Vitamin B2 in food and its extraordinary benefits


This nutritious fish is rich in several B vitamins.

Here is what % of the recommended daily intake contains 100 grams of boiled salmon:

Thiamine (B1): 18%

Riboflavin (B2): 29%

Niacin (B3): 50%

Pantothenic acid (B5): 19%

Pyridoxine (B6): 47%

Cobalamin (B12): 51%

In addition, salmon is a fish high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and is also rich in protein and selenium.

Indications for use of pangamic acid

Pangamic acid is successfully used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and disorders.

The vitamin is useful for people with symptoms such as:

  • angina pectoris;
  • musculoskeletal pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • insomnia;
  • stress.

Because vitamin B15 lowers blood cholesterol, it also helps people with high serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease feel better and reduces the risk of these diseases. Pangamic acid improves blood circulation and supports cell viability, so it can be used to support heart and brain function. The vitamin is useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Pangamata calcium.

Vitamin B15 is used to treat and prevent premature aging due to its antioxidant properties. It is believed to protect the skin of the face, eyes, lips from toxins and harmful environmental influences.

Pangamic acid is used to treat alcoholism, reducing cravings for alcohol, protecting liver cells from the destructive effects of alcohol and improving the protein composition of the blood.

The vitamin is used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and rheumatism.


Freshwater trout is not much inferior to salmon in terms of the content of B vitamins.

A 100 gram serving of steamed trout provides the recommended daily intake:

Thiamine (B1): 28%

Riboflavin (B2): 25%

Niacin (B3): 29%

Pantothenic acid (B5): 22%

Pyridoxine (B6): 12%

Cobalamin (B12): 125%

In addition, trout is an excellent source of protein and is rich in omega-3.

Oysters, clams and mussels

Oysters, clams and mussels are excellent sources of B12 and B2. They also supply the body with thiamine, niacin and folic acid.

Boiled oysters, clams and mussels in an amount of 100 grams provide the recommended daily intake:

B vitaminsOystersShellfishMussels
Thiamine (B1)8 %10 %20 %
Riboflavin (B2)26 %25 %25 %
Niacin (B3)18 %17 %15 %
Folic acid (B9)4 %7 %19 %
Cobalamin (B12)480 %1648 %400 %

The dose of vitamin B12 per 100 grams of oysters, clams or mussels is at least four times the recommended daily intake.

Oysters, clams and mussels are also rich in protein and several minerals, including iron, zinc, selenium and manganese, are a good source of omega-3s.

Symptoms of substance deficiency in the body

There have not been any documented cases of illness due to a lack of vitamin B15 in the diet.

However, a lack of vitamin B15 in the diet can cause :

  • complications from the cardiovascular system;
  • increased fatigue and irritability;
  • decreased performance;
  • mood instability;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • reduced oxygen content in the body;
  • premature aging of the whole organism.

Symptoms of substance deficiency in the body
Vitamin deficiency in the body.


Although it is not recommended to consume too much meat, it also contains B vitamins.

Thus, a 100-gram serving of fried beef fillet contains the recommended daily intake:

Thiamine (B1): 5%

Riboflavin (B2): 8%

Niacin (B3): 39%

Pantothenic acid (B5): 6%

Pyridoxine (B6): 31%

Cobalamin (B12): 29%

Instructions for use of calcium pangamate

Since the substance is quickly destroyed in the body, the drug is divided into several doses. The drug is taken orally, 1-2 tablets (50-100 mg) 3-4 times a day. The tablet should be swallowed whole with liquid. Although the vitamin can be taken with or without food, it is best taken between meals.

Daily doses:

  1. For adults: 100-300 mg.
  2. For children:
      up to 3 years - 50 mg;
  3. from 3 to 7 years - 100 mg;
  4. from 7 to 14 years - 150 mg.

Application of calcium pangamate.
Treatment is carried out in courses of 20-40 days, repeated after a 2-3 month break.

