7 Ways to Increase Your Endurance While Running

Basic rules and lifestyle for increasing the body's endurance

Many factors are important to increase the body's strength. Fitness trainers always base the training program and classes into a full-fledged complex for the development of the physical abilities of the ward.

The most important factors are considered to be the rationalization of the following components of life:

  1. Nutrition . Excess weight quite often causes a decrease in activity and vitality. Foods that increase endurance: fermented milk products, white boiled meat, fish, eggs, dried fruits, cereals, herbs, vegetables, honey, fruits.
  2. Drinking . To prevent blood thickening and slow metabolism, you should drink 2 liters of still water every day. It is advisable to drink slowly and slowly. During training, limit your drinking regime; you can lightly rinse your mouth with water, then spit it out.
  3. Schedule . After intense exercise, the body needs to recover, so healthy sleep is important. You are supposed to fall asleep as early as possible and sleep for about 8-9 hours.
  4. Physical activities. They have a positive effect on emotional and bodily endurance.
  5. Breath. Aerobic sports help develop the heart muscle, increase lung capacity, improve vascular elasticity, nourish all organs with useful substances and increase the body's resistance.
  6. Psycho-emotional stability implies readiness for a calm reaction to various life circumstances and helps to overcome difficulties. Expressed in the ability to easily find a way out of current situations.

How to increase your oxygen supply

In order to receive as much oxygen as possible when inhaling, it is necessary to completely empty the lungs of residual air as you exhale. Also practice a few useful exercises before your workout or race - in your daily life:

  • Sing often.
  • Play wind instruments.
  • Try to blow up a lot of balloons in one go (be careful not to get dizzy).

There is a very fun way to expand your lung capacity. Take a thin strip of paper and secure it to your nose. Now your goal is to keep it horizontal for longer. This fun method will also help you learn how to regulate the frequency of your breathing technique, increasing and decreasing its depth.

Here are a few exercises through which you can not only learn how to develop your breathing for running, but also improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system:

  1. Inhale as deeply as possible and exhale slowly until your lungs feel compressed. Next, hold your breath. Repeat the cycle a couple of times.
  2. As you inhale, count to ten and inhale again. Focusing on how you feel, complete a comfortable number of approaches. Try doing the same while exhaling.
  3. Sit or lie down. Take a deep breath and stop breathing. As soon as the delay becomes uncomfortable, begin the breathing process freely, restoring the pace. With the new approach, increase the stopping time by 15-20 seconds. Do several similar cycles, constantly increasing this gap.
  4. When exhaling, push all the air out of your lungs, then inhale a new portion in several approaches.
  5. Time yourself for two minutes and try to practice breathing as quickly as possible during this time. The time frame should be expanded with each subsequent cycle.
  6. Inhale and count to thirty. By reducing your speed, you will make the exercise more difficult.

Depleting drugs that increase stamina

Products containing caffeine and psychostimulants - Sidnocarb and Phenamine - are known to many people and take them every day. The substances invigorate the mediator links, attract the body's reserve forces into operational biological processes and energy-producing functions. This affects the mind and body.

The body's basic energy sources are depleted, and the person becomes unprotected. The effects of drugs lead to a decrease in strength and increased performance for a short time.

The drugs have side effects in the form of the development of dependence of the vital system on the feeling of fatigue. After finishing taking them, the body needs a long rest.

Pharmaceutical products containing these components:

  1. Pyridrol. Psychostimulant tablets. Daily dose - 2-3 r. 1 mg each Take in the first half of the day. Addiction and dependence cannot be ruled out. Contraindications: insomnia, angina pectoris, hyperthyroidism, underweight, atherosclerosis.
  2. Sydnofen. Stimulates the central nervous system. Take 5 mg 2 times. in a day. If necessary, the dosage is gradually increased to 20-30 mg per day. Having achieved the desired effect, the dose is reduced again. The medicine may cause an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Mesocarb is a psychostimulant. Increases performance and endurance, but causes side reactions: high irritability, headache, loss of appetite. Used for medical purposes, strongly not recommended for sports.
  4. Meridil . Psychoanaleptic for weakness and fatigue. Take before lunch. The daily norm is 10-30 mg. Duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to 3-4 months. Contraindications: exhaustion, excitability, angina pectoris, insomnia.

Steroid drugs

Physical endurance depends on steroids. How to increase it for professional athletes without the risk of doping is of interest to many athletes. It is necessary to use drugs sparingly, mainly as monotherapy.

Steroids do not always directly increase strength; sometimes they can only increase growth hormone and erythropoietin.

