The benefits and harms of swimming in the pool: expert opinion

The most important thing is no harm

I think there is no need to write the well-known words that physical activity is beneficial for humans.

Instead, I’ll write something else: almost any sport often entails not only benefits, but also harm to the body . Professional sports mean injuries, amateur sports mean the risk of injuries.

In this sense, swimming is perhaps the best type of physical activity for a person: with proper swimming and a reasonable (not too exhausting) load, the risk of injuries and other negative consequences in a healthy person tends to zero.

This is primarily due to the fact that the swimmer is in a horizontal position and supported by water, as a result of which there is no harmful stress on the joints .

While running, there is a shock load on the knee joints and spine. In the pool you can get the same amount of aerobic exercise, but without putting your joints at risk . In the gym, most exercises involve axial load on the spine , and with incorrect technique or an incorrectly chosen training program, there is a risk of injuring the joints. In swimming, you can work out almost all muscles, but without such negative consequences .

Thus, the most important advantage of swimming is that, unlike all other types of physical activity, here you can play sports without harming the spine and joints .

Pool and pool clothes

Usually there are two types of pools - 25 and 50 m long. In some institutions you can find non-standard pools shorter than 25 meters.

The water temperature in the pools is about 26.5 degrees. In Russia, chlorination is used for water purification. Chlorinated water is not harmful to health. But chlorinated water can make your eyes sore and red, so be sure to wear swimming goggles. Before purchasing, check that the glasses must not allow water to pass through.

The best models of swimming goggles are produced by ARENA and SPEEDO. To check the glasses in the store, press them to your face without putting them on your head: the glasses should stick to the skin and fall off after about 2-3 seconds. After purchasing glasses, adjust the length of the elastic band: the glasses should not be too tight, but should fit snugly on your head.

Swimsuits and swimming trunks from the above companies can also be safely recommended. For women, it is best to choose a one-piece swimsuit: after all, you are not in the pool to sunbathe, and it is more comfortable to swim in a one-piece swimsuit.

Swimming caps are inexpensive. How to choose it - read here.

Now you are ready to hit the pool!

Aerobic exercise

Turning now to the individual advantages of swimming, I note that this is primarily an aerobic exercise , that is, a type of physical activity in which cyclic movements occur due to the supply of oxygen to the muscles.

Other examples of aerobic activity include middle- and long-distance running, cycling, skiing, dancing, and walking uphill.

A person needs this type of physical activity to train the cardiovascular system..

Thanks to this, the heart is trained and strengthened - it begins to work more efficiently. In a person who regularly receives aerobic exercise, the heart learns to contract and relax better, its volume increases, the pulse becomes slower, that is, the heart muscle works more powerfully and economically .

The elasticity of both the heart muscle and blood vessels improves, blood flow throughout the body improves, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases .

Attention! Like any other physical activity, aerobic exercise is useful only in moderation ! Under increased loads, the heart wears out , and cardiac myocardial degeneration begins. Therefore, classes should be carried out with pulse control - so that there is no long work at an excessively high pulse rate. I wrote about this in more detail here, if you are not familiar with the heart rate zone recommendations, I recommend that you read it. A good scientific article on this topic is also available at this link (search for the word “myocardial dystrophy”).

Strengthening the immune system

Exercising in water hardens the body and helps develop protection against colds. They help in the fight against infections, allow you to easily tolerate physical activity and sudden changes in temperature without any harm to health. People who swim suffer less from hypertension.

Another advantage of exercising in water is the ability to improve bone mineral density and, as a result, prevent osteoporosis. Most often this disease manifests itself in men in adulthood. The result of this disease is frequent bone fractures.

Lung development

Aerobic exercise is primarily beneficial for the cardiovascular system, but it also promotes lung development.

In swimming this is especially evident due to the specific nature of breathing , since:

  1. Inhalation has to be done very quickly and against the background of water pressure on the chest (that is, inhaling is more difficult than, for example, while running).
  2. exhalation is done into the water (that is, exhaling is even more difficult than inhaling).