The drug is well tolerated in most cases. It is recommended to exercise caution when first prescribing the drug and discontinue use if side effects are observed.

Release form: 0.05 g (50 mg) film-coated tablets. 100 tablets in jars or 10 tablets in blister packs. Storage: in a tightly closed container in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding +18°C.

During pregnancy

The use of calcium pangamate in the form of tablets during pregnancy is not recommended, since its effect on the body of the mother and fetus remains unstudied.


Like other types of meat, pork contains several B vitamins. It even exceeds beef in terms of thiamine (B1) content.

Boiled or fried pork fillet, weighing 100 grams, gives the daily intake:

Thiamine (B1): 69%

Riboflavin (B2): 24%

Niacin (B3): 24%

Pantothenic acid (B5): 9%

Pyridoxine (B6): 27%

Cobalamin (B12): 14%

Brisket has much less fat and calories than ribs and bacon.

The beneficial effects of vitamin B15 on the body

Vitamin B15 has special lipotropic properties. Thanks to them, fat does not accumulate in the liver tissue, and methyl groups help process nucleic acids, creatine, phospholipids and other important biological substances.

Vitamin B15 is able to reduce the level of fat and cholesterol in the body, stimulates the production of hormones from the adrenal glands, has a beneficial effect on tissue respiration, as it is a strong antioxidant, and promotes oxidative processes in the body.

Pangamic acid can remove toxins from the body, reduce cravings for alcohol, prevent cirrhosis of the liver and relieve fatigue. It stimulates the production of antibodies, lines blood vessels in atherosclerosis, has a beneficial effect on the heart and, thanks to its cytoprotective properties, prevents degenerative liver damage.

Vitamin B15 activates the body's bioenergetic processes. In case of alcohol, chemical or drug poisoning, pangamic acid will help neutralize toxic substances and remove them from the body. Thanks to it, protein synthesis occurs, the amount of creatine phosphate in the muscles and glycogen in the liver increases. Vitamin B15 is considered an anti-inflammatory and anti-hyaluronidase agent.

Chicken and turkey

Chicken and turkey meats are best known for their content of niacin (B3) and pyridoxine (B6). Breast meat, for example, contains more of these vitamins than ham, as shown in the table below.

100 grams of roasted skinless chicken or turkey provides the recommended daily intake:

B vitaminsChicken breastTurkey, breastChicken legTurkey, ham
Riboflavin (B2)7 %8 %13 %15 %
Niacin (B3)69 %37 %33 %17 %
Pantothenic acid (B5)10 %7 %12 %14 %
Pyridoxine (B6)30 %28 %18 %19 %
Cobalamin (B12)6 %7 %5 %7 %

Especially white meat, chicken and turkey, is rich in vitamins B3 and B6.


One large boiled egg contains 33% of the daily intake of biotin (B7) and is one of its main sources - second only to beef liver. Eggs also contain other B vitamins.

One large (50 gram) boiled egg contains the recommended daily intake:

Riboflavin (B2): 15%

Pantothenic acid (B5): 7%

Biotin (B7): 33%

Folate (B9): 5%

Cobalamin (B12): 9%

Vitamin B 15 preparations

Vitamins B 15 in preparations.
Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies offer a wide variety of drugs containing vitamin B15 in the form of calcium salt of gluconic acid. There is no standard chemical composition of drugs.

Formulations may include one or more of the following: sodium gluconate, calcium gluconate, glycine, diisopropylamine dichloroacetate, dimethylglycine, calcium chloride, DMG, gluconic acid, cellulose, calcium gluconate.

The most common drug in Russia is Calcium pangamate, containing 61.5% calcium gluconate and 38.5% dimethylglycine.


240 ml of milk, 3.25% fat, provides 26% of the recommended daily intake of riboflavin (B2), as well as other B vitamins:

Thiamine (B1): 7%

Riboflavin (B2): 26%

Pantothenic acid (B5): 9%

Cobalamin (B12): 18%

Milk and other dairy products tend to be the main source of riboflavin, with slightly less found in meats and grains.