  1. Stanazol. Popular among track and field athletes, it is produced in tablets or ampoules. Using a dose of 50 mg daily or every other day increases performance, strength, burns fat and improves muscle elasticity.
  2. Boldenone . A drug for restoring strength, has minor side effects. Available in ampoules. Duration of action - up to 15 days.
  3. Retabolil . It is administered intramuscularly, the result appears after 2 weeks. It has low toxicity, is used for several years, and does not cause abnormalities in the liver. Experts advise using Retabolil for long courses in combination with various supplements, vitamins and other steroids. A typical course of taking it involves 6-8 weeks, weekly 200-400 mg, but not more than 600 mg. It is better to break it into 2-3 doses of 200-300 mg.

Actoprotective agents

It is possible to increase physical endurance without increased consumption of both oxygen and heat generation with actoprotectors. These synthetic substances belong to metabolic non-depleting drugs that are characterized by antihypoxic activity.

Actoprotectors stimulate protein synthesis and increase performance.

An indication for the use of the drug in sports medicine is the tendency to hypoxia, which occurs after intense physical exercise at the preparatory and competitive stages. It is selected individually taking into account tolerance, age, weight and genetic characteristics.

Actoprotectors do not worsen the state of health, but strengthen the psyche and body. Use for an extended period of time is permitted.

There are the following types of medications:

  1. Tomerzol and Yakton. Promotes energy growth and affects metabolic processes. The course of treatment can be long, since the body’s reserves are not depleted.
  2. Bemitil. A drug that improves energy balance and stamina. Participates in the processes of psychostimulation, protects against hypoxia, and develops resistance under heavy loads. Take in the first half of the day continuously for 10 or 20 days. course after eating 0.5 g 2 r. in a day.

What kind of endurance is there?

The concept of endurance covers a fairly wide range of physical characteristics of the body. Respiratory endurance is mainly divided into two types: anaerobic and aerobic.

Anaerobic endurance expresses the body's ability to perform any physical work without the required amount of oxygen. That is, to perform some action, the body spends only internal resources. This type of endurance is developed by performing a large number of exercises in a limited period of time.

Aerobic endurance is the body’s ability to perform work using oxygen. This typically requires a variety of exercises with long sets.

There are also special and general endurance. The first is a distinctive feature of athletes who perform the same action for a long time, achieving perfection in it. Well, the second one is needed by ordinary people who are not chasing medals, but the health and tone of all the muscles and organs of the body. Everyone chooses for themselves what type of endurance to develop - it all depends on the goal.

Nootropic drugs

Nootropics are medications that have a characteristic effect on the higher mental activity of the brain. Help stimulate mental activity , trigger cognitive processes and improve memory.

Steroids increase the brain's resistance to negative influences such as lack of oxygen, excessive stress and toxic substances. They have a positive effect on blood circulation and metabolic functioning of the brain.

The required doses and course duration are prescribed individually. It is not recommended for use by people with kidney failure, insomnia and cardiovascular diseases.

Nootropic medications are represented by the following drugs:

  1. Piracetam. Increases the intensity of brain function, activates redox activity, and improves the body's energy balance. Available in the form of solution and tablets. When taken orally, the drug is well absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration in the blood appears after 1 hour. The half-life is 4 hours. Take before meals.
  2. Acefen. Stimulates the nervous system, normalizes brain activity, improves cognitive functions. The standard daily dose is 250-500 mg. Produced in tablet form. The course of admission is up to 3 months.

Endurance Factors

Also in the book by Kholodov and Kuznetsov a number of factors affecting the level of endurance are described:

  • — Bioenergetic

    — the totality of the body’s energy resources and the performance of its systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory, and others).

  • — Functional and biomechanical economization

    — the ratio of the result of the exercise performed and the resources spent on it.

  • — Functional stability

    — maintaining the performance of the body and its systems in the event of unfavorable changes in its internal environment. For example, an increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood as a result of work.

  • — Personal-psychological

    - determination, motivation, ability to work through effort.

  • — Heredity and environmental conditions.

Nonsteroidal anabolic drugs

Anabolic steroids increase the synthesis of protein and other biological components in the body through their effect on various mechanisms, accelerate body weight growth, incl. and muscular. They increase appetite and accelerate regenerative activity. Taken in courses, it helps build muscle and reduce body fat.

The deficiency of phosphorus and calcium in the bones is replenished, working capacity and endurance increase. Blood supply to blood vessels and brain functioning improves. Due to weight gain, the load on internal organs increases, blood pressure rises, and the formation of one’s own hormones is disrupted.

