How dried fruits affect the process of losing weight and can you eat them during a diet?

Nuts in the diet: benefits or harms, what you can eat when losing weight

The correct ratio of nutrients, as well as caloric restriction, are the key to successful weight loss.
Some foods have a good composition, including a high amount of healthy fats, but are so high in calories that their consumption is questionable.

Nuts are very healthy due to their content of vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fats.

But the significant calorie content indicates the need to limit them in the menu. You can eat nuts while on a diet, but only in a certain quantity.

Types and value of the product

The main reason for limiting the consumption of such a product while working on weight loss is its high calorie content. Just 100 g can contain up to 800 kcal, which on average is considered half the daily requirement for someone losing weight. However, this product is extremely useful due to the content of useful substances in its composition.

Nuts are considered healthy due to their content of the following components:

  • protein - about 20 g;
  • healthy fats (Omega-3, 6);
  • vitamins E and D;
  • arginine, which helps reduce weight and increases testosterone levels in men, and also strengthens the immune system;
  • other elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron), which together are necessary for the proper functioning of organ systems and normal metabolism.

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Eating a huge amount of nuts will have negative consequences, since the calorie content of such a product will go off scale. But a few tens of grams will saturate the body, replenish its reserves of nutrients and stimulate fat burning.

There are many types of nuts, and many of them are acceptable during weight loss.

What are there

With proper nutrition, you can eat many types of such fruits, but in limited quantities:

This is not a complete list, but only those that can be found on the domestic market. All of the listed products are allowed not only when a person is on a proper diet, but also with a normal diet.

Benefits and harms

The harm and benefits of nuts significantly depend on individual tolerance, metabolism, the presence of allergic reactions and other factors.

The benefits include:

  1. High content of various vitamins that help in the functioning of internal organs and give healthy appearance to hair and skin. They also enhance the activity of the immune system and are responsible for normal metabolism and food absorption (act as catalysts for many chemical and enzymatic reactions).
  2. The content of minerals that help in the prevention of the heart, blood vessels, thyroid gland and so on. Nuts are extremely useful for those who have heart problems (especially heart rhythm disturbances); they help normalize the conduction of electrical impulses along the pathways of the heart and adjust the rhythm of its contractions, reducing the load on the heart muscle.
  3. High percentage of protein. But protein is necessary both for muscle growth and to prevent the destruction of muscle tissue, which increases significantly with a calorie deficit in the diet.
  4. A significant amount of Omega-3 and 6, that is, healthy fats.

The negative aspects are mainly related to the following:

  1. They are considered a high-calorie product because they contain fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Individual intolerance and allergies are possible.
  3. May cause stomach pain and nausea if consumed in excess.

Due to their high fat content, excessive consumption may cause diarrhea.

In any case, it is better not to eat nuts at night when losing weight, this way you can minimize the consequences of the high calorie content of the product.

KBJU will differ depending on the type:

What are the benefits of dried fruits?

First of all, we will try to find out how dried fruits affect the process of losing weight. Why are they so useful? After all, these treats are pure carbohydrates. Depending on the type of fruit, their nutritional value is 250-300 kcal. Apples have the least calories - no more than 200 kcal, while raisins, dates and dried apricots have the most - about 350-400 kcal. Moreover, the calorie content of boiled dried fruits is not at all different from fresh ones.

However, despite the fact that dried fruits have a fairly high calorie content, it is not enough for weight gain, but enough to satisfy hunger. This property of dried fruits makes it possible to overcome cravings for sweets. You will become less likely to eat chocolate, caramel, condensed milk and other treats that only harm your figure.

Are dried fruits good for your diet? Of course yes. They can effectively suppress appetite. Often a small handful of raisins is enough to make the desire to snack disappear.

And so that you don’t get tired of dried fruits, remember their diversity. Alternate dried apricots, pears, prunes, apples, dates. However, if you do not adhere to a diet, you should not eat dried fruits all day long, replacing salads, soups and cereals with them. They can cause stomach upset and other ailments.

Dried fruits have another important quality. These are completely natural sweets!

