Steroid drugs for fat burning: description and examples of courses

Often, the negative impact of anabolic steroids on health is downplayed, and athletes’ complaints are attributed to an improperly organized and administered course. At the same time, steroids can pose serious dangers, and you should carefully consider whether a course of AAS is necessary for you. If you are sure that you cannot do without it, then today we will talk about drugs that will definitely help you improve your athletic performance.

Testover E (testosterone enanthate) Vermodje 250 mg/1 ml x 10 ml.

Price: 1650 rub.

Testover E is an ester of testosterone enanthate, with a half-life of approximately 6-7 days. Enanthate is actively used by weightlifters to gain muscle mass and increase performance.

Testosterone enanthate is a long-acting drug that increases muscle mass, improves strength, reduces joint pain, stimulates the body's recovery processes and increases tone. Testover E has pronounced androgenic activity.

Along with rapid weight gain, there is also an accumulation of fluid in the body. However, this is not so bad: the muscle connective membranes are stretched, as a result, the fibers have room to grow. At the end of the course, it is recommended to start taking antiestrogens and cortisol blockers.

The drugs begin to be taken 2 or 3 weeks after the end of the course of testosterone enanthate. Testover E is one of the most actively used anabolic steroids by athletes with a high level of impact. The drug gives good results in combination with other drugs. It is combined with methane, decanoate, trenbolone and other equally effective means.


Testosterone enanthate is chosen depending on the desired result and goals. Typically start at 250 mg per week and gradually increase to 750 mg per week. Experienced athletes often use up to 1000-2000 mg per week.

Steroids for gaining muscle mass: anabolic drugs, the best courses, the safest pharmaceutical steroids, dosage regimens
Steroids for gaining muscle mass will help you gain weight painlessly and without harm to the body, when used correctly

The drug is injected intramuscularly once a week - into the buttocks area. The drug has a long-term activity, so it is not necessary to use it more often. Testosterone enanthate should be taken for bodybuilding.

Precautionary measures:

Heart failure, hypersensitivity, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, acute liver or kidney failure.

List of the most dangerous anabolic steroids

Athletes need to choose safe steroids for muscle growth and correctly calculate their dosageAthletes need to choose safe steroids for muscle growth and correctly calculate their dosage.
The most dangerous steroid drugs that cause unwanted reactions:

  1. Synthol is used to increase muscle mass and is available in injections. It is not recommended for beginners. Injections are given into the muscle if a vessel is damaged during the procedure - this is fraught with loss of motor activity.
  2. Fluoxymesterone has a negative effect on the liver and prostate and does not promote muscle growth.
  3. Insulin increases the deposition of visceral fat.
  4. Nandrolone negatively affects reproductive function.

Testosterona E (testosterone enanthate) Balkan pharm 250 mg/1ml x 5 pcs.

Price: 850 rub.

Testosterone enanthate is an ester of natural testosterone, it is one of the most popular steroids in bodybuilding and powerlifting, designed to gain muscle mass and increase strength. Produced by the human body in small quantities.

Widely used by weightlifters to achieve high results. In medicine it is used to treat a disease such as hypogonadism (that is, lack of testosterone).

It acts on average for 2-3 weeks, is eliminated from the body within 6-7 days, and is very slowly absorbed into the blood. This drug has fairly high anabolic and androgenic activity, helps overcome the state of overtraining and very quickly tones and increases the body's recovery ability.

This drug has strong contraceptive properties, but at the same time has a positive effect on erection.

Steroids for gaining muscle mass: anabolic drugs, the best courses, the safest pharmaceutical steroids, dosage regimens

According to some sources, the drug can speed up recovery (regeneration) after receiving sports or other injuries or bruises, and can also serve as a prophylactic agent, as it generally strengthens joints. Despite all the benefits, overusing it can have very detrimental effects on your body.


Use the drug as follows: 1 injection into the gluteal region no more than 1 time per week. The recommended dosage of the drug is in the range from 250 to 500 mg per week. If you use the drug to gain muscle mass and increase strength, then the course is approximately 8-10 weeks. After the course, be sure to carry out post-course therapy for 2-3 weeks using testosterone enanthate solo.