Anabolic drugs have the following names:

  1. Riboxin. Available in tablets or ampoules. Activates metabolic and biochemical processes. With intense loads, it is taken for a long time without serious consequences for health. The course of use ranges from 1 to 3 months. During this period, the product increases energy reserves and improves blood circulation. In some cases, it can cause allergies and redness of the skin. Start taking tablets gradually with 0.6-0.8 g daily before meals, reaching 1.5-2.5 g. Contraindications: intolerance, renal failure.
  2. Potassium orotate . It stimulates biochemical activity well, increases muscle strength and accelerates recovery functions. Available in the form of tablets of 0.5 g, daily dose is 2 g. No adverse reactions. With long-term use and high doses, it is tolerated normally. In rare cases, allergies may occur. Compared to other anabolics, it has a low effect.

Top 7 Supplements to Improve Endurance

If you prefer long morning runs or regular trips to the pool instead of traditional strength training, it's important to know that there are the right supplements that can help you take your training and performance to the next level. In this article, we bring you a list of the 7 best sports supplements for endurance athletes!

Endurance athletes typically engage in regular, sustained physical activity, whether it's running 80 to 100 kilometers a week, cycling more than 300 kilometers a week on a road bike, or swimming hundreds of laps in a pool. This huge volume of work, supplemented with a couple of strength training sessions throughout the week, means that endurance athletes must pay extremely close attention to their diet and supplement stack.

Endurance training places high demands on the athletes' bodies from a physical, mental and energetic point of view. Plus, in addition to spending a lot of time doing the endurance training itself, you'll also need to spend a lot of time preparing and consuming nutritious foods for optimal energy replenishment.

Luckily, with the right supplement stack, you can save some time on cooking, increase productivity, improve recovery, and set yourself up to set new personal bests. Below is a list of the top 7 supplements that are recommended for endurance athletes!

1. Creatine monohydrate

Creatine supplementation is generally not often cited for its positive effects on endurance training. In general, creatine consumption is associated with improved strength, speed and power - and for good reason. Hundreds of published scientific studies support the use of creatine as an effective ergogenic aid for increasing strength and muscle size. But while many athletes believe that creatine has no place in an endurance athlete's supplement stack, we still argue otherwise.

Primarily, creatine provides an increase in phosphocreatine reserves, a rapid increase in ATP production, and an improvement in anaerobic performance. However, beyond its direct effects, creatine offers a host of indirect benefits for runners, cyclists and triathletes and helps take their training to the next level.

Creatine supplementation has been shown to reduce recovery time over repeated intervals as well as increase power output at anaerobic threshold. Improvements in speed and power and more efficient energy expenditure during training lead to higher performance over the long term.

Recommended dose: 3-5 g per day. It is recommended that you skip the traditional loading phase when consuming creatine, as the initial increase in body weight caused by increased body water reserves can slow down the speed of your workouts.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine has long been used to enhance performance by endurance athletes. In addition to providing a quick boost of energy for early morning workouts, caffeine's ability to reduce the perception of effort and curb the onset of fatigue makes it easier to cope with prolonged exercise.

There is a ton of research on the benefits of caffeine consumption for endurance performance, including improved performance in cycling, skiing and 5K running, as well as improved timing. As an added bonus, caffeine helps increase fat oxidation, which can help fight excess weight.

Because caffeine reaches its highest concentration in the blood about an hour after consumption, it is recommended to take it 60 minutes before exercise. Although caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production, a recent review article by researchers at the University of Connecticut suggested that caffeine consumption does not cause fluid imbalance or decreased tolerance to increased body temperature during exercise.

Recommended dose: 2.5-5.5 mg per kilogram of body weight (200-400 milligrams for an 80-pound person) 60 minutes before exercise.

3. Beta-alanine

Everyone knows that beta-alanine is guaranteed to improve performance and inhibit the onset of fatigue during high-intensity physical activity, but is this true for endurance athletes? In fact, just because you're doing endurance training doesn't mean you're doing only low-intensity exercise, right?

Speed, tempo, and even low-start lifting technique are all aspects of training that are improved by consuming beta-alanine. In fact, some studies have demonstrated the positive effects of beta-alanine supplementation on performance and endurance, particularly cycling performance and rowing performance.