But you know how difficult it is today to find products without dyes, emulsifiers, stabilizers and other “chemicals”.
With such a variety of nutritional supplements, dried fruits have become a real salvation for people who want to not only lose weight, but also eat healthy. In addition, dried fruits are completely digested, providing the body with the necessary levels of microelements and vitamins.
Just one bag of dried apricots contains as much nutrients as 2-3 kilograms of fresh apricots.

Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight?

Nuts contain a lot of vitamins, mineral compounds, fats and proteins. All of them are beneficial for the body. They are also high in calories.

But they have a significant disadvantage - once you start eating, it’s difficult to stop, so it’s easy to exceed the norm. So, for example, by overeating just three or four nuts, you can gain up to five kilograms in a year. Therefore, the question often arises whether this product should be included in the diet.

First of all, you need to take into account the fact that nuts come in different varieties and types, each of which has its own calorie content and nutritional value. Therefore, some should be used with caution. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t recommend this product, especially since they have a positive effect on the reduction of adipose tissue.


But the opinion that this product should not be included in the diet menu did not appear just like that. Nuts have some disadvantages. These include:

  • 100 g contains more than 700 calories. Therefore, it is important to clearly control how much of them was eaten.
  • The presence of oxalates in the composition increases the risk of kidney stones.
  • Nuclei may interfere with the absorption of non-heme iron. It is found in almost all plant foods.
  • They are one of the most powerful allergens.

Which ones are possible on a diet?

However, not all nuts have the same value and benefits. The best for weight loss are the ones below.


This nut has the lowest glycemic index of 15 units. He's useful

thanks to plant sterols, which reduce cholesterol and glucose levels, therefore preventing the development of diabetes.

Also contained arginine is important for the elasticity of blood vessels and the prevention of blood clots.

In addition, 20 - 30 g of almonds contain more than 70 percent of the daily dose of vitamin E. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and proteins. Almonds contain many different microelements, such as iron, calcium, zinc.

Per 100 g of product there are 600 kcal, of which about 50 g are fat, 18 g are protein, and carbohydrates are 13 g.


This species is the leader in the amount of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. It is important to note that the body absorbs proteins better than those of animal origin. They contain many amino acids that promote the functioning of the heart muscle, the condition of bones, hair and skin. Walnuts contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In addition, they can break down polyvine acid, which removes toxins and improves metabolism.

Benefits of walnuts

100 g of product contains about 650 kcal, more than 15 g of protein, 65.2 g of fat, and only 7 g of carbohydrates. According to the glycemic index, they are equal to almonds.


It contains more than 70% of essential fats and more than 20 types of amino acids. Hazelnuts are also rich in vitamins B, A, E, C, as well as the elements: potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, sodium, iron and iodine. By the way, hazelnuts contain the most iron, so it is useful to eat them for anemia. Its calorie content is 650 kcal per 100 g, according to the level of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, respectively 15, 61, 10 g.


It is rich in potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium and other elements, as well as vitamins A, D, E, PP. The plus is that it has no cholesterol, but does have antioxidants.

Regular consumption of peanuts helps improve bile secretion and has a positive effect on memory and hearing.

100 g of nuts account for more than 500 kcal, they contain 27 g of protein, 45 g of fat and almost 10 carbohydrates. According to the glycemic index, peanuts are at the level of their previous “brothers”.


These are the least healthy nuts for those losing weight. They have a high glycemic index and contain much more protein, especially fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, they should be included in the menu rarely and in small portions.

Nevertheless, they are useful in vitamins B, A, and microelements. Thanks to cashews, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood is normalized, immunity is increased, and metabolism is improved. Can be used as an antiseptic.

100 g of cashew nuts contains more than 640 kcal.

Pine nuts

According to research, this product may suppress appetite. Substances in nuts promote the production of hormones that relieve hunger. They are also beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

Per 100 g of pine nuts there are 620 kcal, of which almost 70 g are fat.


This product helps maintain energy and vitality of the body. They are often used for diseases of the liver and heart. These are one of the lowest calorie kernels, 50 pieces account for only 150-160 kcal.

