16 Tips to Increase Testosterone Levels in Men Naturally

Testosterone is the most important male hormone responsible for sexual function. In addition, muscle mass, mood, self-confidence and even bone density and other functions depend on the amount of testosterone.

Too little testosterone in the body causes a decrease in self-confidence and loss of libido.

What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?

Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and irregular exercise. During puberty, testosterone levels are necessary for the proper development of the body.

You should also remember that testosterone naturally declines as you age. This happens after 30 years. This is why it is so important to ensure regular exercise and proper nutrition.

What are some ways to naturally increase testosterone production?

Strength training to increase testosterone

Training to increase testosterone should be strength training. When performing such exercises, not only this hormone is released, but also growth hormone is stimulated.

Key exercises should include deadlifts or squats. The faster we perform them and the more weight we lift, the more testosterone will be produced.

During a sprint we can also observe similar effects. If you can't go to the gym and want to boost your testosterone, you can take up running.

What is testosterone for?

Testosterone is the main male hormone. It is he who largely shapes the abstract concept of “masculinity” both in the appearance and behavior of a man. They say “a working male,” they mean “testosterone is off the charts.” Developed muscles, confidence in oneself and one’s actions, sharpness and speed of thinking in any, even the most unusual situation - all thanks to him.

According to many confirmed studies, from about 30 years of age, testosterone levels in men begin to decline slowly but surely.

The consequences of such dynamics need not be described. You already understand perfectly well what we are talking about.

There are effective medication methods, but such things are done only with the permission and under the supervision of an appropriate specialist.

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However, for prevention, it makes sense to turn to softer, natural and safe ways to increase and maintain this hormone at a normal level.

The influence of testosterone on the human condition

Diet and testosterone

The right diet is one that contains fewer carbohydrates and more fat. The correct body fat level for a man is around 15-20%. The fats we consume are saturated and unsaturated. In addition, we should include vegetables and fruits in our diet. They contain many nutrients used to support the immune system.

The most important thing is that your diet contains as few carbohydrates with a high glycemic index as possible. The insulin surge causes the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It binds free testosterone, which means we cannot use it to create a beautiful figure.

Thus, the diet should consist of seafood, olive oil, eggs, nuts and seeds. Coconut oil can also be used to add variety. A proper diet is 70% of health.

The essence of the concept of “testosterone”. Not just a scientific approach

Testosterone is the primary male hormone that produces primary and secondary sexual characteristics in men. It is also present in the female body, but in much smaller quantities.

If we talk about testosterone from a scientific point of view, then its total amount in the body consists of bound and free, which results in the total testosterone (TT) indicator. OT includes:

  • Hormones that are in a free state (about 2%);
  • Hormones that are associated with globulin (about 44%);
  • Hormones that are associated with proteins, such as albumin (54%).

Most of the testosterone in a man’s body is in a bound state (proteins slow down its action). The active hormone is free and is responsible for the appearance of secondary signs of maturation and sexual desire. If there is less testosterone in the body than necessary, this leads to the following consequences:

  • Weak erection;
  • Risk of impotence;
  • Muscle and bone degradation;
  • Disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • Risk of heart and vascular disease.

This male hormone performs a number of important functions that you need to know about:

  • Promotes the development of reproductive organs and the production of seminal fluid;
  • Forms “masculine” behavior and attraction to the opposite sex;
  • Helps increase skin thickness and protein synthesis;
  • Increases the functioning of sweat glands;
  • Accelerates the metabolic process;
  • Helps strengthen the pelvic bones;
  • Helps accumulate calcium.

male hormone testosterone
The presence of a sufficient amount of this hormone in the male body can be determined even externally: broad shoulders, a more active metabolism (when compared with women), narrow hips. Another indirect method for determining a sufficient amount of testosterone in the male body is the hands and fingers, as well as the distance from the upper lip to the tip of the nose.

There are known symptoms that indicate testosterone deficiency:

  • worsening mood, depression;
  • insomnia, irritability;
  • decreased hair growth on the face and body;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased muscle mass and strength;
  • anemia;
  • decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility;
  • obesity (especially in the abdominal area);
  • constant fatigue.

There are a number of factors that negatively affect the total amount of testosterone in a man’s body. These include:

  • Intake of unhealthy drinks and foods (carbonated drinks, beer, butter, high-fat milk, salt and sugar, fatty foods high in cholesterol, fast food, etc.);
  • Stress and any psychological disorders;
  • Drug use and smoking;
  • Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Diseases (diabetes mellitus, endocrine system diseases).

Important to remember:

A clear sign of low testosterone concentration in the male body is a waist circumference of more than 94 cm, as well as a total body weight that exceeds the norm by 30%. In this case, the body blocks the natural production of testosterone and switches to the generation of female hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

Healthy daily routine

The correct rhythm of the day is another step towards success. A disrupted day causes hormonal imbalance. This is why it is so important to eat at the same time and go to bed at the same time every day. This will help increase testosterone.

