Body drying preparations for girls: review of effective products, application, reviews

Author: Yuri Klimishin - an iron lover and a veteran of the “chemical” front. Place in the ranking of authors: 2

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Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

A VERY slippery and controversial topic - I must admit. Before we begin, I will only say that even the MOST deliberate and competent use of AAS (androgenic-anabolic steroids) by women can quite quickly provoke IRREVERSIBLE phenomena of virilization (development of secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type).

So in this case, you should think not seven, but seventy-seven times before cutting. Every adult and mentally healthy person has the right to choose. The main thing is that the choice is conscious.

List of drugs by principle of action

How can pills speed up the fat burning process? The mechanisms of influence on metabolic rate are different. All body drying preparations for girls can be classified as follows:

  • anorectics - appetite suppressants;
  • Carbohydrate blockers prevent carbohydrates that enter the body during meals from being absorbed;
  • fat blockers - similar to the previous class of drugs, they prevent the absorption of fats from food;
  • sports fat burners most often act due to thermogenesis - a slight increase in body temperature;
  • Dinitrophenol is a pesticide, the most dangerous drug and not intended for weight loss, but it is in considerable demand in bodybuilding.

These are the most common types of funds. The names of body drying tablets for girls are listed below. You should remember and be aware that by starting to take one or another drug that is not intended for weight loss, a person takes responsibility for possible health problems. Even harmless sports fat burners, which can be easily purchased without a doctor’s prescription, have a fairly impressive list of side effects and contraindications. Before you start taking it, you should carefully study the instructions for use, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.

Nutrition for drying the body

It should be noted that the main goal of cutting is to reduce the level of adipose tissue, while maintaining muscle tissue. The difficulty is that muscle tissue breaks down much faster than fat tissue. That is why the whole process must be constantly accompanied by strength training and cardio training to keep the body in shape.

In your diet, you should adhere to the rule of gradually reducing carbohydrates, excluding high-fat dairy products from the diet (from 15%). During this period, it is permissible to consume only the right carbohydrates, which are found in brown rice, whole grain pasta, fruits, jacket potatoes, and whole grain bread.

Nutrition for drying the body

You should drink enough purified water. The last meal should occur no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Multiple meals are considered mandatory - 6 - 7 small portions at equal intervals.

You need to understand that these techniques will be enough for people who want to slightly change the shape of their body for the beach season. But to achieve more serious results, when it is necessary to prepare for sports tournaments, it may be necessary to use additional pharmaceutical preparations for drying.

Anorectics: contraindications and list of drugs

These are the most famous body drying preparations for girls that can be bought at the pharmacy. Initially they were sold without a prescription. However, a few years ago, a real fashion began for anorectics; many women caused harm to their own health in attempts to lose weight at any cost. As a result, anorexics were included in the list of substances prohibited for free sale in our country. Therefore, today you cannot simply go to a pharmacy and order this or that drug. To purchase body drying tablets for girls with anorexigenic effect, you need a prescription from an endocrinologist.

  1. "Reduxin" is the most popular anorectic for drying the body and burning fat. It is actively used by both ordinary people and athletes and bodybuilders. Girls are no exception - they often go on a real hunt through pharmacies in an attempt to purchase the drug without a prescription. When taking even one capsule, you can forget about the feeling of hunger for 6-7 hours. Losing weight with this drug is easy and simple. Contraindications for use: heart disease, kidney and liver pathologies. "Reduxin" has an extremely negative effect on the cardiovascular system of even healthy people. Because of this toxic effect, it was included in the list of strictly prescription drugs.
  2. “Sibutramine” is quite difficult to find on sale, even if there is a prescription. This drug has a name similar to the actual active substance, which causes the anorexigenic effect. This substance is also called sibutramine and is the main active component of all body drying preparations for girls at home. If the pills suppress appetite for a long time, then you can be almost completely sure that the active ingredient in them is sibutramine. We must not forget about its high toxicity and the risk of developing heart diseases while taking it.

Drying preparations containing fat and carbohydrate blockers

Cutting preparations containing fat and carbohydrate blockers are quite popular, as some believe that thanks to them, you can lose weight without reducing your caloric intake or exercising. Their use will be effective before various events, banquets, where there is a risk of consuming excessive amounts of fatty, heavy foods.

