Testosterone boosters: a scientific look at effectiveness

Testosterone boosters are a class of supplements that are marketed as enhancing the production of the male sex hormone, which directly affects muscle growth. Zozhnik looks into whether these supplements actually increase testosterone.

Guys working out in the gym, even if they have deliberately abandoned anabolic steroids that are harmful to health, continue to look for the most harmless methods to simplify their task in building muscle mass, and an entire business line is based on this desire - “testosterone stimulants,” which, as you you know, and is primarily responsible for the growth of muscle mass.

Testosterone boosters can work in two ways: either by increasing production of the hormone directly or by inhibiting the action of the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogens. Ultimately, these supplements are designed to build bigger muscles, get stronger, and recover faster from workouts.

Below is scientific data on the effectiveness of the most popular supplements that are marketed as testosterone boosters.


What is Tribulus Terrestris?

The Tribulus terrestris plant (Tribulus terrestris, Tribulus terrestris, Tribulus terrestrial) grows in Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine have long used the roots and fruits of this plant to stimulate libido, maintain cardiovascular and genitourinary health, and as an anti-inflammatory agent 1. Animal studies show that tribulus fruits are beneficial for liver and kidney health ( cleanse of toxins) and have an anti-stress effect.

Today, Tribulus is widely known as a testosterone booster and is used to treat symptoms of low testosterone, as well as in bodybuilding to stimulate muscle growth.

Analysis of the sports market shows that boosters with tribulus are offered by many well-known manufacturers: Weider, Maximus, Vplab, Maxler, Optimum nutrition, Biotech, Ostrovit.

Does this mean that the drug is really effective, or is it simply another “safe natural” pseudo-solution to a pressing problem for athletes? We’ll look into it below.

Tribulus terrestris has been used since ancient times to treat problems with the genitourinary system. Today it is a popular testosterone booster in bodybuilding.

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The use of tribulus in bodybuilding as a testosterone booster - MYTH

Let's start with the most pressing issue: how useful is tribulus as a testosterone booster?

Let us remember that testosterone is the main anabolic hormone in the body: the higher its level, the better muscle growth is stimulated. In professional bodybuilding, athletes take artificial analogues of testosterone - anabolic steroids.

I sincerely do not want to disappoint everyone who hopes to use Tribulus to solve the problem of low testosterone or build muscle mass, but scientific evidence clearly shows that testosterone boosters based on Tribulus do not work . This assessment is contained in the reviews of most scientists and doctors.

The authors of one scientific review analyzed the results of 12 studies of the effectiveness of tribulus terrestris for increasing testosterone of varying durations (from 2 to 90 days), which included men and women of different ages (from 14 years to 60).

Their conclusion: tribulus terrestris (tribulus terrestris) does not have a significant effect on testosterone levels 2.

Most likely, the conclusion about the benefits of tribulus as a testosterone booster for humans was made based on the reviews of individual scientists who conducted experiments on laboratory rats 15,16, in which a positive effect was shown 6.

Such projection of results from the animal world onto humans is a common occurrence in the field of sports nutrition and is often the root cause for the creation of entire industries producing essentially useless products.

To back up the claim with facts, let's look at a few human experiments.

In a study of young healthy adults aged 20-36 years, Tribulus terrestris extract at a dose of 10-20 mg/kg taken for 4 weeks was shown to not alter testosterone levels 17.

The purpose of the following experiment was to test the hypothesis that taking Tribulus terrestris may increase the risk of Failure of the doping king. The basis for its conduct was the fact that the same chemicals that are signs of the use of anabolic steroids were found in the urine of athletes collected during doping tests; At the same time, the athletes who passed the samples stated that they did not take anything other than tribulus.

The study involved two women who were given three doses of 500 mg tribulus per day for two days and tested for concentrations of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) markers of steroid use. The scientists’ conclusion is that none of the parameters exceeded WADA 18 standards.

The absence of testosterone-boosting effects was also noted in a study of professional rugby players who took 450 mg of tribulus per day for 28 days. In this experiment, tribulus was also useless for weight loss in athletes ; The strength indicators 19 did not change either.

