Our review and review of Ultimate Nutririon BCAA 12000 Powder


Essential amino acids that help athletes cope with training loads and subsequent rehabilitation are included in BCAA 12000 powder from Ultimate Nutrition. This powder is considered the most purified form of leucine, valine and isoleucine in a 2:1:1 ratio, recommended for both beginners and experienced athletes.

Features of BCAA Powder 12000

To achieve ideal shape, you need to consume foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Muscle growth is directly related to how quickly muscle fibers are repaired after exercise and how much they break down during grueling exercise - a process called catabolism.

The sports supplement BCAA Ultimate Nutrition 12000 has a ratio of 2:1:1. The manufacturer has made a dietary supplement, thanks to which an athlete can increase his endurance during training, speed up metabolism and increase anabolism, reduce the effect of fatigue and, accordingly, improve performance during hard training. The components of the complex are used by the body as sources of energy, which human systems receive almost instantly.

The supplement also helps:

  • Reduction of adipose tissue.
  • Reducing catabolic processes.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Promotes the entry of tryptophan into the brain, which reduces mental fatigue.
  • Normalization of the nervous system.

Advantages of the amino acid complex

The supplement helps the athlete achieve his goals of increasing lean muscle mass and accelerating the processes of muscle fiber regeneration. It can be used at all stages of muscle building, as well as during strict diets before competitions.

One of the main advantages of the product is the absence of harmful components such as sweeteners, flavors, synthetic pigments, etc.

Advantages of using the complex?

Also, the amino acid complex is suitable for athletes of any age and level of training.

As a result of regular use of BCAA 12000 Powder, the following positive effects :

  • accelerated formation of new muscle connections;
  • neutralization of the destructive effect of the hormone cortisol on muscle tissue;
  • reducing the period of muscle regeneration after training;
  • acceleration of lipolytic processes, as a result of which fat mass is burned and muscle relief
  • delivery of additional energy , which ensures the athlete's impact performance;
  • reducing symptoms of fatigue and lethargy after lifting heavy weights;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body.

Composition of Ultimate Nutrition BCAA 12000

A BCAA content of 5 grams per serving can be considered a good indicator. This dosage should be enough to meet the needs of these important components of muscle fibers. BCAA Powder 12000 complex contains 6 grams of branched chain amino acids, which is enough to obtain the desired effects.

One serving contains:

  • L-leucine - 3000 mg.
  • L-valine - 1500 mg.
  • L-isoleucine - 1500 mg.
  • Protein - 6 grams.
  • Fats - 1 gram.
  • Carbohydrates - 2 grams.

How to take the supplement correctly?

The developers of the BCAA 12000 Powder amino acid complex recommend drinking it 2-3 times a day .

To prepare a nutritious drink, take a portion of the dry mixture ( 7.6 g) and dilute it in a glass of water (juice, low-calorie milk).

It is recommended to take the supplement in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, half an hour before physical activity and immediately after completing the workout. If you go to the gym in the evenings, you can take additional amino acids at night .

BCAA 12000 Powder amino acids can be drunk constantly without taking breaks for a couple of weeks. There are no courses or cycles of intake; on the contrary, experts recommend constantly consuming amino acids for athletes who regularly .

The daily dosage of pure BCAAs is up to 20 g per day , since at higher levels the components begin to be less absorbed.

How to take the supplement?

BCAA 12000 Powder has excellent gastronomic qualities : it quickly dissolves in liquid, has a pleasant consistency and a neutral aroma. However, consumers note a slight natural bitterness of the product, so to improve the taste, you can mix the dry mixture with your favorite juice or milkshake, gainers .

As for combining it with other sports nutrition products, experts advise combining amino acid intake with gainers, protein shakes , pre-workout complexes and vitamin supplements.