Fat blockers are divided into substances that bind fat molecules and those that stop the production of enzymes that ensure the breakdown of fats.

The binding of fat molecules occurs according to the principle of adsorption. The substance chitosan is added to sports preparations for drying the body, which also has a detoxification effect.

Fat and carbohydrate blockers

If there is a need to block lipase, you can use a drug called Xenical, which acts exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and is not toxic. Reduces the number of calories consumed.

Despite the positive aspects, the drug has side effects, including bloating, diarrhea, and increased gas formation. Tablets for drying the body, containing carbohydrate blockers, reduce the body's production of the enzyme that breaks down starch - amylase. The downside is that the absorption of complex carbohydrates, which are extremely necessary for the human body, is blocked.

Be sure to read: Beneficial properties of green tea for weight loss

Side effects from these drugs are: heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea.


L-carnitine is by far one of the safest supplements for accelerating the fat burning process. It is an amino acid-like substance produced by the human body when consuming protein.


An important rule in using this drug for drying is to increase physical activity, increasing the pulse by 60% of the standard. This includes long, fast walking uphill, running, dancing, cycling, any type of aerobics, etc.

The next very important point is that to achieve the effect of L-carnitine, training should last at least half an hour. It is recommended to take the drug in parts: 300 mg before training, the remaining dose no earlier than 15 minutes after training.

The correct diet when using the drug for drying the body would be 5 – 6 doses. A few hours before training, it would be best to consume a portion of pure protein: cottage cheese, fish. An hour after training, you can drink a protein shake.

Experts strongly recommend using this drug together with BCAA (a bunch of amino acids isoleucine, leucine, valine), which restores damaged muscle tissue, allowing you to keep it in good shape. By following these rules, L-carnitine will have a clear effect in the process of losing weight and reducing fat mass, increasing endurance, adding energy, and lowering cholesterol levels.



Another pharmaceutical drug for drying the body is metmorphine, which helps in the process of weight loss. The advantage of the substance is the almost complete absence of side effects. If the dosages are calculated correctly, it does not pose a danger to human health.

In addition, the drug reduces cholesterol and glucose levels. The mechanism of action is to accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids and inhibit the synthesis of fats. When using metmorphine, side effects are insignificant and are quite rare, including diarrhea and nausea. It is important to know that long-term use suppresses the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Reviews about the action of anorectics

Reviews about Reduxin are mostly positive. The drug contains a highly purified active substance, so it does not cause serious side effects. Girls take several capsules, and on the third or fourth day of taking them, their appetite goes away almost completely. Few people think about how this affects health.

Reviews rave about the immediate effect of anorectics. But if a woman cares about her health in the long term, then she is unlikely to agree to take such drugs. Moreover, in the absence of diagnosed obesity, it is impossible to purchase either Reduxin or Sibutramine.

Anorexics for fat burning

Expert reviews[edit | edit code]

The product is presented as a new extreme version of Thermo Burner, which has not found recognition in the market. The composition of Thermo Burner Extreme has changed noticeably, but by and large it has not become any better. Just like in the previous version, the main ingredient is methylxanthines. Mate, guarana and green tea extract all work primarily through the presence of caffeine and are present in all major thermogenics. In addition, the supplement contains a low-concentration synephrine extract and a small amount of forskolin. Dandelion and black pepper, presumably, were added “for beauty.”


: despite the fact that the composition has improved somewhat, the product is far from perfect and we consider its purchase inappropriate. It has fairly low ratings and many negative reviews for low efficiency.