During high-intensity training, hydrogen ions accumulate in the body. An increase in their concentration helps to lower the pH level, which ultimately leads to a faster onset of fatigue. As an amino acid derivative, beta-alanine has been shown to help increase intramuscular carnosine content, which improves the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. This has the potential to inhibit the onset of fatigue and have the potential to improve physical performance, increase training volume, and reduce the perception of fatigue.

Recommended dose: 3-6 g per day, taken in 800 mg doses throughout the day to reduce the risk of developing paresthesia

4. Sodium phosphate

Although sodium phosphate is primarily used as a preservative for meat and other foods, surprisingly, it also helps increase physical performance. Consumption of sodium phosphate has been shown to improve aerobic capacity and increase time to fatigue by improving the ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to active muscles. In addition, some studies have demonstrated improvements in physical endurance through increases in maximum oxygen consumption and ventilatory threshold.

Recommended dose : 3-5 g per day, taken in 1 g doses for 3-6 days before competition or serious endurance training.

5. Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs)

If you're going on a strenuous run or a long bike ride, don't forget to grab a jar of BCAAs. The occurrence of fatigue as a result of strenuous physical activity is due to the mechanism by which free molecules of the amino acid tryptophan cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​and enter the brain. Another downside of tryptophan is that it promotes the release of certain neurotransmitters—particularly serotonin—which can cause decreased arousal, increased sleepiness, decreased mood, and ultimately, faster onset of fatigue.

Because BCAAs and tryptophan compete for the same carrier protein, increasing BCAA concentrations can reduce the amount of tryptophan crossing the BBB, potentially inhibiting the onset of fatigue. Moreover, BCAA metabolism has been shown to reduce lactic acid production, potentially leading to improved endurance performance.

Available scientific evidence also suggests that BCAAs reduce protein breakdown in skeletal muscle and promote effective recovery and a positive immune response to exercise.

Recommended dose: 3-6 g before or during exercise. The optimal ratio is 2:1:1 leucine to isoleucine and valine.

6. Protein

It doesn't matter if you're gluten-free, low-carb, fat-free, paleo, or any other nutrition trend—you need protein. Although endurance athletes often focus more on adequate carbohydrate intake, protein is still essential for building, repairing and maintaining muscle mass.

Additionally, when you exercise for long periods of time, the body begins to use protein as an additional source of energy. Adequate protein intake becomes even more important in this case, because otherwise you will have to sacrifice muscle tissue protein!

If you want to get the most out of consuming protein supplements, it is recommended to take them with carbohydrates, as the combination of macronutrients leads to improved rates of protein and glycogen synthesis.

Recommended dose: 1-1.5 g per kilogram of body weight per day. During periods of high volume or high intensity training, it is recommended to increase protein intake to 2 g per kilogram of body weight for more effective recovery and maintenance of muscle mass.

7. Glutamine

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in our body, so why is it necessary to take it as a supplement? In fact, during intense physical activity, glutamine stores are used up faster than the body can replenish them, which unfortunately forces the body to break down its own muscles, causing a destructive catabolic state. Low glutamine levels can also compromise your immune system, increasing your risk of developing various infections.

Consuming glutamine supplements has been shown to improve recovery and strengthen immune function after endurance training. A study published in the European Journal of Applied and Occupational Physiology, which included more than 200 runners and rowers, found that 81% of athletes taking glutamine supplements reported no infectious diseases after intense training. For comparison, in the group taking placebo substances, only 49% of subjects indicated this. This study suggests that glutamine may help reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases after prolonged exercise, leading to improved performance and faster recovery.

Recommended dose : 20 g per day

Adaptogenic agents

To increase physical endurance in bodybuilding, adaptogens are often used, which are prescribed both before and after competitions. They have a tonic effect, increase energy reserves necessary for intense training and absorb protein well.

Benefits of adaptogenic agents:

  • make trainings more effective;
  • produce testosterone in large quantities;
  • improve metabolism and concentration;
  • build muscles;
  • are not doping;
  • do not have a negative effect on the body;
  • are not addictive;
  • after 2-4 weeks of use they have a noticeable positive result.

The best adaptogenic products:

  1. Containing ginseng - Aerovit, Gerbion, Farmaton vital, tinctures, Gerimax.
  2. With Eleutherococcus - liquid syrup, Eleutherococcus Plus.
  3. Based on Rhodiola rosea – dry supplements, Rhodiola extract, Golden root.
  4. Preparations containing maral root - Levzeya P, Ecdisten.
  5. Macroergi-Neoton, Leveton forte, Phosphaden, Adenylic acid.
  6. Vitamin complexes - Kopmlevit, Supradin, Ortomol sport, Undevit.
  7. Vitamin and mineral - Alphabet, Dynamizan, Vitrum performance.
  8. With amino acids – Histidine, Arginine, Taurine.

