Why do athletes need energy drinks before training?

Every athlete needs a supply of energy before training. For these purposes, energy drinks were invented that allow you to do your best in the gym. Let's figure out whether athletes can drink energy drinks and how effective this product is.
  • What is and why do athletes need energy drinks?
  • Can they cause harm?
  • Rating of the best
  • How to prepare an energy drink for training at home

Types of energy drinks

Drinks of this kind are divided into 2 categories.

  • Energizing - designed to overcome fatigue and give the body new strength. These are just the well-known tonics (thanks to advertising) Red Bull, Burn, Jaguar and similar tonics.
  • Energy - aimed not only at overcoming fatigue and increasing endurance. Designed for athletes, as well as people performing physical labor. The minerals they contain are designed to replace those that are released along with sweat during training/work.

Depending on the composition, hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic are distinguished. The difference among them is the amount of carbohydrates. There are a lot of them in hypertonic energy drinks, and few in hypotonic ones. Isotonic drinks are the golden mean. They also contain more minerals.

In conclusion

Whichever drink you prefer, it's worth remembering that these are just the carbonated equivalent of a cup of coffee. Energy drinks can harm the body.

The vitamins and substances that make up energy drinks can be found in juices, fruits and chocolate.

Think, maybe it’s better to drink a cup of strong and aromatic coffee with a piece of dark chocolate than to poison your body with energy drinks?

This article was co-authored by Chris M. Matsko, MD. Dr. Matsko is a retired physician from Pennsylvania. He graduated from Temple University School of Medicine in 2007.

Number of sources used in this article: 24. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

The popularity of energy drinks has increased in recent years - people increasingly want to cheer up during the day, wake up faster in the morning or reduce the effects of alcoholic drinks, although this combination is harmful to health. At the same time, a lot of information has emerged about the dangers of energy drinks and how young people are dying of heart attacks after drinking too many energy drinks. When consumed in moderation and in the absence of health problems, energy drinks pose no danger. The more information you have about the composition of drinks and how much you can drink without harming your health, the less likely you will be to harm yourself.

Along with the New Year's atmosphere in December, there comes a time when you don't sleep, don't eat, and don't live: you finish your New Year's plan at work, write, draw, count, pass and retake. TER has prepared a guide to legal substances that will extend your waking hours.

Options for prolonging activity are presented in order of increasing harm and effectiveness, so if the first does not help, proceed to the second.

Let us take it as an axiom that students, for example, who receive a joyful white furry animal in December, do not have money for good coffee, so the recipe includes instant coffee, a couple of spoons of sugar and a slice of lemon. It turns out tart and, surprisingly, pleasant. It’s not the drink itself that invigorates, but its taste. With minimal experience with caffeine-containing drinks, you will need to repeat the procedure after 2-3 hours.

What from : instant coffee, sugar/honey, lemon

Where to get it : the nearest grocery store

Effect on the body : like a regular cup of coffee: stimulation of the central nervous system and stimulation of hormone production

Green tea with honey and lemon

An ideal alternative to coffee. The leaf version contains even more caffeine than the previous item in our top. Drink whole liters. It invigorates gently, gradually, it lasts for 2 hours even with average or more caffeine addiction. But you should expect that you won’t fall asleep not only because of caffeine, but also because of frequent trips to the toilet - after all, it greatly improves metabolism.

What from : green tea, honey, lemon

Where to get it : the nearest grocery store

Effect on the body : raises the overall tone of the body and prevents you from falling asleep while running to the toilet

Tinctures of eleutherococcus or ginseng

In this case, you shouldn’t drink a couple of glasses to “finish off” work overnight. A few sips are enough to feel the effect. The taste is not coffee or tea, but real alcohol tincture and herbal juice. They have a powerful tonic effect and are often used as immunomodulators - that is, in a course. The strength of the effect depends precisely on how long you have been diluting the droplets in water in the morning: for example, after a week of regularly taking ginseng, there is a general increase in strength and the disappearance of chronic fatigue.

You should pay particular attention to the dosage if you have any problems with your heart: among the side effects, we noted chest pain if used too often. By the way, you should not drink eleutherococcus at night if you plan to sleep. You won't be able to fall asleep under any circumstances.