And vitamin B12, according to a study conducted at the Institute of Food Sciences (Bern, Switzerland), is better absorbed from milk and other dairy products - the absorption level is 51-79%.

Functions of vitamin B 15 in the human body

Vitamin B15, or pangamic acid, is an ester derived from gluconic acid and dimethylglycine (DMG). Pangamic acid was first isolated from apricot kernels in 1951 by Dr. E. Krebs, Jr.

The body needs this vitamin to regulate a number of physiological functions:

  • improves blood circulation and metabolism in the brain;
  • acts as a “methyl donor” and prevents muscle cell dehydration;
  • participates in providing cells with oxygen;
  • participates in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin;
  • helps protect healthy cells from free radical damage;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • reduces the intensity of lactic acid accumulation in the muscles, thereby reducing fatigue and increasing the body's endurance;
  • has a mild stimulating effect on the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • accelerates the process of detoxification of the body;
  • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • plays an important role in the formation of methionine, a donor of methyl groups for the synthesis of phospholipids, nucleic acids and other biologically active substances important for the healthy functioning of the body.


Yogurt is high in riboflavin (B2) and cobalamin (B12).

A 170 gram serving of yogurt contains on average the recommended daily intake:

B vitaminsOrdinaryVanillaGreekFrozen
Riboflavin (B2)18 %26 %36 %20 %
Cobalamin (B12)26 %35 %53 %11 %

Stores also sell non-dairy yogurts made with soy, almond or coconut milk. However, these foods—unless specifically fortified with vitamins—are generally not good sources of B2 or B12.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Deficiency symptoms:

  • Dyspnea
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of libido
  • Low sperm activity
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Pale skin
  • Memory loss
  • Changes in behavior
  • Numbness of the limbs and difficulty walking
  • Visual impairment
  • Loss of appetite

Those who suffer from conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, thinning of the stomach wall, Crohn's disease, alcoholism, lupus, Graves' disease and digestive malabsorption are more likely to not get enough vitamin I12.

Foods rich in vitamin B12: meat and animal products (milk, cheese, etc.)

Vegetarians and vegans typically turn to dietary supplements that contain high amounts of folate and vitamin B12.

Babies of vegetarian mothers are more likely to suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency because they do not consume much vitamin B12.

These children risk becoming hostage to their mother's eating habits and being delayed in their physical and mental development, as well as developing anemia.

The recommended amount of vitamin B12 depends on your age, diet, medications you take, if any, and your medical conditions.

The risk of vitamin B12 deficiency generally increases with age.


These greens are some of the best plant sources of vitamin B9.

85 grams of greens contain the recommended daily intake:

Spinach, raw: 41%

Spinach, boiled: 31%

Collard greens, boiled: 20%

Turnip leaves, boiled: 25%

Romaine lettuce, raw: 29%

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) can be destroyed by heat during cooking. To minimize these losses, cook the greens until half-cooked, steam them, or enjoy them raw.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are one of the best plant sources of pantothenic acid (B5).

This B vitamin gets its name from the Greek word “pantos,” which means “everywhere,” because it is found in most plant and animal foods—but usually only in small quantities.

It is noteworthy that 28 grams of sunflower seeds contain 20% pantothenic acid. Sunflower seeds are also a good source of niacin (B3), folate (B9) and pyridoxine (B6).

Sunflower seed oil is also an excellent source of pantothenic acid.

Here is a comparison of the vitamin B content of roasted sunflower seeds without salt and sunflower oil from the recommended daily intake:

B vitaminsSeedsOil
Niacin (B3)10 %8 %
Pyridoxine (B6)11 %12 %
Pantothenic acid (B5)20 %22 %
Folic acid (B9)17 %18 %

Sunflower seeds and their oil are among the richest plant sources of pantothenic acid.