Therefore, in swimming, more than in any other sports, the lungs develop - their volume increases, their functional abilities increase, the number and elasticity of the alveoli increases, and the rate of maximum oxygen consumption improves.

Photo 2

During exercises in the pool, even the most remote areas of the lungs are used, the occurrence of stagnation in them is prevented, and respiratory tract diseases are prevented.

Swimming during pregnancy

For pregnant women, the benefits of swimming are obvious. Excess weight and hormonal imbalance do not contribute to a woman's interest in sports. If there are no contraindications to exercise, then mother’s training in the pool improves blood circulation and, accordingly, eliminates nutritional and breathing deficits of the unborn baby.

During gestation, as the embryo grows, discomfort in the back increases. The benefits of swimming for the spine of a pregnant woman are beyond doubt, since she thus rests and does not worry about the harm of hypoxia to the fetus.

More information in the video:

Development of flexibility and mobility of joints

The uniqueness of swimming also lies in the fact that it uses almost all muscle groups available to a person, especially if you combine different styles.

The swimmer works his back, shoulders, legs and buttocks, arms, chest!

Moreover, all movements are such that they help stretch, strengthen the joints, develop their flexibility and mobility .

The indicator of total mobility in the joints of swimmers is significantly higher than that of athletes of other sports.

Rules for using a tampon while swimming

When deciding whether you can go swimming in the pool with a tampon during your period, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules for using this hygiene product.

Under normal conditions, they should be changed every 2-4 hours. Bathing significantly speeds up the replacement procedure. You need to remember the risks of infection, and you shouldn’t go into the water without a tampon. The product must be administered according to the instructions included in each package.

It is important at this moment to follow all the rules of personal hygiene: wash yourself, wash your hands with soap. The possible time spent in water with a tampon is 20 minutes.

Over a longer period, the material will become too wet and give bacteria access to the unprotected uterus. At the same time, the product itself will increase to its maximum, which can cause discomfort. After water procedures, you need to immediately go and remove the used hygiene product in order to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms. Before entering the pool or sea again, you must insert a new tampon. To maintain health, according to doctors’ recommendations, 2-3 such sessions are allowed. If it’s enough for you, then swim once and go take a shower. In order to avoid embarrassment during water procedures, it is better to give preference to a dark swimsuit; It is also advisable to tuck the tampon string into the vagina to avoid rapid soaking with water; If we talk about a place to swim, it is better to swim in the pool or in the sea (in both cases the water is disinfected).

When deciding for yourself whether you can swim with a tampon, you should take into account all the tips, recommendations and warnings described above. In addition, it is advisable to undergo examination for the presence of gynecological diseases in order to avoid the negative consequences of such swimming.

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What does it do for muscles?

As noted above, swimming works a huge number of muscles:

Photo 3
Muscles involved in swimming

Thanks to this, they become stronger, muscle tone and strength improve, and strength endurance is developed.

It is also appropriate to note here that different swimming styles train different muscle groups:

  • Crawl - deltoids (shoulders), latissimus dorsi, quadriceps and triceps (read more about which muscles work in crawl, here).
  • Breaststroke – latissimus dorsi, chest, quadriceps, calf muscles (more details here).
  • Butterfly – shoulders, back, abs, lower back, chest.
  • Backstroke - shoulders, back, trapezius, core, abs, buttocks, front and back of the thighs (see separate article about the benefits of backstroke).

Moreover, even where muscle groups coincide (for example, the back and shoulders work everywhere), then in different styles individual subtypes of muscles within these groups differ significantly - if you are interested, this issue is discussed in more detail in the articles on the above links.

Thus, a combination of different styles will allow you to work out your entire body in one session - almost no other sport provides this opportunity!

The influence of swimming on the male silhouette

The body of swimmers is noticeably different from the body of ordinary men. If a person is involved in swimming, this can be easily calculated by the following characteristics: swimmers are generally taller, slimmer and even a little thin, their limbs are flexible and long, their shoulders are wide, and their abdominal muscles are well developed.


