Exercises on problem verbs to lie, to lay, to sit, to set, to rise, to raise, to find, to found (with answers)

Translation from English

sit-ups > Listen to

Morphological analysis of sit-ups

suffix -es/s

adding the suffix es/s in English forms either a plural noun
a verb in the present tense for the third person
#situps #s.7.2.3.s #pst #i2u5 #etymology #associations #how to remember

metric: s.7.2.3.s

trends :
sit-ups ngrams : sit-ups
In the phonetic alphabet:
S ierra I ndia T ango - U niform P apa S ierra
generation date: 05/21/2020 5:53:14


> powerthesaurus.org


> powerthesaurus.org

Theory of the origin of the word sit-ups

We suggest looking at the history of the origin of the word sit-ups
in English on
sites: (
we recommend etymonline.com - an excellent compilation of different versions of the origin of this or that word):
> etymonline.com
> dictionary.com

Morphorid for sit-ups

A good way to learn foreign words faster is to learn words from a morphological series that are close to each other! Easy to remember

a series of words (
morphored ) based on modification of the initial word.
1 sit-ups

Well, how do you like our morphology ? We agree that it is easier to remember all these words together


Words made from sit-ups letters

association words were built from the letters of the word sit-ups .
pits pits

sit up sit up
- spit - spit - spit - spit - spit
suit - lawsuit - lawsuit - match
suits - suits

tips tittup
frolic prance prancing gait
#pits #puts #situp #spit #suit #suits # tips #tittup

Haven't you built all the words from sit-ups ? What words were not included in the list?

Similarity in the first 2 letters sit-ups: si

sit-ups similarity in the first 2 letters si
siamese twin Siamese twin

siamese twins

Siberia Siberia

#siamesetwin #siamesetwins #Siberia

Similarity in the first 3 letters sit-ups: sit

sit-ups similarity in the first 3 letters sit
sit sit

sit still

sit up

#sit #sitstill #situp

Similarity in the first 4 letters sit-ups: sit-

sit-ups similarity in the first 4 letters sit-
sit-down sedentary


Words placed inside sit-ups

Brief vocabulary
sit ups
ups #sit #ups

Sit ups exercise

Position 1 – lie on the floor, bend your knees.
Keep your hands crossed in front of you near your chest. Keeping your arms in this position will reduce the stress on your back. Position 2 – Raise your body to a sitting position. Your back should be straight (do not slouch while performing the exercise). Lifting of the torso occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles

When performing the exercise, notice that your abdominal muscles are tense and working. Did you feel it? Then forward to the goal.

If you are just starting out, then perform 10-20 reps in 1 approach, gradually increasing to 30 reps.

The Sitap exercise is good for men and women. As with other exercises and complexes, and in sports in general, systematicity is required to achieve results. That is, you should perform the exercise several times daily.

If you have just started fitness training, it is better to start with the classic sit-up.

Briefly about approaches and rest

Let's look at what it means to approach and rest between them?

For example, you are just starting to exercise, you have weak muscles and you need to start gradually so as not to get injured, in our exercise - not to pull the muscles.

You completed 10 lifts - that was 1 set. Rest for 2 minutes. Next, perform 2 sets of 10 times. Next, rest for another 2 minutes and perform the 3rd approach, completing 10 lifts.

2. Sitap hands behind the head. Let's complicate the exercise a little by holding your hands behind your head. Perform the number of lifts depending on your fitness, but at least 10 times. Optimally increase to 30 times in 1 approach (for women)

3. Sitap, cross lift alternately, then to the right, then to the left knee. Here, in addition to the upper abdominal area, the oblique muscles also work. You can hold your hands as in option 1, crossed in front of you or behind your head, which will be more difficult.

4. Cross sit-up with knee lift. That is, when lifting the body, hands behind the head. The right elbow should almost or touch the left knee, which also rises simultaneously with the rise of the torso. And so on one by one.

5. Sit-up with weights. Real pros can make the exercise more difficult by picking up dumbbells.

6. Situp on an incline bench . The relief of the abdominal muscles will acquire a beautiful, toned appearance.


  • You should not perform the Sitap exercise immediately after eating, with a full stomach.
  • The intensity should be increased gradually, gradually increasing the number of lifts in 1 approach.
  • Do not perform the exercise abruptly, do not jump (this increases the risk of injury)

Gradually, day after day, doing the Sitap exercise, you will achieve the desired result. The abdominal muscles will become strong and toned. As mentioned above, you can make the exercise more difficult as you progress by adding dumbbells or performing the exercise on an incline bench.

Despite the simplicity of the exercise, there are also contraindications.


  • Postoperative rehabilitation
  • Post-recovery period after acute illnesses (including colds, influenza, etc.)
  • Diseases of the abdominal cavity and chest organs
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart attacks, circulatory disorders)
  • Injuries and diseases of the spinal column


Sit-Up is a popular exercise among CrossFit and fitness enthusiasts designed to develop abdominal muscles. Along with leg raises and crunches, it can be considered one of the basic abdominal exercises; with the correct technique, these three exercises determine 90% of your progress when training this muscle group.

