Effective zinc preparation for men: list, application features and reviews

Zinc, like many vitamins and minerals, is very important for the human body. It is involved in protein synthesis, enzyme reactions, nucleic acid metabolism, and strengthens the immune system. The element acquires the greatest significance in adolescence, when the period of active growth and maturation of the genital organs begins.

For men, the element is primarily necessary to improve sperm activity and prevent hormone disruption. If during puberty a growing boy receives insufficient amounts of the element, his male organs may not develop properly. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of zinc entering the body. If a man always consumes a large amount of foods rich in this substance, he will protect himself from the development of prostate adenoma. Also, by increasing testosterone synthesis, this element will help you build muscle mass faster.

The female body needs zinc no less. It is especially important to consume it sufficiently during pregnancy. This helps maintain hormone balance and enhances endurance. If, while expecting a baby, there is not enough zinc. The risk of gestosis in pregnant women increases significantly.

Zinc perfectly fights microbes, promotes the formation of lymphocytes, normalizes blood sugar levels and improves vision, and is a strong antioxidant.

It has also been proven that the element improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, and joint diseases.

The combination of vitamin B with zinc has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, memory, has a calming effect, improves concentration and attention, and helps improve mood. Patients suffering from schizophrenia are often prescribed medications containing zinc.

Benefits of zinc for the human body

Zinc is an essential element for the body, the deficiency of which leads to dangerous pathologies. The mineral substance is actively involved in metabolism and is a component of cellular regeneration processes. In the human body, the microelement performs many functions:

  • is an immunostimulant;
  • helps the body get rid of viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • accelerates collagen synthesis;
  • reduces allergy symptoms;
  • participates in the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • extinguishes inflammatory reactions;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • improves brain function;
  • regulates insulin synthesis;
  • supports the functioning of the pancreas;
  • participates in the formation of protein structures;
  • Helps nutrients be absorbed from food.


Vitamin tablets are recommended in cases of acute nutritional deficiency or the need to quickly increase testosterone. Vitamins containing zinc and magnesium are not taken together with calcium. The simultaneous use of three components impairs absorption. Separate use of microelements doubles the effect. The optimal time to take vitamins is morning. The tablets are taken on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Calcium and magnesium are important minerals that affect training performance. But, as with the consumption of other products, moderation is important. Excess micronutrients cause negative health effects. A daily dosage of zinc exceeding 150 milligrams leads to intoxication of the body. Therefore, before taking a vitamin, you should undergo testing to determine how severe the mineral deficiency is.

Importance of Zinc for Women

Zinc preparations help alleviate premenstrual syndrome, as the microelement normalizes the synthesis of progesterone. To improve well-being before menstruation, women are recommended to take not only zinc, but also magnesium, pyridoxine, and L-glutamine. If on the eve of critical days there is a desire to overeat, then you should use chromium preparations.

According to numerous medical studies, zinc helps women normalize their emotional state and get rid of depression. When taking medications based on the mineral, mood improves and attacks of aggression and nervousness disappear.

Over the years, the concentration of zinc in the body decreases, even if a woman eats well. The fact is that in older people, the ability of the digestive tract to absorb microelements is weakened. Women who have reached menopause need more minerals than older men, since the female body is more susceptible to osteoporosis. Therefore, older representatives of the fair sex are recommended to take vitamins with zinc and calcium.

Dosage and regimen

The best time to take supplements is early in the morning, 30-40 minutes before breakfast. But if taking the drug on an empty stomach causes discomfort, you can take it after meals.

Table 2. Recommended daily requirement for macronutrients

CategoryMagnesium, mgZinc, mg
For stress and deficiencyFor womenFor men40 mg for everyone

It is recommended to calculate the daily amount of magnesium based on body weight - 6 mg per 1 kg. For example, a person weighing 70 kg will need 420 mg.

Important! The daily norm of minerals for pregnant women and children is calculated by the doctor.

Duration of administration for preventive purposes is 1 month. If symptoms of deficiency are severe, the supplement should be taken until you feel better.

