Steel fingers. Impact forms, methods and methods of strengthening.

Few people think that hands can reveal many secrets about your character, personality and even tell who you really are in life.

Your hands are like mirrors, reflecting your essence, thoughts and feelings and many other hidden aspects of life that you are not even aware of.

With just a little knowledge of the anatomy of the five fingers on each hand, you can gain comprehensive information about your dominant personality traits, as well as your strengths and weaknesses.

According to palmistry, each area of ​​the palm and each of the five fingers are associated with one or another god or goddess.

What is the name of each finger?

Experts call the fingers as follows:

  • Thumb: Simply called the thumb.
  • Index: finger of Jupiter.
  • Middle: Saturn finger.
  • Ring: finger of Apollo or the Sun.
  • Little finger: Mercury finger.

We all have one dominant, or so-called strong, finger that is longer than the others. Below you will find information about how the strongest finger on your dominant hand reveals your personal qualities and tells about who you really are.

Causes of pain in the joints of the fingers

So, why does pain appear in the joints of the fingers, and how to treat this problem? Rheumatologists divide all joint pain into 2 large categories: mechanical and inflammatory.

  1. Inflammatory pain is characterized by prolonged stiffness in the morning, which can persist for an hour or more. Pain decreases with movement. In addition, with inflammatory pain, patients note other symptoms: redness in the joint area, swelling, decreased range of motion, and impaired flexibility.
  2. Mechanical pain may be accompanied by signs of local inflammation. But the latter, as a rule, are insignificant and weakly expressed. Often patients don't even notice them.

Let us consider in more detail why the joints of the fingers hurt, and what diseases can provoke this symptom.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis. A chronic autoimmune inflammatory systemic disease that mainly affects small joints of the body, but it is possible that large joints and internal organs are involved in the pathological process. Pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis accounts for 5-7% of all cases. The metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers become inflamed. The joints swell, turn red, and the skin over them becomes hot to the touch. The joints hurt a lot, the person cannot even clench his hand into a fist. The lesion is often symmetrical on both hands. A characteristic feature is that the inflamed joints hurt in the morning or in the second half of the night, this is accompanied by stiffness of movements in the hands. By evening the pain goes away.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis. It appears on the surface of the outer cover - the skin. Pain in the joints of the fingers occurs in the area of ​​the distal phalanx. It manifests itself as swelling to the extent that the fingers acquire the shape of sausages, having a red color with a slight bluish tint. Symptoms of psoriasis are characterized by difficulty in straightening the hands and thumbs.
  3. Infectious arthritis. Systemic symptoms during the development of this disease may be completely absent. The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of acute pain, which can last from several hours to several days. The affected joint feels hot to the touch. In some cases, fever and chills may occur.
  4. Gout is a fairly common disease that mainly affects people over 50 years of age. The cause of gout is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid - the latter is poorly excreted from the body and is deposited in joints and cartilage, interfering with their normal function. A characteristic symptom of gout is intense burning pain.
  5. Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory deformation of the joints, characterized by their thickening and limited mobility. This disease is closely related to the estrogen background, and therefore is typical for older women. Among the causes of osteoarthritis, the following are distinguished: hereditary predisposition, metabolic disorders in the body, professional stress, and others. The main symptom of the disease, in addition to pain in the joints of the hand, is the formation of subcutaneous nodules and swelling. They contribute to the appearance of a characteristic deformation of the fingers: thickening in the middle and the general appearance of the spindle.
  6. Stenosing ligamentitis. The pathology is similar to two diseases at once - arthritis and arthrosis. Only an x-ray can determine the true cause. The clinical picture of the disease is quite typical. It hurts to bend and straighten your wrists. Sometimes a clenched palm may jam. When extending, clicks are clearly audible.
  7. If you are experiencing pain in the thumb joint, the most likely cause may be rhizarthrosis. Its appearance is associated with significant overload of the joint, previous infection, intoxication and trauma. Already upon examination, the diagnosis is beyond doubt: a specific point of pain, increased pain with a characteristic load - turning the key, opening lids, rotating door handles. At the initial stage of the disease, the thumb on the hand hurts only after exertion; as the disease develops, the pain also occurs at rest. Gradually the joint becomes deformed, active actions become impossible.
  8. Rheumatism is known for very unpleasant sudden sharp pains. He brought this harshness of his manifestations to the joints of the fingers, also accompanying the whole process with redness, swelling and impaired freedom of movement. Add to this a possible rash and increased body temperature, and a complete picture of the disease will be drawn, the treatment of which is already possible only with the help of a doctor.
  9. Painful sensations in the joint of the index finger can be caused by the so-called tunnel syndrome, which is most often diagnosed in young people. It appears when working at the computer for a long time. Almost all specialists whose activities are related to such activities may sooner or later experience similar symptoms.

