Who is recommended to take this acid?
In fact, this element has a very wide range of applications. The product has a very convenient release form in the form of gelatin capsules, which makes it very convenient to use, because the active substances begin to dissolve inside the body.
So, most often omega-3 in capsules (how to take it is described in this article) is prescribed specifically for preventive purposes. However, experts also prescribe it to patients suffering from diabetes, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, various diseases of the skin and cardiovascular system. Capsules will also help people who are overweight, because they can speed up metabolism, and this will lead to smooth and healthy weight loss.
Also, omega-3 in capsules (your doctor will tell you how to take it) improves the immune system quite well. Therefore, it is recommended to take the drug during exacerbation of seasonal diseases.
Too much Omega-3 may not be beneficial at all
The European Food Safety Authority states that dosages up to 5 g/day are safe.
These security measures are justified for several reasons. Omega-3s thin the blood, which can lead to excess bleeding and bleeding.
For this reason, many medical institutions recommend that patients stop taking Omega-3s a week or two before planned surgery.
Reason #2 - Vitamin A. It can be toxic in excess amounts, and some Omega-3 supplements (fish oil) can contain a lot of it.
After all, consuming more than 3g/day of Omega-3 daily has not been shown to have any beneficial effects on the body. So it's probably not worth the risk.
Conclusions: Taking 2-3 g/day of Omega-3 appears to be safe, although such amounts are not always necessary for most people.
Choosing the right dosage
The product can be used by both adults and children. But the dosage should be selected depending on age and purpose. So, adults, as well as patients over twelve years of age, are recommended to take two tablets three times a day. But for children aged seven to twelve years, three tablets per day will be enough. The drug can also be taken by younger categories of the population, but in this case it is necessary to use drugs intended specifically for children.
Many people wonder how to take omega-3 capsules. In fact, this must be done with extreme caution in order to avoid overdose. Different manufacturers produce capsules with different dosages. In this article, recommendations are given for capsules containing 500 mg of active substance. If one tablet contains 1000 mg, then the dosage should be halved. You also need to take into account the fact that the maximum dosage that can be taken per day for an adult is 3000 mg.
It is especially important to find out how to take omega-3 capsules for children. For children, the dosage should be minimal and be about 500 mg at a time. If the dosage increases, then the number of doses per day should decrease.
Omega-3 for specific diseases
The following conditions have been shown to respond to Omega-3 levels. Brief description of the dosages used:
For a healthy heart
A study was conducted in which 11,000 participants took 850 mg of EPA and DHA in combination daily for 3 years and 6 months. Experience has shown that in this group of people the number of heart attacks decreased by 25% and the number of sudden deaths by 45%.
The American Heart Association and other organizations recommend that patients with coronary artery disease take 1,000 mg of Omega-3s daily. Patients who have elevated triglyceride levels should, according to their recommendations, take 2-3 g of a combination of EPA and DHA per day.
Depression and anxiety
Scientists have proven in studies that doses of Omega-3 from 0.2 to 2.2 g per day can reduce depression and anxiety. In the presence of mental disorders, supplements containing more eicosapentaenoic acid than docosahexaenoic acid are recommended.
Other diseases
Omega-3s can help fight various diseases. Effective dosages depend on a wide range of factors. Conclusions: Omega-3 may be beneficial for various diseases and conditions of the body. Effective dosages range from 0.2-3 g per day.
Daily value of Omega-3 for children and pregnant women
Research has proven that Omega-3s, especially DHA, are essential before, during and after pregnancy. Almost all official sources recommend an additional intake of 200 mg of DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Several global and national organizations recommend 50 to 100 mg per day of EPA and DHA in combination for infants and young children.
Conclusions: Supplemental intake of 200 mg DHA is recommended for nursing mothers and pregnant women. A dosage of 50 to 100 mg per day is recommended for infants and young children.
How to take omega-3 capsules: instructions
It is best to use the product thirty to forty minutes after eating. This way the nutrients will be absorbed best. However, it is also possible to take the tablet with food. This is recommended if you do not like this drug.
Each tablet should be taken with plenty of water. In this case, the capsule must be swallowed whole without chewing.
It is very important to know how much omega-3 capsules to take. According to experts, the maximum period of use of this medicine is about three months. However, in some cases it may be slightly extended. But such a decision can only be made by the attending physician.
Benefits of Omega-3 for women's bodies
Omega-3 acids are especially beneficial for a woman's body. They are effective in solving many problems of women's health.
Research was carried out at medical universities in all countries, and this is what they came up with:
- reduces the risk of premature birth during pregnancy;
- alleviates painful and unpleasant symptoms during menopause;
- protects against the development of cancer, primarily breast cancer;
- women taking Omega-3 during pregnancy did not suffer from postpartum depression;
- In 9 out of 10 women, adding products with Omega-3 to the diet reduced or completely disappeared menstrual pain. Headaches, drowsiness and nervousness during menstrual periods are gone.
In addition, the skin remains youthful, elastic and less susceptible to wrinkles.
It is recommended that women planning pregnancy take supplements or increase their intake of Omega-3 products. Helps prevent fetal pathologies and makes it easier to conceive a child.
