A sports training diary is an important element when playing sports.
The main function of the diary is to ensure self-control, discipline, and self-organization of the athlete.
A sports training diary plays an important role when playing various sports. It is conducted based on the results of training, actions, and achievements.
Each person's body is individual. The training plan, load, types of activities should be selected taking into account the physical capabilities of each athlete.
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What is a training diary?
Training diary
A training diary is a special notepad in which you record exercises, approaches, repetitions and other training indicators.
This data is needed to build a progression of loads and control the training process. A training diary helps you follow your training plan and organizes all your activities.
Other Workout Scheduler services
Description of programs
The Workout Scheduler website has a convenient Programs section where you can read more detailed information about all fitness courses . You can not only read the description of the programs (in English), but also see the entire list of workouts that are included in a particular course.
By the way, on our website there is a convenient table with all Beachbody programs and their detailed descriptions. Select the programs that interest you and create a ready-made calendar of classes!
Application for iOS and Android
The Workout Scheduler service has its own applications on iOS and Android. Mobile applications will be relevant only for registered users . The application makes it convenient to use the exercise calendar, mark workouts already done, take notes, and mark progress in volume and weight. You cannot create or edit calendars in the application.
We introduced you to the convenient Workout Scheduler service, which will help make your classes as varied as possible. Build your own unique workout calendar and start improving your body with the most famous fitness experts. Now practicing at home has become even more convenient and effective!
How to keep a training diary?
You can record your training data in a notebook, on your computer, in a special application, or download our planner and print it. The matter is entirely yours, do it as it is more convenient.
The day before training, you should fill out a diary for the upcoming session: enter the exercises and the intended weight.
Let's look at training the pectoral muscles as an example. The first exercise in your program is the dumbbell bench press.
Recording from last training session
At the last training session (a week ago), you bench pressed 21 kg 3 sets of 12 times. This load is enough to increase the weight in the next session. The day before your workout, you open your diary and enter the new weight, leaving the number of repetitions blank.
New working weight
If you did less than 12 repetitions during training, then there is no need to increase the weight. In your diary for the upcoming workout, write down the same weight, and in the repetitions cell, in a thin line or in pencil, write how many repetitions you did in the previous workout. Your goal is to try to do one more on each set.
Use a thin line to indicate how many repetitions you did in the previous workout.
This is exactly how load progression works, to describe it briefly. You can read more details in a separate article:
Read the article about load progression
A training diary will help you find the optimal load to continually progress in working weights and reps.
Online training diaries[right[edit | edit code]>The essence of using any online resource: - registering for the service and creating a personal schedule,
- Installing an application on your phone in which the compiled schedule will appear.
- conducting a workout with your phone and further entering data about the exercises done and repetitions into the application;
- synchronizing phone data with a computer;
- viewing results and statistics on your computer.
PS If desired, the data can be exported to any format, including excel, or printed.
Listed below are some of the most popular Online diaries in Russia.
iWorklog.ru[right[edit | edit code]> iWorklog.ru
Functional:- Creating sets of exercises that can be shared with friends or with all site users;
- Training calendar with the ability to plan weights and record results;
- Rich functionality for providing various progress statistics;
- List of exercises with various filters to speed up the search;
- Ability to add exercises that can also be shared with friends;
- Ability to take measurements on various body parameters;
- Ability to create the necessary measurements and group them;
- View various statistics on measurements;
- For the convenience of performing training, there is an Android application.
Online training diary GymPad.ru[right[edit | edit code]> GymPad.ru - Training page
- Exercises page
- Templates page
- Training log
- Exercise catalog
- Your exercises
- Body measurements
- Photo measurements
- Statistics
- Notes
- Blogs
- Communication and private messages
- Export to Excel
Fitmus.com[right[edit | edit code]> Fitmus.com - Daily training plan page
- General training statistics page
- Training results statistics page
- Add body parameters page
- Exercise page
- View of the training schedule in the mobile application
- Type of data entry in mobile exercise
is a set of different diaries for an athlete. Currently, the development of the project has been suspended, but the implemented capabilities are extensive and allow for efficient use of the resource.
- Training diary, you can create a schedule in a few clicks;
- Food diary, with a large database of products and the ability to compile your own products;
- Diary of body and health measurements;
- Diary entries;
- Statistics on training, nutrition;
- Ready-made training templates, you can also create your own templates;
- Creating personal exercises and using basic ones;
- Mobile applications for phones with iOS (Iphone), Android and Windows Phone;
- Ability to export training results to any convenient format and type;
- Access your data from any computer, as this is an online service.
Online training diary Bodybuilding-Progress.ru[right[edit |
edit code]> Bodybuilding-Progress.ru The service helps you monitor your workouts.
1. Ability to keep a training diary. 2. View the difference between today's workout and last workout. 3. Graphs for the number of approaches, repetitions and, of course, the growth of working weights. 4. Blog - where you write about how you felt during your workout. 5. Body profile with your measurements. And the change schedule. 6. The opportunity to share your successes.
Service JustTrain.ru[right[edit | edit code]> Possibilities:- Fitness status
- Creating workouts, combining them into complexes
- Statistics and progress tracking
- Exercise guide
- Muscle map for exercise navigation
- Integration with social media networks
- Android app
- iOS app
(Unfortunately, the developer has stopped supporting and developing the service.)
Download training diary
Download the training diary from the creators of the Athletic website
We have made a ready-made training diary for you. It is very convenient: there are enough fields for exercises, there is a plate for cardio exercises, a field for notes, a field for a date, and a choice of muscle groups. Everything you need to properly monitor your training is in our diary.
Training diary Ready-made printable training diary template
Download this diary and print it out. You can print on the entire A4 sheet or make two pages on one sheet.
What results can you get in 30 days?
There are many photos that show the results of the exercise in 30 days. Often these are commercial or “unreal” photographs that took much longer to obtain. However, if you combine the 30-day plank with weight loss and diet, you can radically change your figure. Even 3-4 kilograms of fat removed, together with strengthened abdominal muscles, can create an aesthetic and beautiful body.
If you are doing a 30-day program for the sake of a challenge, then to create maximum results you will need:
- Low carbohydrate diet. About drying nutrition for girls →
- Regular cardio training (performed separately from the press).
- 2-3 strength training per week (a strength complex will complement the effectiveness of the plank and tone the muscles of the whole body). Workouts for girls to lose weight and for weight loss for men →
- Fat burners (only when focusing on maximum results in a month).
Even if you do the plank for 30 days for weight loss and not a challenge, one month will be enough to make a significant difference. This does not mean that you need to quit training after this. In this case, the monthly scheme will serve as a starting point, after which it is necessary to complicate the exercise for stable progression.
Read more about the plank exercise and its types with complications →
Accounting for classes and exercises
Compile the workouts in the form of a table, print them out and hang them on the wall. You can take the sheet with you if you study in the gym.
An example of a training diary:
Example of keeping a diary
A table for recording physical activity aimed at losing weight should look something like this.
Diaries of nutrition and training - review of applications on Google Play
So, today I’m writing about such a useful thing as a training and nutrition diary. Why is it useful? Firstly, keeping such a diary helps you not to miss training (it’s unpleasant when the “training” column is empty for a whole week). Secondly, recording intermediate results is an excellent tool for working on mistakes, because we can clearly see what we did and what result we finally got. Thirdly, recording what you eat is the prevention of breakdowns and gluttony, since no one wants to write “a fatty Big Mac with cola and chips” in the next column of their diary.