Drugs with mixed effects: synthetic glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids increase endurance in a comprehensive manner. These synthetic substances accumulate glucose in the body, and borrow the energy necessary for this due to the increased division of amino acids. Increased performance in this case acts to the detriment of muscle growth.

These drugs help trigger catabolic processes that can cause great harm to the body. For example, reduce bone density or initiate muscle dystrophy in the extremities, while increasing the fat layer on the body.

Suppresses the effect of vitamin D and has negative effects on calcium metabolism. In sports medicine, it is used to treat injuries of joints and soft tissues of a chronic or acute type.

To reduce the side effects when using glucocorticoids, it is recommended to take the dosage regimen every 1 day. Drink the daily dose 1 r. in the morning. Using the products over a long period of time reduces the stress reactivity of the adrenal glands and the adaptive capabilities of the body.

Examples of drugs:

  1. Dexamethasone is an anti-inflammatory drug that retains water in the body. Increases appetite. It has a negative effect: it reduces immunity and negatively affects the functioning of the stomach. It is recommended to take no more than 2 mg per day according to the following scheme: 2 tablets in the morning and evening, alternating with 1 intravenous administration every other day. The course of admission is no more than 2 months.
  2. Prednisone. Heals connective tissue, enhances muscle catabolism, redistributes fat accumulation. It has many side effects, depending on the dose and duration of use. For short-term use, the main contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Nutrition for increasing endurance

The most harmless means for increasing physical endurance are products such as:

  1. Vegetables , the most effective of which are beets, tomatoes, cabbage.
  2. Fruits include bananas, which improve blood circulation, and apples, which increase stamina.
  3. From dried fruits , raisins, which contain a complex of vitamins and minerals. Promotes good sleep and has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  4. Berries (raspberries, cherries, cranberries) raise the pain threshold, which directly affects the athlete’s fatigue.

  5. Beverages . Juices, the healthiest of which are tomato, rich in antioxidants. Green tea contains components that stimulate the nervous and circulatory systems. Coffee is a powerful stimulant and you should take a responsible approach to its dosage.
  6. Nuts are rich in fatty acids and beneficial microelements. Runners who include them in their diet can more easily withstand stress and resist fatigue.
  7. Bee products . Pollen, honeycomb, honey improve the quality of blood supply and normalize hemoglobin levels.
  8. Greens (lettuce, parsley, spinach) will help improve muscle function.

How to develop endurance in running?

Running is an affordable and effective way to increase endurance.

To achieve noticeable results, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • at the beginning, you should adhere to the regime - no more than 1 km 2-3 r. in Week;
  • regular jogging with a gradual increase in intensity and duration;
  • The best type is jogging or interval running.

Experts recommend breathing through your nose rhythmically, without interruption. If it’s hard, then you can use your nose and mouth at the same time. Inhale deeply, try to inhale with your abdominal muscles. When exhaling, try to completely empty your lungs of air.

How to guarantee success?

All the tips below will only help if performed regularly. Only perseverance will help develop endurance and breathing capacity for both men and women. If you exercise once a week or from time to time, there will be no benefit; the athlete will remain at the usual stage of physical development.

It is not so important what sport was chosen - long-distance running, short marathons, aerobics, powerlifting, bodybuilding. Any physical activity that involves high intensity movement requires a large lung capacity to avoid shortness of breath.

How to develop endurance in swimming?

Physical endurance, both in swimming and in other sports, depends on the degree of preparedness of all body systems. Swimmers' performance increases by improving all vital functions.

To increase overall endurance, it is worth diversifying your workouts with the following types of activities:

  • race walking;
  • run;
  • exercise bike;
  • skiing;
  • rowing;
  • exercises in water;
  • gaming and outdoor sports;
  • active leisure.

In children, resistance to fatigue is developed carefully. Regular aquatic training in combination with morning exercises and various physical exercises will produce the desired effect.

Until adolescence, endurance is developed by gradually increasing the number of training sessions, their duration and intensity. Special general physical training techniques are planned in full only for fully developed swimmers.

What foods increase muscle endurance?

It should be said which foods increase muscle endurance. Proteins are required for the growth of myofibrils. And mitochondria require fatty foods because they have a lot of membranes made of lipids. Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. An athlete in any sport should not neglect fish. Your table should have: salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna.