Precautionary measures:

  • Nephrosis, as well as nephritis in the nephrotic phase.
  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Kidney/liver diseases.
  • Hypertrophy, namely of the prostate gland.
  • Diabetes.
  • Coronary and heart failure.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

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What are non-aromatizing steroids? List of drugs

Aromatization is the conversion of testosterone to estradiol. When female sex hormones predominate over male ones, the amount of visceral fat increases and breasts grow.

Aromatization - the conversion of testosterone to estradiol
Aromatization - the conversion of testosterone to estradiol

Therefore, it is customary to divide drugs into aromatizing and non-aromatizing. The latter are relatively safe, causing a small number of adverse reactions.

These include:

  • Oxandrolone. It is considered the safest non-aromatizing steroid. Does not cause gyno, acne, increased body fat, or fluid retention in the body.
  • Stanozolol does not cause acne, hypertension, or breast hypertrophy.
  • Drostanolone (Masteron) is characterized by high androgenic activity, a moderate anabolic effect, does not cause fat deposition, and has a diuretic effect. It can cause acne, baldness, prostate enlargement, and aggressiveness.
  • Trenbolone (Tren, Parabolan) is available in ampoules, is not nephrotoxic, exhibits high anabolic activity, does not retain water in tissues and does not cause gynecomastia, and stimulates fat burning.
  • Primobolan (Methenolone) is produced in injections, is suitable for the first course, does not cause severe undesirable effects, can be combined with Turinobol and Oxandrolone in tablets, or taken in combination with aromatizing steroids (testosterone, masteron).
  • Turinobol does not retain fluid in the body;
  • Boldenone is available in injectable forms and does not cause acne or gyno.

Boldever (boldenone) Vermodje 200 mg/1 ml x 10 ml

Price: 2000 rub.

The full name of the steroid is Equipoise/Boldenone undecylenate. It is an anabolic steroid originally developed for veterinary use.

It is a so-called Dianabol molecule, devoid of the 17-alpha methyl group, due to which the Dianabol molecule is able to pass through the liver without being destroyed. However, the athlete’s increase in muscle mass, both from Dianabol and Boldenone, is approximately the same.

In terms of its chemical composition, Boldenone is a testosterone molecule that has a double bond between 1 and 2 carbon atoms, which makes Boldenone as powerful as testosterone in its anabolic properties. The only difference is that the androgenic properties of Boldenone are 2 times less pronounced than those of testosterone.

Eukypoise/Boldenone Vermoje is also an excellent stimulator of hematopoiesis in the body, and with an increase in red blood cells, the oxygen supply to the muscles increases and accelerates, which is great for athletes.

The drug helps increase muscle mass, strength, and also has a good effect on appetite. In other words, Boldenone is well suited for both weightlifters and track and field athletes - it helps to achieve excellent sports results in gaining muscle mass, increasing muscle strength and endurance.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it can also be used by women - this is due to its low androgenic activity.

How to use:

Injection of 600 to 1000 mg of the drug into the buttock, no more than once a week, course duration is 10-12 weeks.

After the course, therapy should be carried out, since it is possible to stop the body’s own testosterone production. And, of course, taking the drug should be accompanied by sports nutrition and regimen.

Precautionary measures:

There are no contraindications for men at all. As for women, they need to take the drug in accordance with their androgen sensitivity.

The safest steroids for gaining muscle mass

There are no completely safe steroidsThere are no completely safe steroids.
There are time-tested drugs that, with the right dosage regimen, do not have a negative effect on the body:

  1. Oxandrolone helps increase muscle tissue without disturbing its structure. It removes subcutaneous fat, does not have a negative effect on joints, is quickly evacuated from the body, and has a low androgenic index.
  2. Stanozolol (Winstrol) is taken to dry and create muscle definition. It does not promote muscle gain, but increases the body's endurance and destroys visceral fat. It dries out the musculoskeletal system, which leads to frequent injuries. Taking it in high dosages can cause acne.
  3. Turinobol (Oral) is used to gain muscle mass, which persists for a month after discontinuation. When taking it, weight, strength and definition slowly progress, but the result is better. The product is less likely than others to disrupt spermatogenesis and potency; in high doses it can be hepatotoxic and acquire carcinogenic properties.
  4. Trenbolone increases the body's strength characteristics and promotes muscle growth. Taking in large quantities can provoke hypertension, sleep disturbances, and attacks of aggression.
  5. Boldenone improves appetite, increases the number of red blood cells, promotes muscle growth, and does not retain excess fluid in the body. If the dosage regimen is not followed, it can cause bald patches to appear.
  6. Masteron increases endurance and helps create aesthetic muscle definition.
  7. Primobolan is used to draw muscle relief.