Midday (from about 2 to 6 p.m.) is a time when the body is highly efficient. By training at this time, we will achieve better results. Eating before bed can suppress testosterone production, so try to avoid it.

Features of increasing testosterone in men after 40, 50 and 60 years

Regardless of age, general recommendations apply to restore hormone levels. But if at the age of 40 it, although lowered, is still close to the norm, then at the age of 60 it is extremely difficult to maintain its value within acceptable limits.

After 40 years , as a rule, potency is normal, so you can maintain testosterone levels through regular sexual relations. However, at this age it is already necessary to monitor your weight, since it is at this time that excess body weight usually begins to appear. A man is at the very dawn of his strength, and therefore an active lifestyle is the key to success.

After 50 years, some men have problems with potency, so you will have to support it in possible ways. As after 40 years, it is important to maintain proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle.

After 60 years of age , while retired, many men usually spend a lot of time at home, lead a sedentary lifestyle and, as a result, gain excess weight. This is an important period when the likelihood of testosterone decline is especially high. To eliminate the looming threat, ongoing hormone replacement therapy will be required.

So, how to increase testosterone production in men? With the desire and the right approach, everyone can maintain the hormone at the optimal level.

How does testosterone affect the body?

Testosterone has synthetic analogues. They are not as safe for the body as natural hormones. By the age of 18, a guy reaches his maximum testosterone level. This level remains at high levels up to 26 years. After 26, the concentration of the hormone begins to gradually decrease. After age 34, the body's production of testosterone decreases by 2 percent annually. This is an absolutely normal natural process; with age, beauty and strength leave a person.

Below is a table of the influence of testosterone by development time:

Table of the influence of testosterone on the body at different stages of male development.

What can interfere with normal hormone production:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle, in this case, the concentration of testosterone begins to decrease faster.
  2. Alcohol and cigarettes also reduce the hormone.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Hidden and chronic diseases.
  6. Stress.
  7. Presence of obesity.

Obesity is a symptom of low testosterone.

Normal and abnormal testosterone levels

The level of hubbub depends on natural predisposition and is inherited. There are men for whom it is initially laid down at a high level, for others the indicators at least correspond to the norm, but are approaching the lower limits. In the first case, age-related changes are less pronounced, a person retains the ability to father fathers longer, has a high interest in the opposite sex, looks youthful, is not prone to gaining excess weight, and is assertive and active. In the second, already at the age of 40 there is a noticeable decline in libido, loss of taste for life, and a certain inertia.

Any natural gift can be killed by neglect. Male potential is sensitive to general health, previous diseases of infectious and somatic origin, injuries, unfavorable environment, stress, lifestyle, and irregular sex life. Bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, inflammatory diseases, and sexually transmitted infections have a great influence.

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The natural ability of the body to slow down the synthesis of androgen after 30 years contributes; the process is considered natural and will continue until the end of life. Testosterone levels drop from year to year, so preventive measures to “pump up” the hormonal balance must be started before the consequences of a deficiency make themselves felt.

Having set the goal of maintaining potency and sexual health, you will have to tune in to regularly follow a number of rules, adjust some habits, and reconsider your lifestyle. These measures are not complicated, but the secret to success in how to increase testosterone levels in men in natural ways lies in a systematic, long-term approach.

How to restore male hormone

Strength training is recognized as one of the most effective methods for increasing testosterone in men in natural ways after 40. Exercises with free weights in the gym, body weight (push-ups, pull-ups), using large muscles of the back, chest, arms, legs, promote active secretion of the hormone.

Average normal hormone levels are shown in the table.

Age, years Testosterone, nmol/l
Up to 1 year Up to 1.25
Up to 11 years old 0,39-2,31
Up to 15 years 0,48-22
Up to 50 years 8,9-42
From 50 years old 5,4-19,5

Increased testosterone levels occur with increased activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus of the brain. It causes premature puberty in boys. Such abnormalities are usually caused by genetic diseases or tumors. Lack of the hormone is more common.

Her reasons:

  • obesity;
  • excess prolactin due to pituitary adenoma (tumor);
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury, surgery, radiation, brain infection (the formation of hormones that stimulate the testicles is reduced);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • undescended testicle into the scrotum (cryptorchidism) or its absence (developmental anomaly);
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • injuries and operations in the groin area;
  • use of drugs: antitumor drugs, Tetracycline, Prednisolone, Finlepsin;
  • low physical activity;
  • lack of the required amount of protein and fats in the diet, excess sweets;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • stress;
  • venereal diseases;
  • lack of regular sexual intercourse.

