How long does it take to get pumped up on protein? What do bodybuilders say about this... Women in bodybuilding

Is it possible to get pumped up without sports nutrition? A question that interests many guys who come to the gym to get a beautiful body. The abundance of advertising has imposed on the average person the idea that without a variety of supplements, proteins and steroids it is impossible to get good muscles. But is it really so?

To answer this riddle, it’s worth looking at ancient Greek sculptures that depict real people. Most likely, at the time of Plato and Socrates, the pharmaceutical industry did not yet exist, and anabolic substances could not be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store.

This proves that through exercise and a balanced diet, one can achieve a body worthy of immortalization in sculpture. Moreover, sports nutrition and anabolic steroids are completely different things!


The weekly international journal Journal of the American Medical Association published a report from the Council of the Institute of Medicine, which stated that the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein for people over 18 years of age should be 0.8 grams

per kilogram of weight or 0.63 grams per pound of weight.

It also reviewed dietary guidelines published by the US Department of Agriculture and Government Programs, which indicate that the amount of protein for a 70-kilogram person should be exactly 56 grams.

But if a person plays sports, then these figures in studies can only be taken as the minimum amount of proteins that he needs. Based on this, if a 70-kilogram bodybuilder consumes less than 56 grams of protein daily, his muscles will suffer and the body will not grow due to a negative nitrogen balance.

Similar studies were carried out at the Institute of Medicine. But in them this topic is revealed somehow approximately. They say that 10-35% of calories should come from protein. But this statement is quite vague, since the difference between 10 and 35 is huge and does not explain how useful nutrition according to such a formula is.

Their report suggests that when considering the macronutrient distribution range (AMDR)

and take into account that 10 to 35% of calories should come from protein, then, for example, a 19-year-old boy, 5.9 feet (180 cm) tall and weighing 167 pounds (75.7 kg) should consume from 0.43 grams to 1 .5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day, but this is beyond the (RDA)!

According to another study conducted at McMaster University

(McMaster University) for athletes, the protein norm should be 1.3-1.8 g/kg of weight.
the same time, researchers from the University of Western Ontario say that it should be in the range of 1.6-1.8 grams. And as the intensity of training increases, this figure should also increase.

Proper and healthy fats for pumping up muscles

Not all fats are created equal, and to achieve a beautiful, muscular body, it is important to consume only healthy fats and fatty acids, such as Omega 3, which is found in fish and flax seeds, as well as fats from olive oil and avocado. They play an important role in hormone production, skin color and brain function. Fats keep energy levels constant and provide the body with essential nutrients.

The main rule is moderation, since fats are high in calories.

Include natural peanut, olive or almond oil, and avocado in your diet as sources of fat. In addition, fats will come from eggs, meat and fish.

how to eat right when you're lifting
Recently, dietary supplements containing Omega-3 essential fatty acids, namely fish oil and flaxseed oil capsules, have become increasingly popular. They help maintain healthy levels of essential fatty acids in the body.

If you enjoy foods like fish, seeds, nuts and avocados, you won't be short of healthy fats from whole foods. Although supplements containing EFAs and Omega-3s will be a great addition to your diet.

Is it possible to pump up quickly and what is needed for this ^

People start playing sports for various reasons: some want to lose weight, some want to pump up, and some go to the gym just for health.

If in the first case it is enough to correctly draw up a training program based on many repetitions of different exercises and sit down, then in the second case everything is more complicated: not only exercises are important here, but also nutrition, which should be based on proteins and carbohydrates.

Many athletes do not limit themselves to natural protein foods and include protein shakes in their diet, and this is very reasonable: for example, in order to reach the daily protein requirement, many need to eat 1 kg of chicken breast per day, which is not always possible.