To be fair, we note that there are positive studies on the effect of tribulus on testosterone levels. But in almost all of them it was used together with other active ingredients 20-22.

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Reviews from scientists about tribulus as a testosterone booster: “Despite its popularity in bodybuilding and among men for the treatment of low testosterone, the effectiveness of tribulus-based testosterone boosters has not been scientifically proven”

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Do Testosterone Boosters Really Work?

What is this?

Types of boosters


Testosterone is the most important hormone in the body for building and strengthening muscles.

The best testosterone boosters, ranking of the best

The effect of testosterone on the body:

  • Increases muscle size - accelerates growth and recovery
  • Gives extra energy
  • Improves mood and self-confidence - keeping you motivated to go to the gym

There are genetically gifted guys, they will grow and grow, year after year. Other guys can drink tons of protein shakes, eat tons of meat, and still stay in the same shape.

This is not only due to testosterone, they need to choose the right training and nutrition regimen, and we just wrote about how to gain weight for an ectomorph, as well as how to increase testosterone levels in men without the use of pharmacological drugs.

And today we’ll talk about testosterone boosters, which should be the key to a new surge in muscle growth.


They use a combination of ingredients to safely support and stimulate testosterone levels.

Aiding testosterone production is largely dependent on processes in the brain and endocrine system.

In every diet you can find the necessary products for this. Testosterone boosters can help fill the diet with essential elements, supplementing missing nutrients, and the body produces more testosterone naturally.

Increase in free testosterone. About 60% of testosterone production in the human body is associated with hormone binding globulin (SHBG).

When tethered, this type of testosterone loses its anabolic activity and can no longer be used directly. Testosterone boosters reduce globulin production.

Decrease in estrogen levels. In the body, an enzyme known as aromatase is responsible for the production of estrogen, and testosterone is sometimes used as a starting material.

Some T-boosters contain ingredients that can inhibit these enzymes, slowing down the process, reducing estrogen while increasing testosterone levels.

Some people think that the only real way to increase testosterone levels is with steroids or prohormones.

This is the highest form of delusion. in reality, test boosters are not as strong as synthetic substances, but this does not mean that they are ineffective.

Recent research has discovered a number of natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to be effective against testosterone. They work without the dangerous side effects of steroids or prohormones.

Not all testosterone boosters are effective. Many of the products on the market were released years ago and contain old, ineffective ingredients.

D-Aspartic Acid, an essential amino acid for boosting testosterone levels, helps the body release a variety of hormones through its reaction with brain D-AA. These include luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormones, and most importantly, growth hormone.

According to some studies, D-aspartic acid is an effective component in eliminating testosterone synthesis rate limits.

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Oyster extract is potentially one of the most effective testosterone-boosting ingredients. Oysters contain a lot of zinc - 10 times more than steak. Zinc, like D-aspartic acid, is great for the production of luteinizing hormones and helps in increasing testosterone levels.

Nettle. Working closely with sex hormone binding globulin, the nettle "lignans" found in the root bind to SHBG instead of testosterone. This allows more testosterone to be free. Also, the aroma inhibitor properties reduce the rate of estrogen production.

Vitamin D3 is called a vitamin, but it is actually a hormone. D3 is 1 of 24 nutrients we need to stay alive. Vitamin D3 is absorbed from sunlight, but we usually don't get enough of it.

Since in the modern world we spend more time indoors, the supply of this hormone is limited.

D3 helps release luteinizing hormones, which help produce testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormones, and growth hormone.

Ginseng is shaking up the testosterone world. It has the ability to increase nitric oxide levels in men, which in turn improves endurance and strength.

Ginseng also lowers glucose levels in the body, eliminating any concerns about insulin interfering with testosterone synthesis. The saponins in ginseng also increase testosterone levels and luteinizing hormone.

These products are not steroids. These are all-natural supplements designed to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to produce testosterone. They do not cause any side effects.

After countless hours of searching, comparing and endlessly studying research, we bring you the most effective and affordable test boosters that are on the market and can have a noticeable effect.

