Kettlebells for sports. Types and design. How to choose and exercises

What is a kettlebell?[edit | edit code]

Kettlebells 8, 12, 16, 24 and 32 kg

Emblem of the Kettlebell Lifting Federation
  • History of kettlebell lifting and famous athletes
  • Sports training theory
  • Strength endurance
  • Aerobic endurance
  • Muscle strength
  • Endurance
  • Kettlebell training: technique basics
  • Kettlebell training program for beginners
  • Kettlebell training program for the pros
  • Crossfit with kettlebells
  • Load Models
Competitive exercises
  • Long cycle kettlebell push (LC) - for men
  • Kettlebell snatch - for women
  • Classical biathlon Kettlebell push
  • Kettlebell Snatch
Preparatory exercises
  • Overview of kettlebell exercises
  • Kettlebell rows
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Turkish kettlebell lift
  • Chest clean
  • Kettlebell Presses
  • Swings with a kettlebell
Nutrition and recovery
  • Nutrition for martial artists
  • Sports nutrition for strength
  • Pre-workout complex
  • Fat burners


- a sports equipment of a given mass, which has a special shape in the form of a metal core with a handle and other design features.

The word kettlebell first appeared in the Russian dictionary in 1704 (Cherkikh, 1994).

Artistic weights, with faces

Weights by weight[edit | edit code]

Russian weights are traditionally measured in pounds. One pud is an old Russian unit of measurement equivalent to 16 kilograms (about 35 pounds). The most popular weights in Russia: 1 pound for beginner men; 1.5 pounds, or 53 pounds - the standard weight of an army weight; and the so-called “dvuhpudovka”, 2 poods, or 70 pounds. The two-pudovka is used by experienced weight lifters.

Competitions in kettlebell lifting are held with kettlebells weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg. During training, weights of a more varied gradation are used.

According to the rules of the MSGS, MFGS, VFGS, sports competitive weights must have the following parameters:

height - 280 mm16 kg - yellow
case diameter - 210mm24 kg - green
handle diameter - 35 mm32 kg - red

Approximate conversion of poods and kilograms to pounds

Puds Kilograms Pounds
0,25 4 9
0,375 6 13
0,5 8 18
0,75 12 26
1 16 35 For beginners
1,25 20 44
1,5 24 53 Popular army option
1,75 28 62
2 32 70 For experienced weightlifters
2,5 40 88
3 48 106

Heavy kettlebells are traditionally called "bulldogs"

. “Heavy” is a relative concept; usually weights heavier than 32 kg are included in this category. 48 kg is the maximum weight for a kettlebell, but it did not stop Russian strongmen. Weightlifting legend Yuri Vlasov was upset when someone stole his custom-made 56kg weights.

Dragon Door produces high-quality classic Russian-style rubber-coated cast iron kettlebells ranging from 26 to 106 pounds and women's kettlebells from 9 to 18 pounds.

Kettlebell training[edit | edit code]

Kettlebells provide complete and comprehensive development. Multifunctional strength, power and flexibility. They get rid of fat without necessarily doing aerobics. In just 1-2 hours of training per week. All you need is one compact and literally indestructible projectile that can be used anywhere.

What kind of weights do you need?[edit | edit code]

Start with one weight, the table will help you choose the right weight. If funds allow, buy a set of three or four weights presented in the table.

Start with the right kettlebell
Who are you? Kettlebell to start (kg) Ideal set (kg)
Average girl 8 8, 12, 16
Strong girl 12 12, 16, 20
Average man 16 16, 20, 24, 32
Strong enough man 20 20, 24, 32
Very strong man 24 24, 32, 40

Do you need two kettlebells of the same weight? Not yet. There are great double kettlebell exercises, watch senior kettlebell trainer Mike Mahler do them, but they're not for beginners. Start with one kettlebell, work on strength imbalances, and train the snatch and press.

The average person should start with a 16kg kettlebell. What does "average" mean? If the bench press is used as a standard test to evaluate strength (which is incorrect), then a man lying on a bench pressing a barbell weighing 90 kg should start with 16 kg. If you bench more than 90 kg, then try training with a 20 kg kettlebell. If you are a powerlifter or strongman, start with 24 kg.

A woman with average physical fitness should start with 8 kg. A strong woman can try 12 kg. Most women should aim for 16kg. Few stubborn women will go further. Katherine "Catherine of Steel" Imes, a master kettlebell lifter, can bench press a 32kg kettlebell five times, putting many men to shame.

You've probably noticed that the weight of kettlebells, unlike dumbbells, increases in larger increments. There is simply no need for additional hardware. Inventive weightlifters don't need a ton of weights to progress their workouts. You save money and space.


The barbell allows you to lift a lot, which is just fun. There's nothing better than pulling a weight that makes the bar bend.

