Strength training for weight loss: are they necessary and why do you need 2.5 liters of water a day?

You need to lose weight , but you have a completely legitimate question: what to do in the gym to lose weight Now we will look at this and a few other points that you need to pay attention to.

Let's start from the very beginning. The first step is to carefully understand your diet

. Calculate how many calories you should have per day. And divide your meals into 5 parts a day. Since I’ve talked a lot about this in other articles on the site, I won’t dwell on it now.

But I’ll emphasize again that this is important.

Most people do not follow any nutritional rules. They train to lose weight , but eat as before.
With this type of training you can also lose weight, but it will take much longer. When we have figured out nutrition, we can move on to studying the exercises .

Aerobic or cardio exercises.

The most important exercises for weight loss training are aerobic exercises . They are called that because when they are performed, a lot of air enters the body. Those. We breathe actively. When jogging, it is impossible to breathe enough.

And strength exercises, with a barbell or dumbbells or on strength training machines, are usually performed with weak or even holding your breath. They are called anaerobic.

Here are the types of aerobic exercises: treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical trainer (skis). They are very suitable for weight loss workouts. In them we practically do not develop muscles, but warm up the metabolism in the body (metabolism). When performing aerobic exercise, the metabolism of the whole body accelerates.

to lose weight you need to perform the exercise quickly.
Run quickly, pedal the exercise bike quickly. Increasing speed is only possible on aerobic trainers. After all, it is impossible to lift a heavy barbell at high speed. For the first 3 - 6 months, you do not need to run (or pedal) fast. Let the muscles get stronger and the body gradually approach fast speed. The heart works faster, the lungs work more actively, accordingly, blood flows through the vessels faster and oxygen-filled blood reaches all organs and systems. It turns out that the whole body is working. We kind of wind it up, and this winding lasts up to 23 hours. That is, within 23 hours after aerobic exercise, your body continues to lose weight.

exercises are called “cardio” because when they are performed, the heart works hard.

There is another cardio exercise on the stepper. Girls love it for its ease of implementation, but it is of little use; it cannot be compared with a treadmill or elliptical trainer.

Everything seemed fine. But there is one nuance in training with aerobic exercises.

This is that a person came to the gym to lose weight. This means that the athlete is overweight. Training on cardio equipment will cause great fatigue, and may even be impossible to do at a fast pace.

It’s good if you have 5 extra pounds, but what if you have 20 or 40? How to train on aerobic machines in this case?

There can be two training options:

  1. Start with a light load, i.e. Just walk on the treadmill at a brisk pace. As fast as your extra pounds allow you. And after one to three months, switch to easy running.
  2. Another option: you take strength exercises with a barbell, dumbbells and weight machines and train for the first 2 - 3 months on them. Without training on aerobic machines. The program should include leg exercises. One or two exercises. Be sure to do squats with a barbell on your shoulders. If it’s hard for you to squat with a barbell, then you can squat with a body bar.

It may well turn out that you cannot squat at all, even with your own weight. Then, without being embarrassed by anyone, you find support for yourself and squat, helping yourself to get up with your hands holding on to the support. Why do we need this?

In a couple of months, your legs will get stronger very well. And the weight, thanks to the right nutrition and exercise, will fall slightly. Then you can safely train to speed up your metabolism on cardio equipment: a treadmill, an exercise bike and an elliptical trainer.

We are losing weight correctly. Does a woman need strength training to lose weight?

Despite the fact that both the male and female parts of society are equally faced with obesity, it is the fair half of humanity that still shows the greatest interest in methods of combating this disease.
Therefore, today we will talk about exactly how appropriate strength training will be for girls. Women are ready to spend hours reading in all sorts of magazines, books and blogs the answers to their main question: how to lose weight. The most common way to combat excess weight today is through all kinds of diets. There are a great variety of them, each of them is unique in its own way and suits different types of organism.

Strength training for weight loss is more common among men, and the reason for this is the stigma associated with exercise culture. However, nothing stands still and now more and more women are combining diets with going to the gym. Of course, many people associate intense training with apparatus and lifting weights with powerful forms and well-developed muscles, which scares off most women from strength training to lose weight in the gym. But today such a view of things is not relevant.

* Mechanism of weight loss.

The mechanism of weight loss is very simple to understand.

You need to consume fewer calories and burn more.

And that's it, nothing more is required from you. But... how to burn these same calories correctly? This is a question of questions!

