Legal steroids in the pharmacy - list for bodybuilding

Recently, all the media have been promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging people to look like models from magazine covers. And here a person faces the question of how to get the same beautiful and sculpted body. There are two ways: slow (training from several months to several years) and fast (several weeks). If you choose the second path, then you cannot do without the help of pharmacology. In this article we will tell you about which anabolic steroids for muscle growth are sold in pharmacies. But before that, let's define this term.

What are anabolic steroids (steroids)?

To get sculpted, beautiful and pumped up muscles, people use different drugs. They are called anabolic steroids. They are mainly used by doctors in cases of serious diseases that require rapid regeneration of human tissue. Taking anabolic steroids is carried out under strict medical supervision with regular testing of the performance of internal organs and blood composition. But even with strict adherence to all recommendations, there is a risk of developing irreversible consequences in the body and the appearance of dependence on hormones.

anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy

Consequences of anabolic steroids

Now imagine what awaits a person who uses steroids without control and compliance with the required timing and dosages. The most harmless consequence of such “therapy” is male infertility and impotence. But in most cases the matter does not end there. Anabolic steroids not only accelerate muscle growth, but also force all organs and systems of the body to work at an accelerated pace. Because of this, the cellular structure wears out very quickly. A person simply ages before our eyes. And this happens at the moment when he stops the course of anabolic steroids. An organism that has become unaccustomed to the independent production of hormones begins to suffer from their absence or deficiency. In this case, to prolong a person’s life, hormone replacement therapy is needed on a regular basis.

If, after reading, you still have the intention of using drugs, then we will tell you which anabolic steroids for muscle growth are sold in pharmacies. Here is their list.


Half-life 8 - 9 hours. Oxandrolone, like Stanozolol, is a derivative of Dihydrotestosterone. First of all, it is worth noting the extremely powerful connection of this steroid with androgen receptors in muscle tissue. Due to the fact that Oxandrolone does not convert into Estradiol, it does not cause any fluid retention and helps build only lean muscles.

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The drug does not have a noticeable androgenic effect, so side effects such as baldness, oily skin, excessive sweating and prostate hypertrophy do not threaten you. The same applies to virilization in women - in this regard, Oxandrolone is as safe as possible. We also remember about the outstanding anti-catabolic qualities of the steroid and the ability to significantly increase strength due to the accelerated synthesis of Creatine phosphate. There will also be a noticeable increase in blood during the course of Oxandrolone.

  • lean muscle gain
  • increase in strength and strength endurance
  • fast recovery
  • protection of muscle mass during drying
  • increase in aerobic performance
  • improvement of venousness and blood pumping
  • accelerated fat burning

Oxandrolone is definitely one of the safest anabolic steroids available. This particular drug is ideal for courses for any purpose, both for the fair sex and for young beginners. Dosages in this case are 20 - 40 mg per day. The duration of taking Oxandrolone for any athletes is 6 - 8 weeks in a row.

Athletes who want to use Oxandrolone to increase muscle mass and strength will make the right choice by choosing Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone and Boldenone as partners. If you need to burn subcutaneous fat, then add Testosterone propionate, Drostanolone and/or Trenbolone acetate to Oxandrolone. It is better to take Oxandrolone one tablet throughout the day with meals. The daily dose at an advanced level is 50 - 80 mg.


It is an essential amino acid. It affects metabolism, so it is very important for muscle growth. Methionine activates the work of enzymes, vitamins and hormones. Often used for liver diseases. Also useful for alcoholism, poisoning and uncontrolled use of other anabolic steroids. Helps restore liver health to bodybuilders who took “heavy” steroids to gain muscle mass.

steroids for gaining muscle mass

Indications for use of Methandrostenolone

Methandrostenolone is indicated for cachexia of various origins, for disorders of protein metabolism (after burns, operations, radiation therapy, severe injuries), for chronic infections accompanied by protein loss, progressive muscle dystrophy, myopathy caused by glucocorticoids, diabetic angiopathy, encephalopathy caused by alcoholic hepatitis.

Judging by the reviews, Methandrostenolone accelerates the healing of injuries, fractures, and is effective against delayed physical development, puberty in boys, and slow growth in children.


This protein solution is sold in a glass jar. Includes a number of essential amino acids introduced into the body through an IV. In those days when anabolic steroids for muscle growth were not sold in pharmacies as freely as they are now, many experienced athletes administered a similar solution for themselves. And the effect was amazing, because the amino acids went straight into the blood.