B-15 Project 641


Project 641 submarine B-15 at the pier in Maly Ulysses Bute. 80s.

historical reference:

1963 July 1

Enlisted in the lists of Navy ships;

1963 October 10

Laid down at the shipbuilding shed in Leningrad as a large torpedo submarine. The crew is subordinate to the 39th ObrSRPL LenVMB;

1964 February 21


1964 September 30

Entered into service;

1964 October 14

Included in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. It was part of the 37th Divisional Submarine Baltic Fleet and was based in Liepaja;

1965 March 15

Transferred to the Northern Fleet;

1965 May

Transferred around Scandinavia from Liepaja to Olenya Bay;

1965 August - 1966 August

Made an inter-fleet transition along the Northern Sea Route as part of the 299th single-submarine submarine EON-75 to the Far East to Krasheninnikov Bay. Since it was not possible to break through the ice, the command decided to leave the EON-75 ships for the winter in Pevek Bay. The “Detachment of wintering ships in Pevek Bay” was created from the EON-75 ships;

1966 August 19

Transferred to the Red Banner Pacific Fleet. Became part of the 8th BrPL of the 15th Special Submarine of the KchVFl KTOF, based at Krasheninnikov Bay (Vilyuchinsk);


The crew (commander - 3rd Capt. Senkin V.A.) was awarded a certificate from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for high performance in torpedo training;

1967 December - 1968 March

Completed a reconnaissance cruise (commander - Cap. 3rd Senkin V.A., senior - Markov M.I.) with full autonomy with the task: monitoring the operational-tactical situation in a given area, searching and detecting submarines and surface ships of the US Navy ;

1968 February 22

Transferred to the 182nd BrPL of the 15th Special Submarine of the KTOF with the same location;

1968 November 29

Placed in reserve due to deployment to the Petropavlovsk Shipyard named after. Lenin for the production of medium repairs. The renovation was completed by 1970;


Fulfilled the tasks of combat service (commander - Capt. 2nd R. Senkin V.A.). Took part in the Ocean exercises;

1971 July 18

Reformed into the 182nd OBrPL KchVFl KTOF and relocated to Bechevinskaya Bay;

1971 November 7

Performed a special task (commander - Cap. 2nd R. Senkin V.A.) to monitor the testing of a 5 megaton nuclear charge on the island of Amchitka in the Aleutian Islands;

1971 December 7 - 1972

Completed combat service tasks (commander - Capt. 2nd R. Senkin V.A.) in the Indian Ocean. Operated as part of the 10th Special Operations Squad of the Navy. Conducted scheduled maintenance at the port of Berbera (Somalia);


In the first half of the year, she completed combat service tasks (commander - Yu.P. Datsenko) in the Pacific Ocean;

1975 September 4

She arrived at SRZ-49 in Seldeva Bay for major repairs and preparation for conservation. Became part of the 245th DnSRPL;

1975 from August 11 - 1977 February 7

Has undergone moderate repairs and preparation for conservation;

1977 July

Transferred to the 19th BrPL of the 6th Special Submarine of the KTOF, based in Maly Ulysses Bay (Vladivostok);

1977 December 31

Withdrawn from the Navy's combat service and mothballed in Maly Ulysses Bay (Vladivostok);

1983 March 1

Removed from conservation and put into operation. Became part of the 19th BrPL of the 6th EsqPL KTOF. Moved to PMTO Cam Ranh (SRV) and became part of the 38th DiPL KTOF;

1983 November 2 - 1984 December

Completed combat service tasks (commander - cap. 3rd R. Lavrenov Yu.V.) in the Indian Ocean. Became part of the 38th DiPL of the 17th Special Operations Squad of the Navy. She performed combat service in November-December in the South China Sea, after which she had scheduled maintenance at 922 PMTO Cam Ranh (SRV). After carrying out scheduled maintenance, she performed combat service in the area of ​​Socotra Island, where she had contact and monitored the US Navy carrier strike group led by the strike aircraft carrier Midway in the northern Arabian Sea. In March, she had scheduled preventive maintenance at the Dahlak PMTO. In August, she was transferred to the 332nd crew and continued combat training as part of the 17th Navy Special Operations Squad. Completed combat service missions with the 332nd crew on board (commander - Ostapovsky G.V.) in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean;