Body types

The time it takes to pump up largely depends on your body type:

  • Ectomorph: fast metabolism, thin build. It is most difficult for such people to gain weight, and in order to gain weight, they have to eat a lot of high-carbohydrate foods, as well as take sports nutrition - gainers;
  • Mesomorph: this type is characterized by broad shoulders and chest, high metabolism. The level of subcutaneous fat is average. Physical transformation lends itself best;
  • Endomorph: round figure, smooth body contours, wide bones. High level of subcutaneous fat, slow metabolism. Such people are typically overweight.

How long does it take to pump up in the gym?

When you come to the gym, you shouldn’t hope that relief will appear in the first week of classes. For many, this takes months or even years, but it all depends on several factors:

  • Nutrition;
  • Training program;
  • Use of sports nutrition;
  • Use of pharmaceuticals.

The latter is worth dwelling on in more detail. Pharmaceuticals are nothing more than anabolic steroids. They cannot be used without a prescription, however, many performing athletes drink them to increase muscles and endurance.

For health, this does not go away without a trace: some note a depressive or aggressive state during the course, as well as decreased potency, headaches and other unpleasant side effects. Nevertheless, the drugs allow you to pump up in a short time, but it is impossible to predict how this will affect your well-being.

How many years can it take to get pumped up without chemicals?

This is perhaps the most popular question among novice athletes. On average, it takes men 1-2 years to get noticeable relief, but achieving the shape of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth will only take the longest time. For ectomorphs, everything is much more difficult for them, because it is problematic for them to gain weight.

How to build muscle without protein?

You will need:

  • Kitchen scales
  • Diet Directory
  • Notepad or notebook
  • Pen
  • Calculator


Let's start with the fact that in this article we want to talk about how to increase the volume of muscle mass in the body, without using chemical compounds that cause irreversible harm to health. Therefore, the first step is to calculate your optimal calorie intake per day.


Moreover, you need to calculate in order to gain muscle mass, that is, to do this you need to multiply your weight by forty. The result obtained will be exactly the number of calories your body needs per day in order to build muscle without protein. Let’s say your weight is seventy kilograms, then 2800 kcal per day is enough for you.


Based on this result, we will calculate the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In percentage terms it will look something like this: fats 15-20%, proteins 25-30%, carbohydrates 55-60%. We use the following ratio 20/25/55.

In kilocalories these are 560, 700 and 1540.

Now let’s convert this data into grams, knowing that 1 gram of protein or carbohydrates is equal to 4 kcal, and 9 kcal is 1 gram of fat, then we get that you need to consume 62 g of fat, 175 g of protein and 385 g of carbohydrates per day.


The next step will be the selection of food products and their quantity. Here are your faithful assistants: a nutritionist's reference book and a kitchen scale, a notebook and a pen. Many sources write about how to build muscle without protein, but your best bet is to listen to your body and monitor your diet, calculating the calories you consume and recording the results in a notebook.

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Gradually, over 2-3 weeks, adjust your diet to the levels you need. Remember that there are several types of proteins and carbohydrates in terms of digestion time. Carbohydrates such as porridge or flour and proteins such as meat, cottage cheese and poultry are recommended for breakfast or dinner, since with their help the body will be provided for a long time.


The source of quick replenishment of energy expended after training will be fast carbohydrates - sweets and fruits, and easily digestible proteins - fish, eggs, milk. It is worth drinking a sufficient amount of water - at least 2 liters per day and completely eliminating alcohol, because it helps remove water from muscle cells, making them fragile, which entails a decrease in muscle volume.


How long can it take to pump up at home and in the gym ^

How long does it take to pump up?

To understand the issue, you need to thoroughly study the factors that influence progress in sports:

  • Anthropometry;
  • Age. It is believed that before the age of 27, a person’s metabolism is more developed than at a later age, so you can gain weight/lose weight faster;
  • Financial opportunities. Typically, inexpensive gyms only have the bare minimum of equipment needed to develop your body. If you study at home, progress will be slower;
  • Goal-oriented: Many athletes set parameters for themselves in advance that they need to achieve within a specific time frame. To do this, they have to work hard and follow a diet;
  • Motivation. For it to be present, you need to answer one question: “what do I want from sports?” The final goal and the path to achieve it depend on the answer;
  • Knowledge. It’s good if a person has training experience and can create a program for himself. If there is no such experience, then it is best to entrust such a responsible task to a coach, otherwise there will be no progress.

