Anthropometric data of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bodybuilder career growth

Schwarzenegger is, first of all, a legend in bodybuilding and bodybuilding. The man achieved great heights in life, he became an actor, politician, and also an athlete. His achievements undoubtedly boggle the human imagination. Agree that it is difficult to believe that all the achievements listed are intended for one person. From this article you can find out all the achievements of the athlete in the field of sports. To make a career in bodybuilding, you need to put a lot of effort into getting your body perfect.

You should know how to properly gain muscle mass, and most importantly, in which places it needs to be increased and where it needs to be decreased. To do this, first of all, you need to have strength indicators that will make it possible to correct the body. So, you should understand these issues, as well as study the strength characteristics and anthropometry of Schwarzenegger.

Arnold's Calorie Deficit Rules

  1. Continue to eat enough protein—at least 2 grams of protein for every pound of body weight—on the days you exercise. Reduce this amount slightly on your rest days.
  2. Eat less fat: about 20 percent of your total daily calorie intake. Add more fish oil. Research shows that fish oil supplements help you burn excess fat faster and increase muscle mass without affecting your diet.
  3. Reduce carbs as much as possible without going into ketosis.
  4. Try to do 45 minutes to an hour of aerobic exercise, 4 or 5 times a week.

To be clear, Arnold is in no way anti-carb or anti-fat. In the end, this is the guy who set the right vector of development in this direction. He simply learned that when calories drop, he needs to fill the gaps with other nutrients, with protein being the priority. Keep protein high and other nutrients "reasonably low," he advised, and you can be sure you're keeping the diet "as strong as you can without becoming nutritionally or calorically deficient."

Protein shakes for gaining muscle mass from Arnold Schwarzenegger

What are the anthropometric data of Arnold Schwarzenegger

The athlete's height is 188 centimeters. Many argue about the veracity of this data. There are claims that the athlete is taller or shorter. There are reliable sources interviewed by Arnold that match these figures within a small margin of error of two centimeters over a lifetime.

What is the athlete's weight? The maximum weight an athlete had during competitions was 107 kilograms, during competitions up to 115 kilograms. Definitely, throughout Arnold’s life, his weight changed.

There were periods when the athlete took a break from training and at that time his weight was 90 kilograms, and at the very top of his bodybuilding career the athlete’s weight was a constant 105 kilograms.

Other Arnold indices

  • The biceps size was 54 - 57 centimeters.
  • Chest volume 135-145 centimeters.
  • Waist 87 centimeters.
  • Hip circumference 72 centimeters.
  • Shin 48 centimeters.
  • Neck 45 centimeters.

What you didn't know about Arnold:

Arnold's father served in the NSDAP, that is, he served the Reich, although he was found innocent of Nazi atrocities. This fact became excellent black PR for Arnie, without negatively affecting his popularity; Arnie posed nude early in his career for money. Some photos have survived to this day; Graduated from the University of Wisconsin. Bachelor of International Economics and Business; He often joked about his fans and “colleagues.” For example, he said that he was progressing in muscle mass thanks to the author’s recipe: crushed shells of boiled eggs with a pinch of salt. Similar black humor became his signature feature at the beginning of his career. At the Mr. Olympia tournament, he joked with Sergio Oliva, informing him of his defeat, as a result of which he did not come out during posing

This scandal is often associated with the victory of Arnie, who posed alone and attracted the attention of all the judges; At one time, he refused the role of John McClane, which was given to the novice Bruce Williss, which grew into an entire film franchise called “Die Hard”; Arnold bought the tank on which he served in the army. It is parked in his backyard, and often appears in videos on his YouTube channel; Once got into a fight with Mike Mentzer backstage at the Mr. Olympia tournament; The movie "Pumping Iron" is not true to reality and is completely staged.

The idea belonged to Arnold. Another joke that grew into a finished video product. In reality, he did not train to failure in this way, nor did he use such a dangerous form of training; He feuded with Sylvester Stallone in the 80s, and often the enmity reached the point of absurdity.

Arnold At 16

He began his career as a bodybuilder at the age of 14. His idols were famous bodybuilders like Reg Park and Steve Reeves. Schwarzenegger was first recognized as an athlete when he was 16 years old. Despite the fact that the athlete grew up in a very poor family, it did not stop him from becoming one of the most popular and serious bodybuilders at his still young age.

Working out daily at a sports club called “Liebenauer” in Graz, Arnold created a specific training method for himself and set himself the main goal of becoming one of the best bodybuilders.

His determination was enviable. The athlete worked out every day, even on weekends, without sparing himself. To improve recovery after training, he began to regularly consume meat products and also take anabolic steroids.