These are the best supplements we have found on the market and they have all been formulated using the latest research.


There are many testosterone boosters you can study. But there are quite a lot of positive reviews about this supplement, although there are also reviews that say there are no positive effects.

This depends on the quality of the supplement itself; sports nutrition manufacturers do not always add enough active substance to the product. The way in which the element was mined and processed is also very important.

Tribulus terestica itself is a plant that does not contain much active substance; the main concentration is found in pollen, which is more difficult to obtain. Therefore, many people simply grind the stems; as you understand, the effect of such an additive will be minimal.

Therefore, it is better to try several options and see if it works for you.


  • Increased libido (sex drive)
  • Strength improvement
  • Reducing body fat

All ingredients are natural, no side effects.

High price for a possibly low concentration of the active substance.

Considering the number of reviews and opinions of experts, you need to personally check how effective this supplement is for you to naturally increase testosterone levels and build muscle.

There is an opinion that the product only works on people who have low testosterone levels due to various factors, such as stress, overwork, and lack of sleep.

For a completely healthy person, the supplement may not be effective.


ZMA formula - zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. They are three important nutrients for maintaining testosterone levels.

ZMA strives to:

  • Restore optimal hormone levels - balances testosterone
  • Increase muscle strength - helps muscle growth processes

More suitable for maintaining testosterone levels than increasing them.


Testosterone boosters: rating of the best stimulants from the pharmacy and sports nutrition

If you just want to maintain your testosterone levels and have the means, then this product may be good for you.

It contains several essential ingredients to support testosterone balance, but lacks D-aspartic acid and vitamin D.

General conclusion

There are many conflicting opinions from experts about the effectiveness of testosterone boosters and the impact on its level in athletes and reviews from people who have used such supplements. To increase this hormone using natural means, it will be more effective to establish a daily routine, diet, and engage in physical activity.

Especially for you, we decided to make a rating of the best products, but it is not simple, and will not be compiled at random from what comes to hand. This rating will be compiled by you when making purchases on our website from already selected and most effective drugs. The more popular the product, the higher it will be on the list.

Killer Labz Terminator Test

This test booster will give you an incredibly powerful testosterone boost, but that's not all. You will also experience a decrease in estrogen levels. Thus, increased testosterone production will occur for two reasons: stimulation of the testicles and adrenal glands due to a decrease in estrogen in the blood, testosterone levels will also increase.

Centurion Labz Retreat Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

It is a testosterone booster and at the same time improves men's health in general. Contains test boosters such as: Testofen (reduces sugar and bad cholesterol), D-Aspartic acid. To control estrogen levels, as well as increase libido and muscle stiffness - Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione. And to ensure that your reproductive system always works well, components for prostate health have been added - Saw Palmetto, Diindolylmethane.

Now it will be so easy for you to make your choice! Don’t forget to look at product reviews on our website and make the right choice!

They use a combination of ingredients to safely support and stimulate testosterone levels.

Aiding testosterone production is largely dependent on processes in the brain and endocrine system.

Some people think that the only real way to increase testosterone levels is with steroids or prohormones.


There are many testosterone boosters you can study. But there are quite a lot of positive reviews about this supplement, although there are also reviews that say there are no positive effects. This depends on the quality of the supplement itself; sports nutrition manufacturers do not always add enough active substance to the product.

The way in which the element was mined and processed is also very important. Tribulus terestica itself is a plant that does not contain much active substance; the main concentration is found in pollen, which is more difficult to obtain. Therefore, many people simply grind the stems; as you understand, the effect of such an additive will be minimal.

Tribulus terrestris may improve libido

Paradoxical but true: despite the fact that tribulus terrestris (tribulus terrestris) does not change testosterone levels, it has a positive effect on sexual desire (libido). The paradox is that, as is known from physiology textbooks, it is testosterone that is responsible for sexual function.

On average, taking 750-1500 mg of tribulus for men with low libido every day for two months increases sexual desire by 79% 2.