Glycemic index of nuts and beans

Optimal Portions of Dried Fruits

It is worth remembering that dried fruits are high in calories; they must be consumed within reasonable limits, especially if you want to lose weight. The maximum dosage of dried fruits per day is 40-50 grams. An alternative to dried fruits can be a compote made from them - it has beneficial properties and a reduced calorie content. Also, dried fruits and berries are an ideal component for smoothies and cocktails.

Daily consumption rate:

  • pineapple - 2-3 rings;
  • pear -2-3 pcs.;
  • raisins - 10-15 pcs.;
  • dried apricots - 5-6 pcs.;
  • dates - 3-4 pcs.;
  • prunes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • apples - 5-7 pcs.;
  • figs - 3-5 pcs.

In a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition, types of dried fruits such as dried cherries and melon are often used. When losing weight, their use is undesirable, since these types are high in calories - 290 and 341 kilocalories per 100 g of product, respectively.

Do fruits make you fat? Interest Ask. Everyone has long known about their usefulness, but their only positive feature is their low calorie content. There are many more negative features: the presence of fructose, increased appetite and stimulation of hunger. What is good to know about their effect on your weight and why are dried fruits better than fruits?

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The desire to eat a lot and deliciously constantly haunts us, such is human nature. Life obliges you - you can’t last long without nutrients. The result of the search for the “right” food for life has been diets in which fruits have taken a strong place, but are they so healthy, or rather harmful?

Harmful qualities of fruits:

  • They contain fructose (fruit sugar).
    Not long ago, American scientists conducted a small experiment: one group of people was given glucose-containing foods for 10 days, and the other was given fruits high in fructose. The results showed that the second group gained 42% more weight than the first. The reason for this phenomenon is the nature of fructose: glucose takes a long time to be formed and processed, when fruit sugar is transformed into fat within a few hours.
  • “Beastly” appetite and stimulation of hunger
    . Probably everyone has encountered the feeling when they just ate an apple or a banana, but they still want to eat, even more than before. The reason for this effect is fruit acids that stimulate the stomach and the production of gastric juice. The result is a brutal appetite;
  • Excessive use
    . Too much food is not beneficial, but rather harmful, regardless of whether you ate a piece or a whole one.

Fruits contribute more to weight gain than help fight it. If you want to gain weight, eat fruits; if you want to lose weight, switch to dried fruits. Fruits are undoubtedly healthy, but not all of them and not always.

What to watch out for when eating fruit:

  • Try not to eat meat and fruit together. The meat will not allow them to be absorbed; the process of rotting inside the intestines will simply begin. Reduce your intake to a minimum or don't eat at all;
  • Fruits are a great dessert, but not the main food. Do not replace a full meal with a portion of fructose, your body will only lose from this;
  • Don't overeat.

Vegetables are more suitable for weight loss than fruits. Fructose, which is considered the main cause of obesity in modern Americans, will cause many problems for those who decide to correct their figure. When consuming fruits, you should remember moderation and caution.

How many nuts per day is acceptable, is it possible at night

It is not they themselves that are dangerous to the figure, but their uncontrolled consumption. Nuts are best suited as a snack, especially in the morning. A safe amount for weight loss would be 20 - 30 g. But we must not forget to include them in the total number of calories per day, because they will provide an additional 150 - 200 kcal. If you don’t have scales, you can roughly estimate the number of pieces:

  • hazelnuts – 10 – 12;
  • macadamia - 10 - 12 pieces;
  • walnuts and pecans no more than 13 - 14;
  • cashews 15 - 17 pieces;
  • no more than 20 almonds;
  • cedar no more than a tablespoon.

How to lose weight with dried fruits?

You can use dried fruits for weight loss in different ways. If you don't like diets and don't see the need to follow them, then you can simply include these healthy treats in your daily menu. They are a great addition to any porridge and can be used as a snack between meals or if you want to eat something before bed.

Dried fruits are great for helping cope with hunger.