Trenaver E (trenbolone enanthate) Vermodje 200 mg/1ml x 10 ml

Price: 3850 rub.

Trenbolone enanthate is an anabolic steroid with fairly high anabolic activity. Widely used by weightlifters to achieve good results in sports activities. Namely, building muscle mass, burning fat and improving definition, increasing strength indicators.

The drug lowers the level of cortisol in the body, which actually leads to a decrease in fat and an increase in anabolic properties. Trenbolone enanthate also makes muscles more elastic, thereby helping professional bodybuilders in competitions, making their entire body aesthetically drawn.

The steroid is one of the most potent, its binding capacity is approximately 4 times higher than that of testosterone. Trenbolone also promotes the secretion of fat-burning growth hormone.

The high anabolic ability of this drug is directly related to its affinity for the androgen receptor. Due to the high anabolic activity of this steroid, it often causes unpleasant side effects, but this usually occurs due to an illiterate course or an overdose.


The recommended dose of this drug during the course is 100-300 mg, injections should be made no more often than every other day and the dose should not exceed 50 mg. Course duration is 4-8 weeks. You should also monitor your health and condition, and if side effects occur, immediately stop the course and consult a doctor.

Precautionary measures:

The drug is not recommended for pregnant women, people with low levels of subcutaneous fat, people with high blood pressure and the elderly. Under no circumstances should you use it without first consulting a doctor.

The best steroids for Relief

Drostanolone (Masteron):

Professional drug. It has diuretic properties, has a strong androgenic effect but is not capable of aromatizing. Improves relief, density and other competitive qualities of muscles. Used frequently before competitions. It can burn fat deposits well and increase the power and strength of the athlete. It is considered a good anti-catabolic.

Oxandrolone (Anavar):

It is considered the safest anabolic steroid. Has a mild anabolic effect. Able to increase strength and small amounts of mass, gives muscles dryness and relief. Does not require the use of PCT.

Stanazolol (Winstrol):

The most popular anabolic steroid, used exclusively during the drying period. Stanazolol is not able to increase muscle mass, although it helps accelerate protein synthesis. The drug is used to improve the quality of muscles, with the use of the drug, there is a manifestation of vascularity, fat burning, relief increases, strength and endurance increase. Toxic to the liver.

Trenbolone Acetate:

It gains lean mass well in the shortest possible time, promotes the burning of fat and water, and increases volume and strength.

Naposim (methandione) Vermodje 100 tab/10 mg

Price: 800 rub.

Naposim is a steroid drug containing an active substance such as methandienone, which leads to an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

The main effect of Naposim is aimed at stimulating protein synthesis in the body, which results in an increase in strength and strengthening of the skeletal system.

In general, the use of Naposim helps to retain a number of important microelements in the body: nitrogen, sodium, potassium, phosphorus. Naposim is a powerful anabolic steroid, the effect of which is many times greater than that of testosterone.

Steroids for gaining muscle mass: anabolic drugs, the best courses, the safest pharmaceutical steroids, dosage regimens

The drug is absorbed quickly enough into the body, while it is not destroyed in the liver and interacts with androgenic cells. Naposim is useful for both beginner athletes and professionals. In one course of taking the product, you can gain up to 10 kg of “raw” muscle mass.

The big disadvantage of the drug is excessive accumulation of water, but all this can be corrected by supplementing the course with appropriate steroids for weight.

The drug was developed by an American company in 1956, but the drug went on sale 5 years later. Initially, it was used to accelerate tissue healing after burns. After some time, its effect was appreciated by powerlifters and bodybuilders.

Instructions for use, dosage:

For professional athletes, the dosage ranges from 10 to 50 mg per day, the course is designed for 6-8 weeks, i.e. Naposim tablets are affordable. Since the drug disintegrates in the body within 3-5 hours, you must know how to take the drug correctly; the daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses.

This ensures maximum efficiency of Naposim. Beginners should not exceed a daily dose of 30 mg. The drug can be purchased individually or in combination with other steroids.

Side effects:

Naposim is not recommended for use by women, due to its androgenic activity, or by persons who have various diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Possible side effects include increased blood pressure and the formation of acne.