We are now talking about overweight but healthy people. Who do not have diabetes or hormonal diseases. It’s just that a person, due to some circumstances, gained excess weight. It doesn’t matter if he gained 10 kg or 40 kg, the principle of losing weight is the same. There will just be different ways of training.

There are people who have gained weight from a sedentary lifestyle. For example, taxi drivers, office workers, etc. Others recover from gluttony (this is a habit) or gluttony due to nervousness. Both will have to change their habits. You will have to move more and not overeat. In principle, this is a completely achievable task.

The benefits of doing strength exercises for women to lose weight:

  • Improved metabolism. With uniform and systematic loads performed according to an individually selected program, the body begins to heal. Metabolism improves. Moreover, there is not a momentary acceleration of the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but a long-term one. On average, in a person who regularly exposes himself to physical activity, protein synthesis occurs 1.8 - 2.5 times faster than in a person leading a passive lifestyle.
  • Posture alignment. Whatever one may say, even the best and individual diet will not solve all problems. A person can go on a diet, start losing weight quickly and not even harm his body, but this is not enough to achieve an ideal silhouette. Strength training for weight loss in the gym has a complex effect on the body, changing it for the better. Joints begin to strengthen and coordination of movements improves.
  • Endurance. When asked what is better for losing weight—cardio exercises or strength training—you can answer with a quote from the Soviet cartoon “Winnie the Pooh”: “Both, but without bread.” Of course, if there are no medical contraindications. It is always better to learn about this from a doctor than to check it in practice. So, the heart is responsible for a person’s endurance and longevity. By doing strength training at home, in the park or in the gym, and especially by doing cardio exercises, you increase your endurance by training your heart.
  • Real weight loss. By going on diets, fasting, and conducting various experiments with nutrition, you can lose weight amazingly quickly. But there is a high probability that the metabolism will change or worsen. People who resort to such methods of combating obesity risk first losing weight dramatically, and then gaining even more weight than before starting the diet. So, to answer the question “is strength training necessary for weight loss?” You can firmly say “yes”, at least so that this does not happen to you.
  • Strong bones. Oddly enough, by doing cardio and strength training, you can significantly strengthen your skeleton. It is impossible to lead an active lifestyle if you are at risk for bone fractures. This fact is another point “FOR” in the question of whether it is worth starting to go to the gym.

But even taking into account all these obvious advantages of strength and cardio exercises, they should be approached wisely.
The first point, which has already been briefly mentioned above, is consultation with a doctor. If you decide to take care of your figure, not limited to changes in your diet, you should contact a medical institution to check whether you are in good enough health. However, even if some contraindications are identified, most likely the doctor will not insist on a categorical refusal of physical activity. Most often, doctors themselves give recommendations on training or prescribe exercise therapy (physical therapy). After leaving the medical office, it’s time to move on to the next step. It is necessary to systematize your classes, comparing them with your work or study schedule, and correctly integrate them into your usual routine. To do this, it will be most convenient to create a detailed strength training plan. When working with a trainer, he will select the most optimal parameters and work time for you, and calculate the required number of approaches and repetitions. It's another matter if you decide to start doing strength training for weight loss at home. Here ready-made programs will come to your aid, which Google or another search engine is kindly ready to provide.

Effective exercises for weight loss, slimming thighs and buttocks:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands behind your head. Squat as deeply and slowly as possible – 50 reps. Stand up straight, take a smooth step with your right leg, bending it at the knee, while straightening your left leg. Pause for 5 seconds and return slowly to the starting position. Do 20-25 lunges.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, fold your arms along your body. Raise your pelvis in line with your hips, placing your hands on the floor, then return to the starting position - 20 repetitions. Standing on your right leg, bend your left knee. Squat while leaning forward - touch the floor with your left hand. Then slowly rise back up. To maintain balance, bring your clenched hands to your face. Place your feet together with your hands clasped in front of you. Push off with your left foot, jump onto your right and come back. Jump like this for about 1-2 minutes. To quickly lose weight, you need to perform a set of 5 exercises regularly, especially since it does not take much time. Simple and well-known exercises can be the key to success. You will need to acquire small equipment: dumbbells and a jump rope. Also, don't eat 60-90 minutes before your workout and try not to overeat. Limit the fat content in food to 3-5 g. Simple exercises:
  3. Jumping rope – at least 100 times.
  4. Deep squats (sit at the bottom for up to 5 seconds) – 10 times, 5 approaches. Do wall squats as if you were sitting on a chair. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold for 1 minute. Do this exercise 5 times.
  5. Do lunges with your feet forward, leaning on the back of a chair - 10 lunges for each leg. To lose weight on your arms, use dumbbells and classic push-ups.
  6. Deep squats: For training to be effective, you have to perform them not only regularly, but also technically correctly. Thanks to this, you will notice the first results within a few weeks.

