10 steps to get your body ready for the beach in 2 months

If you believe the Internet, you can prepare your body for the beach in at least a week, at least three days! And if you dare to search, you will actually find tips on the Internet on how to get in shape in an accelerated manner. But in this case, fast does not mean healthy, because when changing your lifestyle, your body will need time to adapt. Two months, provided you haven’t been lazy, is a sufficient period to comfortably switch to a new diet, instill healthy habits in yourself and get used to doing exercises and workouts of varying degrees of difficulty regularly.

For whom and what can it do?

Athlete PRO is a simple and effective application that will help you stay in shape. The feature of the application is working with your own weight. To start training, you don't need exercise machines, dumbbells or special equipment.

The advantages of this approach are obvious:

1. The exercises are suitable for a person of any level of training.

2. You can exercise anywhere: at home, on the street, in the office, in the gym.

3. Working with your own weight is the easiest and most affordable way to keep yourself in good physical shape.


Beginner athletes

Beginners have access to a dozen ready-made complexes for different muscle groups. Before you start exercising, you will need to decide on the level of load. If you can’t choose, start small, gradually increasing the load in accordance with your physical capabilities.

Next is the tab for circuit training. These are ready-made programs that involve the main muscle groups.

  • Pull-ups – work the back and biceps muscles;
  • Push-ups – work the chest and triceps muscles. You can vary the grip width and use your shoulders;
  • Standing in a plank – the work of the deltoids, pectoralis major, abs, erector dorsi, rectus femoris, etc.
  • Squats – legs, buttocks.
  • A dozen complexes are at your disposal.

Body Mind

In fact, the human body is inert. It stores and remembers all our experiences for a very long period of time. Part of this system are generic programs that are passed on from generation to generation.

For example, every family member has scoliosis. If in early childhood the programs responsible for its development are not changed, that is, parents raise their child with the same attitudes as they raised them, then the child will most likely develop scoliosis.

This does not mean that he will definitely have scoliosis, it means that he has a high predisposition to the fact that the spine will be curved due to the work of the birth programs.

There are quick programs - these are not splashed out emotions that a person does not worry about for long. For example, you came to work and had an argument with a colleague or boss - this is a quick program that is easy to track and therefore can be quickly removed.

If some problem torments a person for a long period of time, then the blockage in the body becomes chronic. As a result, a background is created in our vibrational field that attracts to us similar to the problem that caused it to appear. Like attracts like.

A body in which there are no chronic blocks is a wonderful tool for any kind of practice, because such a body conducts energy much more easily, it is healthier and younger. And then everything depends on exactly how our feelings and thoughts work. Everything in the human body is interconnected.

Method 2. Example of a 10-minute workout

Example 10 minute workout

1. Do an exercise of 20 opposite raises of arms and legs. With a weight in each hand, stand with your arms at your sides and feet shoulder-width apart. Curl your left arm toward your shoulder and then raise your arm straight above your head. As you raise your arm, simultaneously lift your right leg up and forward until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position before repeating the same exercise with the sides in the opposite direction to complete one repetition. Repeat a total of 20 times and rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

  • Use one to five kilogram scales for all of these exercises. If you're a beginner, start with one-pound weights and work your way up to five as you build strength.
  • If you don't have a set of dumbbells for your arms, you can use any two objects of the same weight that you can hold firmly.

Perform 25 lateral arm raises

2. Perform 25 lateral arm raises. Start in a squatting position with your knees bent and your legs spread out to the sides. Hold a weight in each hand and leave your arms hanging in front of you. From this position, slowly stand up while raising your arms up and at shoulder level. Continue to rise up, standing on your toes, heels a few centimeters off the ground. To complete one repetition, return to the starting position with these movements in the opposite direction. Do 25 reps in total and then rest for 30 seconds.

  • How long will you do 25 reps in the beginning? As your strength improves, continue with this exercise, but try increasing the number of repetitions.
  • If you're having trouble gripping the weight of your arms in this exercise, try using Velcro weights instead.


