Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle for a woman in the gym, at home. Equipment, photo

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How to pump up a man's buttocks

How to pump up one of the most attractive muscles in a person. For men, she is not very important, but all girls definitely pay attention to her.

Coming from a male position, the rear view forms powerful back muscles that create the notorious triangular shape. However, strong gluteal muscles not only look beautiful, but also harmoniously complement the proportions of the figure, and also help with many exercises, especially deadlifts and squats. Therefore, the question of how to pump up a man’s buttocks is not so trivial and requires serious attention.

Many will say that targeted butt training is a woman's business, but as you can see, it is also useful for guys. Below are exercises for the buttocks at home and in the gym.

The goal of men's training

Mainly to develop the buttocks, men use multi-joint exercises that collectively train the legs and gluteal region.

These include:

⇒ squats;

⇒ leg press;

⇒ lunges and so on.

The strength load has a powerful effect on the entire lower body, which eliminates the additional use of isolated exercises. Targeted training of the back point occurs only when there is a desire to tighten this area, and then the main goal is not to build muscle mass in the buttocks, but only as a general strengthening measure.

Therefore, in addition to basic exercises that train the lower body in a complex, additionally use your own weight or dumbbells with weights.

Barbell Squats

This exercise will help you pump up your buttocks, significantly increasing their volume. The squat must be performed on a special rack from which the barbell is placed on the shoulders. Go to the rack and support the barbell with your shoulders. Stand up to lift the bar and step away from the racks, holding the bar with your hands. Start the squat by moving your pelvis back and simultaneously bending your knees. The load should fall on the pelvis, not on the back. Having lowered your pelvis to knee level or higher, quickly begin lifting the weight while straightening your legs and back. During execution, the toes should point slightly to the sides. You can place a pancake under your heels - this will remove the load from your lower back.

Buttock exercises for men in the gym

When performing buttock exercises for men, you must remember that before the start, a thorough warm-up is performed so that the knee tendons, ligaments and muscle fibers warm up well, because the additional load is expected to be a minimum of your own body weight, or even 2-3 times more.

Therefore, to avoid injuries, do not forget to perform a quick step or jog, or spin the exercise bike, within 5-10 minutes of working on the orbit track.


It is also useful to perform regular squats without weight before starting a workout, which will prepare the muscles for more serious work.

SQUATS WITH A BAR (3-4 sets x 12-8 repetitions) – the main goal is to increase strength and muscle volume. At the same time, the buttocks are well loaded, tendons and ligaments become more resilient, and additional hormone release is stimulated.

LEG PRESS (3-4 sets x 12-8 repetitions) - well suited for those with lower back problems and is an analogue of squats, but with minimal involvement of the trunk stabilizer muscles. If the feet are placed high, part of the load will be transferred to the buttocks and biceps of the thigh; with a wide stance, the adductor muscles are trained and the gluteal muscle is well stretched.

ROMANIAN DEADLIFT (3-4 sets x 12-8 repetitions) – maximally stretches the buttocks and hamstrings, allowing for an increased contraction amplitude. When lifting, leave a slight angle of inclination of the body to feel constant tension in the buttocks.

LUNCHES (3-4 sets x 12-8 repetitions) – aimed at training not only the buttocks, but also the quadriceps. You need to remember to give your buttocks more load; when doing a lunge, you need to slightly tilt your body forward. The exercise is performed with a barbell, but more often with dumbbells due to its more convenient execution.

Gluteal bridge

REVERSE HYPEREXTENSION (3-4 sets x 15-12 repetitions) – you need to lie on the machine in the opposite direction, raising your legs up, at the top point, pause for a second for maximum contraction of the gluteal fibers.

GLUTEAL BRIDGE (3-4 sets x 12-8 repetitions) – to support, you need to lie across the bench with your shoulder blades, place a plate or barbell with a barbell on your belt, then lift and lower your pelvis, all efforts using the gluteal muscles.
For the peak of contraction, also maintain a second pause at the top point.

Indications for use

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle have direct indications for men and women who have problems with their appearance or suffer from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. In the latter case, exercise in the gym is impossible only under the condition of direct contraindications.