Advantages and disadvantages

BCAA Powder 12000 from Ultimate Nutrition, first of all, outperforms many other complexes in the number of amino acids in one serving. Otherwise, the product is of the highest quality, highly effective, tastes great and mixes well in water. You can also note the release form - powder. It is convenient to use during the entire training process, and also to mix with other supplements, such as gainers or pre-workout complexes.

Composition and features

Manufacturers are constantly trying to improve the formula of the substance, adding something new, creative and useful. The main role in the creation of the drug is played by raw materials and innovations in production, which are controlled by Ultimate Nutrition itself. This is completely understandable, since all amino acids are the same by definition. This means that in order for the BCAA complex to be in demand on the sports nutrition market, you can either add new elements or reduce its cost.

The inclusion of additional components is less justified. A maximum of 2-3 new amino acids will be able to work as part of the BCAA team, bringing an effect. Therefore, manufacturers most often manipulate cost.

BCAA 12000 from Ultimate Nutrition is one of the best deals today. As part of the supplement, one serving of powder (6 g) contains: 3 g of the amino acid leucine and half as much isoleucine (the first isomer) and valine. For a monthly course you need one package of dietary supplements (457 g), which costs 1100-1200 rubles. It turns out that one serving will cost a little less than 16 rubles. Which is really beneficial when compared with analogues on the sports nutrition market. The result is optimal value for money.

It is immediately necessary to focus on the fact that the name 12000 is not due to the fact that a serving of powder contains 12 g of BCAA, but to the fact that it is recommended to take two servings of 6 g per day. This supplement from Ultimate Nutrition has no other features. And this cannot be called a minus, since, as the name itself suggests, all other components, except BCAA, are secondary.

How to take BCAA Powder 12000

Take the supplement by mixing one serving (1 scoop) with 200-300 milliliters of water. The manufacturer recommends using the complex on training days:

  1. one serving immediately after training;
  2. and the second between meals.

On rest days you can get by with one serving.

Based on the experience of the theory, confirmed in practice, supplements consisting of a BCAA complex on training days should be consumed before and after training. And on rest days:

  1. the first portion – immediately after sleep before breakfast;
  2. and the second - at any time.

Professional athletes should take two scoops at a time, twice a day.

By the way, professionals are not limited to just two servings a day. High-level athletes experiencing the highest stress can take such complexes at their own discretion, the number of servings can reach 3-4 per day. This technique provides reliable protection of muscle mass from catabolic processes and increases (accelerates) regeneration. When consuming 3 servings per day, be sure to take the supplement immediately after sleep, when the body experiences prolonged fasting and lack of protein.

Our reviews of Ultimate Nutririon BCAA 12000 Powder

If, after a week of taking it, they start telling you that BCAs are an amazing thing and work great - don’t believe it. You need to take this supplement for at least a couple of months so that you can notice its effect, plus take other sports nutrition for the masses. So don’t even expect to get pumped up in two days with its help. I have been drinking them for at least 5 months, and this time I did an experiment - last year I worked out without BCA, now with them. And here are the results.

Compared to last year, I was really able to get into better shape. This became noticeable after a few months of use with the naked eye. That is, its role in gaining weight is not an empty phrase. Go ahead. Taking BCAs, I felt that I was recovering faster. We are talking about 1-2 days after each workout. That is, if earlier after chest day, I felt pain in this area for about five days, now it takes me about three days to train this muscle group again. This factor also greatly affects mass gain.

And one more thing - during the gain, I began to increase mainly only dry mass. This was very noticeable - if before I seemed very “watery”, now even with a high-calorie diet I can maintain a wonderful, lean shape.

Benefits of taking BCAA

The benefits of the complex for the athlete are obvious. But it is important to eat right, and Powder 12000 should remain just a supplement.

Amino acids are the components that are so necessary for increasing muscle mass, and they are divided into two types:

  • essential are those that cannot be produced in the body;
  • replaceable. They can be reproduced in the body, but only by some of the organs.

Of all the known amino acids, the most useful are the “troika” BCAA, which includes: isoleucine, leucine and valine. Each of these amino acids has its own specificity in the restoration of muscle cells and fibers, as well as their growth.