Before each lesson, swimmers must warm up their hands, knees, and elbows. To swim fast, you need flexible shoulders and back. This feature appears with constant swimming.


People who swim are not known for their strength qualities. They are unable to lift heavy objects. But if you compare a swimmer and an ordinary man, the difference can be seen immediately, since the swimmer looks courageous and strong against such a background.

benefits of swimming in the pool for men in the morning

Strong back muscles

If you regularly practice breaststroke swimming, the benefits for men will be visible, the muscles along the entire back will become developed. This feature makes such a man stand out from the crowd.


Swimmers have a V-shaped figure. In this situation, broad shoulders are especially visible. Along with a large back and broad shoulders, men often have problems when choosing outerwear.


Along with the shoulders and back, the arms actively take part in swimming. Therefore, people working out in the pool have very visible pumped up arm muscles - triceps.

Losing excess weight

Both muscle training and aerobic exercise in general lead to calorie burning.

In this sense, swimming also has advantages over other types of physical activity:

  • the swimmer has to overcome the resistance of the water ;
  • the swimmer needs to keep his body on the surface , which requires constant tension;
  • water cools the body: the body loses heat and, as a result, energy.

Taking these features into account, all other things being equal, 30 minutes of exercise in the pool burns significantly more calories than 30 minutes of running or other sports activity.

It should be noted that to start fat burning processes, continuous swimming for at least 30 minutes , during which the swimmer does not make stops, or such stops are kept to a minimum .

What are the health benefits of swimming for men?

The main reason for exercising in water is to carry out a comprehensive health procedure, after which men experience a change in their physique. The body acquires a sporty silhouette and an ideal triangle shape. The shoulders become wider, the torso becomes pumped up, the back becomes developed, the muscles become elastic. Swimming helps create a toned body and gorgeous abs. To achieve an ideal physique, a man is recommended to do strength exercises combined with swimming.

Improving the functioning of the nervous system

Being in water has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system , balances the processes of inhibition and excitation, and improves blood supply to the brain.

It is also believed that swimming relieves fatigue, helps with nervous tension and depression, improves mood, improves sleep, attention and memory, and regular exercise also disciplines and improves volitional qualities.

Photo 4
A swimming pool improves your mood!


Water is the best “massage” for the male genital organs. Regular exercise in water has a positive effect on erectile dysfunction. If you swim every day for half an hour, there is a significant increase in libido.

Among other things, exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, it is worth delving into more detail in what cases swimming is irreplaceable and what happens after training.

swimming benefits for men's health

Pros for men

All of the above about the benefits of swimming applies equally to both men and women.

Considering this issue in this aspect, I would only note the following: swimming will not allow a man to form the same sculpted and toned figure as the gym allows him to do.

If you want a beautiful, sculpted figure, then you need to shape it in the gym.

Photo 5
The beautiful figure of swimmers is much more the result of working out muscles in simulators, and not in the water.

On the other hand, regular and long-term swimming, of course, also strengthens the muscles of the back and shoulders and improves your appearance - just perhaps not as much as you might expect.

If you do not have such high expectations, then in everything else that has already been listed above, swimming will be extremely useful for you.

Benefits for children

Swimming is also good for children's health, and the benefits of training in water outweigh individual cases of possible harm. A visit to the pool gives your child:

  • correct load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • full development of the muscle corset;
  • pull effect – rapid growth;
  • the opportunity to develop the body coordination necessary for life;
  • proper breathing skills, which further prevents pathologies;
  • natural hardening, strengthening the body's protective functions.

The benefits of swimming in the pool for children are undeniable, but the task of parents is to dose the activities so as not to provoke harm (atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, the effect of chlorine on the respiratory system). Important! According to statistics, the majority of children who can swim above average fail to cope with the situation and die - due to the loss of a sense of danger.

Swimming in water is prescribed to young patients with congenital pathologies, and visiting the pool for healthy children is incredibly useful, as it is an excellent means of preventing the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Training eliminates the risk of developing osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

It’s time to discuss the benefits of swimming for children’s health, because our common future, forgive the pathos, depends on this!