Read also: Bump on the little finger

Strong thumb

In palmistry, the thumb represents your willpower. It describes your ability to do something or stop yourself from doing something that you shouldn't do. The larger the thumb, the higher your endurance and willpower. People with a dominant thumb always achieve their goals, follow the intended path and do not stop until they achieve everything planned, no matter how difficult the path turns out to be.

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Such people are much more successful than most. As a rule, they occupy leadership positions and can successfully manage a significant number of subordinates. People with a strong thumb may very often hear the question: “How do you do all this, what is the secret of your success?”

Preventing finger numbness

The best prevention of numbness in the fingers is regular medical examinations 1-2 times a year. Detection of any disease at the initial stage of development allows for rapid treatment and avoidance of complications.

In order not to suffer from inflammatory processes in the joints of the fingers and not to treat arthrosis and arthritis for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to simple preventive measures:

  • keep your hands warm;
  • exclude alcohol, cigarettes;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in your daily menu;
  • do not suffer from colds on your feet;
  • remove the habit of “snapping” your fingers;
  • replace tea and coffee with herbal infusions;
  • control body weight.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it for a long time and gruelingly, therefore, to prevent pain in the fingers, you need to do the following:

  • Keep your hands warm at all times. Avoid overcooling them. In winter, you need to wear gloves;
  • When working in hazardous conditions, it is recommended to protect your hands with protective clothing;
  • You need to avoid constant repetitive movements or periodically do warm-ups, for example, when typing on a computer;
  • If you need to carry heavy bags, then the load must be distributed evenly;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle with regular physical activity, proper nutrition and no bad habits.

Hands are the most important part of the body, with which you can perform a huge number of different actions. It is very important to monitor their condition. For any ailment, effective treatment should be started promptly.

Strong index finger

If, looking at your dominant hand, you see that your index finger is longer than your ring finger, it means you are Jupiter. According to Roman mythology, your ruling planet is associated with Jupiter, the father of all gods, the god of sky and thunder, who has always been considered a strong, powerful man and leader.

Therefore, it is safe to say that people who have a strong index finger were born for power. They can often be seen as managers of large enterprises. They never cease to understand themselves, constantly in search of their greatest strengths, and reveal their potential throughout their lives, which helps them achieve great success. People ruled by Jupiter are honest and straightforward and want to see these traits in others.


Only on the basis of an external examination, medical history, and patient complaints is a primary diagnosis made. To confirm it and exclude other pathologies manifested by numbness of the fingers, instrumental studies are carried out:

  • radiography of the spine in 2 projections;
  • electromyography;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • electroencephalography;
  • MRI or CT.

Early diagnosis will help eliminate the symptoms of joint diseases and make a complete recovery. Only an experienced specialist (neurologist, surgeon, traumatologist) will be able to accurately determine the cause of these symptoms. The diagnosis is made based on research results and the patient's medical history. When collecting information, the nature of the complaints, the time of onset of the first pain, and the presence of articular pathologies in close relatives are clarified. Family predisposition plays a big role in the development of arthritis and arthrosis.

Investigations that are needed for complaints of pain in the joints of the extremities:

  • radiography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • electrospondylography (computer diagnostics of the spine);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • contrasting discography;
  • blood and synovial fluid tests;
  • puncture (injection of medication into the cavity of the cone);
  • skin biopsy.