Important Precautions
It is very important to read the information on how to take omega-3 capsules for adults and children. After all, your health will depend on it. Pay attention to the recommendations of doctors in which cases treatment with capsules is not recommended:
- under no circumstances take omega-3-containing drugs if you have allergic reactions to them in your body;
— with extreme caution and in minimal dosages, the product can be used by patients under seven years of age;
— Omega-3 is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women; if the doctor nevertheless gives the go-ahead for such drugs, then the dosage should be selected purely individually;
- Omega-3 should also be taken with caution if you have diseases of the digestive system.
Excessive intake of omega-3s may be harmful
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that omega-3 supplements containing EPA and DHA are safe as long as doses do not exceed 3,000 mg per day.
On the other hand, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) notes that it is safe to get up to 5,000 mg per day from supplements.
These warnings are in effect for several reasons. On the one hand, omega-3s can cause blood thinning or excessive bleeding in some people.
For this reason, many organizations recommend that people planning surgery stop taking omega-3 supplements 1 to 2 weeks in advance.
The second reason has to do with vitamin A. This vitamin can be toxic in large quantities, and some omega-3 supplements, such as cod liver oil, contain quite a lot of it.
Finally, taking more than 5,000 mg of omega-3 has never been shown to provide any additional benefit, so it's not worth the risk.
Taking up to 3,000 to 5,000 mg of omega-3s per day appears to be safe, although such a high intake is probably not necessary for most people.
Application for weight loss
Many people are wondering how to properly take omega-3 capsules for weight loss. It's no secret that this element promotes healthy weight loss. However, this will only happen if you follow all recommendations for use.
As you know, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can speed up metabolism, which leads to a natural weight loss process. In addition, this substance also reduces appetite, which allows a person losing weight to eat less food and not have a feeling of hunger.
This suggests that accumulated fats will begin to be burned, while new ones will not be deposited.
- When taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements, always follow the directions on the label.
- However, keep in mind that omega-3 requirements vary from person to person. Some people may need more than others.
- The recommended intake level for alpha-linolenic acid is 1.6 grams per day for men and 1 gram per day for women.
- In contrast, there are no official guidelines regarding long-chain omega-3 supplementation. However, medical organizations generally recommend a minimum of 250 mg and a maximum of 3,000 mg of combined EPA and DHA per day, unless your doctor instructs otherwise.
Tags: Omega-3
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Useful tips
Please note that a lack of omega-3 in your body indicates that you are not eating properly. Your diet does not contain the right amount of foods containing sufficient amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pay attention to how you eat. Most likely, your diet contains very few vegetables, fruits and greens and a lot of fast carbohydrates. First of all, you need to change your diet, and only then ask yourself the question of how to take Finnish omega-3 capsules.
In fact, it is very important to buy high-quality vitamins so that they have a really good effect on your body. These include products from Finnish manufacturers such as Moller Tupla, Lysi and Bion 3. All of them are of very high quality and contain the optimal dosage of active substances. However, it is recommended to use them only if they are recommended to you by your doctor.
Be sure to add fatty varieties of sea and ocean fish to your diet. This is where the maximum amount of essential acids is contained. Keep in mind that the fattier the fish, the better. For normal life, it will be enough to consume seafood two to three times a week, 150-200 grams.
Also pay attention to plant foods. Sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are found in walnuts, chia seeds, kiwi, as well as flaxseed and hemp oils.
Few people know that you need to take a substance such as omega-3 fatty acids constantly. One course every few months will not be enough. Therefore, the most correct decision would be to normalize your diet and periodically consume omega-3 capsules. It is not recommended to take the liquid form of release.
However, keep in mind that you should not abuse capsules either. Additional drug treatment is recommended only in case of deficiency.
Overdose and its consequences
Violation of omega-3 consumption standards can lead to excess fat in the body. Although reference values >8% are a good sign, they should not be achieved. An overdose of essential acids can cause blood thinning and lead to bleeding during surgery or injury.
Attention! The cause of excess PUFAs is excessive consumption of foods high in omega-3 or uncontrolled supplementation.
Signs of overdose:
- decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood;
- low-grade body temperature (37-38 °C) for a long time without symptoms of the disease;
- the presence of local inflammation;
- prolonged bleeding, poor wound healing;
- depletion of the body's strength.
A change in diet will help reduce excess acids and eliminate signs of overdose - vegetable oils, fatty fish, and seafood should be excluded from the diet. You should also reduce the amount of foods rich in vitamin D and calcium. Those who take fish oil capsules should stop taking the supplement for a while to restore the balance of acids in the body.
Omega-3s are very important substances that are not produced by our body, but come from outside. Therefore, it is very important to structure your diet in such a way that these elements are present in sufficient quantities. To do this, include sea fish, nuts and vegetable oils in your diet. Also take omega-3 capsules every few months. This will help you replenish your nutritional deficiencies.
Every year, scientists are discovering more and more beneficial properties of omega-3, so taking them is essential for our health. After all, this is not only a source of youth and longevity, but also a drug that can improve your well-being, adjust your weight and improve the functioning of your hormonal system.
Take charge of your health today. Preparations containing omega-3 will tone you down and lift your spirits. If you suffer from depression and live your life to the limit, then this may indicate an omega-3 deficiency.
But under no circumstances self-medicate. Take these gelatin capsules only if they have been prescribed by your healthcare professional. Be healthy and take care of yourself.