What : a glass of water and 20-40 drops of tincture

Where to get it : any pharmacy, freely available

Effect on the body : normalization of blood pressure, increased overall tone, improved immunity

Caffeine benzonate (caffeine tablets)

30-40 rubles for six pieces. It starts to invigorate after an hour and a half to two hours, maybe later, but if before that you drink something from the list above, then earlier. Effect - up to 6 hours. It’s a great thing if, after a sleepless night, you need a class, but after that there’s still such a mountain of things to do that it seems like it’s easier to get rid of it than to get it all done. To prolong the effect, you can take the next pill on time - and when you go to bed after God knows how many hours of being awake, you can safely cross off all the items on your to-do list.

What is usually included in these miracle drugs?

Anyone who plans to drink these “elixirs” should understand that vigor and a second wind after taking them are not achieved through magical ingredients. The body is not a battery (a stone in the garden of the creators of “The Matrix”), it cannot be charged from the outside. Therefore, it is foolish to believe that by drinking an energy drink before a competition you will be able to increase your strength or speed, like Popeye the sailor by eating spinach. In fact, no matter what you add to a bottle of a drink with a bright label, it does not add new opportunities, but uses existing ones.

The energy drinks we are familiar with thanks to advertising usually have an identical composition. In addition to dyes, preservatives and flavors, caffeine is definitely added there. It is due to this that an increase in work capacity and concentration is achieved. For comparison, a cup of energy drink contains about 80 mg of caffeine. At the same time, the same amount of coffee will contain 10 mg less of this substance.

guarana before running

Another classic component is taurine. It also reduces muscle fatigue by inhibiting oxidation processes in muscles after exercise. Thus, the restoration of their ability to work occurs faster.

B vitamins (B6, B12) are also added to the drink. They affect the brain, improving memory and concentration.

Often, energy drinks contain guarana extract. Since this shrub does not grow in our latitudes and is not as advertised as tea and coffee, we know little about its effects on the body. However, the ancient Indians who lived in Brazil most often preferred its infusion as a stimulating drink. The fact is that it contains 2 times more caffeine than coffee beans.

By the way, this supplement itself can act as a professional energy drink. Guarana is often taken before running, cyclocross, swimming or rowing competitions, as a preparatory therapy. Please note that if the drink contains both this plant and caffeine, it means that the latter contains twice as much.

Ascorbic acid is often added to energy drinks. And this is by no means for taste. The fact is that this drug suppresses the secretion of cortisol. And this catabolic hormone promotes the accumulation of fat in the body and destroys proteins. It is produced as a response to stress, which can be the case for the body from sports training or excessive mental work.

Should you drink an energy drink before running?

Sugar and other glucose-containing substances are always present in most of these drinks. Glucose is able to quickly enter the blood and participate in the oxidative processes occurring there. It provides energy to the muscles, brain and other vital organs.

How do energy drinks affect the body? Advantages and disadvantages

The wild and growing popularity of energy drinks cannot be the result of competent marketing alone.

Love and affection for them is formed by certain positive effects that they have on the body and which consumers certainly like.

The reasons for their mass distribution are various: some people like the feeling of energy tone, for others it’s just a tribute to fashion, they help truckers not to sleep while driving at night, athletes - to train more intensely and lift heavier weights.

The benefits of drinking energy drinks

Effect on the brain

Energy drinks have a stimulating effect on the brain. This is confirmed by scientific research: they improve memory, concentration, reaction time (important in team sports such as football, hockey) and, at the same time, reduce mental fatigue 1.2.

In one experiment, one can of Red Bull (500 ml) was shown to increase mental focus and memory by approximately 24% 1.

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Most scientists are confident that such a positive effect is solely due to caffeine , others insist that the combination of caffeine, sugar and other ingredients in 2.

Scientific research confirms the positive effect of energy drinks on brain function, which is manifested in reducing mental fatigue, improving memory, concentration and reaction time

Fighting fatigue

The effect of energy drinks on the body is also manifested in the fact that they help you stay awake when you want to sleep and stay active in moments of fatigue.

A striking example is drivers or night shift workers. Many of them use these drinks to combat sleep during night travel or to be able to perform responsibilities. This effect also has scientific confirmation 3.4.

But at the same time, scientists say that the use of energy drinks can negatively affect the quality of sleep after their use 5.

Energy drinks help you stay active when you're tired and sleepy, but their use can affect the quality of your sleep.