A similar effect was observed in the case of women: in the vast majority of them, when taking 500-1500 mg of tribulus for 90 days, sexual desire increased 2. At the same time, the degree of sexual arousal and satisfaction also increased 7.

However, experiments on men with erectile dysfunction showed conflicting results: in one of them, a dose of tribulus of 800 mg did not provide any effect in treatment, in another, a dose of 1500 mg significantly improved erection and sexual satisfaction 8.

It is premature to draw clear conclusions. Further research is required.

Reviews from scientists about tribulus: “Tribulus has a positive effect on sexual desire and satisfaction in both men and women”

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Purpose of boosters

Many sports brands produce testosterone boosters, which are based on various herbs and vitamins that have a positive effect on endocrine processes.

You can increase natural testosterone not only with medications or sports supplements; ordinary foods can be alternatives: sea fish and shellfish, walnuts and beef. They contain many unsaturated acids, which are building materials for the production of testosterone.

B vitamins, found in large quantities in pomegranate juice, also have a positive effect on the production of male hormones. The effectiveness of these products will be less noticeable than after taking special products, but you can reduce the dosage of supplements by eating the listed products.

They were developed specifically to increase the content of free testosterone; such supplements save those who have low testosterone, and the body itself is not able to replenish lost reserves. But taking such medications on your own is unacceptable; first you will need to undergo tests, the results of which will determine the exact content of sex hormones, and then consult an endocrinologist.

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Testosterone affects many vital functions, including:

  • Body strength;
  • Metabolic processes;
  • Catabolic processes;
  • Protein synthesis;
  • The amount of glucose in the blood;
  • Functioning of the genital organs.

Tribulus is useless for weight loss

Athletes often take Tribulus to improve their body composition, since high testosterone levels are known to be associated with a lower percentage of fat 9. We talked about this in the material about the benefits of anabolic steroids for weight loss.

In view of the above-mentioned failure of tribulus as a testosterone booster, its benefits for weight loss are also a MYTH. This is also supported by experimental data: neither professional rugby players 10 nor strength athletes 11 improved their body composition when taking tribulus for 1-2 months.

Tribulus is useless for weight loss, as it has no effect on testosterone

Tribulus is good for heart health and diabetes

Regular intake of tribulus normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

In one study, 98 women with type 2 diabetes took 1000 mg of Tribulus terrestris every day for 3 months. During this time, their blood sugar and cholesterol levels significantly decreased 3.

This effect was also confirmed in experiments on animals 4,5.

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What drugs can and cannot be combined with

There are different testosterone boosters, and expert reviews about them are also different. But everyone agrees on one thing: to get the maximum effect, it is best to supplement them with high-calorie foods and physical activity when taking testosterone stimulants.

Take a testosterone booster

Professional trainers recommend combining boosters with the following:

  • protein is the basis of sports nutrition;
  • Creatine is one of the most popular supplements;
  • pre-workout supplements are quite effective;
  • vitamins and minerals support the immune system;
  • BCAA, complex amino acids.

What cannot be combined with:

  • prohormones;
  • steroids;
  • other boosters.

In general, you need to think it over carefully and consult your doctor before taking a booster.

Benefits of Tribulus for Liver and Kidney Detoxification

Tribulus terrestris (“tribulus terrestris”) protects the liver and kidneys from the toxic effects of heavy metals (cadmium, mercury).

A study on mice showed that after taking tribulus for 6 weeks along with vitamin E, the function of the liver and kidneys was almost completely restored after their intoxication with cadmium 23.

The protective function has also been demonstrated for mercury 24,25.

Reviews from scientists about tribulus: “Tribulus may be useful for controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and also acts as a detoxifier, restoring liver and kidney function.”

Other beneficial properties of tribulus

Tribulus terrestris has some other beneficial properties, however, despite its market positioning as a drug with numerous health benefits, most of the claims are not unequivocally scientifically proven:

  • tribulus acts as a diuretic, stimulating the excretion of fluid from the body in the urine;
  • experiments on mice showed an improvement in the functioning of the immune system when consuming tribulus;
  • antidepressant actions;
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • anticancer effect.