Just 2-3 pieces of dried apricots can be slowly dissolved in your mouth and this will be enough to suppress your appetite. For optimal effect, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of warm water beforehand. And the feeling of hunger will instantly disappear! But do not forget about the high calorie content of dried fruits. They should not be consumed in large quantities, otherwise you will not be able to lose extra pounds. To lose weight, you can eat no more than 100 grams of these healthy foods per day.

Useful video

Watch this video about the benefits and harms of nuts:

Usually, it is sweets that cause breakdowns when losing weight. However, there are those that you can eat, that is, the lowest calorie ones. It is better to replace milk chocolate with black chocolate, but fruit salads, the recipes of which are simple, will be useful for weight loss.

If you choose a diet with a low glycemic index, then you need to be prepared for long-term use. The menu is developed separately for three stages. Products for weight loss are selected taking into account their GI.

Eating celery for weight loss is both tasty and healthy. After all, the benefits for the body are simply enormous, and the harm is minimal. You can use both the root and stems. There are some great recipes for soup, juice, smoothies and even cutlets.

The best sweet is dried fruits!

Today, dried fruits are no longer only a product made by our mothers and grandmothers, but also a popular product on store shelves. Dried fruits for weight loss can be purchased in special mixtures. They make an excellent base for compote, cocktail or fruit salad. A mixture of dried fruits for weight loss should be in any kitchen, as it is stored for a very long time and is relevant in any season. This ingredient will add a special twist to every dish and whet your appetite without harming your figure.

If previously, apples and pears were mainly used to prepare dried fruits, now the scope for imagination is simply enormous. Dried prunes, figs, apricots, peach, cherries, grapes and such exotic delights as papaya, mango and lychee are healthy and interesting in taste. Dried fruits for weight loss themselves have a pleasant taste, and if you add hot water to them and let it brew, you will have a wonderful drink.

Avid dieters know very well that the body works slower when it does not receive the required amount of vitamins, but fruits are sometimes excluded from the diet due to excess sugar. When choosing dried fruits, the problem with sugar is resolved, since only the necessary minimum remains in their composition. If your plans are to get rid of several kilograms, then we will present you with an excellent recipe for a tonic drink made from dried fruits with the addition of lemon and rose hips. The resulting cocktail removes toxins from the body and clears the intestines, which is one of the foundations of the diet for proper weight loss.

Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight?

When losing weight, this product is not excluded from the diet, but is eaten in small quantities (up to 30 g per day). To stimulate the body to get rid of extra pounds and reduce hunger, the fruits are added to salads, cereals, fruit and vegetable smoothies, cottage cheese, and consumed raw during light snacks.

The benefits of nuts when following a diet:

  • reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, normalize metabolism;
  • give strength and energy, especially after sports;
  • fiber in the fruit improves digestion;
  • high protein and fat content quickly fills you up during snacks;
  • magnesium, omega-3, zinc strengthen the liver, which, when losing weight, experiences maximum stress, removing toxins formed from the breakdown of subcutaneous fats.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating fruits immediately before bed because of their high calorie content. The body will not have time to quickly process large amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Important! Digesting nuts in the stomach during sleep will negatively affect the quality of your night's rest. A person will not fully relax, which can lead to insomnia.

The energy value varies for different nuts from 550 to 700 kcal .
It is not recommended to consume fruits with a calorie content of over 650 kcal (macadamia, pecan, pine and Brazil nut) during the diet. If there is no choice, the daily norm is reduced by 2 times.

Nutrients in dried fruits

One dried fruit contains approximately the same amount of nutrients as the fresh fruit.

But when measured by weight, dried fruits contain approximately 3.5 times more plant fiber, vitamins and minerals than their fresh counterparts.

Thus, one serving of dried fruits can supply the body with an amount of vitamins and minerals that is close to the daily requirement. This is especially noticeable with compounds such as folate.

However, there are always exceptions to any rule. And here they are too. Vitamin C is lost when fruits are dried, and its amount in dried fruit is much less than in fresh fruit.

Among the beneficial compounds, dried fruits are high in fiber and antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which improve blood flow, stimulate digestion, and prevent free radical damage.