  1. First of all, the benefits of swimming are expressed in the complex effect on physical development. Children develop muscles, strengthen their musculoskeletal system, and improve their sense of coordination;
  2. An anatomically beautiful body develops, both in boys and girls;
  3. The problem with the younger generation, unfortunately, is overweight and obesity. Therefore, in this block we will again mention the benefits of swimming for weight loss;
  4. The immune system is strengthened, the child becomes stronger, suffers less from seasonal colds and viral diseases;
  5. Sport increases self-esteem, strengthens self-confidence and willpower, develops endurance;
  6. What other benefits is swimming in the pool for children, you ask, and we will answer that we did not mention the beneficial effects on the nervous system, mood, emotions and psychological comfort;
  7. The pros and cons of swimming in a pool for girls are not comparable in size - the latter are much larger. These include benefits for posture and the formation of a pleasant feminine gait;
  8. And also, a child who plays sports is a person who directs energy in a useful direction. He learns a sense of healthy competition, rivalry, and teamwork. He comprehends the basics of communication in society, which means he develops not only physically, but also comprehensively, comprehensively.

Pros for women

Women, on the contrary, should not be afraid that as a result of exercise the femininity of their figure will be lost. The appearance of a “swimmer’s figure” in a woman is possible in the case of professional activities since childhood or in the case of some excessive and prolonged stress.

If you give yourself reasonable loads and also combine styles (to diversify muscle work), then you have no reason to worry.

At the same time, the relevance of swimming for women lies not only in the fact that it generally promotes weight loss, but also in the fact that it helps get rid of cellulite .

In addition, swimming helps prevent varicose veins , since during exercise the body is in a horizontal position, blood stagnation in the legs goes away, and blood supply improves.

What to take to the pool

You need to know what to take with you for the comfort of swimming training.

List of things needed for swimming:

  1. Certificate of health from your local physician.
  2. For men, boxer trunks or slips, for women - a one-piece swimsuit.
  3. Pool caps. It is better to choose silicone or silicone-woven ones.
  4. Swimming goggles are an optional attribute, but convenient.
  5. Towel, soap, shampoo.
  6. Rubber or silicone flip-flops.

If you choose a microfiber towel, you don’t have to take a bath towel with you. The medium-sized fabric perfectly absorbs liquid.

Interesting Facts

Swimming is a very popular sport. According to statistics, in Russia 16% of men and 12% of women regularly visit the swimming pool.

It is suitable even for those who have never played sports. When a person is in water, his weight decreases by 10 times. Thanks to this, even untrained people can easily bear the load.

Breaststroke is a very easy to learn swimming style that is much easier for beginners than front crawl and butterfly. In addition, it is considered the oldest method: images of people swimming breaststroke were found even on rock paintings made in the Stone Age.

Swimboard shape and material for manufacturing

The quality of the workout directly depends on the physical parameters of the swimboard. Until recently, in domestic pools the choice was limited to one type of board - a flat yellowish rectangular foam float with a rounded front edge. Nowadays, sports stores offer a wide range of boards of various colors, shapes and sizes. All swimboards have rounded edges to reduce water resistance, improve maneuverability and prevent injury during exercise. The more streamlined the shape of the board, the more resistance it has in the water, the more stress it puts on the muscles.

Swimming boards are available for children and adults; they differ in size and “coloring”. For example, you can buy a board with a picture of your favorite cartoon character for your child.

Swimming boards can be divided into two types:

  • boards intended for leg training only. Such boards can come in various shapes: rectangular, wedge-shaped or triangular. The simplest option is a rectangular board with a rounded front. Swimming boards of a more complex wedge-shaped or triangular shape are more maneuverable and allow you to vary the load depending on which end you hold the board with: the narrow end forward - the load on the legs when swimming will be less than if you hold the board forward with the wide edge. Many modern boards have special hand grips with finger indentations that can be located at the front or back edge, or on the side. Grips allow you to hold the board more firmly and create additional convenience.
  • combined swimming boards. These boards can be used to train both legs and arms. Combined boards have a special notch in the middle to make it convenient to clamp it between your thighs, like a bun.