Basic principles of nutrition throughout the entire 12-week cycle.

Try to eat more cleanly, while maintaining a sufficient calorie surplus for a 100 kg athlete, this should be approximately 4800 kcal per day, while maintaining the proportions of BJU. Protein 1.5-2 g/kg body weight Fats 1-2 g/kg body weight Carbohydrates 6-9 g/kg body weight.

Naturally, we take only the maximum ratio values ​​for the set. The frequency of meals should be at least 5 times. Don’t forget about vitamin-mineral supplements and drink enough water, which for a person weighing 100 kg will be about 4 liters. As for the training, it should be as effective as possible and tailored exclusively to you!

Based on materials from the site:

Androver (oxymetholone) Vermodje 100 tab/50 mg

Price: 3000 rub.

Andorver is a powerful anabolic steroid that has high anabolic activity and low androgenicity. The drug can help an athlete gain up to 15 kg of muscle mass in a short time. It also increases endurance and strength, improves the condition of joints and bone tissue.

It is one of the best steroids for gaining muscle mass, on a level with testosterone, sustanon, etc. The molecules of the active substance are a modification of dihydrotestosterone. The drug is almost completely free of aromatization, but there is still minor estrogenic activity. Andorver has the ability to stimulate estrogen receptors in cells.

Side effects with proper dosage are usually rare. However, you need to monitor the condition of your liver while taking it. Mainly intended for athletes who have experience in using steroids.

Taking the drug gives excellent results when taking a solo course, but you can achieve even more when combining the drug with other steroids. But before use, you need to consult with a specialist in this matter.

How to use:

For beginners, it is best to start with lighter drugs, since this remedy is designed for professionals. As a rule, the course lasts 6 weeks. However, it needs to be started smoothly and finished smoothly. The average daily dosage for males is 50-150 mg. For women, it is better to refrain from taking this drug, but in extreme cases, the daily dose should not exceed 50 mg.

Precautionary measures:

  • Liver diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Steroids for gaining muscle mass: anabolic drugs, the best courses, the safest pharmaceutical steroids, dosage regimens

  • Heart diseases.
  • Prostate diseases.

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The most noticeable feature of these tablets is that they are only steroid-like (not steroids in the literal sense of the word). Previously, it was used only to treat animals (asthma and other diseases). Currently, Clenbuterol is widely used as drugs for weight loss, bodybuilding, etc.


What does Clenbuterol do?

The main concept of this steroid-like product is to stimulate the CNS (central nervous system) and the heart. Some experts compare the effect that Clenbuterol provides with amphetamines and other similar drugs. However, it is one of the best cutting drugs (but frankly weak compared to real steroids) because one of its key features is rapid fat burning. Clenbuterol increases the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, making it effective for weight loss.

Benefits of Clenbuterol

Here are all the benefits that Clenbuterol provides:

  • Fast fat burning
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Increased metabolism

But there are a number of side effects that need to be taken into account.

Side effects of Clenbuterol

One of the main side effects is excitability. People become nervous - extreme irritability is visible. Clenbuterol negatively affects the heart and central nervous system. In addition, the following side effects are possible:

  • Liver diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Increased body temperature
  • Tremor (shaky hands)

Clenbuterol dosage

Please note that the course of using Clenbuterol should be taken at intervals. This means that you need to take breaks between periods of taking it. The absence of breaks will lead to the body adapting to the drug and reducing its effectiveness. There are two cycling options. They are suitable for both men and women.

Program “2 days in 2”Program "Week in a week"
Cycle duration: 2 weeksCycle duration: 4 weeks
Dosage: 0.2 - 0.4 mg per dayDosage: 0.2 - 0.4 mg per day

Sustaver (sustanon) Vermodje 250 mg/1ml x 10 ml

Price: 1700 rub.

Sustanon is a powerful anabolic agent with a pronounced androgenic component. Sustanon is a combination of 4 testosterones that have a strong synergistic effect. The drug has a fast and long-lasting effect.

Sustanon is mainly included in courses for intensive mass gain, as the drug significantly increases strength and promotes muscle growth. Compared to other testosterone preparations, Sustanon from Vermoje has a number of advantages.

The product has a much better effect than cypionate or testosterone enanthate individually. Thanks to the propionate included in the composition, a positive effect is observed within a few weeks. The drug begins to act on the body 1 day after administration and continues to be active for another 3-4 weeks due to the presence of decanoate in the composition.

