Strength training at home - lessons 1, 2 and 3

Aerobic strength training

Strength training is aerobic. This includes Pilates, cross-fit, dance aerobics, and performing a number of exercises such as planks, squats, and so on. Such activities include the following types of exercises that will lead to muscle strengthening and active fat burning:


An exercise that strengthens the muscles of the whole body, makes the abs, arm and leg muscles work, and speeds up metabolism. Various options for its implementation:

  • on outstretched arms;
  • on the elbows;
  • leaning on the palms;
  • side plank.

All variations of the plank will be easy to master if you first familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the exercise, which the fitness instructor will tell you about in the video:

All this is a minimum set, the combination of which will allow you to “burn” extra pounds without working with weights and exercise equipment. It will be enough to allocate 15 minutes for training. It will consist of 4-5 circles, during which you need to consistently hold a certain type of “plank”. One exercise - 1 minute, rest between which - about 30 seconds. You can wait 2 minutes between circles.

Push ups

This is the second important point that works with the whole body in a complex. It is often difficult for girls to start with a full push-up, so in order to maintain consistency and repetitions of execution, presses can be done on your knees or leaning on the sofa with your hands, that is, at an angle to make it easier.

When you reach 20 repetitions, increase the number of approaches. Have you enlarged and feel okay? Proceed to a full press: resting on your toes and palms. In this case, strength training can consist of the following types of push-ups:

Push ups


This is the basis of the basics in any situation - whether you are struggling with excess weight or want to model your dream figure. At the same time, the highest quality squats are deep ones (to perform them, choose a low stool and when performing a squat, first touch the butt of the stool to “indicate” the depth of the squat for yourself, and then perform it without touching).

The plie squat is a great tool for combating inner thigh flab and creating chiseled thighs and overall legs. Calorie burning is guaranteed; you should start with 20 repetitions in two sets, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

The instructions from the following video will help you squat correctly:

Belly slimming program

If you have excess fat on your stomach, it is useless to do crunches, which are traditionally used to get rid of that very “extra” thing. In order to first free the stomach from folds, it is better to do a “bicycle” of 35-40 repetitions, then a “vacuum” - drawing in the stomach with maximum exhalation:


To this you add squats and bends or exercises like “mill” and for two weeks, or even a month, you actively work with these exercises at least 3 times a week.

Then move on to strength exercises with crunches, side crunches, and leg-up crunches. You can clearly see how they are performed in the video:

All this can be supplemented with the “scissors” exercise, when lying on the floor, you lift your legs off the floor and make clear “crosswise” movements starting from 30 repetitions. Don’t forget about the same bicycle and spreading and closing your legs, and you will soon not recognize your tummy.

Such a program will promote active fat burning, but only if you do not skip workouts to lose weight.

Aerobic strength training video program

Here's a great aerobic strength workout that's done without equipment but gets your muscles burning. All the exercises are simple and familiar, but together they will give excellent and quick results:

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other training programs in the gym for weight loss.

Exercises with dumbbells - what can they really help with?

With their help, you can train the whole body and burn much more calories than when working without weights. In the process of performing most popular exercises, the emphasis is on working the abs, hip and gluteal muscles. In this case, the shoulder girdle remains practically unused. By including dumbbells in each exercise, we activate the muscles of the arms, upper back and chest, thereby increasing energy expenditure and strengthening the body as a whole.

Dumbbells help you burn more calories

By varying the weight of the dumbbell, the number of repetitions and cycles, you can decrease or increase the load, so the availability of such training does not depend on the initial level of training.

Vary the weight of the dumbbell, the number of repetitions and cycles

The set of exercises we offer with dumbbells for women allows you to correct the most “problem” areas and maintain excellent physical shape.

Dumbbells allow you to correct problem areas

Strength training using weights

Anaerobic strength training involves performing exercises on machines or using various weights. In order to get your body in excellent shape, you cannot do without additional equipment - such as dumbbells (minimum) plus a kettlebell, if possible a barbell. The latter option is more suitable for training in the gym, while weights and dumbbells can be used at home:

Exercises with dumbbells

The first exercise is doing a plank with dumbbells , moving one arm to the body:

  1. As you exhale, lift your hand off the floor and bring it to your waist.
  2. Stay in this position for 15 seconds or more.
  3. Move back to plank.
  4. Repeat the same with the second hand and exit the exercise.