Sports fat burners and reviews of their action

There are several of the most popular drugs for drying the body in bodybuilding. You can purchase them without a prescription at any sports nutrition department. Here is a list with names and reviews of the action:

  1. Lipo-6 Black is one of the most popular body drying products for girls. Reviews of the results are most often positive. In a month you can lose from three to six kilograms of weight. In some cases, more if the degree of obesity is severe. The drug Lipo-6 Black has a complex action; it combines the best qualities of lipotropic and thermogenic substances. While taking the capsules, your temperature may rise by one to two degrees. This is normal, and there is no need to rush to take antipyretic medications. Due to a moderate increase in temperature, fat depots are partially consumed.
  2. Animal Cuts (from the sports nutrition brand Universal Nutrition) is a complex fat burner created on the basis of potent natural plant extracts. Reviews about the results of the reception are positive. Those taking the drug are dissatisfied only with its relatively high cost: about 3,500 rubles for a package of 42 sachets.
  3. Black Mamba is a powerful body drying product for girls in bodybuilding. Reviews about it are positive: you can get rid of up to ten extra pounds in a month. This is a merciless drug with highly effective thermogenic compounds in its composition and a high concentration of ephedrine EPH (65 mg).

fat burner black mamba

Products without stimulating effect

Non-stimulant products also work well. Many people use them in combination with other fat burners.

CLA to maintain muscle mass while dieting

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a fatty acid that helps maintain lean muscle mass while burning fat. CLA targets two enzymes, one that removes fat from cells and the other that breaks down fat cells in the blood. Studies show significant weight loss and muscle gain when taking 2-6 grams of CLA relative to placebo. This means that CLA helps burn more fat, reduces its accumulation and protects muscles from breakdown. This acid is also known for its weight loss effect, when volumes decrease faster than weight. This happens because the proportion of muscle and fat changes.

Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't judge your results based on weight loss alone.

Useful article: “5 Best Sports Supplements for CrossFit”

7-keto for thermogenesis

7-keto is a non-hormonal metabolite of DHEA. It promotes thermogenesis without side effects and also regulates body weight. Two clinical studies have proven that it is responsible for burning fat in the body. Recommended dosage: 100 mg twice daily.

Green coffee extract for weight loss

Coffee tree seeds contain large amounts of chlorogenic acid. It works in two directions. The first is a decrease in the absorption of sugar (glucose) by the intestines. When there is less glucose in the body, the body burns more fat tissue, using it as energy instead of glucose. Clinical studies have found that taking green coffee extract for 60 days accelerates weight loss by 5.7% and also increases muscle-to-fat ratio by 4%. Recommended dosage: 100–400 mg before meals.

Raspberry Ketones During Diet

Raspberry ketones regulate the production of adiponectin, a protein used by the body to maintain the speed of metabolic processes. Human trials have not yet been conducted, but animal testing suggests that raspberry ketones help break down fats in cells more efficiently. Recommended dosage: 100 mg per day.

Chromium to normalize blood sugar levels

The mineral chromium promotes healthy insulin production, which helps regulate blood sugar and is essential for metabolism. By controlling your blood sugar levels, it will be easier for you to lose weight. Recommended dosage: 200 mcg 1-2 times a day.

Ashwagandha for Diet Stress Reduction

This herbal remedy is used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve stress from the body. In one experiment, participants who took ashwagandha reduced their overall stress levels by 69%. At the same time, the production of the stress hormone, which reduces the level of testosterone produced by the body during training, decreased by 24%. Relieving stress helps reduce cravings for unhealthy foods.

Useful article: “How to increase testosterone levels with nutrition”

Carbohydrate blockers: principle of action

These medications should be taken with food. They were originally created as a medicine for people with diabetes, and are still widely used in this capacity. However, due to their ability to interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates and therefore help reduce body fat, carbohydrate blockers have become widely used as body-drying drugs for girls.

The most popular carbohydrate blockers:

  • "Metformin";
  • "Laovus Met";
  • "Siofor";
  • "Glucophage."

glucophage for fat burning

Main conclusions

  1. Preparations for drying the body can be pharmaceutical (useful after consultation with a doctor), or included in the category of sports nutrition (as a rule, “catalysts” of metabolic processes and “stimulants” of the athlete’s endurance and energy).
  2. Considering the influence of means for accelerating fat burning on the human body, before starting to use them, it is advisable for those who are losing weight to familiarize themselves with the list of contraindications and make sure that there are no deviations in their own health that prevent the inclusion of the means in question in the daily diet.
  3. Considering the conflicting opinions of professionals regarding the advisability of taking special medications to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, the possibility of taking them in each specific case should be coordinated with knowledgeable people (therapist, fitness trainer, nutritionist, and so on).