How long does it take to get pumped up with protein?

Protein is a natural protein found in whey and other protein products. Athletes use it both during cutting and during weight gain.

  • The calculation of protein depends on the end goal: those who are losing weight will need less product than those gaining weight.
  • In the latter case, you need to consume 2.5-3 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day, but even with this protein you will be able to pump up in at least 1 year.

To develop your upper body, it is recommended to include various variations of pull-ups on the horizontal bar in your training program. They allow you to strengthen the pectoral muscles and make your shoulders more prominent, so it is advisable for all men to do them. The obvious advantage of the horizontal bar is that you can use it to pump yourself up at home: to do this, just make a crossbar over the doorway.

Is it possible to gain weight without sports nutrition?

You won't be able to build up quickly without proteins, although you can do without them.

During digestion, whey protein turns into amino acids, which protect muscles from breakdown and are synthesized into protein molecules, including future muscle tissue. A similar result can be achieved with dietary adjustments.

The difference is that whey protein is absorbed much faster and the results will be noticeable earlier.

How to gain muscle mass without sports nutrition?

During training, muscles are injured and the body needs protein to restore them. Their full restoration is impossible without an additional portion of protein exceeding the basic one, which we will consider later.

On average, a woman should consume at least 200 grams of meat per day, and a man at least 400 grams, to maintain normal muscle mass. At the same time, nutritionists assure that the problem is precisely in meat and egg whites, dairy products and vegetable protein cannot fully replace it.

Meat must be supplemented with fats, since they are involved in the process of protein synthesis. You will also need slow carbohydrates to replenish energy after a workout. Usually, it is recommended to take a gainer for this.

That is, your post-workout “plate” should contain not only boiled chicken breast, but also a portion of buckwheat porridge and a simple vegetable salad, seasoned, for example, with flaxseed oil.

  • If we exclude vegetables and buckwheat, the body uses the resources of the chicken breast to restore energy balance, and not for muscle growth.
  • If we exclude vegetables, the diet becomes less effective because they help the digestion process.
  • If we exclude oil, we are not giving the body the fats it needs to synthesize proteins.

There should be at least three such plates a day if you are going to maintain muscle mass. And 4-5 if you are going to increase it. Between the “main” sets with meat, slow carbohydrates and vegetables, you need to add snacks. During them, you can already eat cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms, legumes and other additional sources of protein.

Should you use sports nutrition?

Does sports nutrition help with weight gain? Yes, it helps. Along with it, the effect of training becomes noticeable much earlier.

In addition, natural food will not give a hypertrophied result - pumping up muscles to the state of a “puffed up body” will not work. But do you need such an effect?

Sports nutrition has its pros and cons. Answer the question “what would be best for me?” based on personal preference. However, remember that it is still possible to pump up without sports nutrition, and many bodybuilders prefer to do it this way. Among them is the legendary Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

It is important!

Tell us in the comments why you prefer to use or not use sports nutrition and what results you managed to achieve with natural food.


Conclusions, reviews and results ^

You shouldn’t count on the fact that within a week after starting classes, muscles like Dwayne Douglas Johnson will appear, because this takes many years of persistent and hard training. If you just want to remove subcutaneous fat and make your body more sculpted, just exercise 3 times a week and eat right, and within a year the results will be very noticeable.

Experience of our readers

Tatyana, 29 years old:

“Initially, my goal in bodybuilding was to lose weight, but then, having lost all the excess weight, I began to work on my relief. Having spent a whole year on this, I can confidently say that you shouldn’t hope for an easy and quick result.”