In most cases, BCAA is entrusted with the main task of keeping muscle fibers intact and preparing them for future loads. In addition, these amino acids fill the muscles with the necessary source of growth at the right time, and also eliminate the risk of destruction. The only problem is that the human body does not have the ability to independently create BCA, so these amino acids must be consumed externally, for example, from sports nutrition complexes. In such a situation, Ultimate Nutrition BCAA will come to the rescue, fully saturating the body with useful substances.

Thanks to research by scientists, it was possible to prove that BCAA balances the flow of a substance such as tryptophan into brain cells, thereby minimizing the risk of mental retardation. This problem most often occurs during intense training.

Most athletes overload their muscles, often without thinking that when training in the gym, efficiency can decrease several times.

Despite the fact that fatigue of the central nervous system does not have any effect on the functionality of the muscles, the general condition is reflected in the work of muscle tissue. However, there is some connection between mental retardation and the amount of tryptophan that enters the brain. This substance, when it enters the brain, has a special effect on the central nervous system, or rather, calms it. The BCA complex ensures concentrated levels of a substance such as tryptophan.


Release forms

BCAA 12000 Powder is available in powder form. There are two types of supplements on the sports nutrition market, with a neutral taste and Flavored BCAA 12000 Powder with various flavors:

  • bilberry;
  • watermelon;
  • cherry;
  • grape;
  • orange;
  • lemon-lime;
  • fruit punch;
  • pink lemonade.

A dietary supplement with a neutral taste, according to the description, has a bitter aftertaste, so powders with added flavoring are the most popular.

Importance of BCAA 12000 Powder for the body

BCAAs are one of the most popular amino acids in the body, important for building muscle mass and reducing body fat. These are long-term processes that require not only proper nutrition, but also maximum effort and concentration during physical activity, which is associated with constant fatigue. The effectiveness of these processes directly depends on the speed of muscle fiber recovery.

During physical activity, muscles are exposed to stress and tension, and receive multiple microtraumas, causing the destruction of muscle fibers. To maintain the integrity of muscle tissue and their rapid recovery, the body must contain sufficient concentrations of branched chain amino acids - BCAAs. Their presence is also necessary for the production of other amino acids (in particular, glutamine and alanine), which take an active part in recovery processes.

Action of BCAA 12000 Powder

In addition to actively helping in muscle growth, BCAA 12000 Powder allows you to control the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits. Leucine actively interacts with leptin, the hormone responsible for the absorption of fats entering the body. The presence of leucine promotes more active synthesis of leptin, which prevents the retention of excess fat in the body.

Among the important functions of branched chain amino acids is their ability to limit the amount of tryptophan entering the brain. Research has proven that amino acid deficiency causes an increase in the amount of tryptophan, which, after entering the brain, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, resulting in drowsiness and a feeling of extreme fatigue. Under such conditions, athletic performance is significantly reduced: strength indicators decrease and training productivity decreases.

There is always a certain amount of BCAAs in the blood, but they are not always enough to neutralize the effects of tryptophan, which is especially important during physical activity. As a result, the body experiences stress and energy deficiency, to replenish which it begins to use amino acids contained in the blood. Timely intake of BCAA 12000 Powder will allow you to control tryptophan levels, which will ensure alertness throughout your workout.

Sources of essential amino acids

The body can obtain essential amino acids only from external sources. The constant presence of meat, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese and milk in the diet will ensure the supply of amino acids in quantities sufficient for normal life.

When it comes to the need to gain muscle mass, food alone will not be enough. Athletes come to the aid of special sports supplements, which include BCAA 12000 Powder. It contains optimal dosages of nutritional components necessary for the development and restoration of muscle fibers. The release form of BCAA 12000 Powder in powder form ensures ease of use, and the effectiveness of the product has long been confirmed by clinical studies and reviews from many athletes.

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