Importance of Zinc for Men

Zinc is necessary for men to maintain potency, increase sexual desire, improve sperm quality, increase the likelihood of fertilization, and prevent the development of prostate cancer. The mineral is especially important for guys in puberty, since zinc stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, which is necessary for the formation of sperm. Men need significant amounts of micronutrients throughout their lives. Many doctors use zinc preparations to treat impotence.

Importance of Zinc for Children

The mineral is necessary for the full physical and intellectual development of children and the correct puberty of adolescents. The embryo developing in the mother's womb needs zinc. The microelement is needed by the embryo for the full formation of the immune system. Therefore, pregnant women should take vitamin complexes with zinc.

Preparations based on zinc are prescribed to children with weak immunity, delayed mental and sexual development, suffering from dermatitis, allergic reactions, and disorders of the digestive tract.


Preparations containing zinc are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components;
  • children's age (up to 4 years);
  • pregnancy and lactation (application is possible only after consultation with a specialist).

Before using the complexes, it is advisable to perform laboratory tests to confirm the need for their use. Otherwise, an overdose cannot be ruled out, which is accompanied by headaches, disruption of the functioning of the digestive system, and allergic reactions.

The benefits of mineral for hair

In order for hair to remain strong and beautiful, the body must receive a sufficient amount of mineral elements, including zinc. With a mineral deficiency, the condition of the hair and scalp worsens. Lack of zinc provokes thinning and excessive hair loss, dandruff, dryness, inflammation and ulceration of the scalp.

Zinc is a strong natural antioxidant. It helps the body get rid of toxins and waste products. In a cleansed body, vitamins and nutrients are more actively absorbed, as a result, the functioning of all organs and systems is normalized, and the hair grows stronger and more beautiful.

Baldness due to zinc deficiency is usually caused by a low supply of protein elements to the hair follicles, weakening of the immune system and nervous system. If your hair becomes thinning and dull, or dandruff develops, you should immediately start taking vitamin supplements that have a high zinc content. It is impossible to restore hair without a high-quality, complete, nutrient-rich diet.

Best Magnesium Citrate

The list of drugs opens with products containing magnesium citrate, or a magnesium compound with citric acid. The body absorbs both magnesium and citric acid, since it takes part in the Krebs cycle, or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. That is why citrate, which is taken in moderate quantities to prevent deficiency of this element, simultaneously activates biological oxidation and cellular respiration. The bioavailability of all magnesium citrate preparations is quite high, they are highly effective and beneficial to health.

Magne Express

Rating: 4.9

Panangin, Panangin Forte

Magne Express is a combination of magnesium citrate and vitamin B6. This combination is considered mutually beneficial and enhances the effect of both components. Magne Express is indicated not only for the correction of mild deficiency, but also as a preventive measure, as a dietary supplement to food.

It is known that the main source of magnesium in food is nuts, cereals, various seeds, halva and green vegetables. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of these foods, or their culinary processing involves prolonged thermal exposure, a magnesium deficiency may occur. Magne Express is produced in bags and sachets. Inside each sachet there are special granules for resorption.

You need to take this drug one sachet twice a day, and dissolve it during meals. There is no need to drink them with water. The average course duration is about 1 month. These granules have a sweet and sour taste, reminiscent of the aroma of tropical fruits. Magne Express is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company Hermes, and the cost of one package of 20 sachets, on average, is 520 rubles.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency

A lack of a mineral in the body can provoke many serious pathologies. Main symptoms of zinc deficiency:

  • white spots on the nail plates;
  • thinness and fragility of nails;
  • weakened vision;
  • weakness, powerlessness;
  • dullness and thinning of hair;
  • prolonged healing of wounds;
  • significant memory problems.

The above symptoms indicate that the body is experiencing a serious lack of mineral elements, and most of all zinc.

To compensate for the lack of zinc, you need to include mineral-rich foods in your diet and take vitamin and mineral complexes. It is recommended to consult a medical specialist so that he can select the optimal diet and the most suitable drug. But it should be borne in mind that an excess of zinc is no less dangerous than a deficiency, causing severe poisoning. Therefore, you should not get carried away with medications based on the mineral.