Oleg, 35 years old:

“I started playing sports only a couple of years ago, when I came to the gym overweight. First I had to lose weight, but thanks to training, my muscles became noticeably stronger. When I got my weight in order, my figure became more prominent"

Yuri, 25 years old:

“I’ve been doing sports since childhood, and as a true ectomorph, it’s very difficult for me to gain weight. I have abs, my body is developed, but, nevertheless, I am a “skinny jock,” as my friends call me. I only drink sports nutrition, I don’t accept chemicals, but those who take it, with the same anthropometry, are more successful in gaining weight than I am, but I value my health.”

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

In order to effectively pump up muscles, you need to exercise, eat foods enriched with proteins and drink a protein shake for muscles. recommends Fitness Trainers:

And a few words about “bad” fats. If there are good fats, what are the “bad” ones? Eating such fats in large quantities can cause health problems.

Avoid foods high in saturated fat, found in animal products and some vegetable oils (coconut and palm). Choose low-fat or skim dairy products and trim excess visible fat from meat.

Chemically produced trans fats and hydrogenated oils are used to extend the shelf life of processed foods such as candy, margarine, packaged and convenience foods. Such foods are not at all consistent with proper training nutrition, so try to completely eliminate trans fats from your diet.


Not a single athlete who is seriously involved in physical activity can do without drinking a protein shake. The name of the drink itself comes from the word “protein”.

In England it is listed as squirrel. A protein shake for muscle growth is considered a natural product.

It is made by processing milk, which is further processed into a powdery mass.

Protein is considered a biological supplement in sports nutrition. The best nutrient for muscle growth is protein. Professional athletes recommend eating split meals six times a day, consuming enough protein.

Muscle-building protein shakes contain approximately 30 grams of protein.

Its composition is as follows:

  • Dairy products (300-400 ml),
  • Protein powder (30-35 g).

The products are thoroughly mixed in a shaker.

At home

You can also make a protein shake for muscles at home. To achieve good results, you need to know how to make a protein shake for muscles correctly.

This drink is a good helper in building muscles and burning subcutaneous fat. It is an assistant, and not the main product for athletes. In other words, it is impossible to achieve the desired shape only thanks to a protein drink; first of all, you must exercise regularly and follow a protein diet.

The daily norm for cocktails is three servings. The way the sports drink works is to produce growth hormones and insulin, which promotes muscle growth and fat burning.

Drink the drink immediately after training. However, in order to lose extra pounds, you can drink it instead of breakfast or dinner. To effectively build muscle mass, special hormones are needed, which are taken from a protein-carbohydrate drink.


A homemade protein shake for muscle growth is in no way inferior to a store-bought one in its beneficial properties. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

The main components of the drink should be:

  • Squirrels,
  • Carbohydrates,
  • A little fibre.

If the main goal of drinking a cocktail is to lose weight, then it is better to avoid carbohydrates.

The substances that make up the miracle drink can be found in ordinary foods.


  • Chicken eggs,
  • Any nuts,
  • cow's milk,
  • Low fat cottage cheese,
  • Natural yogurt,
  • Protein powder.


  • Sweet fruits,
  • Ice cream,
  • Berries,
  • Juices,
  • Baby food (puree).


  • Cereals,
  • Flour, cereals (oatmeal, barley, soybean, buckwheat)
  • Oatmeal,
  • Bran,
  • Vegetables.
  • Use dairy products with an average percentage of fat content, since a very low percentage affects the taste properties of the future cocktail, and a high percentage affects the harmfulness.
  • You can add lecithin. It can help the body absorb nutrients more easily.
  • Morning drinks can be sweetened with glucose and honey, but in the evening it is better to avoid additives.
  • The optimal temperature of the drink is 37 degrees. A cold product is not able to speed up the metabolic process quickly enough.
  • It is necessary to monitor the calorie content of the cocktail and the daily dose of consumption.

The simplest protein shake recipe for muscles is made from eggs. To prepare egg cocktails, you can use both raw and boiled eggs. To make a healthy sports drink, use a blender. A stationary type device is best suited.


To make an egg protein shake for muscle growth at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir (1 glass),
  • Egg (1 pc.),
  • Sweeteners and additives (honey, nuts, fruits, etc.).