A properly selected product that stimulates fat burning and muscle building can be an excellent assistant in the fight for your dream figure. The main thing is to remember that in every case moderation is important, which means that neglecting the basic recommendations for taking this kind of means will not lead to anything good.

Reviews on the use of carbohydrate blockers for fat burning

Reviews report that in parallel with the start of treatment, almost all people losing weight experienced many side effects. These are diarrhea, serious and long-term indigestion, nausea after eating. If you endure and continue to take the drug, then after a couple of weeks the side effects will decrease.

Doctors strongly do not recommend using carbohydrate blockers as a means of losing weight for healthy people. Metabolism is a very fragile system, the functioning of which depends on many factors. It’s easy to disrupt its work, but it will take years to heal.

Siofor for fat burning

Composition and principle of action of sports nutrition for cutting


When implementing a fat burning program, it is advisable to include in your daily diet:

  • Protein;
  • Amino acids;
  • Omega – 3, 6, 9;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Fat burners;
  • L – carnitine;
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin.


Some athletes mistakenly believe that protein is consumed only during the period of weight gain. During drying, the body needs pure protein as the diet is reduced. In this case, this sports supplement comes to the rescue.

Protein is divided into 3 types: casein, whey protein and gainer. When cutting, gainer is excluded from the diet because it includes not only protein, but also carbohydrates and other components that are not suitable for burning fat. Therefore, a gainer is only useful when gaining muscle mass.

It is recommended to drink whey protein 1-2 times a day: in the morning and immediately after training. If you skip a full meal, it is recommended to drink an extra serving of protein.

As for casein, this protein is also recommended to be included in the diet. However, unlike whey protein, it is digested slowly. Therefore, it is better to use it immediately before bed or in the evening. Casein is taken in emergency situations. If you know in advance that you will miss one meal. It will be slowly absorbed and protect the muscles from destruction.

Amino acids BCAA

An indispensable assistant. This complex includes the following amino acids:

  • Valin;
  • Isoleucine;
  • Leucine.

These amino acids have an anti-catabolic effect, so if you use them during the drying period, you will not lose muscle mass. Since during a diet the body is deprived of its main source of energy, it uses energy from muscle protein. To prevent this from happening, you should definitely drink BCAA.

The body will use up reserve fat reserves. It has been scientifically proven that taking BCAA helps reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body.

Instead of BCAA, it is possible to purchase a full complex of amino acids. It contains not 3, but 22 essential amino acids.

Amino acids should be taken in the morning and immediately after completing a workout. It is also recommended to take amino acids if you skip a full meal, this will help preserve muscles.

Omega 3, 6, 9

Unsaturated fatty acids. Since they are not produced in the body, it is important to get enough of them from food. Omega 3, 6 and 9 are found in fish and seafood.

They help reduce weight, speed up metabolism, increase endurance and are a source of energy. Unsaturated fatty acids inhibit the production of cortisol, which destroys muscle fibers.

It is recommended to take 3 grams of each type of unsaturated fatty acid in supplement form daily to reduce body fat.

Vitamins and minerals

Athletes, like no one else, need to constantly replenish their vitamin reserves, especially for representatives of strength sports. After all, without vitamins, muscle growth is impossible; during the drying period, not enough of them are supplied from food. Therefore, it is important to drink vitamin and mineral complexes during weight loss.

Vitamins are presented in various combinations - each athlete chooses a complex individually.

You should not count on the fact that a complex containing a large amount of vitamins will be more beneficial. All vitamins are not absorbed at the same time, so it is better to take them separately, with different foods.

Vitamins will help strengthen your immune system. Since, when performing a program to burn excess fat, the body does not receive enough vitamins, it is necessary to consume them additionally. This will keep your health strong and work for the result.

Take in the morning, following the instructions.

Fat burners

The mechanism of their action is aimed at accelerating metabolic processes in the body, removing excess fluid, suppressing appetite and reducing the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

A properly selected fat burner will help reduce drying by at least half.

Physical training triggers the process of extracting glycerol from fat cells, which forms the basis of the fat burning mechanism. Due to the increase in body temperature, metabolism accelerates. An additional effect of some types of fat burners may be a decrease in appetite.