3. Box for 20 reps. Stand with your feet apart, heels slightly raised off the ground. Throw your right hand punch to the left side. Return to the starting position and throw your left hand to the right side. Performing one punch on each side is one repetition. Do a set of 20 reps in total before resting for 30 seconds.

  • As you practice, try to increase the number of repetitions you can complete in about two minutes.
  • A heavy wrist weight is also effective for this exercise and can be less awkward for throwing punches.

chest exercise

4. Perform 25 repetitions of the chest exercise. Lie down on a flat surface with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Hold the weights in your hands so that your arms are straight and your shoulders are flat on the ground. Using your core muscles, lift your hips and stomach until your torso is directly aligned with your hips. As you lift your hips, clasp your arms across your chest, keeping your arms straight up. Always keep your upper back flat on the floor. Slowly return to the starting position to complete one repetition. Do a total of 25 reps to complete the workout.

  • To prevent injury or discomfort, do this exercise on a yoga mat or carpeted floor.
  • When you're just starting out, this exercise can be especially challenging. Although not as effective, consider splitting the bridge and chest exercises into two separate exercises.

Stop comparing

Stop comparing yourself to others or even yourself to your self from five years ago. Comparison is the thief of joy, as it leads either to self-righteous admiration or to feelings of inferiority and shame. But you already know that shame kills motivation.

And at this particular moment in life you have unique opportunities, recognize it, open your eyes and realize how amazing life really is.

A great first step is to go on a media diet. Get rid of magazines that promote ridiculous beauty ideals. Naturally, with your mind you understand that even the models in the photographs are absolutely imperfect, their beauty is brought to the ideal using a whole arsenal of means, including post-processing of the image in a photo editor, but your subconscious still saves these images and gives them to you as something to strive for . The fewer pictures you are surrounded by that you can compare yourself to, the better for your psychological state.

It’s worth giving up even health and fitness magazines, because they end up focusing too much on pictures of pumped-up women and men, and again your subconscious mind works against you, making you feel ashamed of your body again.

How to build ripped muscles in 30 days: The best training plan

What's the best way to get ripped in 4 weeks? Some people choose to go to the gym, while others start training at home without using weights. One way or another, there are a number of setbacks that they overcome.

Many people, when trying to get ripped, tend to add tons of cardio and cut their calories excessively. They become impatient when they feel exhausted and start from scratch.

If you don't want to make the same mistakes, you need to follow our plan. We will not allow you to fall into a series of failures.

Here's what we recommend:

  1. Plan a 4-week training plan. Start doing the exercise plan 4 days a week.
  2. Start with 2000 calories; 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein, 20% fat.
  3. Track your progress. Take pictures of yourself and weigh yourself.

Important: When it comes to training, planning is very important. Let everyone know that this is your workout time and you need to complete the exercises without interruption. The main thing is discipline and hard work.

To get ripped in 4 weeks, start using the plan below. We suggest dividing the training program into 4 separate workouts that focus on 3 main areas of your muscles:

  • lower press;
  • upper press;
  • oblique abdominal muscles.

Perform each workout once a week. Since there are 4 workouts, you will perform exercises 4 times a week. After 30 days of our definition training plan, your body will look like that of a professional bodybuilder. Here's the plan!

What is the problem

Flabby arms, stomach, shortness of breath. It sounds so-so, it’s time to do something about it, right now. Where to begin?

Of course, the first thought is that you need to go to the gym for individual lessons with a trainer who will teach you the correct technique for doing the exercises, give advice and monitor the training process. A couple of months - and the body will begin to acquire the necessary reliefs and shapes.

However, not everyone can afford such classes, and many are simply embarrassed to go to the gym (and in vain). Therefore, you can use ready-made complexes, which describe exercises for different muscle groups, the number of approaches and the technique for performing them. It’s even better if it’s a mobile application that can keep your statistics and remind you about training.

Meet Athlete PRO - a personal trainer in your pocket.

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