The right questions for a trainer from a beginner or how to choose a pro fitness trainer

It's no secret that the profession of a personal trainer is currently very popular and one of the most in demand. The Internet space is replete with advertisements for recruitment of gym instructors for three-day courses, and social networks are replete with various weight loss fitness marathons, which are one of the most powerful mechanisms for attracting fresh clientele for trainers.

But along with demand and popularity, this specialty is also characterized by increased stress intensity, that is, the coaching profession is extremely difficult emotionally, since it involves close communication with people and a deep immersion in the personality of the mentee. The gym instructor has to come into contact with the client’s biography and pass through all his behavioral quirks and social deviations.

And if all of the above is multiplied by the number of clients of the average personal trainer, then it will become clear why many physical trainers have a disregard for their students, and sometimes show obvious signs of fierce misanthropy.

As a gym instructor and personal trainer with ten years of experience, I am ready to share with the reader those things that most irritate and cause fits of rage among workers in the beauty and health industry. It was these professional characteristics that forced me to change my specialty two years ago and made me a chronic introvert.

Is it worth taking vitamins in tablets or capsules in the summer? Or do you have enough vitamins from vegetables and fruits?

During exercise, not only liquid is lost along with sweat, but also vitamins and microelements. The body is not able to compensate for their deficiency on its own (with the exception of fat-soluble vitamins). To rehabilitate the vitamin-mineral balance with food, you should eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables, so it’s better to switch to properly selected mineral-vitamin complexes. They prevent fat from accumulating and strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Useful substances in combination affect the regeneration of connective tissue, improve the appearance of hair, nails, and skin.


What questions does such a person ask to the club or coach:

  • Are you familiar with my disease?
  • Where did you learn to work with my problem? Do you have a medical education?
  • Have you previously worked with clients who have this disease?
  • How does this work happen? What will I need to do?
  • Can I even train with my problem?
  • I heard that I definitely can’t exercise in the gym, just the pool and walking?
  • How many classes do I need to take?

— This is one of the most frequently asked questions that everyone asks in the hope of hearing a small number, because in their heads they immediately multiply this number by the cost of the personal computer.

  • How many times a week will I need to exercise?

– But here the coach needs to imagine very clearly in his head, and then convey to the client a real picture of achieving the result. And according to the author’s experience, real rehabilitation is daily classes without skipping.

I was rehabilitating a 50 year old office worker woman with a thoracic vertebral compression fracture and she followed my program for a year with minor adjustments to the program every 6-8 weeks. And she herself admitted that only daily exercise gave the desired effect. But there was a huge motivation here - to remove the rigid corset, which causes great discomfort. And she achieved her goal!

And you have a dilemma in your head: the client has enough money for a maximum of 2 times a week, and sometimes for 1.5. And he needs to practice every day, otherwise the results will be, but not the ones he expects.

What would you do if you were such a coach? In what words do you explain your training system to your clients in the case of a real rehabilitation task?

Do you know how to solve the problems that people in the figure above ask from Yandex?

What are the most effective abdominal exercises you would recommend?

Paradoxically, there is no effective abdominal exercise, since it is individual. During each exercise, try to feel the muscles in the waist area. If you succeed, then this is an exercise that is effective in your case. The best result will be with an integrated approach and, of course, you need to follow some tricks:

  • Exhale completely as you take the final position of the range of motion. The air remaining in the lungs prevents the abdominal muscles from contracting to their fullest extent.
  • Each exercise must be performed until you feel a burning sensation in your abdominal muscles.
  • Watch your diet and avoid excess calories.

Physical rehabilitation

Physical rehabilitation is the use of physical exercises and natural factors for therapeutic and preventive purposes in the complex process of restoring the health, physical condition and working ability of sick and disabled people. It is an integral part of medical rehabilitation and is used in all its periods and stages. Physical rehabilitation is used in social and professional rehabilitation.

— A very important point is that throughout all stages of rehabilitation, its physical component is constantly present. And, as you know, rehabilitation is almost always the daily work of the patient and the doctor dealing with the disease or dysfunction. Is this format possible in a fitness club, where the cost of a personal lesson is quite high, especially considering the fact that a competent trainer is expensive? Perhaps, but for a very narrow circle of people with high incomes. And without a guarantee of results, since in most cases, trainers conducting “rehabilitation” work according to their own methodology, developed over the years (or months) of their personal practice.

In medical The institution has work protocols that are scheduled hourly (ideally), as in Epifanov’s famous book “Medical Rehabilitation.” Each disease, dysfunction, injury has its own rehabilitation protocol. Do “rehabilitation trainers” follow it? Only they themselves can answer.

Its means are: therapeutic physical education, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy .

— That is, fitness in the form of health training fits here. How can a client figure out which workout will be healthy and which will risk worsening well-being? For the average person, absolutely all types of training are a black box, and people go blindly to a rehabilitation center or fitness club with the hope of meeting their master who will help them. Everything is based on trust, everything is without guarantees. Or is that not true? I would be glad to see positive examples when there is a rehabilitation system built according to shelves and stages within a fitness club; so far the author of the article has not encountered such a thing.

The purpose of means of physical rehabilitation, the sequence of application of its forms and methods are determined by the nature of the disease, the general condition of the patient, the period and stage of rehabilitation, and the motor mode.

— It turns out that a “fitness trainer-rehabilitation specialist” must know everything about the course of diseases, possible complications, must be able to choose the load at each stage of rehabilitation and understand the dynamics of the process in order to estimate the timing of obtaining results.