1985 - 1986

Fulfilled the tasks of combat service (commander - cap. 3rd Naumchik A.E.) in the Indian Ocean.
Became part of the 38th DiPL of the 17th Special Operations Squad of the Navy. In June 1986, together with the submarines B-39 and B-427 , during the command and control unit of the 17th OpEsk, the Navy participated in the test-tactical exercise “Search and attack of a convoy” as part of a curtain with the performance of combat exercise NT-4.
The KON included the Venta transport, the Izhora tanker, and the Ivan Vakhromeev floating base. Security forces: destroyer "Rezkiy", 2 TFR and 2 MPK. The exercise was carried out at a high level; 1987 September

Participated in the test tactical exercise of the 38th DiPL KTOF;


Was part of the 19th BrPL (from 04/01/1990 - 19th ObrPL PrFLRS) 6th EsqPL (from 09/01/1989 to 04/01/1990 - 46th DiPL) KTOF based at M. Ulysses Bay (Vladivostok) );

1988 August - 1989 February

Completed the tasks of a six-month combat service in the South China Sea in the area of ​​the Subic Bay naval base (Philippine Islands), monitored the Constellation AVU;

1992 October 29

Excluded from the lists of Navy vessels due to delivery to the OFI for cutting into metal;

1992 December 31

The crew was disbanded;

1993 (approx.)

Towed to Ulysses Bay for cutting for metal and left afloat, where it subsequently sank due to a malfunction of the outboard fittings;

2004 January 7

At 14.30, when attempting to tow (for cutting into scrap metal, after sale abroad) in conditions of solid ice by the shipping tugs "Vega" and "Dubrovnik", the submarine sank due to the entry of a critical amount of water into the hull, and the mooring crew of three located on the hull Chinese citizens independently evacuated to the ice floe, from where they were later removed by an icebreaker.
The Navy press service erroneously reported the flooding of the B-101 ;
2004 June

Raised to the surface and pulled onto the shoreline;

2004 August

It was cut into metal by a private company. Some sources erroneously indicate that this submarine was sold to Canada as a museum.

commanders (military unit 30918):

1. Markov M.I. (11.1963-11.1966) 2. Senkin V.A. (11.1966-10.1972) 3. Danilov B.I. (11.1972-10.1974) 4. Datsenko Yu.P. (10.1974-09.1975) 5. Vodovatov V.A. (09.1975-1978) 6. Goryachuk O.A. (1978-1979), possibly Goryachev A.N. — requires clarification 7. Shelkovenko V.S. (30.10.1979-28.09.1982) 8. Lavrenev Yu.V. (09.1982-1984) 9. Naumchik A.E. (1984-1986) 10. Naumenko Yu.A. (1986-1988-1989?) 11. Martynov E.A. (1988?-1989-1990) 12. Prokoshin S. (1990-1991) 13. Perfilyev G.A. (1991-1994)

commanders of other crews who performed combat training missions on the B-15 submarine:

1. Ostanovsky G.V. (1984) commander of the 332nd crew

Additional Information:

1. Photo of the hull of the submarine B-15 in Ulysses Bay. 2003

List of sources:

1. Kuzin V.P., Nikolsky V.I. “USSR Navy 1945-1991”, IMO, St. Petersburg, 1996; 2. Berezhnoy S.S. “Submarines of Russia and the USSR”, manuscript; 3. Memoirs of Navy veterans - participants in the events; 4. Matyushin M.F. “17th operational squadron of ships of the Pacific Fleet”; 5. Senkin V.A. "The story of one connection."