Nutrition for strength training for weight loss

The next step, without conquering which no path to achieving a good figure is complete, is the correct diet. You can talk a lot about nutrition, read books by famous nutritionists, turn to blogs and folk methods for help. All these paths will most likely lead in different directions, and it is still unknown which one to choose. But in fact, it is enough to follow only a few basic simple rules to properly enter a sports nutrition regime.

  • To begin with, you should avoid exercising on an empty stomach. A light fitness breakfast before your morning trip to the gym or an afternoon snack 2 hours before your evening workout.
  • After class, it is advisable to take a short walk, and then eat something high in proteins and carbohydrates, for example, low-fat cottage cheese, banana, muesli.
  • Decide on a meal plan. In the first half of the day, you should consume complex carbohydrates found in grains and vegetables. Protein can be consumed at any time. It is recommended to exclude fats and simple carbohydrates (baked goods, sugar) from the diet or reduce the amount to a minimum. It depends on the characteristics of the organism. In the first half of the day, a certain amount of sweets is acceptable, for example, 40-60 grams of dark chocolate.
  • There are a large number of tests that allow you to calculate the daily amount of calories that you need to consume per day in order to lose weight. They most often ask for weight, height, average mobility and the desired result. By passing this test, you can find out how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you need to consume daily.
  • Install a special application on your smartphone that will count your calories while you exercise.
  • You can also use other applications that will compile B.Z.U. statistics. (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) according to a ready-made list of products offline.
  • Next, you need to pay attention to rest. Muscle tissue develops during the recovery process. Therefore, rest in sports is no less important than the process of doing the exercises itself. After a good evening workout and a small dinner, you shouldn't engage in vigorous activity. But you don't need to sleep either. During sleep, muscles may become stiff or tense. So just relax in front of the TV.

Losing weight on diets.

Christina: I always diet together with sports))) I can do sports without dieting, but I’ve never tried a diet without sports)))) I think everyone has heard about the Kremlin diet. So I heard, you can even say “saw”))) and I saw the result in 3 months on my classmate and was stunned. a girl of impressive size turned into a slightly overweight person in three months. I immediately swooped in with questions and heard that everything was very easy!!! Eat as much as you can, even in bowls!!! and at any time of the day!!! but nothing sweet. since I would rather go crazy without fried and meaty foods than without sweets and starchy foods, I decided that this was my option!!! and lo and behold!!! It worked!!! my sports activities (callanetics and active Pilates (more strength training than in a simple one)) + the Kremlin diet and I lost size 3-4 in a short period of time (unfortunately I can’t say the exact time, weight, or volume. I didn’t count on I didn’t measure such a result) I went to Turkey satisfied with myself. And there I decided to quit the diet, I’m on vacation. after 2 weeks I couldn’t fit into my clothes ((((upon arrival I couldn’t go on a diet again and my kilograms and sizes soared up...... followed by depression, I don’t go to sports, I don’t go on a diet, I can’t fit into my clothes. intestines I said goodbye and now forgive me for the details, I go to the toilet once every 5 days. My metabolism is completely disrupted, I stopped drinking water (well, I couldn’t bring myself to drink it), my metabolism is terribly slow. Time has passed and I decide to go to the gym. I started working with a trainer to monitor my nutrition under his control and began to lose weight a little bit. The weight didn’t come off much. I lost 5 kg and sooo slowly. The trainer sent me to check my thyroid gland. Everything is fine there. The therapist told me to thank the “Kremlin diet” and began to restore digestion and metabolism. I know that the Kremlin diet turned out to be the most harmful diet of all. And nutritionists no longer know how to deal with this problem. Protein in such quantities is not absorbed and lies in the intestines and simply rots. as a result, you can get poisoned by these toxins that appear in your intestines (chills, fever, nausea). Only 30-40 grams of protein can be absorbed in one meal! (in 100 grams of chicken breast there are 23 grams of protein) a person also develops bad breath (of course, there is something inside him to deplete this smell) Christina: in general, if you go on this diet, and then quit it (on it You can’t sit for more than a week) then the kg will return at no less speed with which you left. and if you make it a way of life, then you can lead yourself to terrible health problems, against the background of which excess weight will seem trivial to you and another “feature” of this diet is the appearance of kidney stones. Low-calorie diets are not suitable because you will not have enough calories for a normal workout. And low-calorie diets seem to work at first, but a person cannot stick to it for long. And then he gets better again and puts on extra pounds. Read more about diets.