In total, physical rehabilitation is a whole set of measures , usually for daily implementation according to a clear schedule, in a certain sequence , depending on the current condition and phase of the disease or illness. This will necessarily include both physical exercises performed by the patient himself (or a client of a fitness club), and passive effects on the body, for example, myofascial release or massage, as well as any manual work of a specialist with the client.

And most importantly, the specialist performing rehabilitation must have appropriate serious training for this. In reality, everything is simpler: people simply have nowhere to go!

In the clinic, regardless of the type of illness, injury, illness, according to the Russian standard, they offer 10 physical procedures after the transition from the acute phase of the disease to subacute and then into remission. Then go out on your own and do whatever you want. Russian medicine no longer gives anything, and many “treat themselves,” “somehow get used to living in a new way,” and adapt. But they do not receive full rehabilitation. And that is why fitness rehabilitation has the potential for growth if the managers of fitness clubs pay attention to this not yet very popular niche, but a task that is very much in demand by the population.

Is it normal to feel muscle pain during and after exercise?

Muscle pain after exercise can be of several types.

Moderate post-workout pain appears the next morning after training at the time of muscle stretching or contraction and lasts for several days. This means that you have been micro-traumatized and the recovery process has already begun.

Delayed pain is felt on the second or third day if there have been changes in the training program before or after long breaks. If the pain does not go away before the next workout, you need to contact a trainer and perform rehabilitation exercises.

Stiff, acute pain immediately after exercise or the next day is not the norm. In this case, you should consult a doctor to find out the exact cause.

A burning sensation when performing the final repetitions of any exercise is normal and represents the body's reaction to overload. This is the result of muscle oxidation by lactic acid. The breakdown product of this substance leaves the body within 20 minutes after the end of the workout.

What will the Internet tell us?

By searching in search engines for the word “rehabilitation” we get the following picture:

Yandex – 85 million search results

Google – 8.2 million search results

If you look at the statistics for the word “rehabilitation” on the Yandex Wordstat service, we see the following picture:


Let's group the results and sort them by number of impressions - see the table below:

Statistics 2

As you can see, 440 thousand impressions per month of the word “rehabilitation” indicate that the topic is in demand among Internet users, and today this includes the widest possible segments of the population, and not just young people.

The most popular topics were: knee joint, stroke, rehabilitation center, recovery after a fracture. Rehabilitation fitness, by the way, or “rehabilitation in fitness, fitness club” - barely gets 200 impressions in Yandex. People do not look to fitness clubs for the opportunity to recover from serious ailments and diseases, such as stroke or injuries to large joints.

The point “gambler” caught my attention. It turns out that people with addiction to slot machines, sports betting, and poker can also be rehabilitated and there is a demand for such a service!

In total, we will highlight the most popular topics (areas, spheres, groups) for Rehabilitation:

  • Knee-joint
  • Stroke
  • Fracture
  • Hip replacement
  • Rehabilitation after surgery

Will rehabilitation fitness help cope with them? I suggest the reader first understand the term Rehabilitation itself and we can move on.

How often should you drink water during exercise?


During your workouts, you should stay hydrated to stay hydrated at all times. Drinking water replenishes water lost through sweating. During “hot” workouts, you should stay hydrated to prevent acidosis from developing, and to avoid increased fatigue and decreased physical performance. To saturate your body with water as much as possible, take up to 350 ml of liquid every 15 minutes. A training day in hot weather should start with 300–500 ml of water in the morning immediately after waking up. 2 hours before training you should drink at least 300 ml of water. During training, you should saturate your body with 150 ml of water every 15 minutes. Immediately after finishing your workout, drink at least 300 ml of water.

How to get a job as a fitness trainer

After browsing the market and collecting as much information as possible, call the club, or go there straight away. By phone you can find out about open trainer vacancies, if any. If not, choose another club. If they don’t give you a clear answer over the phone, go straight to the club and ask the receptionist at the reception about open vacancies or immediately about the opportunity to talk with the manager or director of the club. If not over the phone, then during a personal meeting, if there are open vacancies, they will give you all the necessary information on how to get a job as a fitness trainer in this club. In any case, even if a personal visit does not produce results, you can (by printing it out in advance) leave your resume with a request to pass it on to your superiors, which, of course, will not be denied to you.

Since sooner or later your efforts will bear fruit and you will be invited for an interview, the employer will provide you with approximately the following information for consideration. Any club is a commercial organization, that is, it is a business whose goal is to make money. Your main task as a fitness trainer will be to sell personal training to clients. Nobody cares how you sell them. The club evaluates the effectiveness of a coach in an extremely simple way: if you sell personal equipment, you are a good coach; if you don’t sell personal equipment, you are a lousy coach. Do not be surprised. The manager really has little interest in your level of knowledge, skills, titles, or the quality of the services you provide. It is important for him whether you bring money to the club or not.

Indications for use of trainers

The trainer can be used to correct malocclusion in children and adults for the following indications:

  1. If there are reasons for refusing to use braces.
  2. When the lower jaw is placed incorrectly.
  3. When the mandibular teeth are twisted.
  4. When eliminating bad habits that affect bite changes.
  5. With open and deep overbite.
  6. For speech disorders.
  7. In case of breathing problems and improper swallowing.
  8. For the correction of minor changes in the jaw.

Regardless of the milder action of the new systems, there are several contraindications to their use:

  1. Severely stuffy nose.
  2. Increased bite of the lateral sections.
  3. Severe anomalies in dental occlusion.

The choice of treatment for malocclusion remains with the orthodontist after consultation and assessment of the general condition of the oral cavity.

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