Vitamins for men

Vitamins for men

Nutritionists around the world are sounding the alarm - only 25% of residents of developed countries receive the required amount of magnesium from food(1). Most people are simply unaware of the importance of this mineral in maintaining optimal metabolism, let alone its impact on athletes' metabolism and overall strength training performance.

Speaking about strength training, it should be noted that many athletes and bodybuilders, against the background of chronic magnesium deficiency, also have a zinc deficiency. This mineral is also critical for men for testosterone synthesis and muscle growth. However, how to recognize magnesium and zinc deficiency in time, and what foods to eat to eliminate it?

The role of magnesium in metabolism

In fact, magnesium is the most important micromineral responsible for the energy metabolism of various cells in the body. Magnesium optimizes the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, activates the formation of proteins, promotes the release of energy during physical training, and also regulates various processes in the brain and central nervous system (2).

The need for magnesium increases significantly with physical activity, strength sports and regular cardio training. It is also important that “cutting cycles,” just like all kinds of carbohydrate-free and low-carbohydrate diets, accelerate the removal of this mineral from the body, provoking chronic magnesium deficiency in athletes.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

The most typical (and most “noticeable”) symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the human body are all kinds of spasms and cramps in the muscles (especially in the calves), increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, regular headaches, sleep problems, fatigue and a tendency to depression.

Among other things, a chronic lack of magnesium accelerates the aging process by disrupting collagen synthesis - as a result, not only the skin of the face and body loses its elasticity, but also the tissues of various internal organs, and muscles also become decrepit. The structure of the bones is gradually disrupted and their flexibility decreases, leading to the development of osteoporosis.

Zinc-rich foods

Microelement-rich foods should be included in the menu daily. Zinc is present in every cell of the body, is part of the structure of hormones, regulates digestion and blood circulation. With sufficient intake of the mineral into the body, the immune system and digestive organs function normally, children experience the correct development of organs and systems, adolescents do not have problems with puberty, and adults do not have any disturbances in their physical, intellectual and emotional state.

Seafood is the richest in zinc. Also high in mineral content are:

  • cheeses;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • soya beans;
  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • bran bread;
  • wheat and millet porridge;
  • corn;
  • citruses;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • currant.

You should know that dairy products have very low mineral content. People who adhere to a dairy diet and consume little fresh plant foods need to periodically take vitamin preparations with a high concentration of zinc.

How to determine a lack of magnesium and zinc

Magnesium is one of the microelements responsible for premature aging of the body. It is involved in protein synthesis - a natural building material. The lack of the required amount of protein molecules leads to degenerative processes, aging of a person and his internal organs.

Element deficiency manifests itself in:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • slowdown of metabolism in the digestive system due to lack of sugar, and therefore insulin;
  • insomnia, development of anxiety symptoms;
  • fragility of bones and muscles, cramps due to inability to absorb vitamin D and calcium;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, vascular insufficiency;
  • blurred vision;
  • problems with skin and hair.

In athletes, a lack of the mineral manifests itself in a drop in athletic performance, despite the regularity and intensity of training.

Zinc is not only the main one in the synthesis of testosterone. Its deficiency leads to impotence and infertility, it is obvious if:

  • regenerative processes in tissues sharply decrease, skin rashes occur;
  • hair and nails become dull, lifeless, brittle;
  • visual acuity drops sharply;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, hand tremors, irritability, and coordination are impaired;
  • immunodeficiency occurs.

You can correct the situation by changing your diet or including nutritional supplements.

The daily intake of Mg+ for young men is 400 mg. After 30 years it increases to 420-450 mg. Women require 100 mg less.

If we talk about products, there are three categories that can compensate for microelement deficiency in the body: with high, medium and low mineral content.

sources of magnesium

An approximate “menu” is presented in the table.

MinimumDairy and seafood products in which the element is combined with protein are recommended. You can eat carrots, dates, grass.
AverageBuckwheat, millet, seaweed in all varieties, rice, nuts, and legumes are added to the diet.
HighAny bran, sesame, cocoa.