In addition to this product, there is such an excellent source of Omega-3 as flaxseed. If you regularly consume these seeds, you will be provided with increased endurance. You will also forget about digestive problems, which is extremely important for professional athletes.

How else can you increase your body's endurance during physical activity? Natural preparations made from herbs and bee products will help. First of all, we need to name the dietary supplements “Elton Forte” and “ Leveton Forte ”. The first of them reduces the effect of oxidative processes and improves muscle recovery. Leveton Forte stimulates anabolic processes by increasing testosterone levels. As a result, strength and endurance increase, and therefore the drug can be used both in strength sports and in athletics.

Are you looking for a way to increase your body's endurance during physical activity? Natural dietary supplements “Elton Forte” and “Leveton Forte” will help you!

How to develop endurance in wrestling?

Physical endurance is important in heavy sports. How to increase it for wrestlers to achieve a high level of skill can be found out by reading the basic recommendations of experts.

To develop overall performance, professionals advise using a variety of sports activities with a gradual increase in the length of its implementation. This helps to engage different muscle groups. Cross-country, swimming and skiing are considered the most suitable.

Great attention is paid to improving overall performance at the very beginning of training. Future wrestlers should gradually increase the length of continuous activity (from 5-10 minutes to 1 hour), maintaining a moderate intensity.

This contributes to the performance of a considerable amount of work, which helps the body to diversify its adaptation to sports tasks.

How to increase endurance and muscle strength?

When developing a training plan aimed at developing endurance and muscle strength, it is advisable to take into account that during training the muscles need to be tensed more than during regular exercises.

To increase strength, experts advise constantly performing tasks with significant resistance and a small number of repetitions, as well as evenly and constantly increasing the load on muscle groups. High repetitions combined with low resistance help develop muscles.

It is better to do training every other day.

Push-ups affect the development of muscles in the arms and chest.

  1. Lie face down on the floor.
  2. Spread your arms wider than your shoulders, and your legs shoulder-width apart.
  3. Slowly lower yourself down, reaching a fist-level distance from your chest to the floor.
  4. Repeat 20-25 rubles.
  5. The secret to endurance is high repetitions. If it’s difficult, you need to kneel down.

Calf raises develop the calf muscles.

  1. Stand straight, arms at your sides, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Rise up on your toes, tensing your calves.
  3. Remain in this position for several seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Do another 15-25 rubles.

What is endurance?

First, let's figure out what endurance is and what it is eaten with. Endurance is a physical quality that characterizes the ability to perform physical work for a long time without reducing its effectiveness. Roughly speaking, if you can climb to the tenth floor of a house without shortness of breath and without your pulse pounding in your temples, congratulations, you are quite resilient. If after a couple of floors you stop to catch your breath, then, alas, you need to train and train.

Cardio training to increase body endurance

Cardio includes aerobic exercise that uses many muscles and body systems. The main criteria are duration and frequency.

For good results, you should exercise 3-5 times. in Week. Start training from 30 minutes. gradually increasing to 1 hour.

If there is a lack of time, professionals advise combining classes with everyday activities. For example, getting to work or out of town by bike. Don't use the elevator, rely on your feet.

The best time of day for activity is from 17.00 to 19.00. Monitor your heart rate and plan loads in accordance with its indicators.


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist.
  2. Sit down while inhaling. Bend your legs, resting on your feet.
  3. When squatting, extend your arms forward.
  4. Return to the starting position as you exhale.

Jumping rope.

  1. Make a jump with each rotation of the sports equipment.
  2. Jump up and down on your toes.
  3. Legs are slightly bent at the knees.
  4. The norm is up to 150 jumps per minute.


  1. Take a position facing the floor, resting on your toes and forearms.
  2. Align the body, look down.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold the position for a certain time.

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Endurance and its development

Good endurance cannot be achieved in a simple way. Physical endurance is achieved through aerobic exercise - running, swimming, rowing, cycling. A trained heart beats calmly at a normal level of activity, but when an increased load appears, it quickly reacts to it. Healthy lungs supply the blood with more oxygen. Healthy cells absorb nutrients faster. To get your body into this shape, you will need to strain it for a long time. Tension is the basis of physical endurance.

Similarly, mental stamina is enhanced by regular exertion. You must put yourself in positions where you need to maintain concentration for a long time. You must be persistent. You must subjugate your mind, forcing it to go where you want it to go. With practice, your brain will get used to the stress and your thinking will become clearer.