Dietary supplements from pharmacies may have the same components as specialized sports nutrition. Such preparations should contain L-carnitine, a popular fat burner trusted by professional athletes. Its structure is similar to B vitamins, however, the substance itself is not a vitamin. Transports fatty acids and promotes their breakdown.

You should take at least 3000 mg before training.

Glucosamine and chondroitin

During drying, the joints do not receive the necessary substances and there is a risk of damage. Glucosamine and chondroitin help strengthen joints, grow cartilage tissue, relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

These supplements must be included in your diet to protect your joints. This is especially true for beginners who are skeptical about such substances.

Take 2-3 capsules daily (depending on dosage and manufacturer, read the insert).

To dry, you should definitely drink the above supplements. Because they not only speed up the fat burning process, but also nourish the body with essential substances.

Fat blockers: list of drugs and contraindications for use

Fat blockers are taken with food. The capsule begins to act in the intestines. Any fat that has been eaten is simply not digested and is excreted along with the feces. As a result, the person does not receive extra calories and loses weight. The fashion for fat blockers passed several years ago. Now these drugs (“Xenical”, “Orsoten”, “Orsoten Slim”) are not as popular as before, due to many side effects and contraindications.

List of contraindications:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases in the stages of both exacerbation and remission;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

fat blockers for fat loss


The next drug is L-thyroxine. This is a thyroid hormone. In our body it is responsible for the catabolic processes of breakdown, it dissolves fat well, but also muscle mass. During the intake process, you should not abuse dosages and eat something anabolic together.


Are there over-the-counter steroids?

L-thyroxine works well and does not burn the muscle as much, together with growth hormone, which maintains the muscles, and the drug burns fat. L-thyroxine is a thyroid hormone, and flirting with hormones is reserved for professional level athletes. It is under no circumstances recommended for beginners to use it in any combination.

Reviews about fat burning using fat blocker drugs

The reviews are not very positive: the high cost of the drugs and many side effects played a role. Girls are unhappy that when taking capsules, digestion is constantly disrupted, and bloating and flatulence are observed.

In addition, undigested fat that comes with food is eliminated from the body naturally. This fact is emphasized in their reviews by almost everyone who has managed to experience the effects of fat blockers at least several times in their lives.

fat burning pills

Drying stages for men

To ensure that the body experiences less stress, the nutrition program for drying the body for men is divided into stages, during which the amount of carbohydrates first decreases and then gradually increases. Drying involves three parts:

  • For a month (although the length of this period may vary), the diet consists of 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fat.
  • Then a week - 80% proteins, 10% fats and 10% carbohydrates.
  • The third stage is the gradual return of carbohydrates to the diet and a return to normal nutrition.

It is important not to skip a single drying step, since nutritional failures can disrupt the entire process, harm your health and negate the effectiveness of the program.

Dinitrophenol is the most powerful and most dangerous fat burner

This is a notorious body drying drug for girls. Reviews about it can only be found on professional forums for fans of iron sports. In fact, this substance was originally synthesized as a fertilizer for plants. However, its ability to increase body temperature and speed up metabolism was accidentally discovered. As a result of a powerful effect on the body, the body “digests” its own fat.

Since then, the drug has been packaged on the black market and sold in gyms and online stores. Every girl who is ready to do anything to get rid of fat, including taking such serious medications, should think three times whether her health and life expectancy are worth a slim figure.

How to buy sports fat burners?

Buying sports fat burners is very simple. Our store presents the most effective representatives of drugs of this kind. In addition, I would like to note the fact that the price for sports fat burners on our website is very affordable. Plus, now there are good discounts on fat burners! Hurry!

In the assortment of our online store of anabolic steroids, we can offer you excellent original drugs from sports pharmacology manufacturers such as Cloma Pharma, Balkan Pharmaceuticals, etc. These are excellent “ECA” fat burners from Cloma Pharma, such as Black Asia, White China and Methyldren Elite. These are Balkan Cytomel and Clenbuterol. And of course, this is probably the most famous fat burner, Ephedrine Arsan.