Calorie content and chemical composition of nuts

To understand the value and difference in calorie content of the product, let's compare several types . For comparison, we will indicate some minerals and vitamin C that are involved in weight loss.

Table of calorie content and nutrients of nuts per 100 grams:

Iodine, potassium, magnesium and ascorbic acid play an important role in losing weight:

  1. Iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is a disease of this organ, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted, excess calories are not burned, and subcutaneous fat is deposited. The highest amount of iodine is in cashews, pine nuts and pistachios.
  2. Potassium prevents bloating and improves metabolism. A lack of macronutrients in the body during weight loss causes constipation, nausea, weakness, and decreased blood pressure. Pistachios contain the maximum amount of potassium.
  3. Vitamin C breaks down fats and helps absorb iron, which is involved in many metabolic processes, such as saturating cells with oxygen, destroying and removing toxins, and converting calories into energy. All this is important when losing weight. Walnuts, peanuts, pistachios are rich in vitamin C.
  4. Magnesium is involved in all metabolic processes - the higher its content in the product, the faster the breakdown of fats and the removal of toxins occurs. Brazil nut contains 376 mg of magnesium, so it is not advisable to completely exclude it from the diet; 1-2 fruits per day will not harm the body.

What nuts are allowed on the diet?

The diet should not turn into a hunger strike. Its essence is the normalization of proper nutrition and restoration of impaired metabolism. Therefore, it is not recommended to exhaust the body with heavy diets and refuse healthy foods. Eating a small amount of fruit when losing weight satisfies the feeling of hunger and saturates it with useful substances .

On a note! 3-4 walnut kernels (50 g) replace 100 g of white bread (265 kcal) in calorie and nutritional value.

Let's look at the healthiest nuts for a diet, which are consumed raw or added to various dishes :

  1. Almonds are low-calorie fruits (609 kcal). High fat content (53%) helps to quickly satisfy hunger. The product reduces blood cholesterol levels and improves the elasticity of blood vessels. Contains a large amount of vitamin E (up to 173% of the daily value), iron (29%).
  2. Walnuts are valued for vitamin C, which is involved in metabolic processes, the absorption of carbohydrates, the formation of proteins, and carnitine. Despite its high calorie content (656 kcal) and fat content of more than 60%, it is allowed to be consumed in small quantities while following a diet.
  3. Hazelnuts are a low-calorie nut (628 kcal). Contains a lot of dietary fiber (44% of the daily value), which improves food digestion. Rich in vitamin E (up to 117%) and omega-6 fatty acids (66.7%).
  4. Peanuts are allowed for weight loss due to their low calorie content (552 kcal) and the lowest fat content (45.2%). Valued for its high content of vitamin C. Quickly quenches hunger and improves digestion.
  5. Cashews are useful for people suffering from excess weight resulting from a malfunction of the thyroid gland. 100 g of nuts contain 11.1 mcg of iodine and a low percentage of fat content (up to 50%). The product is distinguished by a high glycemic index - 22. For example: in Brazil nuts the indicator is 10, in pistachios - 18, in walnuts - 15.
  6. Pistachios are rich in potassium, which improves digestion, normalizes metabolism, and prevents constipation due to weak intestinal motility and bloating. Low calorie content (560 kcal), high content of vitamin C and iodine make these nuts the most popular for weight loss.


A diet based on dried fruits is not recommended for adolescents, the elderly and pregnant women during the first and third trimesters. In addition, such a change in diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the digestive system and diabetics. This is due to the fact that the glycemic index of dried fruits exceeds that of fresh products. For example, cherries have a GI of 22, while the glycemic index of dried berries is 30 units.

For diseases characterized by impaired glucose absorption (pancreatitis, diabetes), most dried fruits are prohibited. Such patients should not eat dried apricots, figs, cherries, pineapple, banana and avocado, otherwise symptoms of hyperglycemia will begin to appear.

Allergy sufferers should avoid eating nuts.

Cross allergy to nuts
Cross allergy to nuts.

