What are the features of proper nutrition for endomorphs?

Main features of the endomorph figure

People with this body type have the following characteristics:

  • wide chest;
  • shortened limbs;
  • wide hips;
  • short neck;
  • large joints.

The female endomorph has soft, slightly loose forms with rounded contours. In this case, fat accumulates mainly in the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The ratio of fat to muscle tissue can be called high.

Due to their slow metabolism, endomorphs often have a tendency to retain excess fluid in the body. The degree of endurance in people with a similar physique is usually low.

Note! Male endomorphs gain muscle mass easily. But they have significant difficulties at the slightest attempt to get rid of extra pounds.

Your body type - Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph

When I first started lifting weights, I was literally overloaded with all kinds of information. I can say I was drowned in various types of training programs, sports supplements, diets, articles and other things. I noticed that many training programs and nutrition programs contradict each other in many ways and I just didn’t know: what should I do right? How to organize your training and your diet? As a result, I worked out in the gym for 6 months, gained very little muscle mass and lost all the motivation I had at the very beginning.

I was almost lost and almost gave up, when one day a person from my gym gave me an article from a sports magazine to read. The article was about differences in body structure, in short, body types. And at that moment I understood why I still have not achieved success in the gym and have not built up the desired muscle mass.

My biggest discovery

I'm a real ectomorph. When I first came to the gym my weight was 60 kg. Back then, I had no idea about body types and trained according to the principle (as many beginners do) “the more I lift, the bigger I get.” Thinking that the more weight the better, I started working on a program from an elite bodybuilder, as a result of the work I gained less than 2 kg of muscle mass in 6 months.

After reading the article about body types, I began to understand more about my body: how it works, how my metabolism works, and how I can gain mass. Being an ectomorph made me think about the amount of calories I was consuming, how I needed longer rest periods, and how I needed to keep my cardio to a minimum. After that, I saw real results and never returned to my old principles.

So I believe that every person who wants to achieve success in fitness needs to understand exactly what body type they have and, in accordance with this, plan their workout and diet.

Below I will talk in detail about three body types - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph:


An ectomorph is a typical skinny person. An ectomorph has small joints and almost no muscles. Ectomorphs typically have long, skinny fingers and narrow shoulders.

How to identify an ectomorph?

  • Small body
  • Flat chest
  • Narrow shoulders
  • Skinny
  • Lack of muscles
  • Difficulty gaining muscle mass
  • Fast Metabolism

It is quite difficult for an ectomorph to build muscle mass. He has a fast metabolism, which burns the calories he receives very quickly. For this reason, he needs a very large amount of calories in order to gain weight. Workouts should be small and mainly aimed at large muscle groups.

Sports supplements are recommended for use. An ectomorph must also eat before bed in order to prevent the effects of catabolism during sleep. An ectomorph has no difficulty losing excess weight, so subsequently his muscles are dry and not covered with fat layers.


Mesomorphs have a good physique and are already blessed with the body of an athlete from birth. The mesomorph type is ideal for bodybuilding. It quickly builds muscle mass and loses excess weight. They are naturally strong, which is an excellent platform for further growth.

Distinctive features of a mesomorph:

  • Athletic build
  • Rectangular body shape
  • Strong
  • Build muscle mass quickly
  • More susceptible to excess weight than ectomorphs

Mesomorphs quickly build muscle mass, especially beginners. On the other hand, mesomorphs can also quickly gain excess weight. This means that mesomorphs must watch the amount of calories they consume. For mesomorphs, the ideal option is a combination of strength training and cardio.


Endomorphs are big people...in terms of having fat mass. It's not worth it to gain a lot of work for them! Endomorphs are not deprived of muscle mass, especially their upper leg muscles are well developed. They will feel real natural strength when working their leg muscles.

Distinctive features of an endomorph:

  • Round body
  • Rapidly increase both muscle and fat mass
  • Most often short in stature
  • It's quite difficult to lose weight
  • Slow Metabolism

Endomorphs gain mass quite easily, but the problem is that most of this mass is not muscle. To reduce excess weight to a minimum, enomorphs need constant cardio training. Typically, they do not need sports supplements as much, provided, of course, that their diet contains a sufficient amount of protein.

Type Combinations

These body types are not universal for every person. Many people have characteristics from different body types. Combinations are most often found between ectomorphs and mesomorphs or between mesomorphs and endomorphs. It is not uncommon to meet a person who is a pure mesomorph, but at the same time gains weight like a true endomorph.

I hope that this classification will help you easily determine your own belonging to one type or another. Once you determine your body type or combination of body types, begin creating a workout program and diet based on your body type.

In the end, I would like to point out that it doesn’t matter what type you are. Each of you is capable of acquiring the body that he wants. Even very skinny guys have a chance to become muscular athletes in the future. Naturally, you will have to work a lot, but if you are ready to do it, everything will work out.

I was also a skinny guy, but now when I write this article I can boast that I have already gained 30 kg of pure muscle mass. Nothing is impossible!

How to lose weight for an endomorph girl?

The endomorph diet should ideally be accompanied by intense physical training, with minimal intervals. It is advisable to visit the gym at least three times a week.