Energy stimulation

This is the effect for which energy drinks are loved by athletes.

Thanks to the combined action of all ingredients, the body's resources are mobilized and a significant surge of energy is felt, which is reflected in an increase in performance and intensity of training.

Higher intensity = greater stimulus for muscle growth = increased muscle mass.

The influence of energy drinks on the body of athletes is manifested in an increase in the level of energy and mental activity, and ultimately in the effectiveness of training.

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Disadvantages of drinking energy drinks

Our body is designed in such a way that any interference in its functioning from the outside, as a rule, does not pass without leaving a trace.

The effect of energy drinks is not limited only to the positive stimulating effect: you have to pay for the opportunity to stay awake when you want, or to throw out the energy of the whole day during training.

The side effects of their use are very similar to the side effects of caffeine.

Among them:

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  • heart problems, up to cardiac arrest and death;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • state of unreasonable fear, stress;
  • insomnia;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • and etc.

The issue of the harm of energy drinks to health is discussed in more detail in the material 13 facts about the harm of energy drinks.

Energy drinks are bad for the heart

One of the downsides of their consumption of energy drinks is that they are harmful to the heart.

According to statistics, approximately 20,000 emergency room visits per year are caused by the use of energy drinks 6. This is only in the USA.

In the US, 20,000 emergency room visits per year are due to the use of energy drinks.

Scientists say that taking energy drinks leads to a persistent increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and negatively affects the health of blood vessels 7,8. Together, these factors significantly increase the likelihood of serious consequences for the heart.

Most experts are convinced that the main cause of their harm is excessive caffeine consumption and overdose.

There is a reason for this, since most of those who were hospitalized with heart problems in the cases mentioned above drank more than three cans of energy drinks or mixed them with alcohol (see below).

Those who have any heart problems should be careful when consuming energy drinks.

For everyone else who is healthy, occasional indulgence in fiery drinks should not pose any serious harm. But: the dose of caffeine is of paramount importance .

And not only from energy drinks, but the total of all foods/drinks consumed during the day (tea, coffee, fat burners, Coca-Cola).

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Excessive caffeine consumption is the main reason why energy drinks are harmful to the heart.

Energy drinks and diabetes

Most energy drinks contain a huge amount of sugar.

For example, a 250ml can of Reb Bull contains 27g of sugar (~7 teaspoons).

What happens when you consume this amount? In the body of a healthy person, insulin is secreted, the task of which is to control sugar levels. There is nothing bad or dangerous about this. This is a mechanism provided by nature.

However, for diabetics and those whose insulin sensitivity is impaired for some reason, such an experiment can cause hypoglycemia, which can lead to death.

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It is a common belief that sugar is only dangerous for diabetics. This is wrong. According to research, drinking 1-2 sugary drinks per day increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 26% 11.

Our body has many degrees of protection from the arbitrariness that we inflict on it throughout life. The hormone insulin is a unique means of protecting against the negative effects of excess glucose (sugar) in the blood. But with a regular excess of sugar in the diet, the mechanism of insulin secretion may be disrupted. The condition is called type 2 diabetes.

But the harm sugar has on the human body is not limited to diabetes.

Recent scientific studies indicate that increased blood sugar concentrations are associated with more active oxidative and inflammatory processes and lead to the development and complications of chronic diseases 9,10 and, of course, are of little benefit to those who care about their constitution.

However, not everything is so bad. Today, some energy drink manufacturers produce types of their drinks without or with reduced sugar content. It is better to give preference to them.

Many types of energy drinks contain large doses of sugar. Its use is recognized as a risk factor for the development of diabetes and complications of almost all chronic diseases. It is recommended to give preference to sugar-free energy drinks

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Specialized Supplements

As for narrowly profiled ingredients used in sports energy drinks, they are most often the following:

  • Glucuronolactone - facilitates the exit of harmful substances from the body.
  • L-Carnitine (Levocartinine) – has long been thought to enhance physical performance. Modern research has proven that this is a myth, but the substance continues to be added to many professional energy drinks and gels.
  • Synephrine - used to burn fat. It acts on a principle similar to ascorbic acid.
  • Folic acid.
  • Magnesium.
  • Sodium.
  • Biotin.

