Antioxidant vitamin C. Benefits of ascorbic acid

At the everyday level, we all know about the importance of vitamins for the body, and that their deficiency negatively affects health. True vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamins is rare in the modern world: if you eat a balanced diet, then even with a simple diet without frills, a modern person will not experience vitamin deficiency.

However, more and more people are complaining of poor health, insomnia, fatigue, while doctors are unable to make any clear diagnosis. Modern scientific research has proven that the content of vitamins in the diet has decreased by a third over the last decade. Industrial processing of foods and poor ecology have led to a decrease in vitamins in food. As a result, despite the most exquisite and, at first glance, balanced menu, we experience a chronic deficiency of vitamins.

Properties of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an organic, water-soluble chemical compound. It is considered one of the main vitamins for the metabolism of bone and connective tissue, therefore it is necessary in the human diet every day. An excess of ascorbic acid in the body is practically impossible; when dissolved in water, vitamin C is quickly eliminated from the body.

Ascorbic acid performs many functions in the body, participating in metabolic and energy processes.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that fights premature cell aging. Vitamin C plays a key role in the absorption of iron and affects the hematopoietic system. Iron is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, the main carrier of oxygen in the circulatory system.

In the circulatory system, it plays the role of a “cleaner” and “solvent”, removes excess cholesterol and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Ascorbic acid helps with protein synthesis and affects carbohydrate and energy metabolism. Ascorbic acid helps restore vitamin E.

Pharmacy vitamins for bodybuilding

What should an athlete do to increase his strength performance: ignore pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilding, preferring natural products, or take them? To make the right decision, you need, at a minimum, complete and reliable information about permitted additives, which include the following pharmaceutical preparations.

Hello everyone. Not everyone uses good, and therefore expensive, proteins and gainers that already contain all the vitamins, minerals and microelements. From regular food it is practically impossible to get the amount of essential vitamins that a bodybuilder, or any other actively training athlete, needs.

For myself, I decided long ago to consume the main vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C only intramuscularly. This is much more effective, the costs are ridiculous, a pack of B12 costs 29 rubles. But the effect of vitamins, in the correct dosage, calculated according to needs, is noticeable immediately. All the elements from the table can also be bought at a regular pharmacy, for cheap, with proven effectiveness, unlike vitamins from sports nutrition.

Daily requirement for vitamins

Here is a table of the daily requirement for vitamins, which will show the needs of an ordinary person and a bodybuilder, as well as what will happen if there is a deficiency of certain vitamins.

Vitamins are vital elements of the diet of an athlete, and an ordinary person who cares about his well-being, but you need to know in what quantity they should be used so as not to harm the body, since the use of even useful substances, in large, uncontrolled quantities, can cause irreparable harm to health.

Vitamins can strengthen the human immune system, restore strength after training, due to the growth and restoration of damaged muscle tissue, they regulate the biochemical and physiological processes of our body. With a lack or excess of vitamins, we quickly get tired, nervous breakdowns appear, we become irritable, all the body’s protective resources are suppressed, and overtraining quickly appears during training.

All vitamins are usually divided into two main types, these are fat-soluble, which are able to accumulate in adipose tissue due to solubility in fats, so excessive intake can lead to intoxication of the body, ships include vitamins A, D, E, K, and water-soluble, absorbable into the blood are water-soluble vitamins, excess of which are excreted in the urine, except for vitamin B6 (which includes vitamin C and B vitamins).

The need for vitamins is individual, it largely depends on the body’s energy expenditure, respectively, the greater they are, the more vitamins are needed, and vitamin dosage is also influenced by climate, a person’s weight, seasons, health status, and nutritional balance. In any case, you should strive to get all the necessary vitamins from natural products; of course, bodybuilders cannot eat large amounts of fruit to obtain the required dosage of vitamins, therefore, in this case, it is advisable to drink vitamin-mineral complexes.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Kremlin diet - points table

It is necessary to regulate the intake of all vitamins in order to avoid health problems; the table of daily vitamin requirements will help you determine the optimal intake of all existing vitamins, and will also tell you the consequences of their deficiency (vitaminosis).