Calculations are an old proven way to add steadiness to thinking and endurance to the mind. Plato well understood the importance of developing computational abilities when he wrote in the dialogue “The Republic”: “Whoever is naturally strong in calculations will show natural intelligence in all other scientific pursuits, and those who are worse at this can, through exercise, classes to develop your arithmetic abilities and, in this way, become smarter and more savvy."

Each type of exercise requires you to use your computational muscles intensely. Most exercises are structured in such a way that if you miss the thread of attention, you will lose your place in the chain of calculations. You need to know exactly where you went astray so that you can come back and try to maintain your concentration for a while longer. As your computational muscles get stronger, try moving on to more complex exercises.

Frequent, repetitive exercise in mental exercise performs approximately the same function as jogging in physical exercise. They develop endurance. You can do the exercises silently or out loud, quickly or slowly. They are ideal for long trips on the bus or subway. You may be surprised when, in just a few days, you make progress in exercises that previously seemed unattainable to you.

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Interval training to develop endurance

Interval training - alternating intervals of increased and decreased intensity of sports exercises, or alternating strength and aerobic physical tasks during one session. It is distinguished by the ability to work out all muscle groups with short breaks for rest.

There are rules for proper execution:

  • correct selection of exercises;
  • setting breaks wisely;
  • recovery and rest.

Exercises on a treadmill:

  • jog for 10 minutes;
  • break your runs into 9 intervals of 3 minutes each. each, alternate intervals of accelerated running with calm movements;
  • final stage – jogging – 5 min.

Exercises with a skipping rope (each stage for 10 seconds):

  • jump alternately with your left and right foot in a calm mode;
  • jumping at an extremely fast pace;
  • return to the leisurely rhythm of racing.


  • warm-up lasting 5 minutes;
  • 3 min. intensive phase of movements;
  • 3 min. calm stage of walking;
  • repeat 2 times;
  • increase the following alternating cycles to 20 seconds;
  • play 3 times;
  • cool down 5 min.

Long tempo workouts

Long tempo training develops the ability to maintain increasing intensity over increasingly longer periods of time by improving the lactic acid reduction system. Develop patience and adherence to an even and high pace.

Long run:

  • effortlessly run long distances normally;
  • gradually begin to walk the last few kilometers at an increased pace;
  • practice every week.

Progressive cross:

  • run a long distance as usual;
  • Accelerate uniformly throughout the entire interval;
  • last 5 min. run at a threshold rhythm.


  • travel at an average speed;
  • having reached 3-5 km, accelerate by 30-60 s.;
  • return to easy running.

Development of the respiratory tract: methods and features

There are many methods for developing proper breathing.

  1. Give up a sedentary lifestyle. Active sports are suitable - aerobics, running, basketball.
  2. Morning jogging develops breathing and increases overall endurance. You should do a warm-up first.
  3. For people living in buildings with an elevator, speed walking up the stairs can be arranged.
  4. Go swimming. To improve the functioning of the respiratory system, it is enough to devote 2-3 rubles to the sport. per week combining classic methods with deep diving.

At home, it is recommended to inflate balloons, strengthen the rib muscles with a breath-holding technique, or use a gas mask.

How to develop breathing and endurance at home?

For beginners, doing exercises in an apartment will be quite enough. Over time, of course, you will have to go outside or to the gym to increase the load. Many athletes train even in winter.

How to develop breathing and endurance for running if you can only exercise in an apartment? At first, you can do without additional equipment (barbells, dumbbells, harnesses, exercise machines). It is advisable to have clean running shoes, as jumping and plyometric exercises performed barefoot are often the cause of ankle injuries.

The role of physiotherapy in increasing the body's endurance

The bath has a healing, renewing and hardening effect. The cardiovascular system is strengthened, mental activity increases, and fatigue disappears. Useful for athletes after heavy exertion to relax the muscles and eliminate pain in them.

Useful for people with a sedentary lifestyle and those suffering from insomnia. Calms nerves, improves mood, and prevents heart disease and colds. According to studies, after physical activity, a bath increases endurance.

Massage relaxes muscles, restores their mobility and eliminates pain caused by fatigue. Reasonable influences on points and zones have a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and facilitate well-being in many diseases.

A specially designed sports massage increases endurance, improves performance, eliminates fatigue and restores tone. An excellent tool for preparing for competitions. The main effect is aimed at relaxing tendons, ligaments and muscles.

Health benefits of contrast showers:

  • increases immunity;
  • hardens: exposure to water of different temperatures activates the body’s protective processes;
  • increases endurance: body thermoregulation is improved, rapid adaptation to unfavorable temperature conditions occurs;
  • muscle mass and blood vessels are strengthened: alternating warm and cold water tones the circulatory system and muscles, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic;
  • Mood improves, vigor appears and depression disappears.