The exercise is loved by a large number of athletes because even a beginner can easily master its technique, its implementation does not require any additional equipment and it can easily find a place within any training program.

In our article today we will look at the following aspects related to the implementation of sit-ups:

  1. What are the benefits of doing the exercise;
  2. Techniques for performing sit-ups;
  3. CrossFit complexes containing this exercise.


Example sentences in the past tense
for '

affirmative sentence with sit-ups

She said 'sit-ups' loudly

interrogative sentence with sit-ups

Did he say 'sit-ups' yesterday?

negative sentence with sit-ups

Mary didn't say 'sit-ups' quietly

imperative sentence with sit-ups

The imperative sentence is practically never used in the past tense.

What are the benefits of performing situps?

When performing situps, the athlete loads the entire array of abdominal muscles, since the amplitude of movement here is quite large. The load falls on the rectus abdominis muscle (with an emphasis on the upper part), and the oblique abdominal muscles and spinal extensors are also statically tensed.

When I say hard, I mean really hard workouts. After several complexes containing situps, sometimes it is simply difficult to get up from the floor and restore your breathing, and pain in the abdominal muscles will remind you of this exercise for at least another couple of days, even if you have been training for several years.

Sitap - exercise for the press, benefits and harm

Sit-up is usually considered a CrossFit exercise, but in fact, we all did its classic version at school - it was a mandatory standard, and also for a while, performing as many repetitions as possible. CrossFit complex exercises (WOD) are performed quite impulsively, without focusing on the muscles, as with strength training. Let's look at the benefits of this type of exercise and its style, as well as how the sit-up can be adapted to strength training for relief and mass gain.

Features and benefits of sitap exercise

Sit up (from the English “Sit up”) is an exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles. In CrossFit, this exercise is often performed in the classic version, in which the body is fully lifted from the floor and ends with the palms touching the feet. The exercise not only strengthens the abdominal muscles, but also trains explosive strength, which CrossFitters need when performing a large number of exercises.

The exercise is quite simple technically, even a beginner can perform it. But there are also variations of sit-ups that complicate the technique and the load on the muscles of trained athletes. Depending on the chosen option, you can focus the load on the abdominal muscles and select a suitable load.

The exercise is often used in complexes aimed at developing endurance and speed, so sit-ups are combined with running or jumping rope for thirty seconds, and so on for 20-30 minutes. This aerobic exercise also helps burn fat, so the exercise can be used for weight loss.

Harm and contraindications to sitap exercise

The exercise technique involves speed and complete twisting of the torso, as well as full contact of the spine with the floor at the lowest point of the movement. This technique is potentially dangerous, since when jerking or suddenly falling down, the athlete can get injured or cause back pain. Therefore, those who are unprepared should not perform the exercise for a while, but on the contrary, work the muscles more consciously and concentratedly, paying more attention to technique.

Accordingly, all diseases, injuries, inflammations of internal organs, the spine and the muscles of the back and abdomen are contraindications for performing sit-ups. Of course, this exercise is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

Exercise options

Sitap with weights

Classic situps can be performed with weights, for example, a light weight plate. To do this, you need to hold the pancake at the edges above the chest with both hands. As you exhale, it is important to rise up so that your hands gradually lift the pancake above your head as you twist. In this case, you do not need to bend your elbows. It is important to keep your arms with the weight in a vertical position at all times. And as you inhale while lowering, be sure to keep your arms vertical.

V-sitap or book

This option involves simultaneously lifting the torso and legs. In this case, a fold is performed in which the torso and arms rise upward from behind the head, and the legs straight at the knees rise towards. The hands at the top point tend to touch the feet. Then you need to smoothly lower your legs and back to the floor at the same time, placing your hands behind your head.

The exercise works the rectus abdominis muscle completely; if the classic exercise loads the upper part more, then the book also loads the lower part. The technique requires good balance and body control.

Sit-up on an incline bench

The exercise is performed on a special inclined bench or Roman chair. It is necessary to fix your feet under special bolsters, completely lower yourself onto your back, placing your hands behind your head. Then it is important to lift your back off the bench, maintaining a vertical position of the spine. Without rounding your lower back. At the top point, you need to keep your back vertical, aiming your palms towards your feet. The reverse movement is also performed with a straight back; at the lowest point, you need to completely lay your spine on the bench and move your arms back.

In my opinion, this exercise is quite dangerous and contradicts the safety goals of spinal twists, which require rounding the back. When leaning back, the athlete may not calculate the angle and strength of the abdominal muscles and overextend the spine, thereby exposing it to a strong traumatic load. For safety reasons, it is better to perform regular crunches.