Table of daily vitamin requirements


Vitamins are essential nutritional components required by humans and which the body cannot synthesize on its own. These substances are obtained exclusively from special additives or regular food. Such elements are most often called micronutrients, since the body requires vitamins in minimal quantities. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats are needed in much larger doses. Bodybuilding increases the need for micronutrients.

The lack of these components significantly slows down the rate of muscle growth and progression in training. The importance of vitamins for bodybuilders lies in the fact that without these elements protein production does not occur and the process of building muscle becomes impossible. The metabolic rate of bodybuilders is different from that of ordinary people, as bodybuilders require more vitamins.

Professional athletes with extensive practical experience know for sure that without providing the required amount of vitamins, it is impossible to get a good result in bodybuilding. To compensate for the deficiency, most athletes take special vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as other sports supplements. A lack of vitamins, as a rule, causes a plateau, but most athletes simply do not realize it.

Vitamins for everyone involved in bodybuilding are mandatory components, since bodybuilders are simply obliged to eat food with a high calorie content, which contains very few micronutrients. Large amounts of food do not allow athletes to add enough fruits and vegetables to their diet to compensate for the deficiency.

Eating too much food will cause gastrointestinal upset. To avoid adverse consequences, without increasing the portions and quantity of products, you should use special complexes.

Pharmacy complexes are also often used by bodybuilders. They are an excellent replacement for expensive supplements. The most popular are the following:

  • Effective and inexpensive complex "Complivit". Its composition includes a wide variety of vitamins. It is great for those who regularly play sports and is incredibly useful for children over seven years of age. The rules and dosage of vitamins are indicated in the instructions.
  • Vitamin-mineral complex "Alphabet-effect". Designed for people who regularly engage in physical activity. It differs from similar complexes by the presence of three types of tablets - morning, afternoon, evening.
  • Containing ginseng extract "Dynamizan". This preparation also contains amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. It is recommended for use by athletes and people facing regular mental stress. It increases the ability to concentrate, endurance, and performance.
  • The most affordable of the vitamin complexes is “Undevit”. It contains 1 vitamin less than Complivit, that is, only 11, not 12. The drug has never been positioned as a sports drug, but most athletes take it because of its good composition and low cost.

Pharmaceutical drugs, of course, differ from special sports ones. However, when comparing costs, most athletes give preference to pharmacy vitamins rather than advertised supplements.

Hello, dear readers! Today there will be a short note about how important it is to be fortified. To be more precise, we will try to evaluate how important ascorbic acid is in bodybuilding, we will evaluate the qualities and properties of vitamin C. This substance is becoming increasingly used and in demand.

Professional bodybuilders know the best time to take ascorbic acid. To achieve an excellent effect, vitamin C is taken before exercise, this will protect the muscles from destruction. Ascorbic acid is actively used by athletes, as it helps to overcome even difficult and long-term workouts. It gives energy and makes it possible to achieve maximum results.

Vitamin C for athletes

Vitamin C is the most important stimulator of anabolic processes in the body. It enhances protein absorption, thereby promoting muscle gain. The presence of ascorbic acid largely determines the degree of protein absorption by the body, which is used by athletes to build muscle mass.

Vitamin C is necessary to compensate for oxidative stress that forms during physical activity. The strong antioxidant effect of ascorbic acid helps protect the body of athletes during overload.

Vitamin C has a significant effect on the hormonal system and is involved in the production of steroid hormones, including testosterone, which is responsible for high athletic performance.

Ascorbic acid prevents the production of your own cortisol, a stress-catabolic hormone that reduces the rate of muscle growth. Bodybuilders take ascorbic acid during drying to achieve maximum relief.

These are not all the reasons why ascorbic acid is of great importance for those who play sports professionally. Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen and accelerates tissue regeneration. Collagen is a building material for connective tissue. During training, the load on muscles and tissues increases, often to critical conditions that provoke sports injuries.

Athletes' bodies need increased collagen production to protect themselves from injury. Enhanced collagen production reduces the likelihood of injury, and in the event of injury, it promotes faster tissue repair.

Vitamin C reduces the likelihood of bronchospasm, which athletes are susceptible to during training. A decrease in the clearance in the bronchi is caused by great physical exertion; athletes feel this as a lack of air or cough. Taking ascorbic acid before training reduces the risk of bronchospasms, improves the quality of training and the athlete’s well-being.