A strong anabolic effect is combined with a pronounced androgenic effect, so many athletes choose Sustanon to build muscle mass and increase strength potential. Sustanon 250 solo also has an excellent effect on experienced athletes, and a strong dose increase is usually not required.


The recommended starting dosage of Sustanon is 250 mg every 10 days. Then the dose is adjusted to 1000 mg per week. Some athletes take more than 1 g per week, however, in this case, the unwanted side effects outweigh the positive results. For large volumes, it is recommended to combine the drug with oxymetholone.

Side effects:

Prostate carcinoma, individual intolerance to the drug components, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney dysfunction.

Course from Nick

Danabol pills
It differs from the previous one only in higher dosages:

  • Deca Durabolin is taken in an amount of 500 milligrams for a week. The total duration of treatment is 8 weeks.
  • Testoviron is used in a weekly dosage of 700 milligrams. The total duration of treatment is 8 weeks.
  • Dianabol is used in an amount of 30 mg daily. The total duration of treatment is from 2 to 7 weeks.

After completing the cycle, seven days later, you should start taking medications like Clomid.

Sustamed (sustanon) Balkan pharm 250 mg/1 ml x 5 pcs.

Price: 1000 rub.

It’s worth buying Sustamed only because it is one of the most popular injectable steroids. The drug is a powerful combination of four esters: testosterone propionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone decanoate, i.e. androgenic steroid.

The product was developed to achieve quick results and long lasting action. The testosterones included in the drug penetrate into the blood at different times. In addition, they exhibit the highest activity at different rates.

As a result, the drug acts as quickly and efficiently as possible and retains its effect for a long time. Already on the second day after taking it, Sustanon has an active effect on the body and does not stop working over the next four weeks. This is one of the positive qualities that make the drug so popular among athletes.

Steroids for gaining muscle mass: anabolic drugs, the best courses, the safest pharmaceutical steroids, dosage regimens

Taking Sustanon for bodybuilding has a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect. This steroid drug is very often included in training programs to gain muscle mass, as well as to increase the weight and strength of an athlete. When taking the drug, there is a significant increase in endurance.

Sustanon works great for both experienced athletes and beginners.


You definitely need to know how to inject Sustanon 250. The dosage should be prescribed depending on the physical condition of the athlete and his strength indicators. Usually start with 250 ml per week and gradually increase the dose to 1000 ml per day. Only professional athletes can afford such a high dosage. The solo course (weekly dose) varies from 250 ml to 1000 ml.

Precautionary measures:

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hypersensitivity, acute heart failure, liver and kidney dysfunction.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Beginner course No. 2

Testiron ampoules
This course is a variation of the first:

  • Deca Durabolin is taken in amounts of 200 to 400 milligrams over the course of a week.
  • Sustanon (testoviron) is used in a weekly dosage of 500 milligrams.
  • Dianabol 30 mg daily for 6 weeks.

This cycle will allow you to gain weight, and for maximum effect, 400 mg should be used.
Dianabol, taken at the first stage of the cycle, will quickly create an anabolic background in the body, preparing the body for the cycle. Nolvadex must be purchased in advance and always kept nearby so that you can start using it at the first sign of aromatization. As always, after 10 or 14 at the end of the cycle, take Clomid. These two drugs can cause fluid retention in the body. If this happens, you must also use tamoxifen or arimidex.

Since the deck has a short period of action, it is worth making two injections within a week. Very often the first dose is taken in the morning, and the second in the evening. One of the most powerful cycles of all ten mass-gaining and fat-burning steroid cycles.

Age dependent

After 40 years you need to be careful. Steroids may act differently for this age group. At this time, testosterone levels decrease in physiology. This is a pressing problem in modern medicine. Due to the peculiarities of age-related physiology, the following risks may arise when taking anabolic steroids:

  1. Suppression of the production of your own testosterone.
  2. The transition from testosterone to estrogen is more pronounced, and gynecomastia and fluid accumulation may occur.
  3. There are often problems with the heart and blood pressure.
  4. The hair may thin out.

Steroids for weight loss for men

Clenbuterol belongs to the class of beta-agonists. Beta agonists, in turn, are divided into beta 1, beta 2 and beta 3, and have a specific effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Clenbuterol, a beta-2 agonist, affects the bronchial system and is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The effect of clenbuterol on muscle tissue and fat was discovered in animal studies.