It is recommended to do 2-3 approaches.

It should be noted that trained girls can do a plank with a dumbbell row using the technique from the video:

Bent-overs with dumbbells allow you to work your entire body, being an effective “fat burning” exercise. It’s easy to do: when bending, keep your back straight and return to the starting position with a straight back. Tilts must be performed from 20 to 2 approaches minimum. The exercise can be complicated by doing bends using the technique from the video:

Squats with dumbbells - in this exercise it is very important to keep your hands pointing upward and lock your arms. Squats need to be performed at least 20 times in 2 sets, and the number of squats should be comfortable, because you are working not only on your arms, but also on your body. So, increase the repetitions gradually.

Dumbbell flyes are a very effective exercise, which is usually performed in a bent-over position: raise and lower your straight arms, feel your shoulder blades. Do 20 repetitions on the second run.

Dumbbell raises

dumbbell press can be done lying down, pointing your arms from your chest up, or done with your arms out to the sides. Both options will require at least 15 repetitions. But you can complicate the task by using the “cross-fit” method:

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Hold dumbbells at neck level.
  3. Do a squat (do not change the position of your arms and dumbbells).
  4. Come out of the squat with your arms raised.

Repeat the exercise 12 times, if possible increase the number of repetitions to 20 times, and then the number of approaches.

Arm abduction is an excellent exercise, which, like arm abduction, is best performed in an inclined position of the body: tilt, place the dumbbells at chest level and smoothly straighten your arms. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

Abduction of arms with dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells : legs are placed crosswise, and you put the supporting leg “in place” of the working leg, and take the working leg back to the “continuation” of the supporting leg. Or do traditional lunges, 20 repetitions on each leg, at least 2 sets. A forward lunge with dumbbells is demonstrated in the video:

Bulgarian lunges are a separate topic worthy of attention. A complicated and very effective version of standard lunges, which is also recommended to be done with weights. This exercise consists of switching places between the working and supporting legs - you “lift” the working leg to any elevation (whether it’s a sofa or a bench), and you actively begin to bend and straighten the supporting leg.

Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells

Exercises with kettlebells

Now you can move on to weights that are convenient and safe to use at home:

Kettlebell crunches and leg raises are a great way to not only lose weight, but also actively work on your abs. We take a sitting position and rotate the body left and right, lingering in the chest area. At least 15 repetitions are required in each direction.

Kettlebell crunches

A deep squat with a kettlebell is an extremely effective exercise for the abs, buttocks, and muscles of the whole body as a whole. The main thing to remember when performing this is that your knees are parallel to your feet and do not extend forward beyond your feet. It is better to practice this exercise first without a kettlebell to prevent knee injury, and then use a kettlebell, following the tips from the video:

Bent over arm extensions

A heavier version of working out the triceps requires light weights. The main task is to perform the exercise correctly, concentrating on quality rather than quantity.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Get into a leaning position with one leg and arm resting on the bench.
  2. The elbow joint of the working arm with dumbbells forms a right angle.
  3. Fully extend your arm. When performed correctly, the arm will be parallel to the body.
  4. Return your hand to its original position.

It is difficult to do a large number of repetitions in this exercise. Therefore, 3-4 approaches of 8 times will be enough.

The exercise is rare and difficult to perform, so beginners should not dramatically increase the weight. Such pumping allows you to isolate the triceps and develop it qualitatively.

Active strength training program

The best thing is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic types of strength training, which will make your body not only strong, but also flexible, flexible, and get rid of extra pounds.

In order to lose weight, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with two-hour trips to the gym or engage in self-torture at home - 60 minutes is enough, and for the first time, 40 minutes.

What does an optimal strength training program consist of:

  • Warm up - cardio.
  • Squats - deep or plie, 20-30 times.
  • Push-ups - 20-30 times.
  • Deadlift: vertical and horizontal, taking into account individual characteristics, but at least 15 times with a comfortable weight.
  • Lunges - 30 lunges on each leg, if you start with Bulgarian lunges - at least 20 repetitions.
  • Pull-ups with legs resting - 15 times minimum.
  • Dumbbell press.
  • Finish the cycle with abdominal exercises - leg raises with 15 weights on each leg, crunches for at least 30 repetitions, vacuum, plank for at least 30 seconds.
  • Stretching.
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