The egg is taken whole along with the yolk. All components are mixed together and sprinkled with nuts (optional).

There are several basic protein shake recipes for muscle growth.

Banana cocktail

Perfect for lovers of intense workouts. Banana is a treasure trove of energy.


  • Banana (1 pc.),
  • Milk (0.5 l.),
  • Honey (3 tbsp.),
  • Nuts (30-50 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (200 gr.).

Everything is mixed in a blender and drunk in two doses.

Curd cocktail

It is a very nutritious and simple drink.


  • Milk (250 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (300 gr.),
  • Berries (100 gr.).

You can also use a little cocoa as an additive. The ingredients are mixed in a blender for about two minutes. The drink should have a homogeneous mass.


Milky souls will especially enjoy this healthy and nutritious drink.


  • Yolk of one egg,
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (150 gr.),
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Fermented milk product (200 gr.),
  • Olive oil (2 tbsp),
  • Additives (fruits, berries, etc.).

All components, except lemon juice, are mixed together. Lemon juice is added at the end of cooking. This drink is suitable for a snack between workouts.

Cocktail with ice cream

A sweet and healthy protein shake with ice cream can achieve effective results.


  • Ice cream (0.5 cups),
  • Powdered milk (3 tsp),
  • Milk (300 ml),
  • Egg (1 pc.)

The drink is prepared in a blender and consumed an hour before physical activity.

Homemade protein drinks have a number of benefits:

  • Contains nutrients and beneficial substances
  • Serves as an excellent breakfast
  • They have the property of reducing appetite,
  • Contains components that can restore strength after active exercise,
  • Includes natural supplements that are easily absorbed by the body.
  • They contain hormones necessary for building muscles and components for burning subcutaneous fat.

Thus, a protein shake is intended not only for sports, but also for the health of the body. After all, thanks to a sufficient amount of protein entering the body, metabolism improves. In addition, the body is saturated with hemoglobin, oxygen and other vital elements.

In the gym I saw a lot of novice athletes who basically did not take sports nutrition, and in particular protein, preferring to exercise, in their opinion, “purely” and without using any sports supplements. For experienced athletes and people knowledgeable about muscle growth, training and nutrition, this approach seems obviously flawed and based only on the lack of knowledge and experience of those who practice it. Meanwhile, today we will look at the question of whether it is possible to build up muscles without using sports nutrition based on?

Why does an athlete need additional protein intake?

Our body is designed in such a way that only heavy, intense training has a stimulating effect on muscle growth. They are the ones who force the body to engage in adaptive reactions, one of which is an increase in muscle mass. After all, the larger the muscle size, the more adapted the body is to regular strength training.

Meanwhile, the process of muscle tissue growth requires an increased consumption of resources, the main of which are amino acids, which act as the main building material for muscles. Amino acids are broken down proteins (proteins) that enter the blood and ensure the correct implementation of the body's adaptive reactions - in our case, muscle growth.

What happens if the supply of amino acids is not enough to meet the body's current needs and the growth of new muscle tissue? In this case, protein synthesis in the body (muscle growth) slows down to a minimum or stops altogether, and the body’s internal reserves - amino acids obtained during the breakdown of its own muscle tissue - begin to be consumed. Thus, a lack of protein (protein) in the body, with regular strength loads, at least does not lead to muscle growth. The greater the protein deficiency, the more existing muscle tissue the body will break down to meet ongoing amino acid needs.

So is it possible to build muscle without taking sports protein?

Thus, you can build up without using sports protein if you consume enough protein during the day and after training, the basis of which is high-quality protein with the fastest possible absorption rate.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Why medals are given to articles:

1. Protein should only be taken on the day of training.

This is what some people think, citing the fact that on non-training days the body does not need increased doses of protein. Meanwhile, after training it can last for a week or even more. And all this time they need amino acids (components of proteins) to restore their structure and growth.