As mentioned earlier, the exact cause, type of disease and methods of its treatment can only be determined by an experienced specialist.

To do this, he will need to do a number of diagnostic studies:

  • First of all, the patient will need to pass all the necessary tests, namely blood, feces and urine;
  • It is also necessary to visit the office of a radiologist, who will determine the structure of the palms;
  • If the above methods did not help identify the problem, then in this case they resort to tomography.

All these measures will help determine for what reason a person is experiencing an illness. After which, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

This problem should never be ignored, as unpleasant consequences may arise.

Before figuring out how to treat pain in the joints of the fingers, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, the following diagnostics are recommended for people who experience joint pain and severe discomfort when flexing their upper limbs:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • radiography;
  • CT scan
  • blood test (general), urine;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • checking the blood for the presence of rheumatoid factor, purines, and antistreptococcal antibodies.

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The occurrence of discomfort when bending the fingers should not be ignored. Ignoring the problem can have serious consequences. Loss of active movements is often noted. And subsequently, such a seemingly insignificant problem as the inability to bend a finger can lead to disability.

In order to prescribe effective treatment, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis. Despite the fact that the main manifestation of joint disease is the occurrence of pain of varying intensity and often subsequent deformation of the shape of the fingers, the approach to the treatment of joint diseases must be individual.

First of all, the attending physician will examine the diseased areas of the fingers and refer the patient for tests and x-rays.

Table 1. Diagnostic methods

AnalyzesTo determine the nature of the disease and establish the cause of pain, it is important to obtain the results of the following tests:
  1. Urine (for severe forms of arthritis).
  2. Blood. A general analysis shows the intensity of the inflammatory process, the presence or absence of concomitant blood diseases - anemia and leukocytosis.

Biochemical analysis reveals an increased content of indicators important for the normal functioning of the body

RadiographyThe most common way to diagnose possible inflammation and disorders associated with joint diseases. During the procedure, the condition of the bones is examined: their structure and tissue. The examination is painless, allowing you to view the material being examined in a three-dimensional projection
CT scanThe most informative diagnostic method. The technique is similar to x-ray examination. Data is displayed on a computer, processed and analyzed using a special program
ElectrospondylographyThe advantage of this method is that it allows you to identify pathology at an early stage, when the symptoms are still mild. Those parts of the spine that are responsible for the vitality of the upper limbs are examined
Joint punctureThe fluid extracted from the damaged joint by puncturing it is examined. This method accurately determines the causes of inflammation
UltrasoundDoes not give a clear idea of ​​the existing pathology. Currently, instead of ultrasound examination, preference is given to computed tomography and electrospondylography
Skin biopsyMicroscopic examination of skin tissue particles to identify rare forms of arthritis

Strong middle finger

In Roman mythology, Saturn was the god of abundance, wealth, agriculture, renewal of nature and liberation. His temple in the Roman Forum even housed a state treasury, so if you have a strong Saturn finger, you can be said to be a very disciplined person who can take responsibility for big things.

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Everyone's middle finger is naturally the longest, so to determine if your Saturn finger is the strongest, pay attention to the thickness of the phalanx and how much it rises above the neighboring Jupiter and Apollo fingers.

If this finger rises significantly above the rest, then you are a trustworthy person who sets serious goals for himself and always achieves them. People with a strong Saturn finger take their responsibilities seriously. They are serious and responsible and want to see similar qualities in others.

Regardless of where such a person is: at work, at home, among friends, he will enthusiastically complete tasks of any significance, from calling a taxi to managing a large project at work.

Strengthen your fingers - exercises

After digging a little through my old notes, I found a couple more interesting exercises that will allow your fingers to become much stronger , and therefore reduce the risk of injury from an accidental collision with an opponent, a bouncing ball, or unsuccessful contact with something else.

Let's start with the same exercises that have already been published. Oh, yes, if you regularly perform at least some of the exercises below, your fingers will not only become stronger, but also more flexible and tenacious. And in the fight for a dropped ball (the one in which they try to snatch the ball from the opponent’s hands), you will have much more chances.