The main goal of physical training that accompanies the endomorph diet is to improve metabolism. Physical activity activates the process of burning subcutaneous fat, making the body more prominent, sexy and attractive.

Initially, large muscles are trained. After this, begin exercises for individual muscle groups. Much attention should be paid to cardio training.

The training program should not be changed frequently. This will not benefit the endomorph at all, but will only contribute to the aggravation of the excess weight situation. With frequent changes in the training program, the body remains in a state of stress for a long time. This affects fat burning in the most negative way.

If a girl is an endomorph, then losing weight should start with the following simple physical exercises:

  • squats with a ball;
  • push-ups;
  • performing a bridge on the shoulders;
  • alternately raising and lowering the legs on exercise machines;
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • performing bench presses;
  • lunges with a barbell.

Sports nutrition for endomorphs: basic rules

Instructors emphasize the dominant role of proper nutrition in the process of weight loss for women and men of the endomorphic type. Sports nutrition for an endomorph should be based on compliance with the following fundamental rules of food intake:

  • reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates as much as possible, ideally completely eliminate them;
  • increase the amount of protein consumed;
  • organize a diet with a reduced calorie content compared to the traditional norm;
  • use sports nutrition designed for high-quality muscle mass formation;
  • use a split-meal regimen, the number of meals per day should be at least 6;
  • no more than 4 hours should pass between each meal;
  • refuse to eat quickly, it should last at least 20 minutes and after that you should feel a slight feeling of hunger;
  • Drink 2 liters of still water.

For an endomorph, training and nutrition should be used together. On training days, it is necessary to increase the content of fats and carbohydrates so that the body does not experience an energy deficit. On rest days, protein intake is necessary, which will allow muscles to grow faster. At the same time, the body needs to provide a sufficient number of hours of sleep. For endomorphs, drinking drinks containing alcohol is contraindicated, as they are quite high in calories and significantly affect metabolic processes in the body.

endomorph training and nutrition

The main enemies for endomorphs in nutrition are fast carbohydrates and saturated fats, so they need to exclude sweets, starchy foods, and carbonated drinks from their diet. It is necessary to limit foods high in starch, such as potatoes.

You can eat unlimited amounts of fresh vegetables. It is worth giving preference to cooking methods without oil and frying; steaming technology is considered preferable.

In the second half of the day, it is recommended to include protein foods in the diet, using chicken, fish, and turkey meat for cooking. It is necessary to create a menu depending on whether the goal is to lose weight and lose weight or gain muscle mass. It is impossible to achieve both results at once, so in the first stage they first achieve weight loss and reduce the amount of body fat, after which they begin to gain muscle mass.

Basic Rules

A diet for an endomorph man or woman should be compiled based on the recommendations listed below:

  • minimizing the amount of animal fats and simple carbohydrates in the diet;
  • fractional meals (at least six times a day);
  • drinking enough fluid.

The diet for an endomorph woman includes dishes that saturate the body with protein of animal origin. It is found in veal, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken eggs, cottage cheese meat, seafood, and fish.

How can endomorph women and men lose weight, nutrition rules and advice from nutritionists

Features of the endomorph

The figure of endomorph women and men outwardly resembles the shape of a ball or pear, since in most cases the pelvic area is wider than the shoulders. A large bone structure is considered a positive quality, which allows you to gain muscle mass in a short time during strength training.

Read more about body types >>

People with this body type are prone to developing fat deposits, which is largely due to their slow metabolism. The main problem of endomorphs is the rapid deposition of carbohydrates in the form of fat and difficulty digesting proteins. Rapid gain of excess weight makes the process of losing weight difficult and lengthy; achieving muscle definition is possible only by reducing subcutaneous fat. For an endomorph, training and nutrition are the main factors necessary for losing weight and gaining muscle.

Approximate menu for one day

For breakfast, if you are following a diet for an endomorph, it is recommended to prepare oatmeal, to which you add 1 tablespoon of flax. Low-fat cottage cheese and a small amount of grapefruit juice are also consumed at this meal.

During the second breakfast, it is recommended to cook scrambled eggs. Onions, tomatoes and bell peppers are added to this dish.

The lunch menu consists of a portion of boiled breast, a small amount of rice and broccoli. An excellent option for an afternoon snack menu would be dishes made from legumes and boiled rabbit.

For dinner, steam asparagus and cook salmon. If you follow a diet for an endomorph, a second dinner is provided. This meal includes tuna and fresh vegetable salad.

The menu option above does not look budget at all. But such nutrition saturates the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins. It is also recommended to diversify the daily menu with nuts and a variety of fruits.

The last meal should be several hours before bedtime. In the evening, food intake with carbohydrates is limited as much as possible. This is due to the fact that less energy is consumed at this time of day. Before each meal, it is recommended to drink 100-200 ml of water.