Reviews about the use of "Dentirophenol"

There are relatively few reviews of the drug from girls. On the weightlifting forum, athletes wrote that they take the drug almost every season and that its harm to health is greatly exaggerated. In order to cause significant harm, you must exceed the recommended dosage. Judging by the reviews, in just a week on dinitrophenol, girls got rid of 3-5 kg.

This result is really real, as proven by extreme athletes. Few people dare to try the effects of this unpatented and incompletely researched product.

Doctors' opinions on the use of pharmacological fat burners

In contrast to the numerous enthusiastic reviews of the drugs from people who have lost weight, the opinion of doctors is not at all so rosy. Doctors are most often categorically negative about any capsules and tablets for fat burning. Most of them are strictly prohibited for use by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. Caffeine, yohimbine, and geranium extract included in body drying preparations for girls almost always affect the nervous system: a person becomes irritable, suffers from insomnia, and mood swings.

fat burning drugs

That’s why doctors have a very negative attitude towards such drugs, be they prescription anorectics, nutrient blockers for diabetics or sports fat burners. When a person is sick or obese, he has no choice: he is forced to take these drugs. And if a girl has only 3-6 extra kg and she cannot pull herself together, rebuild her diet and create a competent training program, then taking fat-burning drugs is almost guaranteed to be harmful to her health. What type of harm will this be and how much it will affect the main systems of the body - in each individual case individually.

Weight gain drugs in the pharmacy

Not only men, but also women are concerned about the beauty of their bodies. And if someone goes to the gym to become slimmer, then there is a category that cannot gain weight. And in this case, it is necessary to resort to pharmaceutical products that are considered absolutely safe and effective, and also have fewer side effects.

What medications should men take?


an amino acid that improves metabolism and muscle growth. Without it, the synthesis of most important hormones and amino acids is impossible. With the help of methionine, fats are broken down and the liver is cleansed of harmful elements. Methionine helps overcome depression and cope with anxiety disorders. Found in dairy products, eggs, meat

Potassium orotate –

One of the popular drugs in bodybuilding, it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and has an important role in protein synthesis. It is also worth noting the anabolic effect, which helps to recover faster after training.

Riboxin –

A drug that has a positive effect on blood circulation, metabolic processes and improves energy balance. It also has a positive effect on heart function. To increase muscle mass, it is recommended to use this drug in combination with potassium orotate.

Oxandrolone is a hormonal drug that perfectly copes with its functions. And this applies even to seriously ill patients, as well as those who have undergone operations. Like most hormonal medications, this one should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

Nutrizon. This drug has no contraindications and is absolutely safe. It replenishes the lack of protein in the body. Using this remedy, you can gain weight in the shortest possible time. Peritol.

This medicine is sold in the form of syrup and tablets. Has antiallergic and antihistamine effects. It has a calming effect on the body. Therefore, nutrients are absorbed faster and body weight increases. Actively used for anorexia.

But a prescription is required to purchase the medicine.

So that you don’t have to worry about finding this medicine, I’ll let you know that it is not available in pharmacies, the drug has now disappeared from pharmacies, and there are practically no analogues in terms of the mechanism of action.

Dexamethasone. Plays the role of a hormonal agent for local use. Its introduction occurs parenterally, intra-articularly, conjunctivally, into the auditory canal.

It makes it possible to stabilize metabolism.

According to some data, dexamethasone exhibits the same catabolic activity as cortisol, which leads to muscle destruction, the development of bone fragility and fat deposition, so I do not recommend it as an option for weight gain.

An inexpensive and one of the most popular medications among athletes is glutamic acid. Glutamine plays the role of an amino acid that activates the central system. At the same time, it takes part in the metabolism of fats and proteins in the body. This drug increases blood circulation and also transports oxygen to the organs.

What should women take?

Duphaston. It is considered a hormonal therapeutic drug, the active substance of which is dydrogesterone - it is this drug that is responsible for weight gain. But before use you need to consult

Elkar. This medicine is used to combat anorexia, as well as for emotional stress and training.

Also, don’t forget about digestive enzymes and vitamin complexes, which play an important role in weight gain

Do not forget that pharmaceutical medicines will not give the same results as sports nutrition or pharmaceuticals; you should not expect a “miracle” effect from them.

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