The presented photos of Arnold at the age of sixteen can impress any novice athlete.

Arnold (27 pages)

Homosexuals have always been passionately attracted to bodybuilders. And many of them benefited financially from this. As Peter Mac Gough, a bodybuilding journalist who has been involved with the sport since the early sixties, points out, the logical conclusion to pumping up one's muscles to the point of being admired by the public is to pay for it in detrimental displays of sexuality. In the mid-sixties, many of Munich's homosexuals gathered at Putziger's every evening to watch bodybuilders train. Some of them were ready to offer high payment to any of the bodybuilders who wanted to pose for ambiguous photographs. In the book “Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder,” Schwarzenegger talks about one of the judges at the competition for the title “Mr. Europe” among juniors, hiding him under the pseudonym Schneck. This judge, the owner of a gym and a magazine, invited him to Munich and invited him to have a homosexual relationship. Arnold writes that he listened to Schneck's suggestions (it was actually Putziger), but turned him down, as well as other homosexual bodybuilders who hung around the gym. Arnold was young, charming, smart, witty, desirable and talented to the extreme. He had paid his debts as a bodybuilder and earned the success that lay ahead of him.

Chapter 4: London

Less than two months after starting work in Munich, Arnold took part in the Mr. Universe 1966 competition, organized by the National Association of Amateur Bodybuilders (also known as NABBA) in London. Since Putziger paid him a pittance, and he himself had not yet settled down in Munich, Arnold’s bodybuilder friends got together and bought him a ticket. Helmut Riedmeyer, a wise athlete who knew the British world of bodybuilding well, invited Arnold to thoroughly introduce him to the matter and went with him as a translator. They stayed at the Royal Hotel near London's British Museum and trained at the Westside Health Club in Kensington. The Mr. Universe competition has been a prestigious one: the last time it was won was Mickey Hargitay, and James Bond star Sean Connery was one of the participants. NABBA Chairman Oscar Heidenstam was dismayed to see the young Austrian arriving in London in full combat readiness - with a short crew cut, attractive appearance and a figure that was positively destined for success. Today, Heidenstam fondly recalls his first deep impressions of Arnold. He was sitting with him when one of his friends (probably Riedmeyer) entered the room and spoke to Arnold in German. Schwarzenegger said to him reproachfully: “Don’t you know that it’s bad form to speak German when there are people sitting with us who don’t understand it?” Heidenstam was literally speechless by such exquisite courtesy of a nineteen-year-old young man and never forgot this incident. Years later, knowing full well that Sue Morey and later Maria Shriver did not speak German, Arnold nevertheless spoke his language in their presence. But by this time he was rich, famous and achieved recognition. Now in London, on the threshold of the Mr. Universe competition, his natural intelligence suggested how to use the opportunity with maximum benefit: the all-powerful Heidenstam was favorably impressed by his manners, and his German friend was put in an awkward position, while feeling Arnold's superiority .

From the very moment he stepped onto the stage at the Victoria Palace in London at the end of September 1966, it became clear to everyone who saw him that Arnold Schwarzenegger would soon reign supreme.

What strength indicators does the athlete have?

Bench press

He used a multi-approach pressing technique in his training. Performing a bench press while lying down with maximum concentration on his chest, he squeezed 220 kilograms, which aroused the admiration of those around him.

Performing deadlifts

At the age of 19, the “Iron Terminator” performed a deadlift and pressed 330 kilograms in one repetition. Of course, this is a fairly high result, even if compared with other athletes at present.

Subsequently, the athlete did not pay much attention to increasing strength indicators; he directed all his attention to the ideal shape of his body.

Performing a squat

Schwarzenegger's squatting technique was individual. He placed a block under his heels and performed a deep squat with a large amplitude. The athlete's working weight when using this technique was 240 kilograms.

All of the above indicators are probably not due to steel muscles, but primarily to iron willpower.

In 1980, the champion ended his career in sports. However, he made a great contribution to the development and popularity in the field of bodybuilding. Today, the Terminator has become the standard for many novice bodybuilders. Agree, this man is a legend who will inspire iron motivation in any athlete.

Arnold's training system

Not long ago, Arnold made his training program publicly available, which he used in preparation for the Mr. Olympia tournament. These are two phases of training with a detailed nutrition plan. The only thing to consider is the contract with the sports nutrition company. The diet in this scheme is standard with the mandatory use of sports nutrition. We recommend that you ignore the diet/nutrition section in this training scheme.

Pay attention to training days, sets, rest, number of repetitions and other nuances. As for nutrition, you need to create it individually for yourself.

Some template will not suit only a small percentage of people. This is average data.

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