Vitamin C is involved in the production of interferon, thereby stimulating the immune system and increasing the body's defenses. Athletes are no less, and sometimes even more susceptible to colds and other inflammatory processes.

The effect of vitamin C on the nervous system and mental state has been proven. Vitamin C is a powerful antidepressant, as it stimulates the production of serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone. Taking vitamin C helps athletes cope with the physical and mental stress that often accompanies preparation for sports competitions.

Interaction with testosterone

Most of the beneficial effects of vitamin C are due to its antioxidant properties, serving as a scavenger of "reactive oxygen species" (ROS), which are natural side effects of many metabolic processes. It also provides neuroprotective effects and improves blood flow.

ROS production increases with intense exercise because exercise increases the production of free radicals. Vitamin C is also required for enzymes that synthesize L-carnitine and neurotransmitters known as catecholamines (dopamine and adrenaline). Also important for neurotransmitters, which are responsible for the rate of collagen (joint) synthesis, which is very important when playing sports.

In cases where oxidative processes affect the normal functioning of the testicles, the addition of ascorbic acid maintains the concentration of testosterone, starting at a dosage of 1000 mg.

As mentioned above, excellent interaction with zinc increases the concentration of the latter significantly, which will lead to an even greater increase in the levels of free testosterone, a very important hormone both in bodybuilding and in sports in general.

Where is vitamin C found?

Ascorbic acid is found in many foods, mostly of plant origin. Fresh vegetables and fruits contain the most vitamin C. The leader in vitamin C content is dried rose hips. 100 grams of dried berries contain 1200 mg of pure vitamin C.

In 100 grams of sweet red pepper - 200 mg, in green bell pepper - 130 mg, in black currant and sea buckthorn - 200 mg, in chokeberry - 160 mg, in parsley - 150 mg, in dill - 100 mg, in cranberries – 100 mg, in oranges – 60 mg, in lemons – 40 mg, in strawberries – 60 mg, in white cabbage – 45 mg, in potatoes – 25 mg, tomatoes and apples – 20 mg. Meat and dairy products also contain vitamin C. 100 grams of beef liver contains 22 mg of ascorbic acid, and a glass of milk contains 5 mg.


An affordable doping drug for bodybuilders, Anastrozole, prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, a process known as the aromatosis effect when taking anabolic steroids. The effect of the drug is manifested in the following effects:

  • decreased levels of female hormones;
  • increase in the level of free testosterone and its natural synthesis;
  • increasing the concentration of anabolic hormones;
  • getting rid of signs of gynecomastia (female-type fat deposition with noticeable enlargement of the mammary glands);
  • gaining muscle mass;
  • improvement of muscle strength indicators.

If there is a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, or depression, the dose of the drug is reduced.

Doses of ascorbic acid

The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin C is about 90 mg. An athlete, depending on weight and intensity of exercise, needs two to three times more. During periods of intense exercise, the dose of ascorbic acid can increase to 200 mg. This dose is also taken in case of colds.

After a course of taking steroid drugs, the dose of ascorbic acid is increased to 1-2 grams per day to block cortisol. The maximum permissible dose is 3 grams per day.

General position

Vitamin C is safe within the recommended range, but can cause diarrhea at higher dosages of 2-6 grams.

There is also a rare possibility of nephrotoxicity associated with oral use of the vitamin.

There is evidence (from clinical studies) that taking dosages of 45 grams or more led to oxalate nephropathy.

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Risks of Taking Vitamin C

Vitamin C can cause a number of unpleasant effects, given its acidic nature. Ascorbic acid in its pure form destroys tooth enamel, so after eating berries and fruits with a high content of ascorbic acid, you must at least rinse your mouth. Ascorbic acid has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, often causing heartburn. But such negative phenomena threaten if the dose of the vitamin is calculated not in milligrams, but in grams.

Since the need for ascorbic acid among athletes is high, pharmaceutical companies produce ascorbic acid preparations in the form of salts. Typically these are sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate. Salts do not irritate the mucous membranes and provide the body with vitamin C.

