Simple Ways to Maintain Correct Posture

The benefits of a straight back and correct posture

To appreciate the importance of correct posture, you should understand that the tissues of the body - both internal and external - need good nutrition with blood that carries oxygen and various energy components. Also important is the connection with the nerve endings in the body that are responsible for electrical impulses. If one of these factors fails, the body will have a hard time.

Article on the topic How to stop slouching? Effective advice from a professional trainer

If your posture is poor, the vessels and nerve trunks in the spine through which blood flows are compressed. When the back is curved, everything is compressed by the vertebrae; an analogy can be drawn with a water hose that has been crushed, and the liquid does not pass through it.

A weakening of the muscles in the chest area also begins to be observed, which leads to problems with the respiratory system, the development of bronchitis and other inflammatory reactions in the lungs. The abdominal area also becomes weaker: the front wall loses its tone, the stomach begins to bulge, and it is difficult to remove it even with exercises. A crooked back is often associated with depressive moods: when a person is depressed, he does not straighten his shoulders, but, on the contrary, sinks deeper into them. It turns out to be a vicious circle when drooping shoulders negatively affect emotions, and they make you hunched even more. Against the backdrop of hunching, muscle pain occurs, the back hurts greatly, and it is impossible to straighten up.

You need to take care of your posture at any age. And quite simple exercises will help you put everything back in place and make your back straight. Osteopathic doctor Vladimir Zhivotov told about how you can straighten your spine at home

How to stop slouching as a girl

The beauty of a woman lies in her proud and beautiful posture. People with good posture have an elegant gait. Therefore, despite the prevalence of stooping among men, ladies are more in need of maintaining beautiful posture. Despite existing stereotypes, representatives of the opposite sex, first of all, pay attention to a woman’s posture. This encourages ladies to take care of their back health.

To stop slouching, girls in different eras resorted to peculiar tricks. Eastern women danced with a saber, and our compatriots walked with books on their heads. Today, ladies do not need to resort to such radical measures, because there are many techniques for correcting posture.

The sedentary lifestyle of the current generation aggravates the situation with posture, but you shouldn’t leave everything to chance. It is necessary to take measures to solve the problem, because the curvature of the spine is not only an aesthetic problem. It provokes pinched nerves and leads to the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

Spinal curvature can also cause a number of other problems:

  • decreased immunity;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • flat feet.

In people with this pathology, vision, liver and intestinal function are impaired.

Self-control is considered an important condition for maintaining beautiful posture. You need to regularly remind yourself to keep your back straight. It will be difficult at first, but over time it will become a habit.

Even during sleep, a woman should control herself and lie straight. This is very important because many people manage to hunch over even in their sleep. The place you sleep has a big impact on your spine. The mattress should be firm and even, and the pillow should be low, but quite hard.

Most people who slouch are unsure of themselves and experience emotional distress. In such a situation, the problem can only be solved with the help of a psychologist. The key to good health is an active lifestyle and physical activity.

Active sports activities will allow you to lose excess weight, which puts stress on the spine. The muscles are also strengthened and the symptoms of lordosis and scoliosis are eliminated. Fitness, gymnastics and swimming have a beneficial effect on posture.

The type of physical activity is selected individually for each person. But they all require willpower and perseverance. For successful treatment, you need to practice every day for at least half an hour. An effective exercise is considered to be pull-ups on the bar. When performed regularly, the muscles become stronger and the spine takes the correct position. Women can perform exercises on the wall bars.

Special corsets help you take the correct position. They are small in size, so they can be worn under clothing. The only drawback of such a device is that it strongly compresses and restricts movement. But a corset is most effective for solving the problem of stooping.

It is selected by the doctor after assessing the patient’s condition. Depending on the degree of stoop, different corsets are prescribed.

The specialist will also tell you what exercises you need to do to strengthen your muscle corset and restore beautiful posture. Not a single corset, even the highest quality one, can strengthen your back as much as playing sports and performing special exercises.

If you follow these recommendations, you will become the owner of beautiful posture within 6-8 months. More advanced conditions require long-term treatment. But after just a few months of wearing the corset and following the recommendations, a noticeable improvement occurs.

Rules for every day

In addition to the exercises that I will give below, I would like to note the fact that such nuances as the correctly chosen office chair, the location of the computer on the table, the mattress, the size of the pillow, affect posture, as well as our mood and positive emotional state.

So, your office chair should have a seat that is slightly tilted forward (about 4°).

The computer monitor should be at eye level.