The material from which swimming boards are made must meet safety requirements, have a long service life, have mechanical and chemical resistance, be light (to keep a very large weight afloat), not cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, and not absorb water.

Currently, plastic, advanced foam, EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate - a lightweight, elastic, finely porous material similar to hardened foam), isolon PPE (physically cross-linked polyethylene foam), HDPE (durable high-density polyethylene) are used to make swimming boards.

The most durable boards are those with a heat-treated surface, which creates protection against crumbling and mechanical damage and prevents water absorption.

Swimming - an alternative recovery workout

Pool swimming is one of the best recovery workout options for runners, cyclists, and any endurance sport. In the pool it is possible to conduct a full-fledged aerobic workout at a calm pace. If an athlete is suffering from sore throat or wants to take a break from his sport, then the pool is a lifesaver. Swimming in the pool can be an excellent replacement for running, skiing or cycling.

Read on the topic: How to replace running: 13 alternative options

Pool construction option 2 with walls made of steel sheets

As noted above, the shapes of pool bowls can be of the most varied shapes: square and round, oval and other, the most bizarre ones - which your imagination can suggest.

In this option of building a swimming pool with your own hands, the foundation of the swimming bowl can be either a massive concrete slab or simply soil, which, however, must be well compacted. If you have chosen the option with soil, then use a protective non-woven fabric to cover the foundation of the pool and only then lay the facing pool film.

In this installation option, the shape of the pool will be given by a wide steel strip, the height of the pool bowl itself.

Usually it can be bought in a roll already prepared for transportation, which is unrolled in the very niche prepared for the pool.

The ends of this steel strip, after installation, are fastened with a steel profile, with the help of which all the rigidity of the structure is ensured.

In this installation and construction option, the pool lining film is already prepared and comes included as a large bag. This will greatly simplify your work and save a lot of time (as a rule, the waterproofing stage is the most exhausting)

After you spread the facing film over the base, it must be secured around the circumference (or the perimeter of the bowl - it all depends on the shape with a special profile). Additionally, it will level out after filling the pool with water.

After the cladding, proceed to the installation of the technical devices themselves - they are specific for each system and kit, so we cannot give any advice - but they are probably in the REU.

This version of the pool has the following dimensions: diameter 5-6 meters, depth usually 1.5 meters and no more. The water bowl can be completely buried, or it can be left raised above the ground; this will not affect the design in any way, but it can give the interior of the site additional advantages.

So, step-by-step instructions for building this version of the pool.

  1. When preparing a niche or pit for a pool, keep in mind that the foundation must be at least 20 centimeters high. As a base, you can use either a concrete slab or well-compacted soil.
  2. In order not to damage the soft film for lining the pool bowl, the base is first compacted tightly, while simultaneously clearing of any objects that could damage it.
  3. Then, a roll with a steel strip is placed in the pit prepared for the pool, which will be the walls of the pool, having previously placed and secured on the base the lower fastening profile into which the steel strip will actually need to be inserted.
  4. Then install the top profile to secure the strip on top and fasten the strip with a vertical profile so that a ring is formed.
  5. After installing the top ring profile and vertical end fasteners, the steel strip forms a round bowl
  6. Then proceed to laying the facing film - do it carefully, in a timely manner and carefully straighten the folds. After the film is laid out, secure it with the upper fastening profile.
  7. To remove wrinkles that formed when laying out the facing film, first fill the pool with water only 2-3 centimeters and smooth the film from the center to the sides of the bowl.

Swimming is suitable for people with serious health problems

Recreational swimming is suitable for people with more serious health problems, such as arthritis. Another study found that people with this condition reported a decrease in body pain after regular swimming.

Swimming is suitable for people with disabilities and limited mobility. Of course, such health-improving swimming should be used after talking with a doctor and under the supervision of a trainer, but, in general, the health benefits of swimming are obvious.

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