We kindly ask anyone who can add anything to the data provided or make corrections, please contact the author by e-mail

© 2004-2018 Compiled by Ilya Kurganov and Andrey Nikolaev. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the page in whole or in part in any form or form only with the written permission of the authors. © 2004-2018 Design by Ilya S. Kurganov and Andrey S. Nikolaev. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of author is prohibited.

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Breakfast cereal (fortified)

Breakfast cereals often contain additional vitamins, including the B vitamins thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), B9 (as synthetic folic acid), and cobalamin (B12).

Some cereals contain 25 to 100% of the daily recommended intake of these vitamins. You can see them in the list of ingredients.

It's worth noting that many fortified breakfast cereals contain a lot of sugar and refined grains.

It is important to choose cereals that are made from whole grains and contain minimal sugar.

The best B vitamin complexes for oral administration

You can get all the necessary B vitamins with a varied and nutritious diet. But in some cases it is impossible to do without special vitamin complexes for oral administration.

Solgar B-Complex "50"

Rating: 4.9

The American company Solgar has developed B-Complex “50”, which is an effective product for saturating the body with B vitamins. This complex contains 8 main vitamins of this group, as well as 2 vitamin-like substances - inositol, choline. The capsules also contain a natural mixture. On the other hand, the product is free of sugar, gluten, preservatives, dyes and flavors.

The dietary supplement B-Complex “50” is available in capsules. They are suitable for vegans. The capsules themselves are transparent, and their contents are light yellow. Their size is not very large, so they are swallowed quite easily. Take dietary supplement 1 capsule 1 time per day. This should be done while eating.

Reviews about the B complex of vitamins from Solgar are mostly positive. Consumers note that with this remedy their sleep improves, irritability goes away, the digestive tract begins to function better, a surge of strength appears, and PMS becomes easier. Some women also note that after using this complex the condition of their skin, hair and nails noticeably improves.


  • balanced composition;
  • vegetarian capsules;
  • kosher product;
  • does not contain gluten, sugar;
  • improves the condition of the nervous system;
  • makes hair, nails and skin healthier.


  • intolerance to individual components is possible.

Vitamin B-Complex Salus

Rating: 4.8

Vitamin B-Complex Salus

The German company Salus produces the dietary supplement Vitamin-B-Complex. The product contains 5 essential B vitamins, as well as niacin and biotin. This dietary supplement is especially recommended for increased physical activity, emotional stress, as well as for older people or vegetarians.

V-Complex is available in capsules. The package contains 60 pieces. They are located on three blisters, so you can buy 20 pieces. Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule once daily with their main meal. The vitamin complex is washed down with water. One package is enough for 2 months of daily use.

According to reviews, Vitamin B-Complex Salus is a very effective remedy. It helps cope with depression and stress, improves intestinal function, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. These vitamins are well absorbed, and the results of use become obvious after 1-2 weeks from the start of treatment.


  • B vitamins are well represented;
  • can be purchased in parts;
  • capsules are easy to swallow;
  • The result of use becomes noticeable quite quickly.


  • allergic reactions are possible.

B-50 Now Foods

Rating: 4.7

The American manufacturer Now Foods produces a complete vitamin complex - B-50. It contains all 8 essential B vitamins, as well as 3 vitamin-like substances - para-aminobenzoic acid, choline and inositol. The dietary supplement does not contain gluten, wheat, milk, sugar, preservatives, flavors or dyes. Many people really like this product and believe that Now Foods and Solgar are worthy competitors.

The product is available in standard size transparent capsules. For peace of mind when purchasing, it is possible to evaluate it as it is shown on the packaging. The capsules are transparent with yellow contents. They have no smell. The package contains 100 capsules. The dosage regimen is 1 capsule per day, so the package lasts for 3 months.