The elbow of the hand working with the mouse should lie on the table. It is advisable to place a gel pad under the wrist of the hand working with the mouse.

The pillow and mattress should be comfortable.

Ergonomics is very important and its contribution to the physical health of our body should not be underestimated.

And, of course, a reasonable load is required: exercises for correct posture.

How to save a schoolchild's back. Infographics Read more

Exercise to lift internal organs

One of the very important exercises. Yes, it is not directly related to the position of the shoulders or back, but it is significant for the formation of posture. If we talk about visible results, then this exercise is more effective than any other in removing a protruding belly. Why is another story, which is called “prolapse of internal organs.” So, the mechanics of performing this exercise:

We perform it lying on our back. Legs are bent at the knees.

Step 1: just breathe with one belly. The chest is motionless.

Step 2: exhale all the air from yourself and strongly draw in your stomach, it should seem to stick to your back.

Step 3: Using the fingers of our palms, we pull the insides from the womb to the navel and a little higher.

We gently remove our hands, the stomach returns to its place. You can breathe!

The exercise is not easy to do at first! You may experience a feeling of discomfort; this is a completely natural situation. Continue in this manner every day before bed for six months. For clarity, I suggest watching this exercise on video.

How to maintain posture and avoid slouching when walking

Proud posture allows you to grow a couple of centimeters, lift your chest and even get rid of a double chin. Remember a few tricks to use when walking.

  • Pull your shoulders back and down slightly, as if you have tiny wings behind you.
  • Try to always look forward, but don’t throw your head back too much.
  • Raise your chest and pull in your stomach a little to tighten your silhouette.
  • When walking, do not take too long steps, try to lower yourself onto your full foot, make sure that your feet do not point your toes inward.


This is a so-called general exercise, so I recommend performing it as a final exercise to relieve tension in the body and stretch it from the heels to the cervical region. Important: this is not hanging on a horizontal bar; here you will be stretching your body on your own.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your arms up and fold your palms like swimmers do: palm to palm.

Slowly rise onto your toes and stretch upward very, very hard.

Keeping your arms as extended as possible (think of them hanging on a hook), lower your heels back toward the floor.

Once you have fixed this position, slowly lower your arms to your sides and complete the exercise.

It will cure headaches and correct posture. Myths and truths about physical therapy Read more

Posture exercise

In a standing position facing the wall, we rest the palm of one hand against the wall. The arm is straight, fingers pointing back, thumb pointing up. We turn back and stretch out our arm and pectoral muscle, as if your arm is glued to the wall, and you need to turn your back to it (the wall).

Repeat the same with the other hand. Do several approaches. This is a great posture exercise, make sure to do it daily.

Smooth and beautiful posture is work on yourself. And you shouldn't ignore it. After all, literally everything directly depends on beautiful posture: health, good mood, and external beauty.

How to correct your posture and gait?

Posture reflects a person’s character and mood. A stately appearance and a beautiful gait indicate confidence and health. Such people seem taller and attract the eye. Slouching, on the contrary, indicates pain, fatigue, low self-esteem and a depressed state of mind. Let's figure out how to correct your posture and gait?

How to correct your posture?

Often the problem lies in physiological abnormalities: curvature of the spine, hormonal imbalances, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In such cases, long-term physical therapy under the supervision of specialists will help.

As long as the violation has not become chronic, it can be corrected on your own. This will require a lot of patience, as you will have to develop a new walking habit.

Before rushing into battle with a slouch, you need to determine whether there is an enemy at all. Many people often attribute non-existent problems to themselves, but in the process of eliminating them they end up with very real ones.

How to straighten your posture? We identify violations. Stand with your back close to the wall. The back of the head, heels and buttocks should touch the surface. Keep your legs straight and relax your arms. A person with ideal posture can fit no more than one palm between the lower back and the wall. If the hand goes through or a whole fist fits in, this indicates a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

The other way is simpler. It is based on sensations. Find a large mirror and stand sideways in front of it. It is necessary that the leg, shoulder and ear form a straight vertical line. Fix this position and listen to yourself. Is it comfortable to stand like this? If yes, everything is fine. If you experience discomfort, there are violations.

To avoid posture problems, change your lifestyle. Not only schoolchildren and students are at risk, but also inactive people with sedentary work. Osteochondrosis of the neck is one of the main causes of spinal curvature.

After work, do a warm-up. Try to sit correctly at the computer. Do not cross your legs, always look straight ahead, change positions periodically. Read more about the correct body position when working with a PC at the link below.

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