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The mechanism of its action, presumably scientists have still not come to a consensus, is that by increasing breathing and heartbeat, it increases basal metabolism, which leads to an increase in energy consumed per day. Since almost all internal organs use fat as triglycerides for fuel, additional energy consumption comes from fat. Also, due to increased breathing, the supply of oxygen increases, which leads to increased intensity during training.

Standard dose: 20 mg tablets. Most people take it in cycles—take it for 2 days, don’t take it for 2 days. Clenbuterol is used before competitions and in between steroid cycles to maintain muscle mass. In these cases, the daily dose is gradually!

Tell me the brand of the bike based on the photo, 1 bet. Leaders of the category Anton Vladimirovich Artificial Intelligence. Sour Supreme Intelligence. Steroids I am fat, kg height, is it possible to take steroids to lose fat and inflate my boobs! Best answer. Gulyaev Sergey Pro 2 years ago The principle of action is different for different groups of steroids.

Some anabolic steroids act on adrenergic receptors, triggering lipolysis and affecting the nervous system. Others, by acting on fatty tissue receptors, trigger special biochemical reactions, increase synthesis, and activate enzymes. Thus, weight loss steroids block the movement of fat cells. Clen drinks every 2 weeks. During the 2 week break they drink ECA. The camp is set up in order to preserve as much meat as possible on the diet.

The use of steroids actively promotes weight loss, so men when cutting can use anabolic steroids to combat excess weight. But when using a fat burner, you should adhere to a diet and training regimen so as not to harm the body. A popular innovation in the field of male weight loss has become substances of animal or, less commonly, plant origin that have high biological activity, called steroids. These nutritional supplements are freely available in all sports stores. See also - natural fat burners for weight loss for men.

And where are the sources - if you have height and weight, then you don’t need to think about farming, but how to change your lifestyle so that everything doesn’t come back. If there are excess kilos, then it’s a different question. The second method is the average of all figures per 1 kg of body weight - kcal to gain, kcal to maintain weight, kcal to systematically lose weight. Does it dry out a lot?? I drank progressively: 1st day - one 40 mcg tablet, 2nd - two, 3rd - three, I didn’t eat more than three, and so on for two weeks. The main problem is the thighs and the butt, there is a lot of fat there, the hips are cm, and the waist But at the waist I lost weight to 61cm, and the hips to a maximum of 99cm.

Will taking Oxandrolone help you lose weight? And remove this fat? I had never taken such drugs before. Valya Kovalchuk, from the photo I can tell you the correct diet, but I don’t see what foods should be removed, what should be added...And how old are you?

The misconception about the fat-burning properties of steroids is not new, because most people simply do not understand the nature of fat burning. Since I now train without steroids and have made significant progress over the past five years, cutting is not an issue for me.

However, my previous experience in this matter is quite extensive. So let me bust one myth before we get into drying. Steroids, such as Anavar and Primobolan, are distinguished by the predominance of anabolic effects over androgenic ones.

That is, they were developed with an emphasis on building muscles, and not on developing male characteristics. As a result, their side effects are quite mild: there is little or no water retention; natural testosterone production is either not suppressed or suppressed to a small extent; the same is true with manifestations of aggression. If we talk about androgenic steroids, they, like testosterone derivatives, are both highly androgenic and highly anabolic.

They work much more powerfully than the above-mentioned drugs with a weak androgenic effect, but the latter have a better balanced anabolic-androgenic ratio. The typical cutting steroid user often switches from highly anabolic and highly androgenic steroids to highly anabolic but less androgenic drugs. This is where the misconceptions begin. When starting drying, a person performs several actions: switches or adds aerobics to his protocol; cuts down on calorie intake; adds fat-burning drugs to the diet and begins a new cycle of taking anabolic steroids.

In addition, he can add the very popular, but still useless, high-rep work to his training program. With the exception of the last point, the strategy is good, but note that the quality of the relief is almost always attributed solely to the effect of the drugs. As I already mentioned, highly androgenic steroids are quite dangerous: when they aromatize, they produce estrogen and DHT, and increased estrogen content leads to water retention under the skin and in the muscles.

Several kilograms of water will accumulate under his skin! If this is an experienced bodybuilder, a few weeks before the show he will still switch, remove those kilograms and go on stage in relief.

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