2. Without protein it is impossible to build muscles

Basically, you only need protein if your body is starved of protein. With intense strength training and poor nutrition, it is almost impossible to supply your body with proteins in the required quantities. On the other hand, with high-quality food, the need to take protein may not arise. So you can build up without protein, but in most cases it’s easier to do it with protein.

3. Protein damages the liver

Any high-protein food is a burden on your liver. And the more protein you consume per day, the greater the load on the liver. And proteins don't burden your liver any more than the proteins you get through food. But without protein, your body cannot exist. Therefore, proteins do not damage the liver, but, since it is a protein, they put additional stress on it.

4. Proteins are expensive

At first glance it may seem so. 1 kg costs approximately 1000 rubles. And this kilogram of protein contains approximately the same amount as 4 kg of meat. How much does 4 kg of meat cost? About the same 1000 rubles. If we take, say, cottage cheese, we get approximately the same picture.

5. Protein is an “artificial” food.

In fact, protein is made from foods such as soy and milk. Less often - eggs and meat. Using various thermal and chemical reactions, protein is isolated from these products, and a concentrate is obtained in the form of a powder. And in this regard, it is much more natural than, say, dry mashed potatoes.

6. Only professional athletes need protein.

This is the same as saying: only professional athletes need protein. As you understand, everyone needs protein. It happens that even people who don’t train take protein because they have a busy work schedule and often don’t have time to just eat. In the end, I would like to offer you a small selection of proteins that (in my opinion) have a good price-quality ratio:

  • Mutant: Whey (61% protein)
  • (83% protein)
  • (73% protein)
  • Syntrax Whey Shake (77% protein)

Is it possible to pump up if you don’t have money for the gym, protein, or equipment?

If you don't have money, then don't despair. There are a lot of examples on the Internet when people did not have the opportunity to spend money on expensive fitness centers, but they were looking for any opportunity to make huge legs out of their twigs.

No money for a gym? There is always the option of going to the horizontal bars. Even if your friends from the rocking chair start throwing grain at you, don’t pay attention, the main thing is that you are moving towards your goal.

Even at home, you can use your own body weight to tone your muscles. There are such wonderful exercises as push-ups, squats, etc.

And in order to complicate the exercise, if it’s difficult for you, you can always use what is at hand. For example, throw books in a backpack and do push-ups until a wreath comes out on your forehead, the same with squats.

In general, you can get pumped up without money , the main thing is that you have the desire and imagination. Well, I’ll help you, of course.

Expert opinion

Sergey Nesterov - trainer and sports nutrition specialist at the PULSE store

We must consume enough protein every day in our food for muscle growth. Amino acids in proteins are the building blocks that the body uses to create new muscle tissue. With intense exercise, there is a higher need for protein. Proteins are balanced and concentrated in many ingredients. These supplements are high-tech nutritional products that often contain high amounts of protein, as well as enzymes that facilitate absorption and digestion. Therefore, the energy output of protein is greater than from simple food. That's why protein has stood the test of time among bodybuilders. Don't let common misconceptions and myths stop you from achieving great results.

Mikhailov Maxim - MSMK in powerlifting, General Director of LLC

Eating in restaurants and pumping up muscles

It's hard to stick to rules when you're meeting friends at a restaurant or forgetting food at home. You realize that it's time to eat, but there are no healthy foods nearby.

  • If you find yourself without food and decide to have a meal at a restaurant, just choose the right dishes.
  • Order a grilled chicken sandwich without mayonnaise, grilled chicken breasts, steamed vegetables or a baked potato.
  • Avoid fried foods, processed or “white” carbohydrates, and creamy or cheese sauces.
  • Please order salad dressing separately.
  • Instead of soda, give preference to plain water, and a slice of lemon will give it a pleasant aroma and taste.

Try another trick: split the meal with friends or ask them to pack half of it to take home. Thanks to these simple nutritional rules, you will enjoy your food and not destroy everything that you have achieved so hard by pumping up your muscles in the gym.

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