External differences

Although somatotypes differ from each other in a number of parameters, each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no absolutely ideal or losing body type. It is not difficult to understand which of them a person belongs to, and disadvantages can easily be turned into advantages.

famous representatives of somatotypes

  1. An ectomorph is distinguished by tall stature and thinness, low muscle mass and insignificant reserves of subcutaneous fat. Due to thinness, with optimal physical activity, muscle relief is clearly visible. The limbs are mostly thin and long, which ensures their owner is tall. Intensive metabolism does not allow him to gain body fat, but also does not contribute to the rapid development of muscles. To achieve a good result, they need to exercise according to a special training program with an emphasis on basic exercises.
  2. Mesomorphs have an athletic figure. They have average height and generally average indicators in terms of the ratio of body fat and muscle mass, average limb length, and an optimally balanced metabolism, allowing them to train effectively. This metabolism allows you to relatively quickly get rid of excess fat and build high-quality muscle mass. This is the ideal body type for bodybuilding. Their body is very defined and, with a responsible approach to training, develops evenly and balanced.
  3. The endomorph has a stocky figure. He may be full and not very tall. Along with an increased amount of subcutaneous fat, he has greater muscle mass. The limbs are short and quite dense. The strength and endurance indicators of representatives of this somatotype are very high. They have a slow metabolism, which prevents them from losing weight effectively. However, this is a positive point in maintaining muscle mass at the proper level.

Products approved for consumption

A diet designed specifically for an endomorph involves including the following products in the diet:

  • whole grain bread;
  • yeast-free bread with bran;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • various seafood. These include shrimp, crabs, mussels, squid;
  • sea ​​fish (trout, tuna, salmon, cod, sardines, pike);
  • soups cooked in vegetable, non-rich meat broth;
  • dishes with legumes;
  • soy-based products;
  • dishes for the preparation of which seaweed is used;
  • pasta made from wholemeal flour;
  • vegetables: both raw and pre-processed;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • corn, olive, sesame, linseed oil;
  • fish oil;
  • butter;
  • sour fruits (citrus fruits, apples with a sour taste, black currants);
  • herbal teas;
  • decoctions prepared with rose hips;
  • juices made from pomegranate, plum, orange;
  • green tea;
  • still water.

Foods you should avoid eating

A diet designed for endomorph weight loss involves giving up:

  • fast food;
  • strong rich broths on fish or meat;
  • fatty red meat dishes;
  • sausages;
  • duck and goose meat;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • fats of animal origin;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • salty foods;
  • products that contain a large number of food additives;
  • baking from butter or puff pastry;
  • semolina dishes;
  • cookies;
  • dumplings;
  • pancakes;
  • dumplings;
  • honey;
  • condensed milk;
  • cakes;
  • ice cream;
  • cakes;
  • jam;
  • chocolates;
  • bananas;
  • grapes;
  • dates;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cocoa;
  • sparkling water;
  • tea with the addition of a small amount of milk;
  • juices made from sweet fruits.

How can endomorph women and men lose weight, nutrition rules and advice from nutritionists

Determining your body type

The easiest and most accurate way to determine your body type is by measuring the circumference of the wrist of your working hand : for normosthenics it is 16-18.5 cm, for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, and for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm. For simplicity and clarity, the data is presented in the table below

Body typeFor menFor women
normosthenic (normal)18-20 cm15-17 cm
hypersthenic (wide-boned)more than 20 cmmore than 17 cm
asthenic (thin-boned)less than 18 cmless than 15 cm

Or calculate using our type determination calculator

Advantages and disadvantages of nutrition for weight loss for a month for an endomorph woman

Nutrition for an endomorph for weight loss provides for an individually selected calorie intake. The daily menu is compiled based on a list of prohibited and permitted products. In this case, the ratio of BJU should be taken into account.

  • endomorph nutrition for weight loss is quite balanced;
  • No special culinary skills are required to prepare dietary dishes.
  • it is necessary to carefully control the calorie content of the menu, the ratio of BZHU;
  • when creating a menu, you should take into account daily energy consumption;
  • Due to the increased content of protein-rich foods in the diet, monetary costs for food increase.

Endomorph - a person of large build

People who have been experiencing problems with excess weight all their lives heard from their grandmother in childhood the phrase “You’re not fat, you just have a wide bone.”
Loving relatives try to convince that excess weight and large dimensions are not a disease or deficiency, but a feature of the body. They teach about three body types—ectomorphic, mesomorphic, and endomorphic—at school.

Endomorphs indeed have a more massive skeleton and tend to gain muscle and fat mass. They are characterized by round shapes, a high percentage of body fat, a large build and a slow metabolism. Endomorph women are prone to accumulation of fatty tissue in the thighs. The outline of their body resembles a pear.

Anyone can experience weight problems due to poor nutrition and metabolic disorders. Therefore, to determine the characteristics of your body, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.

If everything is in order with your endocrine system, you try to adhere to a healthy diet and do not neglect moderate physical activity, but still have a dense physique, most likely you are an endomorph.

Grasp your wrist with your thumb and index finger. If your fingers don't touch, you probably have an endomorphic body type.

Many owners of impressive dimensions begin to be proud of them and do not want to become “ordinary” people. However, excess body weight leads to problems with the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.

With the help of a specially selected regime of physical activity and proper nutrition, you can emphasize the advantages of a large physique and effectively resist disease.

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