At the moment, there are quite a few similar protein solutions, but Alvezin is considered the most popular. In medicine, it is used for severe burns, heart failure, dystrophy, etc. The only inconvenience is the method of administration. Not everyone wants to carry a catheter with them everywhere.

Potassium orotate

It can be called the “grandfather of pharmacology,” since it was actively used by athletes back in Soviet times, when anabolic steroids for muscle growth were not sold in pharmacies. This drug significantly accelerates the synthesis of protein molecules. It is indispensable if an athlete has heart problems (arrhythmia, heart attacks, heart failure). It has no effect in terms of muscle growth if taken solo.

anabolic steroids price

Side effects for men

In men, virilism is also one of the side effects. But it manifests itself differently:

  • penis enlargement;
  • acne;
  • slowdown or complete cessation of growth;
  • idiopathic skin hyperpigmentation;
  • in postpubertal age – gynecomastia, mastodynia;

  • increased frequency of the urge to urinate due to bladder irritation;
  • decreased sexual function;
  • priapism.


This drug includes potassium orotate, inosine and a collection of beneficial herbs. It belongs to the class of adaptogens, which facilitate the body's adaptation to heavy loads. In the old days, Safinor was often prescribed to athletes training in the mountains, where conditions were quite difficult due to the thin air. For bodybuilders this is not an important criterion. But on the other hand, the drug tones the central nervous system and optimizes cardiac activity. But this is already important, especially for security forces.

anabolic steroid course

Popular article

Now the 29-year-old resident of Tomsk is under recognizance not to leave. They accuse him of smuggling, although he himself did not transport anything - he simply ordered 21 g of the substance from a Belarusian company, indicating a delivery address in Tomsk. He hoped that he would give himself injections that would give relief to his muscles.


Testosterone implants
Photo: Global Look Press/Science Museum

The government has expanded the list of drugs prohibited in sports

According to the press service of the Tomsk regional prosecutor's office, the defendant knew that the substance he ordered was prohibited for free sale in Russia, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda. Although a more correct formulation is that the import and circulation of the drug is limited. What does this mean, Vladimir Starinsky, managing partner of the Starinsky, Korchago and Partners bar association, explained to

“According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, anabolic steroids are potent substances, the circulation of which is limited in the country. This means that such drugs can only be purchased with special permission. Thus, a number of anabolic steroids can be purchased with a doctor's prescription. Accordingly, selling them without the appropriate license or to a person who does not have a prescription will be a violation,” Starinsky said.

Two Russian athletes were disqualified for doping

February 2020. A 28-year-old resident of south-east Moscow was detained on suspicion of smuggling anabolic drugs. He received a package containing testosterone and a steroid from Belarus. As a result, a criminal case under the same as in Tomsk, Part 1 of Art. 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Smuggling of potent substances.” This is from three to seven years of imprisonment, a fine of up to 1 million rubles, or five years’ earnings of the convicted person plus restriction of freedom for up to a year. November 2020. The same drugs from Belarus arrived in the city of Shakhty, the same article for a resident of the Rostov region. It’s easy to find similar news by searching for “testosterone delayed.”

Probably the loudest such story ended in Moscow in 2016. Three young people who met in the gym (two of them are fitness trainers) decided to bring “pharma” from Moldova, as athletes call sports pharmacology. There it costs significantly less and turnover is practically unlimited. For two years, they transported the drugs by train through conductors and distributed, according to investigators, among acquaintances of athletes, in fitness clubs and on the Internet. In 2014, the businessmen were detained.

Two years later the verdict was reached. Eight years in a maximum security colony for one coach, five years in a maximum security colony for the second, and four years on probation for the third concession participant, who was essentially a courier and agreed to cooperate with the investigation.


A pre-trial detention center employee closes the cell door
Photo: RIA Novosti/Alexey Kudenko

They plan to punish with a ruble for doping

The government is preparing to toughen the fight against the use of banned substances by athletes

The trial of athletes – suppliers of Moldovan pharmacological drugs – has been repeatedly called in the media as an indicative one. They say that, wanting to improve their performance, employees of the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) sent essentially innocent people to jail. Although the court proved that the actions of sports entrepreneurs were clearly illegal, moreover, some commentators even saw a cause-and-effect relationship between the verdict and the subsequent abolition of the Federal Drug Control Service.