In addition to the above, extracts from other plants known for their stimulating effect can be added to such miracle drinks. For example, extracts of ginseng, eleutherococcus, gingko biloba, green tea, grape seeds, etc.

Rating of the best

The top best energy complexes consist of the following popular products:

  1. Jack3D by USP Labs. One of the most popular energy complexes with caffeine, creatine, arginine, DMAA, lemongrass extract and beta-alanine.
  2. Mesomorph by APS. Popular in the post-Soviet space, it contains creatine, thiamine, beta-alanine, and vitamin B1.
  3. NO Xplode from BSN. Energy drink available in 2 forms: with and without caffeine. The product is distinguished by its quality and good composition, containing a vitamin complex.
  4. Assault by MusclePharm. Inferior to the previous ones in effectiveness, but an effective drink with caffeine, creatine and amino acids.
  5. C4 Extreme by Cellucor. The product contains caffeine, creatine, folic acid, arginine, synephrine, vitamin B12. Has a fat burning effect.

Homemade energy drinks

Many professional athletes often use homemade energy drinks. After all, most ingredients can be purchased at pharmacies or regular stores. In addition, such drugs do not contain preservatives or flavorings with dyes.

For example, a mixture prepared from 3 bags of black tea and 20 ascorbic acid tablets (50 mg each) is considered classic. The tea is brewed for 5-10 minutes in 200 ml of water, after which it is poured into a 500 ml container + the required amount of boiled water. Next, vitamins are dissolved in the liquid, and everything is ready.

This drug can be used as an energy drink for running, cycling, swimming, rowing and other activities. It should be taken in small sips throughout the workout.

In which countries is the sale of energy drinks legal?

  • in Denmark, France and Norway, energy drinks can be found exclusively in pharmacies;
  • In Russia, the sale of energy drinks in schools is prohibited; contraindications and side effects must be written on the label;
  • It is illegal to sell alcoholic energy drinks in the United States.

Many countries have already begun to ban the sale of energy drinks. For example, in Ireland, one athlete died during training because he drank three cans of energy drink.

There were also sad incidents in Sweden. The teenagers mixed alcoholic drinks and energy drinks, as a result they died.

Homemade decaffeinated energy drink recipe

You can make this drug without caffeine. In 0.5 l or 1 l of warm (not hot) mineral water dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of honey + juice of one lemon, 0.15 - 0.30 g of succinic acid and a little alcohol tincture of eleutherococcus/ginseng.

This should be taken after everything has cooled down, no earlier than 15-30 minutes before the start of physical activity. You can also drink during training in small portions.

This drink can be used as an energy drink for running. However, before you decide to use it, it is worth checking the body’s reaction to each of the components, since lemon juice and honey are the strongest allergens, and eleutherococcus and ginseng significantly increase blood pressure.

Composition of energy drinks sold[edit | edit code]

"The Mass or the Truth About Nutrition, Supplements and Chemistry in Bodybuilding"
: Sergey Antonovich
: AS Media Grand, 2012.

They contain active substances that have a maximum daily dosage. Such substances (for example, B vitamins) are found in regular food, as well as in other sports nutrition products. Consider the total intake of these substances in the body. This will allow you to set a safe limit for yourself when drinking energy drinks. Here is a list of ingredients that are usually included in tonic formulations, as well as the scientifically recommended daily intake standards for them.

  • : 50-100 mg.
  • B12: 50-100 mcg.
  • Beta-alanine: 3 g before and after training. After a few weeks 1.5 g.
  • Caffeine: 100-200 mg every 4 hours to enhance concentration; 200-400 mg 0.5-1 hour before training to increase muscle tone; 100-300 mg every 4 hours to burn excess fat.
  • Ginger: 200-600 mg.
  • Ginseng: 500-750 mg extract; divided into several steps.
  • Glucuronolactone: 600-1200 mg 30-40 minutes before the start of physical or mental activity.
  • Green tea extract: 500 mg 3 times daily before meals.
  • Guarana: 200-600 mg.
  • Niacin: 50-100 mg.
  • Synephrine: 5-30 mg 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • Taurine: 1-3 g before and after training.
  • Tyrosine: 0.5-1 g in the morning and 0.5 hours before training.
  • Yohimbine: 2-10 mg 3 times a day, 1 time before training.