Causes and Effects

Often people themselves, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, reduce testosterone levels. But there are, of course, reasons due to external influences.

fat man

  • Smoking tobacco and unhealthy addiction to alcohol;
  • Low level of physical activity;
  • Some chronic illnesses;
  • Medical problems with the testicles;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Stress and obesity.

If the problem is of a medical nature, the diagnosis can be clarified exclusively by a doctor based on examinations and tests. Thus, testicular dysfunction can have a different nature: from injuries and poor hygiene of physical activity to problems with the hypothalamus and other diseases.

A number of chemical and radiation elements inhibit the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone. Therefore, living in contaminated areas threatens to weaken men’s health.

The consequences of such a deficiency are noticeable and negatively affect a man’s quality of life.

  1. Secondary sexual characteristics are weakly expressed;
  2. Sex interests less, and its quality and ability to engage in it decrease;
  3. Depressive states, irritability, dissatisfaction;
  4. Permanent physical lethargy, constant fatigue, which is characterized not only by a lack of strength, but also by such a psychological symptom as apathy;
  5. Memory and thinking processes deteriorate;
  6. Reduced metabolism, which in turn leads to obesity.

There are many ways to increase testosterone levels that will help get rid of the above symptoms. First of all, they are designed to change your lifestyle.

Signs of decreased hormone levels

The problem can be identified by the following symptoms:

  1. firstly, sexual activity and desire decrease.
    Some people justify this factor by fatigue or lack of sleep.

    But the fact remains that if this problem persists for 5-7 days, this indicates that action must be taken urgently, otherwise later, when the internal failure goes beyond the initial stage, it will be much more difficult to correct the situation for the better .

  2. Abdomen formation.
    This is one of the main signs of a decrease in level, since at a low level, there is no fat blocker in the blood that breaks it down into the smallest components, turning it into energy.

  3. Depression is also included in the list of signs of decreased testosterone - it is also responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, controlling brain activity.
    Its deficiency leads to a decline in brain function, which in the early stages of the disease is expressed by depressive states. This is how the body gives the “SOS” sign, a request for help.
  4. Both a sharp increase in body weight and its unexplained decrease are a sign of the disease.
  5. Problems with sperm formation are one of the main symptoms of low testosterone levels.

IMPORTANT: If this symptom is observed, it means that the disease has gone beyond the initial stage and drug treatment is necessary to increase testosterone levels.

Environment and lifestyle

Healthy sleep

Get enough sleep

When I tested my dopamine and testosterone levels in 2020, I was alarmed to find that they were below average, but I shouldn't have been surprised. My sleep pattern was irregular and I averaged only 3-5 hours of sleep per night. Once I started getting more than six hours of sleep, my numbers returned to the normal range.

Many studies support this. Sleep is not only critical for health and sanity, but it also promotes recovery and healthy hormone production. It should be one of the main priorities in your life, along with fitness and nutrition.

Turn off your computer and phone in the evening

The effect of blue light disrupts your body's circadian rhythm, putting your brain into "fight" mode to wake up and be alert. This increases cortisol levels, and overexposure can lead to a systemic increase in cortisol, which contributes to heart disease, muscle wasting, and increased body fat. In the short term, blue light also simply disrupts sleep.

Solution: I turn off my phone, computer, TV, iPad and other devices a couple of hours before bed. When I need to work during these hours - yes, this happens - I use blue light blocking glasses. Consider getting a pair if you depend on your gadgets, especially at night.

Regular sexual relations

This is another chicken and egg scenario. High testosterone levels increase sex drive. Being in a regular relationship keeps the hormone levels elevated, which then makes you want to make love more often.

Of course, for our purposes, it also supports muscle growth, which makes you more attractive and therefore increases your chance of finding a partner. If you don't have one, fine, you can help yourself. Regardless of the form, regular sexual activity causes the endocrine system to synthesize more testosterone.

Proper nutrition

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

There are recommendations on how to increase the amount of this hormone using non-drug methods. Let's find out more about them.

  1. Normalization of sleep patterns. In order for the body to release a normal amount of the hormone, you need to sleep for at least eight hours. A person should wake up without the help of an alarm clock and with a feeling of vigor.
  2. Balanced diet. The diet should contain more minerals and vitamins (E, D, C, B). It is necessary to ensure that the ratio of the main components in food is optimal.
  3. A person must drink enough water to prevent dehydration from developing in the body. If a man plays sports, the amount of fluid increases. Store-bought juices and carbonated drinks are not considered pure water.
  4. All quickly digestible carbohydrates and fried foods containing large amounts of animal fat should be excluded from the diet. They increase blood cholesterol levels.
  5. The higher a man’s weight, the less sex hormones are produced in his body. To maintain normal testosterone levels, you need to lose weight.
  6. The enemy of testosterone is low physical activity.

Physical activity that increases testosterone

Important! Physical activity is the most important factor in maintaining high levels of male sex hormones into old age. And the overall health indicator depends on this.

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