Calorie calculation.

Now calculating the required calorie intake is not a problem. Type in the search engine: calorie counter and go into it. Enter all your parameters, don’t forget to indicate your workouts, and you will get a fairly accurate number of calories you need.


  • Refrain from exercising without warming up and do not lift heavy weights at once - this can lead to serious injuries and sprains.
  • Choose a weight that suits your strength. There are two main types of strength training. Developing strength and mass - lifting the heaviest weight available in short bursts. And another type, the so-called “drying”, when a small weight is lifted many times in several approaches. This workout helps burn subcutaneous fat and increase endurance.
  • Proper breathing will help achieve greater efficiency. For example, when pumping the abs, the torso should be raised as you exhale, and lowered as you inhale.
  • When planning your workout, try to include at least eight exercises. The body must develop harmoniously. You can exercise both on simulators and on your own. To engage the maximum number of muscles, it is recommended to combine them.
  • You should not spend long hours in the gym. One lesson should last at least an hour. Half-hour training and irregular exercises in fits and starts will not bring the desired result.

We organize classes

What determines the preparation of a training program? Are there any contraindications? To benefit from the gym, it is important to pay attention to a number of factors.

Your age. For example, a 16-year-old should not lift heavy weights.

Health status. Don’t overestimate your strengths and don’t underestimate (even mentally) your years. It is especially difficult for an untrained and not too young person to get involved in lifting iron.

Even if you feel absolutely healthy, consult a trainer at first, and if your condition worsens, immediately stop training and go to the doctor.

Life schedule. What am I talking about? The fact that people working in different jobs need different training plans. For example, one sits in a quiet office all day, and the other works as a loader and works seven sweats per day.

Weekly plan

How many days a week and for how long do you practice?

Standard advice is at least 2, preferably 4 – two days for each type of training. The lesson should last at least 40 minutes, on average about an hour.

Everyone chooses the best time for classes for themselves; experts do not have a clear opinion on this matter. Many people run in the mornings and go to the gym in the evenings - choose the training program yourself.

Breathe correctly

Before you take up the apparatus, remember the main rule of breathing during strength training - tension - exhale, relaxation - inhale. And not otherwise.

You should not hold your breath, as this can cause dizziness, increased blood pressure, or even loss of consciousness.

Training program

For women and men they are, of course, somewhat different. And we’ll talk about what exactly below. But there are general rules.

In order to harmoniously work all the muscles of the body, a program of 8-10 standard exercises is selected. Do them 6-15 times, do 3 repetitions. For beginners, it is best to conduct strength training in the first lessons under the guidance of a trainer.

Your training plan may include the following exercises: squats, lunges, abdominal exercises, deadlifts, vertical or horizontal rows, pull-ups, push-ups, dumbbell press, barbell or bench press.

Male approach

I repeat once again - do not spare money (it is not that expensive), get advice on a lesson plan from a specialist. In general, your exercises can be structured according to the following scheme.

The first day

We train the chest and arms

We do dumbbell bench presses while lying on an incline bench, crunches on the floor, push-ups on parallel bars, dumbbell curls, and run for 25 minutes.

Second day

We do cardio training (run, swim, ride a bike or exercise bike, play football, basketball, volleyball).

Day three

We train shoulders and legs

We do barbell squats, straight-legged deadlifts, leg presses, hanging leg raises, and seated dumbbell presses.

Day four

We run again, play football or ride a bike.

Day five

We train the abs and back

We do pull-ups, crunches on the floor, deadlifts, bent-over barbell rows, shrugs with dumbbells and run for 25 minutes.

You can also learn the program for beginners from this useful video

Feminine approach

Well, now the beautiful half.

To begin with, girls need to master the basic exercises, those mentioned above in terms of general training.

This first stage takes from four to eight weeks, during which time you need to work on the technique. Include cardio exercises, for example, on a treadmill.

Make your activities varied, pay attention to working the muscles of the whole body, and not just, for example, the abs or legs.