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Being a precursor of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), a universal source of energy in the cell, Riboxin has a complex effect on the bodybuilders’ body:

  • increases endurance;
  • stimulates regeneration processes in muscle cells;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes the synthesis of the hormone insulin and better absorption of glucose;
  • stimulates metabolism, especially energy metabolism.

Riboxin can replace ATP. The drug is effective in combination with potassium orotate. It is taken for 1-3 months according to the regimen of 0.2 g 3-4 times a day.

Functions of Vitamin C

  • Antioxidant properties;
  • Increased immune defense;
  • Restoration of body tissues;
  • Preventing tissue damage;
  • Participation in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Increasing the athlete’s body’s resistance to infections;
  • Preventing heart disease, stroke and cancer;
  • Improving the quality of restoration processes;
  • Participation in metabolic processes;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Antidepressant.

Adverse reactions

Due to increased sensitivity to ascorbic acid, the following conditions may appear:

  • dyspepsia;
  • damage to tooth enamel (if dragees dissolve or chewable lozenges are used for a long time);
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • runny or stuffy nose;
  • redness of the eyes, watery eyes;
  • frequent urination;
  • nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx.

Laboratory diagnostics may reveal:

  • neutrophilic leukocytosis;
  • erythropenia;
  • increased levels of adrenergic steroids;
  • hypokalemia;
  • decrease in glycogen concentration.

Severe allergic reactions almost never occur. But in rare cases, life-threatening conditions can develop: Quincke's edema in the larynx and anaphylactic shock.

Attention! If side effects occur, you should stop taking medications containing vitamin C, get tested and consult a doctor.

for the human body

The effects of the antioxidant vitamin C include the vitamin’s assistance in the formation of collagen and serotonin, as well as participation in the production of adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. Vitamin C takes part in the conversion of cholesterol into bile. Ascorbic acid is also needed for the restoration of liver cells and a synergistic effect on vitamin E. Vitamin C stimulates the production of interferon and is involved in the formation of the immune system. A special feature of vitamin C is its assistance in the absorption of iron.

Ascorbic acid reduces the level of glycated hemoglobin, thereby preventing the development of diabetes. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects “good” cholesterol molecules from oxidative stress, while reducing the level of “bad” lipoproteins.

According to the results of one experiment, vitamin C reduced the severity of bronchospasm and pulmonary symptoms that can be caused by physical activity.

What vitamins are needed for sports for men?

Vitamin and mineral complexes for men contain sufficient amounts of zinc, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. They help absorb proteins, maintain muscle tone and deliver sufficient oxygen to the muscles, which is important for the effectiveness of training.

Examples of the best sports vitamins for men:

  • VitaMen from Maxler. In addition to vitamins of almost all groups, it includes BCAA, which is useful for rapid muscle recovery. It also contains calcium, which is responsible for the health of bones and cartilage. Additionally, the complex helps burn fat. For this purpose, the composition contains citrus extracts and ginseng root, which also tones the body.

  • Animal Pak. A legendary complex for professional athletes, existing on the market for more than 30 years. It contains 22 components (vitamins and minerals), and another 19 amino acids, a complex of antioxidants, food enzymes and plant extracts to increase performance and strength. One package is enough for a full course of 44 days.

  • Opti Men. A complex that is not inferior in popularity to Animal Pak. The main feature is the high content of vitamins A, E and B9 (folic acid). Like Animal Pak, it includes a set of plant extracts, a complex of free form amino acids and a set of digestive enzymes.

We recommend that you definitely study: “Opti Men or Animal Pak - which is better: a complete review of supplements with comparison.”


A drug that dilates blood vessels, improving blood supply and tissue nutrition, but without significantly changing blood pressure levels. Pentoxifylline is considered one of the best doping drugs in the pharmacy for bodybuilding, used for pumping. The effect of the product appears an hour after administration.

For headaches associated with hypotension, mild nausea, tachycardia, redness of the skin, the dosage is reduced or the drug is discontinued. Pentoxifylline is taken before and after training. On average, the dosage regimen looks like this: 3 times a day, 2 tablets (100 mg) for a week. The drug is contraindicated for persons with heart and vascular diseases.

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