In reviews, consumers often note that this is the best vitamin complex for those who have “nerves.” For some, the dietary supplement helped cope with panic attacks and depression. Other consumers note that with this complex they successfully healed cracks in the corners of the mouth, and the condition of their hair, nails and skin also noticeably improved. Many people call B-50 Now Foods a profitable investment in their body.


  • all B vitamins included;
  • The capsules are quite easy to swallow;
  • the product is suitable for vegetarians;
  • the package lasts for 3 months;
  • effective for various mental and nervous system disorders.


  • Not sold in all pharmacies, you need to order online.

Vitagen B Complex

Rating: 4.6

The Indian Vitagen B Complex is a highly effective multivitamin formula containing high doses of vitamins from group B. Taking this dietary supplement ensures optimal functioning of the nervous system, activates metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar levels, improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

The product has the necessary quality certificates. Vitagen B Complex is available in tablets. The jar contains 60 pieces. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet 1 time per day during the main meal. Despite the rather large size of the tablets, they are swallowed without problems. The course of treatment is 1 month. If there is such a need, then the reception can be repeated after a month's break.

According to reviews from those who have used Vitagen B Complex, this dietary supplement significantly improves immunity, helps fight the causes of depression and stress, gives a good mood, increased activity and performance. The product is sold in capsules of plant origin, which are easily absorbed by the body. And due to the content of prebiotics, they improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • balanced composition;
  • vegetable capsules;
  • well absorbed;
  • reduces irritability, anxiety, blues;
  • improves sleep;
  • increases immunity.


  • individual intolerance to individual components.

Sundown Naturals B complex

Rating: 4.5

Another American complex of B vitamins is produced by Sundown. This is a high-quality dietary supplement without GMOs, gluten, dairy products and artificial flavors. Sundown Naturals B complex contains 6 essential B vitamins. They have thoughtful dosages, which at first glance exceed the daily dose, but in order to affect the nervous system, exactly this concentration is needed.

Sundown Naturals B complex is available in the form of small tablets (diameter - 0.7 cm). They are yellow and odorless, although when you open the jar itself, you can feel a bright vitamin aroma. The tablets are very easy to swallow. The daily norm is 1 tablet per day. Many people prefer to take them after dinner. These tablets should not be taken on an empty stomach, as digestion may be impaired.

Reviews about Sundown Naturals B complex are mostly positive. Consumers note that it is advisable to take this dietary supplement especially for nervous people. This vitamin complex helps improve sleep, and you feel a surge of energy throughout the day. Nervousness and irritability are eliminated. Thanks to Sundown Naturals B complex, your intestines function better. Vitamins are well absorbed and do not cause side effects.


  • 6 B vitamins included;
  • small tablets;
  • convenient dosing regimen;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system.


  • Not sold in all pharmacies.

Swanson Super Stress Complex

Rating: 4.4

Swanson Super Stress Complex

The American dietary supplement Super Stress B Complex is produced by Swanson. The product is specially designed to replenish nutrients lost when the body is under stress. Along with vitamins and vitamin-like substances from group B, the dietary supplement contains vitamin C in high concentration.

Swanson Super Stress B Complex is produced in standard size yellow capsules. The package contains 240 pieces. Take the dietary supplement 1 capsule 1-2 times a day during main meals, with a sufficient amount of water. It is recommended to store the bottle of capsules in a cool, dry place at room temperature.

Consumers speak well of this complex of B vitamins. They note that with the dietary supplement Swanson Super Stress B Complex they feel a surge of strength, their psycho-emotional state improves and their immunity is strengthened. Skin, hair and nails look much more attractive when using such vitamins. This American dietary supplement does not cause side effects or overdoses.


  • B vitamins are supplemented with ascorbic acid;
  • effective for long-term stress;
  • capsules are easy to swallow;
  • increase immunity.


  • Individual intolerance to the main components is possible.