Don't lift heavy weights right away, start small. To understand that the weight is too small for you and you need to increase it, do a little experiment - do the exercise 12 times, and if you feel that you can do it quite easily a couple more times, then add weight.

This video with exercises will help beginners in the gym not to get confused

Classic workout program for losing weight and developing a woman's body

Men and women need to use different types of training, as they expect different results. The first want to develop muscles and work in a “breaking” technique, pumping different muscle groups on different days. To improve overall muscle tone, lose weight and stretch, women need to train comprehensively. That is, in each workout, use all muscles at once. A standard set of exercises for women looks something like this:

  • Squat with a barbell. Allows you to pump up your thighs, calves and shoulders well. Straightens your back and trains your neck.
  • Vertical block pull. You can perform rows to the chest and behind the back. Shakes your back from shoulders to lower back
  • Close grip press. Tightens the chest, shoulders, strengthens the lumbar region.
  • Twisting (maximum 8 times). Helps effectively lose weight, pumps up the abs and strengthens the spine. Uses many muscles. Perform on a bench or floor.

Combination of strength and cardio training. Execution order

Let's start with what cardio training is. The group of cardio exercises includes: long-distance running at a calm pace, swimming, aerobics, race walking, yoga. In general, everything that puts a continuous and uniform load on the heart. Many people think that cardio is just a good way to lose weight. In fact, the effectiveness of cardio training increases significantly if you perform it comprehensively along with strength training. A more optimal order would be to do cardio after strength training for weight loss.

Why can't you do only cardio? The fact is that with intense exercise in the gym, metabolism increases significantly. More energy is expended and hormones are released that promote fat burning. After the first 3-4 cardio workouts, the body gets used to the stress and stops actively burning fat. You just keep yourself in shape. And if the goal of the exercise is to lose weight, then you will have to push it a little. Research by nutritionists proves that trained people lose weight faster.

So, let's say that you can be congratulated and you have decided to start combining cardio and strength. Of course, immediately jumping into the pool and swimming crawl after a hard workout with a barbell is unacceptable. But yoga classes, breathing exercises and stretching will be an excellent completion of the efforts made on the apparatus. You can run both before and after training; this is a good warm-up and a good way to “shake up” clogged muscles. Spare no effort and time to do cardio. Remember that endurance is the key to effective strength training.

By playing sports 3 times a week, after 21 days from the first workout you will feel a strong surge of strength and a desire to work further. Don't stop there. Remember, even after the end of the diet and weight loss of 5-10 kilograms, it is quite easy to gain weight again. A week of poor nutrition and refusal of physical activity is enough for this. Therefore, if you want to stay healthy and look your best, the maximum you can afford is to temporarily stop doing strength exercises. Yes, you will have to leave cardio and go for a run at least twice a week. You can do it in free mode.

Strength training equipment.

We figured out aerobic exercises. Now let’s look at how strength exercises help us for weight loss . And how to choose them.

I'll repeat it again. Attention:

Cardio exercises speed up metabolism throughout the human body. Due to this, weight loss occurs.

Strength exercises train individual muscles. For example: the bench press only trains the pectoral muscles and triceps. When raising dumbbells while lying down, only the pectoral muscles are trained. There is almost no acceleration of metabolism. But despite this, strength exercises help us a lot in the process of losing weight.

How? During training, the muscle becomes larger and stronger. Much stronger. And it is restored over many days, day and night. She constantly needs food. It is partially nourished by the foods we eat, and partially nourished by the fat accumulated in the body.

It turns out that you can lose weight only by doing strength exercises. But with aerobic exercise and nutrition it will be much faster. As they say, three in one.

Tips from a fitness instructor. How to make exercise become a habit?

You've probably met people more than once who, despite their busy schedule, always find time to workout. In fact, anyone who is willing to follow the following rules can do this:

  • Get up earlier. A good routine starts with proper sleep. Set an alarm. Before you go to bed, prepare everything you need for your morning workout. Research has proven that regular exercise at the same time helps achieve better results. People who exercise before work are less likely to miss workouts, since no one can distract them with an urgent call at this time.
  • Train for at least 1.5 months in a row. It takes three weeks to form a habit, and six weeks to form a training habit. As a rule, when a person begins to notice changes in his body, sees the result of the work done, the desire to go to the gym doubles. If, after a six-week training program, you suddenly start skipping trips to the gym, you will feel your health change for the worse.
  • Decide on your desires, types of activities, training program and follow the plan. “You’ll know you’ve found what you need when you stop watching the time.”
  • Find a good instructor. It’s good if your coach will be both a mentor and a motivator for you. If you do not feel that this person is capable of leading you to success, do not hesitate, look for another. Of course, you don’t have to expect your coach to do everything for you. However, it is important that this person is sufficiently competent.
  • Don't overwork yourself. Injuries and sprains can discourage you from going to the gym all at once. The phrase “not mine” does not exist. It is normal to feel some pain and stiffness in your muscles for 3-4 days after training. In the early stages, the pain may last for weeks, but it is a pleasant pain. Overload in the gym is dangerous. You should start working to the limit only from the third week of training.
  • Manufacturability. For some people, the feeling of well-being from exercise is enough to continue exercising. Others need something more tangible. Statistics show that using apps, computer programs, or pedometers and fitness diaries helps people continue to exercise. Whether you're counting the number of steps you've taken or the number of calories you've burned, technology can help you challenge yourself and set yourself up to achieve new personal bests. In addition, many of these programs can be integrated with social networks, for example, on Facebook, users will immediately know that you just ran three miles or went to the gym. Once friends start asking about your new fitness habits, it will be harder for you to tell them that it's not possible.

How to speed up fat burning

There are several ways to lose weight quickly. The following are non-hazardous options.

Add chili to your food. It contains an unusual component - capsaicin, which improves the degradation processes of fat cells.

Note! International experiments have shown that adding chili to the daily menu can increase the speed of metabolic processes by 6% and fat burning by 14%. This supplement also helps reduce appetite. But a large number of baked dishes can negatively affect the digestion processes.

Drink freshly brewed green tea in the morning. The caffeine in the composition helps strengthen the body and activate metabolic processes. To enhance the positive effect of this drink, you can add mint leaves and a little natural honey.

Use sweeteners instead of white sugar. This will leave extra calories and the fat burning process will be faster. You can add sweetness to your dishes using the natural sweetener stevia (it's 30 times sweeter than regular sugar!).

Instead of sugar in drinks and dishes, you can add cinnamon - it stimulates metabolic processes and suppresses hunger.

Alcohol is one of the main enemies of fat burning. Alcoholic drinks promote overeating and slow down the natural metabolism in the human body. Quitting alcohol will help speed up metabolic processes and benefit from exercise. Avoiding alcohol will also help reduce your calorie intake.

What to do if you don’t have the desire/money/time to go to the gym? Let's study at home!

There are many reasons why many people choose to workout at home. You have a baby in your arms, and you want to get yourself in order after pregnancy, working from home, the lack of a good fitness center nearby, or a slight lack of confidence in your own physical fitness - all this is not a reason to give up on exercise.

Open YouTube and find a video on how to train at home. Of course, without having equipment at hand, the training program changes greatly. It becomes more difficult to take on the desired loads. After a few “introductory” weeks, during which your main exercises will be squats, push-ups and abs, you will most likely feel the need to get at least a pair of dumbbells.

Once you get used to working out with them, home gym equipment is an appetizing option. Well, many people dream about this, and, indeed, modern sports stores and manufacturers of sports equipment can easily deliver and install everything you need. Of course, for a tidy sum. But you can do it with the whole family.

What exercise machines are best for losing weight?

This aspect deserves special attention. It is necessary to understand that there is no universal sports equipment. Each exercise machine is designed to work with a specific muscle group. Therefore, if you want to achieve an ideal figure, you should not train on the same equipment. The training must be comprehensive.

The following are intended for working with legs and hips:

  • hack machine;
  • treadmill;
  • Smith simulator;
  • exercise bike;
  • leg reduction simulator;
  • ski resort;
  • elliptical trainer.

You don't have to practice all of them. You can select several options that best suit your goals. The following will help you get rid of fat on your arms and also pump up your back muscles a little:

  • gravitron;
  • T-trainer;
  • climber;
  • cardiotwister;
  • power frame;
  • expander;
  • traction blocks;
  • Scott's bench.

For girls, the most common problem is a sagging belly. You can get rid of it by exercising on such simulators as:

  • Hula Hup;
  • fitball;
  • stepper;
  • vibration simulator;
  • rider.

In addition to exercising on sports equipment, there are a number of exercises for losing weight in the gym, which are performed with dumbbells, kettlebells and weights. With their help, you can also achieve amazing results in the fight against obesity.

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