Features of use on proper nutrition

Following simple rules allows you to eat fruits during a diet and not worry about your figure. Excess fats will not be deposited if you do not exceed the norm of 20–30 g per day. In this case, the amount of product is divided into several doses or the entire portion is eaten at a time.

Important! Consider the energy value of nuts when planning your diet. Even a simple snack adds 100 to 200 calories per day. Additionally, pay attention to proteins, fats and carbohydrates - their quantities must be balanced.

Recommendations for effective weight loss:

  1. Do not eat nuts in the first stage of the diet . They are included in the diet at the stabilization stage, when the body needs support and strengthening.
  2. Do not eat nuts with additional flavoring (sweet powder, glaze, honey, salt or sugar). Such a product only increases appetite, salt retains water in the body, and excess fats are deposited.
  3. It is better to alternate or add different fruits to vegetable or fruit diet salads. They will increase the nutritional value of the dish and saturate the body.

Standards of use

If there are no scales at home, do not exceed the permissible daily allowance of 30 g. How many different nuts per day when losing weight :

  • hazelnuts - 8–10 pcs.;
  • walnut - 6 halves;
  • cashews - 9-10 pcs.;
  • almonds - 12 pcs.;
  • pistachios - 40 pcs.;
  • peanuts - 20 pcs.

When to eat nuts on a healthy diet

For successful weight loss, take into account the timing of food consumption . All high-calorie foods are better absorbed in the first half of the day. A few nuts added to a salad, yogurt or breakfast cereal will keep you full until your next meal.

On a note! At lunchtime, it is better to leave the fruits for a snack from 13:00 to 16:00. They quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

In the evening, when food digestion slows down and the body is preparing for bed, the consumption of nuts 2-3 hours (high-calorie ones - 4 hours) before bedtime is limited to 1-2 pieces. This will be better than eating chocolate or other sweets. Exceeding this norm and not observing the time will negatively affect night's rest and provoke fat deposition.

Snack on nuts when you're losing weight

Most diets include snacks that help a person wait until the main meal without stressing the body. Nuts are suitable for a second snack between breakfast and lunch .

At the same time, high-calorie fruits are used for snacking in raw form only once a day . When adding to a dish, it is better to alternate several types of product. For example, if you ate 5–10 pistachios after breakfast, do not eat them for lunch or dinner, but add crushed walnut slices or peanuts to your salad or porridge.

Benefits of Snacking:

  • rapid saturation of the body with fatty acids;
  • getting rid of hunger and feeling full;
  • improving brain function, relieving headaches and dizziness;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract thanks to fiber.

Consuming the product will negatively affect your well-being if you have an individual intolerance or allergy.

Disadvantages of introducing nuts into the diet during snacks:

  • obese people have to strictly monitor the amount of fruit they eat: nutritionists recommend reducing the permissible limit by 2 times;
  • the fruits contain oxalates, which, if consumed excessively, provoke the appearance of stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • The product is a heavy food, so people with acute gastrointestinal diseases should not abuse it.

Is it possible to gain weight from dried fruits?

As a rule, this is the first question that arises during such a conversation. Why? The fact is that many people exclude these foods from their diet because they believe that they contain a lot of sugar. Indeed, dried fruits contain quite a large amount of sugar (especially raisins).

But it is necessary to take into account that the content of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them is also high.

This feature makes dried fruits healthy products worthy of taking pride of place in our diet.

To ensure that dried fruits bring more benefits to your health, you should consider the following information:

  • Dried fruits contain a large amount of nutrients and fill us with 4 times more energy than regular fruits and berries.
  • These products are much easier to digest by our body. They also fill you up quickly
    . Because of this, we only need a small amount of dried fruit to feel full.
  • Many people supplement their diet with them when they want to lose weight: dried fruits promote regular bowel movements and normalize digestion
    . Just 100 g of this delicacy gives us a feeling of fullness, thanks to which we easily avoid snacking between main meals. At the same time, we feel active and energetic.
  • The main secret of the benefits of dried fruits is that you should not exceed their recommended daily portion - 100 g
    . It is this amount that allows us to avoid nutritional deficiencies in the human body, strengthens our bones and helps fight chronic fatigue.
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