But besides this testosterone joy, the barbell is good because it allows you to accurately set the desired working weight, for example, “82.5% of 1RM” (% of the maximum weight at one time - Zozhnik’s note). Why is it important? Because with it we can carry out a long strength cycle with prescribed working weights, gradually approaching a new record. This is a very simple but effective method.

It will not be possible to carry out such cycles with other projectiles, because the weight changes in too large steps. Even if you have an extensive row of dumbbells with 2.5 kg increments, the difference between a 10 kg dumbbell and a 12.5 kg dumbbell is 25%, and kettlebells traditionally use half and quarter pound increments. In exercises with your own weight, it is always constant, and changing the load (lever) will also not work with such precision as on a barbell.

Benefits of training with kettlebells[edit | edit code]

  • the weight of each weight falls on only one support point, due to which the ligaments and small muscles work at full strength, stabilizing the load. The weights are designed in such a way that the weight is distributed across two support points at once. This greatly facilitates the work of the stabilizers and makes it more balanced. They do not limit the strength of the working muscle, which allows the athlete to cope with a greater load;
  • Weight gain has a greater impact on these same stabilizers, causing them to become stronger. This allows you to periodically increase weight, which leads to further increases in strength and muscle mass;
  • kettlebell training is almost not dangerous, the likelihood of injury is minimized;
  • kettlebells do not require strict exercise techniques. These implements are pulled or pressed in a way that is convenient; the athlete’s body optimally distributes the load between the working muscles. This promotes rapid weight gain;
  • distributing the load across a large number of muscle groups leads to maximum intensity of exercise, which gives the athlete several more advantages: the hormonal surge occurs more intensely, so metabolic reactions accelerate tens of times, which not only helps to build the athlete’s muscle mass, but also increases his strength (damaged cells replaced with ones more adapted to the load). Subcutaneous fat is also burned more intensely;
  • over a certain period of time, a larger amount of blood passes through the target muscle, bringing much more nutrients and hormones to the cells than during regular training. Thus, an ideal environment arises for the development of both muscles and other parts of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Kettlebells are always lifted in the same way as any large weight would be lifted in natural conditions.

To summarize, we can conclude that kettlebell training is the best for developing functional strength. As a result of such training, the athlete will move easier, react faster and (if necessary) hit harder.


Dumbbells add stress to the stabilizing muscles and allow you to work both arms equally, which is not possible with a barbell. But you need a huge row of dumbbells to use them for different muscle groups and exercises. Collapsible dumbbells are our choice.

But dumbbells are still not suitable for some great exercises. For example, a strong athlete will not be able to work his legs properly with them: their weight is not enough for a deadlift, they are uncomfortable to hold on your shoulders in a front squat and in front of you if you squat on one leg.

Structure of the kettlebell[edit | edit code]

Structure of a kettlebell Structure of a kettlebell
Example of the structure of a kettlebell on RF patent No. 2484870:

contains a spherical balanced hollow body (1) with a cut (2) at the bottom, a bow (3) at the top and weights (6) with threaded fixation inside the cavity, the cavity of the spherical body is open from the side of the lower cut (2), made cylindrical, vertical from the inside thread (4). In its middle and upper part, the cylindrical cavity has lateral symmetrical relief recesses (8). The weights (6) are made disc-shaped with an external thread corresponding to the internal thread (4) of the cylindrical cavity; at the ends of the weights 6 they have recesses (9) for their installation. On the cut side (2), the cylindrical cavity is closed with a removable plug (5). The end recesses (9) of the weights (6) can be made for installation with your fingers. The removable plug (5) can be equipped with holes (10) for installation with your fingers. The body (1) of the weight contains two horizontal, diametrical, parallel to the horizontal section of the arch, holes (7) for visual monitoring of the position of one or two weights (6), respectively. The technical result is the implementation of a sports apparatus with a stepwise variable weight, for training with a gradual increase in load, while maintaining the outer surface of a standard competitive weight and its balance (at the center of mass), as well as improving the fixation of loads inside the cavity.

How to make a kettlebell. DIY gym

Tumbler weight (device)[edit | edit code]

The Tumbler is good because it always stands on its base. That is, its internal content does not allow it to fall and return to its original position from any position. recommends Training Plans:

The peculiarity of kettlebells is that when performing exercises, the center of gravity in the apparatus shifts relative to the grip. Something similar happens when you grab the handle of a heavily loaded suitcase or backpack.

You can see this for yourself by taking any training program and trying to repeat it using a kettlebell. No matter how much you want, it’s unlikely that anything will work out. Why can’t you repeat these seemingly simple exercises while standing and holding a slightly different shaped apparatus in your hand?