Doppelhertz active Magnesium + B vitamins

Rating: 4.3

The German dietary supplement Magnesium + B Vitamins from the manufacturer Doppelhertz Active also deserves attention. The complex contains vitamins B1, B6, B12, folic acid and magnesium. The dietary supplement is indicated for fatigue, fatigue, high physical activity and stress. This remedy improves the quality of life and raises the overall tone of the body.

Doppelhertz active Magnesium + B vitamins in tablets are produced. They are quite large (2 cm), but if problems with swallowing occur, they can be broken along the separation line. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day during or after the main meal. You should drink it with a sufficient amount of water. Therapeutic course - 2 months.

According to consumer reviews, the dietary supplement Magnesium + B Vitamins has proven itself well. It helps get rid of cramps, gives strength, calms a frayed nervous system, improves hair condition (less hair loss). This German remedy turns out to be especially effective in the fight against panic attacks and all kinds of manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.


  • B vitamins are supplemented with magnesium;
  • reception 1 time per day;
  • well absorbed;
  • does not cause side effects;
  • perfectly calms the nervous system.


  • large tablets.

Blagomax "B complex of vitamins"

Rating: 4.2


The Russian company VIS produces the dietary supplement Blagomax “complex of B vitamins.” This product contains vitamin B6, B12, B2, folic acid, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, inositol. This complex of vitamins has proven itself well for increased fatigue, reduced immunity and psycho-emotional exhaustion.

Blagomax “B complex of vitamins” is available in yellow capsules. They are quite large, but swallowing them is quite possible. The package contains 90 pieces. Dosage regimen: 1 capsule 1 time per day with meals. Many people prefer to consume them during breakfast. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks. Then a break is taken, but it is recommended to drink them again throughout the year.

Reviews about this dietary supplement are mostly positive. Although you can notice results from use no earlier than after 2 weeks, patients note that they have a surge of energy, their emotional state stabilizes, and insomnia goes away. Hair grows faster, nails become stronger, and skin glows.


  • 7 vitamins from group B in the composition;
  • reception 1 time per day;
  • improve general condition and appearance;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system.


  • the first effect is noticeable only after 2 weeks.

B vitamins “Be healthy!”

Rating: 4.1

The Russian pharmaceutical company Vneshtorg Pharma produces the vitamin complex “Be Healthy!” They contain 7 essential vitamins from group B. They are designed to regulate the activity of the nervous system, help restore strength and energy, participate in hematopoietic processes, and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

This dietary supplement is produced in medium-sized tablets. They are covered with a sweetish shell. The package contains 30 pieces, located on two blisters. They swallow without problems. Take these vitamins 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. The minimum course of treatment is 1 month.

According to reviews, this complex “Be healthy!” makes people calmer. Consumers note that with this dietary supplement they respond adequately to things that previously made them angry. Also, these vitamins significantly improve thinking abilities and give vigor. After just 2 weeks of use, drowsiness and lethargy disappear and a good mood remains.


  • good composition;
  • tablet size;
  • dosage regimen;
  • significantly improve the condition of the nervous system;
  • invigorate, relieve constant drowsiness.


  • individual intolerance to components.


Rating: 4.0


The Russian pharmaceutical company Altaivitamin produces the Angiovit complex. It contains: pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid and cyanocobalamin. This complex of B vitamins is especially indicated for coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular insufficiency due to atherosclerosis, as well as for diabetic angiopathy.

Angiovit is produced in small white coated tablets. They are sweetish and easy to swallow. The package contains 60 pieces - 10 on one blister (6 plates in total). Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day, regardless of meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 20-30 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after a while.

In reviews, patients note that this complex helps get rid of constant loss of strength, headaches, and nosebleeds. Angiovitis also helps improve the condition of nail plates - they grow quickly and do not peel off. Hair falls out less and skin becomes more radiant with these vitamins. This complex is also suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


  • B6+B9+B12;
  • tablets are easy to swallow;
  • reception 1 time per day;
  • do not cause side effects;
  • good for the cardiovascular system.


  • not all group B is represented.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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