The argument in favor of the athletes is that it is not difficult to order analogues of anabolic steroids that convicts purchased in Chisinau. Dozens of advertisements on online flea markets and specialized sites where phone numbers are not indicated, but there are links to “backup sites” in case the main ones are blocked. There is no need to order something from abroad and risk going to the post office yourself. Everything has already been delivered and will be delivered by courier. Journalists from the Moscow 24 TV channel also tried to order anabolic steroids through a similar site. The attempt was successful.


At one time, this drug caused a lot of noise. Information has appeared in the media that it gives the same effect as anabolic steroids, the price of which now starts from 300 rubles. But unlike steroids, Ecdisten had no side effects. How does this root affect muscles? On cell membranes, it establishes a connection with receptors, and then is transferred to the nucleus, triggering the copying of information from DNA necessary for protein synthesis. This mechanism is absolutely identical to the one that is triggered when taking steroids.

But with all this, the drug is not an anabolic due to the absence of side effects: stress on the liver, acne, aromatization, etc. On the contrary, unlike steroids, it improves the functioning of the liver and endocrine glands. It would seem that this is a miracle, not a drug! But why do so few people use it?

The whole point is that he is weak. Comparing it with steroids is like comparing a Formula 1 car with a Zaporozhets or even a scooter. A person who has taken anabolic steroids will no longer be able to take Ecdisten seriously. But for beginners this is the best option.

taking anabolic steroids


Half-life 7 - 15 hours. Oral - Turinabol (Turinabol, “Turik”) is perhaps the newest oral steroid in the vastness of the former CIS among all those available, but it has managed to gain enormous popularity among a variety of sports, including bodybuilding. The drug quite successfully connects with its receptors in muscle tissue, triggering and maintaining protein synthesis.

Shows excellent anti-catabolic effect. Does not convert to Estradiol and Dihydrotestosterone. By itself, it has the minimal possible androgenic activity. It practically does not retain water, significantly enhances the accumulation and restoration of Glycogen and Creatine in the body. Increases erythropoiesis and has a remarkable effect on the athlete’s nervous system.

  • high-quality hypertrophy of muscle mass
  • increase in strength indicators
  • increase in strength and general endurance
  • keeping muscles dry
  • rapid regeneration of the body
  • pumping blood and improving venousness
  • good libido and mood


Turinabol is quite suitable for courses on mass and cutting, both for women and absolute beginners (20 - 40 mg per day). It is quite acceptable to use the steroid solo. In any case, the duration of continuous use of Turinabol is 6 - 8 weeks. To actively increase muscle mass, the drug must be combined with Testosterone, Nandrolone, Boldenone, Trenbolone and Primobolan.

As readers may have noticed, all three drugs are very similar in their anabolic capabilities with regards to both gaining muscle mass and achieving a low percentage of subcutaneous fat and improving muscle definition. Regarding the risks when using Turinabol, Oxandrolone and Stanozolol, they are minimal compared to other AAS, the main thing is not to combine them with any oral steroids and monitor the condition of the liver.

Use these medications as prescribed, within the specified dosages and duration of courses, and get the expected result with minimal negative effects. And remember - any steroids in one way or another suppress your genital arch, and therefore always carry out the PCT procedure after completing the treatment.

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It is a collection of medicinal herbs produced in India. Essentially, it is a hepatoprotector that restores and protects the liver. However, recently doctors have been using it as a choleretic agent, improving the production of bile and its outflow.

"LIV-52" will be useful not only for people who burden the liver with pharmacological medications, but for all those who suffer from alcoholism. The drug significantly reduces both the concentration of ethanol in the blood and the strength of the “hangover syndrome”.

consequences of anabolic steroids

Glutamic acid

If we consider all existing steroids for gaining muscle mass, then glutamic acid is considered the most popular. In the body, it takes part in the process of nitrogen metabolism, disinfects ammonia, has a positive effect on the central nervous system and stimulates oxidative processes in the brain. In simple terms, this acid is the fuel for our brain. It increases intelligence significantly, even in mentally ill people. And some students use it during exams.

Quite often, the dosage of the drug is not observed, and people eat the drug in handfuls. Although it is enough to take only 4 tablets per day. Glutamic acid is also useful for bodybuilders because it is involved in the synthesis of third-party amino acids. When they are synthesized in the blood, glutamine does 50% of the work. This significantly speeds up the recovery of the body.

Doctors prescribe glutamic acid during the height of infectious diseases. After all, glutamine significantly strengthens the immune system. Those who use the drug on a regular basis practically do not get sick.

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