Please note that with kettlebells it is common to perform movements that put stress on the entire body - jerks, presses, squats. This provides a significant workout over time, as the load on the whole body quickly increases the heart rate and engages large muscle groups. Try thrusting for 10 minutes to feel the effect.

You also save on an instructor; you only need to learn a few basic movements—our materials will help you with this. We provide you with a detailed technique of basic exercises with a kettlebell in the base.

Important point

Important point

Before starting strength training, you should definitely see a doctor, preferably a sports doctor, in order to identify any contraindications for this sport. Strength exercises are contraindicated in certain diseases of the cardiovascular system (including varicose veins and hemorrhoids), gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, respiratory tract, urinary system, visual impairment (especially with a high degree of myopia), disorders with aspects of the musculoskeletal, nervous and endocrine systems. They are also contraindicated for those who have undergone any operations within a year (sutures may come apart) or immediately after suffering any acute illness.

If physical exertion during strength exercises exceeds the capabilities of a given person’s body, then irreparable harm can be caused to him.

Accuracy classes

Based on this feature, calibration weights are divided depending on the values ​​of metrological characteristics. There are only seven accuracy classes of such elements:

  1. E1. Weights of this class are used to test first class laboratory scales.
  2. E2. E2 calibration weights are used in conjunction with scales of F1, first and second special accuracy classes.
  3. F1. Weights of this type are usually used to check the weight of other weights - F2, as well as laboratory scales of the second accuracy class.
  4. F2. Such weights are used to check scales of the second high and third medium accuracy classes.
  5. M1. These elements are used in conjunction with scales of technical accuracy class or when weighing medications.
  6. M2 and M3 are weights used in commercial scales to balance the mass of the load.

Calibration weights 200 g, 1 kg, 5 mg and other nominal weights, classified as classes E and F, in our country today are manufactured mainly using German technology and in compliance with the requirements of not only GOST, but also international standards R111 OIML.

calibration weight e2

Operating rules

Operating rules

There are the following rules for training with these manual exercise machines:

  1. You need to choose the right weight for weight loss for men and not immediately take on the heaviest ones, thinking that you can handle them. In this case, unprepared muscles can become very sore and cannot withstand such a load.
  2. You need to choose your training location carefully. Of course, it's best to practice outside, because that's where you won't be afraid of dropping the weight on the floor and damaging something. But not everyone has this opportunity, so when working out at home or in the gym, you should always be careful not to damage yourself or the objects around you.
  3. You should not use mirrors, because they will constantly distract attention, which can lead to injury. There is no need to use gloves on your hands, since they will only reduce the pressure, which in turn will confuse and deceive the reaction of the muscles. The same applies to shoes with heels, which are the most dangerous.
  4. Do not exercise when you have no strength, health or mood, since training in this case will still not be effective. It is best to reschedule it for another day when you feel well.
  5. You need to schedule your training days and your goals that you want to achieve through training in advance. This way, you will have a certain plan of action and lines for which you need to lose excess weight, which will motivate you to take action.
  6. In the breaks between classes, you don’t need to sit still, otherwise you’ll just relax and by the second approach you won’t have the strength. It is best to do lighter exercise or just walk during this time.
  7. It is necessary for the body to recover between days of training. This means that during this period you need to get a good night’s sleep, avoid stress and anxiety, and do not drink alcohol. In addition, you should eat well so that you have the strength to train.


The modern generation worries very much about the beauty of their own body. There are people who have turned fitness into a hobby out of simple necessity. And even more often you can see snowdrop people signing up for the gym only in the spring in order to look good by summer. At the same time, many people prefer to study at home.

kettlebell tumbler USSR

There are various ways to bring muscles into proper shape. People buy multifunctional massive exercise machines, although most of us do not have so much space in our apartment or house to store such structures. Consequently, the most effective and simple equipment is selected. This same kettlebell (32 kg) of the USSR is considered one of these exercise machines for the arms.

Tumbler differs from the others in that it operates on the principle of the doll of the same name. It will still stand no matter how you put it. This type of weights became very popular not so long ago. The Internet is filled with advertisements for their purchase. I would like to think that these people planned to pump up their arms together, although it is doubtful that this is their real goal.

Blitz tips

Blitz tips

  1. For safe training, you need to have not only good physical fitness, but also clear coordination so as not to lose balance,
  2. If this is your first time training with this device, then it is advisable to be under the supervision of a trainer who can insure you in time and explain the rules of working with a kettlebell,
  3. You should not do such training every day, since the muscles need rest and time to recover,
  4. You should know that for exercise you need to select special sports shoes with flat soles (sneakers are best), since ordinary shock-absorbing running shoes will be uncomfortable here. In addition, the best option is to train without shoes at all, since in this position you will be able to feel the floor and stand firmly on it, maintaining your balance.
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