of an exercise plan:

By performing the given set of exercises, you will be convinced that visible body transformation is possible in 4 weeks!

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Motivated by Memories

I found motivation in family and friends. Although the friends didn’t realize it, every phrase they uttered like “Wow, you’ve lost a lot of weight!” gave me confidence in my abilities. I loved that everyone could see the results of my hard work and celebrate my dedication to my new lifestyle.

During this time, my parents were a source of inspiration for me, thanks to which I became better and trained even harder. They were pleased with my successes and the fact that, getting rid of excess weight, I became happy. Unfortunately, my father had to fight cancer during the last year of his life, and he passed away in March last year. This loss was the most difficult moment of my life. I will never forget him. But I try to think positively and look at this as additional motivation. It made me stronger. I know my father wanted me to be a happy and successful person, and that is why today I dedicate my life to bodybuilding and helping other people maintain their health.

What lengths do actors have to go to for a role?

Untitled collage

The other day, the Internet exploded with news about the amazing transformation of actor Kumail Nanjiani - for six years he was known to viewers as the frail programmer Dinesh from the series “Silicon Valley,” but for his role in the film “The Eternals” he turned himself into almost a superman.

Of course, this is not the first time in history when an actor had to do serious work on his body for a role. Below we have collected several other, no less striking examples of how stars lost significant weight and gained weight out of “professional necessity.”

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With dinner

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A couple more tips

Progress is not always noticeable, but if you are persistent, you will definitely see results. Even if everything goes wrong during training, stick to the plan, follow the daily routine and don’t let circumstances get the better of you.

A balanced diet is of utmost importance. Almost all difficulties with losing weight or gaining muscle are due to a poor diet. Count your calories! It's easier than you think - especially with free apps.

The information you gain from studying your diet's energy content will help you understand what you're doing right and what you still need to work on.

Natalie Portman


For her role as a ballerina in Black Swan, which ultimately brought Port at the 2011 Oscars, the actress dramatically lost weight and lost nine kilograms.

“I ate almost nothing and worked 16 hours a day. Now I wonder how people can fulfill such a role when they have a family."

, she told the Daily Mail.

Still from the film “Black Swan”

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