How to develop breathing and endurance in the gym?

The gym is very important for increasing endurance, speed, and strength. Intermediate athletes simply need to purchase a membership: they can run miles on the treadmill, warm up on the elliptical, go to the pool and build muscle with dumbbells and barbells. Entry-level athletes can train at home for a while.

The gym has only one drawback: when there are a huge number of visitors, the air conditioners often do not cope with their task and there is stale air in the room, which can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the athlete’s lungs. It is worth choosing a hall where there are fewer visitors and the air conditioning system is well adjusted. Through air with high humidity, you can become infected with many diseases, so you should take the issue of choosing a gym seriously.

Advice from professionals: how to “cultivate” endurance safely for health

For proper development of endurance, professionals recommend:

  • at the beginning of each workout, do a good warm-up;
  • increase the load gradually, increasing with each subsequent training;
  • go jogging 3 p. per week from 20 min. and more;
  • It is advisable to wear wool or cotton socks of medium density on your feet;
  • exercise regularly;
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • maintain a sleep schedule;
  • drink drinking water in sufficient volume (at least 2 liters per day);
  • avoid bad habits;
  • don't give in to stress.

To develop endurance, there are types of physical activity that do not require visiting the gym:

  • run;
  • rocking the press;
  • jumping rope;
  • walking long distances;
  • timed swimming;
  • skiing;
  • pull-up;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • strength exercises (weights, dumbbells).

The most important thing here is to carry out the loads in a feasible mode. An unprepared body is more susceptible to injury, and the use of an intensive training regimen for beginners contributes to the appearance of muscle pain, which reduces efforts to zero.

People who have weak physical endurance can learn how to increase it on their own. To do this, you should listen to the advice of professionals, do special exercises and follow the rules described above.

Endurance exercises

Exercises that develop endurance are cyclical in nature. They are performed for a long time (up to 20 minutes), in a measured mode. So, among the best exercises to strengthen the body are the following:

1. Slow but long cross. Its duration can reach two hours.

2. Fast running over shorter distances.

3. Alternate walking and running for several hours.

4. Slow but long swimming.

5. Playing football or basketball.

6. Skiing at a distance of up to 15 km.

7. Jumping rope in series. A series can last up to a minute, and the rest between series is 2-3 minutes.

8. Cycling at a steady pace for long distances.

9. Cycling at a fast pace for short distances. As you can see, sports that develop endurance are quite diverse. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. Excuses will definitely be inappropriate here. Moreover, sports that develop endurance are absolutely accessible to everyone.

Rules for performing exercises

1. Gradual increase in load. During training, the body gradually adapts to heavy loads.

2. Systematicity. Only if the exercises are performed systematically will they benefit the body. It is necessary to strictly follow the procedure and increase the load at each new stage. Don't forget about rest too.

3. Regularity. Do not forget that only a reasonable approach will protect the heart and blood vessels from overwork and give the desired result.


As you know, the diet of athletes and ordinary people is significantly different. When a person trains endurance, his body depletes its energy reserves. To restore them, you need to consume mainly carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are the best “fuel” for an athlete’s body.

Carbohydrates. Their dose depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The minimum daily intake is 4 grams per 1 kg of body. However, with intense training, this figure increases to 9 grams. It is undesirable to consume carbohydrates in excess, because this will lead to the appearance of fat. To actively develop endurance, you need to gradually increase your carbohydrate intake and control your body weight. Foods containing a lot of carbohydrates are: oats, buckwheat, rice, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Squirrels. To develop endurance, you need to consume protein. The daily protein intake is 1.4 g per 1 kg of body. With long and intense training, it increases to 1.8 g. A lot of protein is found in chicken eggs, fish, venison, poultry and lean red meat.

Fats. The development of endurance is facilitated by the consumption of fatty acids, so fats must be included in the diet. The amount of fat consumed should be 15-20 percent of the total energy burned

It is worth paying attention to products such as olive and flaxseed oil, nuts and sea fish. Don't forget about water too

Water is extremely important for any person. It can be used both between workouts and during.


Our body is capable of a lot and the best way to make sure of this is to develop resistance to stress. A person who has developed strength, agility, endurance and coordination gets sick less, is always in good shape and in a good mood, because, as we know: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Such a beneficial property of sports as the development of tirelessness is much more important than a pumped-up body or medals hanging on the wall, because it implies the health of the cardiovascular system.

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