Positive influence of energy drinks on humans

Do these drinks really help? This question is asked by everyone who has ever thought about using them. To be fair, it is worth admitting that yes, they really can help cope with fatigue. By interfering with the metabolic process, they speed up muscle recovery or even prevent them from getting tired.

For example, glucose (which is in abundance in such a drink) is quickly absorbed into the blood, interfering with oxidative processes, and delivering energy to the muscles and brain.

Also, these drugs can speed up metabolism and help fight the formation of excess fat. Please note that energy drinks can stop the appearance of a new one, but do not in any way affect an existing one.

In addition, they have a positive effect on muscle elasticity, preventing stretch marks. Energy drinks also take care of the “nutrition” of cells, preventing them from “starving” or losing such important microelements.

Needless to say, all these praises apply specifically to professional drinks, and not soda with additives?

Impact of Energy Drinks

During this time, the amount of caffeine in the body decreased by half. For women taking birth control pills, this period can be up to 10 hours.

During this time, the human body completely gets rid of caffeine in the blood. Still, the speed of caffeine cleansing depends on many factors, from age to physical activity.

After 12-24 hours

Withdrawal begins. About a day after drinking the energy drink, an unpleasant surprise awaits you. If a person often drinks such a drink, then during this period he begins to feel lethargic, exhausted, headaches and constipation appear.

Studies have shown that by this time the body becomes more resistant to regular consumption of a certain dose of caffeine. This means that you will no longer experience the same unpleasant feelings to the same extent.

Do energy drinks help with running and other workouts?

In the field of professional sports, energy drinks are produced not only in the form of drinks, but also gels, bars, powders, capsules and tablets. In fact, they are a component of any athlete's nutrition.

before the competition energy drink

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to select the right drug. The fact is that many of its components are also found in ordinary food products. And their excess contributes to disruption of the proper functioning of the body.

If the stimulant drug is chosen correctly, it can reduce fatigue during sports and increase endurance.

Release forms

Sports energy drinks are produced in the form of:

  • powders to be dissolved;
  • capsules;
  • tablets;
  • ready-to-drink drinks.

It is unwise to choose based solely on the release form. First of all, you need to study the composition, and only then decide what is more convenient to carry in your bag and swallow.

Pharmacy energy drinks for sports

If you doubt that you can find a good energy drink in a regular pharmacy, then you are very mistaken. There are a whole bunch of solvents here that help you cheer up and increase your level of vital energy. Among them:

Ginseng. One of the most popular adaptogens. When taken as a course, it eliminates the symptoms of fatigue and strengthens the immune system. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and the heart, and even makes the skin more beautiful.

Rhodiola rosea. It is used in medical practice for symptoms of asthenia, nervousness, and prolonged depression. You can buy it in the form of capsules, dry raw materials and tinctures.

Eleutherococcus. Excellent invigorates, improves overall health. Even mountain climbers and Olympic champions drink it. And they know a lot about good products.

Aralia. Natural adaptogen. It will be especially useful for people prone to developing diabetes. Normalizes blood sugar levels and tones.

Chinese lemongrass. Works similar to caffeine. You can safely drink so as not to yawn in the gym after a hard day at work.

Leuzea. The plant comes from Altai. It not only gives energy, but also dramatically dilates blood vessels. This means that the muscles will not groan from a lack of nutrients. And the issue of weak potency will be resolved by itself.

Using pharmacy energy drinks, you can prepare a safe energy drink yourself. To do this, you need to take about 15-20 drops of the purchased solution, a glass of water, a spoonful of lemon and a little honey. Believe me, the mixture will turn out very hot.

Energy food

Natural “fuel” is food. An athlete’s well-being largely depends on a properly formulated diet.

Quick energy comes from simple carbohydrates - yes, those that are considered harmful. But in order to have a solid energy reserve, you don’t need to rely on sweets and buns. Otherwise you will run out of energy by the time you get to the gym.

The emphasis should be on complex carbohydrates. Where can I get them from? Sources are:

  • legumes;
  • all cereals;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • potato.

It is also beneficial to eat a lot of fruits.

Should I take professional energy drinks before long-distance races?

Track and field athletes are among the most active consumers of these substances. Most often they use energy drinks for long-distance running. During such marathons, the body requires a lot of energy. And this is exactly what these drugs provide.

best energy drink for running

The most common form of running energy drink is a drink, gel or bar. The first and second options help restore strength. The third is to cope with thirst and compensate for body losses through sweat.