The first exercise is also basic. The starting position is a meter and a half from the wall. You lean your whole body forward and fall against the wall. And in order to stop the fall, we put our hands forward and rest our fingers against the wall. A sort of “lying support”, but you have to lie down on the wall. Try not to just stick your fingers into the wall (you can break them), but to cushion and spring them.

The second exercise for your fingers involves squeezing a tennis ball, squeezing exclusively with your fingers. You can also squeeze any wrist simulator, the main thing is to squeeze with your fingers.

The horizontal bar will help not only pump up your arm muscles, but also strengthen your fingers. How? Just try to hang there for as long as possible, holding on only with your fingers. Grab from below and hold on with your fingers. How long will it last you?

Finger push-ups can also help in the process of strengthening your fingers. The load on the joints is quite high, so I recommend starting with a few repetitions and then gradually increasing the load. Is it difficult (painful) to do push-ups on your fingers? Try to do the push while lying on your knees - the load will decrease, but the effect will still be good.

The coolest exercise , which involves the hands and fingers, back and shoulders, abs - in general, a whole range of different muscles. What you will need: a gymnastic stick (a stool leg, a shovel handle, etc.), a rope (a meter or one and a half long, depending on height) and a weight (dumbbell, sledgehammer head, barbell plate, old iron). One end of the rope is tied around the middle of the stick, the other - to the weighting material. We grab the stick with both hands, the hands themselves are parallel to the floor. We begin to rotate the stick so that the rope is wound and the load rises from the floor. When you twist it to the end, unwind it back just as slowly. Change your grip (upper and lower, wide and narrow) and the weight of the weights (about sports weights ) to get more effect from your workouts.

Strong ring finger

Apollo, the twin brother of Artemis's sister, was the Roman god of music, truth and prophecy, healing from illness, sun and light, poetry and much more. He was also the leader of the choir of nine muses. This means that if your ring finger is the strongest, then you are a very creative, talented and well-rounded person.

If your Apollo finger is more than half a centimeter longer than your index finger, then it should be considered strong.

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When you have a strong ring name, it suggests that you are incredibly creative in all areas of life, from cooking to the arts. You are someone who always thinks outside the box and looks for creative solutions to any problem.

Also, people who have a strong ring finger can be described as dreamers who often have their head in the clouds. Sometimes this is beneficial, but sometimes it can be harmful, so they should be careful and get down to the ground in time.

Position of the thumb on the palm

In Fig. shows where your thumb attaches to your palm. Mentally draw a horizontal line along your wrist.

At the base of the thumb, i.e. At the bone joint where the finger separates from the palm, draw a second imaginary line.

Now measure the distance between these two lines.

The higher the base of the thumb is, that is, the greater the distance from the wrist to the base of the thumb, the more difficult it is for you in general to start and complete your tasks.

You put off your tasks day after day. And only when the external pressure becomes unbearable do you begin to act.

In order for you to finish a task once started, you also need to be stimulated.

The lower the base of the thumb is, the smaller the distance, the easier it is for you to work, relying on your own initiative.

The meaning of the joint between the phalanges of the thumb

The knobby joint between the phalanges of the thumb (as well as between the phalanges of other fingers) indicates an analytical mind, a person’s meticulousness and scrupulousness.

However, these characteristics become especially important when it comes to the thumb, because it is precisely its phalanges that are responsible for intellectual abilities.

The influence of the nodular joint is so great that it can almost completely neutralize the effect of the smooth joints!

Therefore, study everything very carefully - this will significantly help you in the future when studying the hills of the palm.

The knob joint strengthens the short thumb the most!

A smooth joint cannot seriously affect the characteristics of a short thumb, but it can also be very useful in interpreting the hand - in the event that all other fingers turn out to be knobby.

The thumbs, which have a specific, non-standard shape, also have their own names, but I will not list them here so as not to completely confuse you: the above characteristics are quite enough to analyze the thumb.

If the thumb is wide and thick, the primitiveness of its structure is obvious.

If it is also short, it is said to look like a club.

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