As for zinc, you need about 20 mg per day.

The dosage for each is calculated strictly individually and depends on gender and age. The older the patient, the less zinc is required.

The table of necessary products for zinc looks like this.

Animal originMeat, especially beef, lamb, fatty sea fish, eel, oysters.
Vegetable originWheat bran, nuts, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds.

Nutritionists prefer animal products. By the way, if we add chromium to these minerals, we will get a diet of three microelements, which will guarantee a slim figure for the rest of our days if we use it once every six months. In this case, calorie content should not exceed 1200 kcal during the week. weight loss – 1 kg.

sources of zinc

Dosage forms of vitamins with zinc

Preparations with zinc have different forms of release, but this does not affect the activity of absorption of the components. The following dosage forms of vitamin and mineral preparations are available:

  • simple oral tablets;
  • water-soluble tablets;
  • chewable children's tablets;
  • capsules;
  • dragee.

In medicines, zinc is found in different chemical forms. In the production of pharmaceuticals, a mineral associated with salts is used. The cheapest preparations include zinc in sulfate form. But it must be taken into account that sulfate is poorly absorbed in the human digestive tract. The chelated form of the microelement is best accepted by the body. Acetate, citrate, and glycerate are also well absorbed. If you need to improve the condition of your skin, it is better to choose zinc in gluconate form.

Release forms and their features

The supplement can be purchased in several dosage forms. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so it is recommended to choose a drug before purchasing.

Table 1. Forms of release of drugs

Release formPurposeprosMinuses
Tablets and capsulesFor oral administrationNo need to calculate dosage, mix, diluteNot everyone can swallow capsules and tablets. The form takes a long time to be absorbed, is slowly absorbed
PowderYou can select and adjust the dosage yourself. Due to the high concentration of components, the powder is consumed more slowly Needs to be mixed with liquid, which cannot always be done outside the home

Tablets and capsules are covered with a special coating that protects the gastrointestinal tract from irritation and prevents the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

The best preparations with zinc

Pharmacies sell many vitamin and mineral complexes, in which zinc is one of the main substances. There are medications for different age categories of patients, intended both to prevent mineral deficiency and to eliminate certain pathologies. Universal products are also available, suitable for both preventive and therapeutic purposes:

  • Doppelhertz active from A to Zinc;
  • Evalar Zinc + Vitamin C;
  • Viardot forte.

Instructions for use

Magnelis B6 Forte

Magnesium and zinc are prescribed for the prevention or treatment of many pathologies:

  • regional enteritis;
  • celiac disease;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • alcoholism.

Other diseases for which taking a vitamin-mineral complex is recommended:

  1. Asthma and COPD. Minerals relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, making breathing easier. With long-term use, they relieve asthma attacks and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  2. Attention deficit disorder. Macroelements reduce activity and promote perseverance.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases. Minerals are necessary for normal myocardial function, strengthening muscles and preventing heart attacks.
  4. High blood pressure. Studies have proven the ability of macroelements to slow down the formation of aldesterone, which increases blood pressure.
  5. Diabetes. Magnesium plays a major role in the production and influence of insulin. Almost all patients suffering from high blood sugar have a deficiency of the element.
  6. Stones in the kidneys. The combination of substances reduces the concentration of calcium in the urine, thereby preventing kidney stones.

In addition to the listed conditions, preparations with magnesium and zinc relieve fatigue, overwork, alleviate PMS, and improve the condition of fibromyalgia and migraines.

Macronutrient supplements should not be taken if you have the following conditions:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • lactation period;
  • renal failure in the final stage;
  • Parkinson's disease.

Pregnant women can take the mineral complex only after consulting a doctor. The drug is also prescribed with caution to patients with chronic renal failure.

Magnesium Chelate Evalar

Doctors prescribe supplements with magnesium and B6 to normalize the psycho-emotional state, support the cardiovascular system, improve muscle function and speed up metabolism. Both combined products and mineral mono-additives are available for sale. When choosing a product, you need to focus on the concentration and chemical form of nutrients.

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