What happens if you drink an energy drink before running?

However, professionals (who recommend using energy drinks for running) advise preparing the body first. If this is not done, the body may, out of habit, inadequately perceive this “feeding”. So before running, you should take an energy drink for at least a week during training. In this way, the body will learn to perceive it as a natural way to recharge.

Should you drink regular energy drinks before a run?

The effectiveness of professional preparations of this kind mentioned above is well known today. Therefore, many schoolchildren and students, on the eve of taking their athletics tests, are seriously thinking: should they drink an energy drink before running? Having become victims of advertising, they do not see the difference between specialized sports drugs and caffeinated soda.

energy for long distance running

So, what happens if you drink the energy drink from the commercial before running? Most of those who tried it note that they did not feel the expected vigor and endurance. But they got an increased heart rate, as well as a dry mouth and, as a result, thirst.

There were also those for whom this drink supposedly helped. However, they are in the minority and most likely result from a placebo effect. Or they have previously been joggers. Professional athletes note that even if the energy drink works as expected and gives strength, a beginner will still not be able to adequately overcome the distance. After all, if breathing is not done correctly, no miracle drug will help.

Side effects of energy drinks

If you regularly consume energy drinks, you may notice the following side effects:

  • tachycardia - increased heart rate, the norm for a person is 60 beats per minute, but with tachycardia you can observe 90 or more heart beats;
  • psychomotor agitation - anxiety, which can be expressed in various ways: from uncontrollable motor restlessness to shouting various phrases and sounds for no reason;
  • increased nervousness - fatigue, lack of sleep at night and drowsiness during the day, irritability and frequent headaches, all these symptoms directly indicate excessive nervousness;
  • depression - lack of joy, indifferent attitude to everything that happens, impaired thinking.

All that glitters is not gold, or the negative consequences of energy drinks

Like any drug, stimulants of this kind have a number of side effects. If we are talking about energy drinks from advertising, then the harm from them is due to their components. First of all, they hit the kidneys and liver. Moreover, this harm is caused not so much by caffeine, guarana and other stimulants, but by dyes and preservatives.

Only the lazy did not talk about the harm to the heart and nerves of such drugs. Long-term use can lead to irreversible changes. However, a similar effect also occurs due to the abuse of coffee and other invigorating tinctures a la Eleutherococcus and ginseng.

Don't forget that energy drinks are addictive - and this can hardly be considered a positive thing.

It is important to remember that all such compounds are high in calories. If they are taken during training, all the “extra” calories will be consumed in the process. When they are used to perform intellectual work, the body does not have time to burn them, and they settle on the waist.

Can they cause harm?

Energy drinks can indeed cause side effects if used inappropriately.

Among the main harmful properties are the following:

  • effect of components on a person with individual intolerance;
  • use for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system is undesirable;
  • a drink in excessive dosage can cause harm, even death;
  • may cause dehydration;
  • with daily use of 4 doses over several weeks, cases of liver dysfunction and the development of hepatitis were observed;
  • If the dosage is violated, insomnia, tremor, depression, and nervousness are possible.

Important! Energy drinks and alcohol should not be mixed - this popular youth cocktail is a shocking substance for the body and can cause disruption in its functioning.

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Coffee, alcohol and energy drinks

Since these drinks don't always help as much as hoped, some try to boost them with an extra dose of caffeine in the form of a cup of coffee. However, such experiments can cause cardiac arrest.

The other extreme is the combination of these drinks with alcohol. Some cafes even make such cocktails. But mixing these liquids often leads to poisoning. The fact is that energy drinks speed up the process of alcohol absorption by the body. Thus, less of it is required to become drunk or poisoned.

How does an energy drink work?

Energy drinks affect the nervous system, the heart, replenish the lack of energy and increase blood pressure. Through their use:

  • It’s easier to gain lean muscle mass;
  • manage to lose weight faster;
  • strength increases;
  • stable anti-catabolic protection is formed;
  • the body recovers in a short time after training;
  • homeostasis is normalized - the ratio of minerals, vitamins, salts, liquids;
  • mental activity increases.

In general, they really do have benefits. If you consider that they are still easy to drink, have a pleasant smell and taste, then in general all doubts about “to drink or not to drink” disappear by themselves.

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