Crunches with barbell/roller

Barbell crunches
Barbell crunches

  • Place the barbell on the floor, having previously put 2.5 - 5 kg discs on it.
  • Kneel in front of the barbell, lean forward and grab the barbell with a close grip (hands 20-30 cm apart).
  • Begin to roll the forestay away from you, straightening your body and arms in one line.
  • As you lower yourself to the floor, hold for a second, maintaining tension in your muscles.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Technique for performing the Sit-Up exercise

Naturally, miracles do not happen.
It is impossible to solve any of your problems with a genie lamp or a letter to Santa Claus. However, the problem of excess weight can be solved efficiently, quickly and, of course, free of charge, with the help of a simple sit-up exercise. This article will discuss exactly this. , the muscles of the upper abdominal area are primarily . As with any other physical exercise, to achieve the desired result, you must perform this procedure correctly and regularly . If you do this occasionally from time to time, unfortunately, no effect will be achieved.

The sit-up is one of the main exercises that are part of CrossFit training. There are several types of it, which are based on the amount of load, as well as the number of muscles involved.

If the level of a person’s daily muscle activity tends to zero, in other words, if for a long time you have not performed any regular sports and crossfit exercises, then it is best to start with the classic version :

  1. Starting position: lying with your back on the floor. Legs should be bent at the knees and feet resting on the floor. Arms crossed on chest. This position, as much as possible, reduces the load on the back, as well as on the still weak abs.
  2. Lifting the upper body occurs due to the tension of all external and internal oblique abdominal muscles. The end point is the chest touching the knees. That is, in a sitting position on the buttocks.
  3. When your shoulder blades leave the floor, you need to point your arms forward and touch your feet with them.
  4. The breathing technique when performing sitap is no different from breathing when performing any other physical exercise. That is, lifting the body is accompanied by exhalation, returning to the starting position is accompanied by exhalation.

After each iteration of the sitap, it is necessary to provide five seconds of relaxation .
It is best to do this crossfit exercise until you feel slight fatigue, as well as slight pulling sensations in the abdomen. You should not do a large load right away; it is best to increase it gradually. This way you will get rid of possible overexertion, injuries, and muscle pain.

Exercise mill with kettlebell

Exercise mill with kettlebell
Exercise mill with kettlebell

  • Take the weight in your right hand.
  • Raise the kettlebell above your head and hold it at arm's length throughout the exercise.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Slowly lean to the left and down until you touch the floor with your free hand. The weight remains above your head.
  • Return to the starting position, grab the weight with your left hand and perform the movement in the opposite direction.


It is very important not to make mistakes. At a minimum, this is fraught with all sorts of injuries, as well as slowing down the achievement of results. The list of common mistakes when performing a situp is as follows:

  1. You can’t do abs on a full stomach, especially immediately after eating. You need to give your body's digestive system time.
  2. It is not recommended to increase the intensity of exercises in the initial stages of CrossFit training. First you need to strengthen your abs and tone them.
  3. When lifting with straight legs, the risk of back and spinal injuries increases several times.
  4. At the stage of mastering the exercise, under no circumstances should you combine abdominal pumping with other exercises.
  5. At the end of physical activity, it is highly not recommended to make any sudden movements, that is, jumping, rolling over, etc.

Exercise 1. Squats on one leg / PISTOL SQUAT

Squats on one leg with the other in front are the gold standard for bodyweight leg training. Although this is a fairly complex exercise, in its canonical form, it can be made easier for both beginners and advanced trainees. In other words, this is a path that you can start from a place convenient for you.

This is assuming you've mastered regular squats, but it shouldn't take too long for anyone in reasonably good shape.

In any case, at the beginning you can use a box or bench, placing it behind you so that you can rest your pelvis on it at the bottom of the exercise. It is better to start with a high support, gradually reducing it, and then completely abandon it. To make the exercises even more difficult, at some point your hands can be placed not in front, but behind your back.

Pros and cons of sitap

As with any other physical activity, proper and regular implementation of such exercises will lead to elastic and toned muscles of the abs, back and hips. And all this without purchasing gym memberships or training on bulky equipment. The most you might need is a barbell or dumbbells. And then, this can be resorted to in later classes than at the beginning of the whole process.

The main thing to remember:
pumping the press cannot rid you of fat deposits in problem areas .
The best way to deal with this is through full-fledged CrossFit. If your goal is to strengthen muscles, then sitap is best suited and you can only stop with it. Despite all the positive aspects, there is a whole list of contraindications to performing these exercises. You cannot do sitapom if you have:

  • Any pathologies in the cardiovascular system. This includes hypertension, all kinds of heart attacks and problems with cerebrospinal circulation.
  • Defects and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially if there are problems with the spine and hip area.
  • During rehabilitation after any surgery or injury. It is best to consult with your doctor.
  • Any diseases associated with the chest and abdomen.

Exercise 5. Pull-ups / PULL-UP

Now calisthenics is on the way to becoming a full-fledged sport, and it all started with ordinary pull-ups. So simple in theory and surprisingly difficult in practice, all you need is a bar to hang securely from to perform pull-ups.

Grab the bar with an overhand grip, brace your torso and legs, and begin to slowly pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, brace your shoulders to prevent any sagging, hold for a second and slowly lower yourself and repeat.

If you're not yet ready for full pull-ups, you can start with Australian pull-ups, this is a great way to strengthen your arms and grip strength. If regular pull-ups have become too easy, you can start training in the direction of one-arm pull-ups.

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