World record for fastest human running. How to develop running speed and endurance? Running speed of athletes
Running speed gives a person many benefits that can be applied in everyday life and sports.
Features of testing and assessing the physical fitness of candidates for training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (p. 1)
What is the procedure for passing the FIZO standards? The goals of physical education for workers are: maintaining sports skills
How to develop breathing
How to breathe correctly while running: how to quickly develop your breathing capacity
Any sport involves serious stress, and our body’s resources are not always sufficient,
structural formula of valine
L-Valine Valine - Daily value. L-Valine deficiency Valine
Daily dose: 1800 - 5000 mg Valine (2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid L-Valine) is an essential aliphatic
Indian push-ups technique
Hindu or Indian push-ups - strengthening the upper body. What are the benefits of Indian push-ups?
There are many types of push-ups, and they are all beneficial because they affect the body differently.
Protein shakes for gaining muscle mass from Arnold Schwarzenegger
Anthropometric data of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Career growth of a bodybuilder Schwarzenegger is, first of all, a legend in bodybuilding and bodybuilding. Human
Experiments were carried out on mice.
To drink or not to drink? The harm and benefits of vitamins from the pharmacy
The pursuit of vitamins has become part of the current fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Is it true that
Basic principles and effectiveness of the calorie diet 
To lose weight, it is important to follow one rule: spend more calories than you consume. To determine the daily allowance
Strength training for weight loss: are they necessary and why do you need 2.5 liters of water a day?
You need to lose weight, but you have a completely legitimate question: what exercises are for weight loss?
Push the right way / CrossFit Shoes Guide!
CrossFit is a special practice. Unlike other types of activities, it combines
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