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How to take Tribulus, doses

Often, in the instructions for the use of tribulus, its doses are indicated along with the percentage of saponins.

Saponins are chemical compounds in Tribulus terrestris that are likely responsible for its beneficial properties.

Typically, the proportion of saponins in testosterone boosters and other nutritional supplements is 45-60%. Obviously, the higher this value, the lower the dose of the additive should be, since the concentration of the active substance is higher.

Instructions for use of tribulus

The instructions for using Tribulus are very simple and are determined by the goals that you set for yourself. Scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of the following doses of tribulus terrestris extract (assuming a 60% saponin content) 27:

  • to normalize blood sugar levels ~1000 mg per day;
  • to increase libido 200-450 mg per day;
  • to increase testosterone in bodybuilding - save your money.

Sometimes in pharmacies you can buy tribulus roots or flowers (tribulus terrestris) in powder form. In this case, to increase libido, you should take 5-6 grams of root powder or 2-3 grams of fruits 26.

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Side effects of Tribulus

Most studies do not report any side effects of Tribulus (tribulus terrestris) and it is generally considered safe for health 8,12.

Isolated cases include mild stomach pain and belching.

with kidney problems should take Tribulus with caution , since at least one case of its toxicity is known, when a man tried to get rid of kidney stones by drinking 2 liters of water with tribulus dissolved in it 13,14.

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The lethal dose of Tribulus terrestris is considered to be 120-140 mg/kg (in the form of injections) 26. A life-threatening dose in tablet form has not been established, since scientists are not clear about their digestibility.

Tribulus terrestris has no serious side effects; Caution should be exercised by those with kidney problems

Additional benefit

They are also used as therapy. If you have previously taken a course of steroids or prohormones, then it would not hurt to use boosters for a month to eliminate the side effects.

Testosterone boosters rating

After stopping hormone therapy, it is very common to experience some unpleasant symptoms that can be minimized by increasing testosterone levels. In addition, taking boosters will help avoid the destruction of muscle tissue (the “rollback” phenomenon).


Despite being promoted as a testosterone booster, Tribulus terrestris does not affect testosterone levels in the body. At the same time, it is able to enhance sexual desire and satisfaction in both men and women.

The benefits of tribulus for weight loss have also not been proven, but it has proven benefits for the health of the liver and kidneys, in particular for restoring their function after intoxication with heavy metals (mercury, cadmium).

Tribulus has no serious side effects, but there have been isolated cases of toxicity in people with kidney problems.

The unpleasant truth about testosterone... for men over 30

Testosterone levels in men's bodies decline steadily after age 30 at an average rate of 0.4-2.0% per year. This means that its concentration in the blood of a 70-year-old man is approximately 30% less than that of a 30-year-old man.

There are many reasons for this sad fact.

Among them: natural aging of the body, accompanied by a decline in the function of testosterone production by the testicles, ecology, medications (consequences of chemotherapy, for example), which become more and more in the diet of the average person after 30, and, of course, lifestyle (obesity, smoking, lack of physical activity ) .

We recommend: 10 symptoms of low testosterone in men.

Why, however, “sad”? Of course, this epithet “does not apply to everyone.”

The loss of manhood and appearance is not a concern for many, judging by the prevalence of the type of man with low testosterone, described by the above symptoms, in our society. The most characteristic visible ones: beer bellies with a simultaneous lack of muscle mass.

In addition to increased fat mass, other known problems that accompany decreased testosterone in the body are:

  • decreased libido or sexual desire/desire;
  • loss of muscle mass (testosterone is the main hormone responsible for its growth and maintenance);
  • decreased physical activity and increased physical fatigue;
  • hair loss, etc.

For those who are not only alarmed by the inevitability of testosterone decline after 30, we recommend reading this article to the end and then studying the Testosterone Boosters section on our website.

According to some data, about 50% of American adult males take various testosterone boosters in order to increase/maintain its level.

This method is perceived by many as the most natural and simple to perform in comparison with hormonal therapy, for example, in which hormones are most often administered in the form of injections.

About 50% of American adult males take testosterone boosters

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