Regular pumping of the muscles of the back of the thigh is recommended in the following cases:

  • muscular dystrophy associated with the consequences of protein metabolism disorders, or other pathological processes in the body that led to rapid protein loss and weight loss;
  • a sedentary and inactive lifestyle, which leads to gradual atrophy of the muscle fibers of the posterior thigh;
  • the presence of excess body weight, which is localized in the subcutaneous layer of the buttocks and mainly consists of adipose tissue;
  • rehabilitation after physical injuries of the hip joint, which allow moderate physical activity;
  • parallel training in other strength sports, the development of which requires uniform pumping of muscles of all groups, including the gluteus maximus (freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, long jump, short-distance sprinting, boxing, weightlifting);
  • the psychological need to achieve aesthetically attractive forms of muscle tissue of the buttocks, which is especially popular among the female half of the population;
  • a lesson in the gym, which is aimed at developing other muscles, and pumping the fibers of the back of the thigh is part of the general training program.

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle for a woman in the gym, at home. Equipment, photo

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle are recommended for men and women who want to stay in good physical shape, have beautiful and developed buttocks, and have physical strength.

Buttock exercises for men at home

Some believe that training the buttocks is only possible in the gym; below are the answers to the question of how a man can pump up his buttocks at home; by clicking on the link you can see the detailed technique.

PLIIE SQUATS (3-4 sets x 15-12 repetitions) – you must perform squats with your legs wide and toes turned out at an angle of 45 degrees. The inner part of the legs and buttocks are well trained. To make the exercise more effective, the squat is performed with a dumbbell between your legs.

UPWARD LEG SWING STANDING ON ALL ALL FOURS (3-4 sets x 15-12 repetitions) – standing on all fours, take a sports rubber, fasten one part in your hand, put the other end on your foot, then lift your leg with your heel up.

One leg squat

SQUAT ON ONE LEG (3-4 sets x 15-12 repetitions) - the exercise works well on each leg individually, including the buttocks. When squatting on the right leg, the left leg and arms are extended forward, this makes it easier to maintain balance.

SWINGS TO THE SIDE (3-4 sets x 15-12 repetitions) – feet shoulder-width apart, a short fitness band is put on the ankles and the leg is moved to the side; due to resistance, the abductor muscles of the legs and the lateral gluteus are trained.

BULGARIAN LUNCHES (3-4 sets x 15-12 repetitions) - will replace dumbbells - a backpack in which you can place a bag of sand. One leg lies on the sofa, the other on the floor, then perform a squat until the quadriceps is parallel to the floor, then rise up. At the top point, further shorten the buttocks. After performing 15-12 repetitions on one leg, then change the location of the legs.

CHAIR (3 sets x 60-90 seconds) – lean your back tightly against the wall from the lower back to the shoulder blades, look straight ahead, then squat down to a 90-degree angle at your knees, while your knees should not go beyond your toes, your feet should be firmly on the floor. If you have conquered the time, you can put a backpack with weight on your hips.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to perform the list of exercises comprehensively; you can also additionally include plyometric exercises in the training program.


This exercise can change your anatomy and constitution. Many people find it very difficult to gain muscle mass, so they are forced to eat in a special way and focus on basic exercises. Take an empty bar and stand in front of it. Before performing this exercise, remember that your back should be straight at all times. Don't hunch your back while lifting and lowering the barbell. Squat down a little and move your pelvis back. Take the bar in your hands with a different grip and begin to slowly lift it along the line of your legs, barely touching their surface with the bar. Straighten up and begin to lower the bar along the same trajectory, abducting your pelvis and remembering to keep your back straight. When lifting weights, try to transfer the main load to your heels. If the load is on your toes, you can injure your lower back when working with heavier weights. Now your task is to perfectly hone your technique so that when working with more serious weights, you only make effective efforts to pump up your buttocks. With this exercise you will work the back of your legs, glutes and back muscles. It has an anabolic effect, causing the body to produce the corresponding hormones. If you have completely flat buttocks, then this is the perfect place to start.

How to make your buttocks smaller

Not everyone has the desire to increase the mass of the buttocks and make the butt rounder; if men are overweight, then the main goal is how to reduce the buttocks and get rid of fat deposits.

In this case, the best solution would be strength training + cardio.

The training complex includes the “golden three” basic exercises – deadlift, bench press and squats. Each of these exercises is distributed on one training day out of three during the week.

Bulgarian lunges

Cardio includes:

⇒ mountain biking on rough terrain, the main thing is that your butt spends less time on the saddle;

⇒ running with a transition from a jog pace to an accelerated style and back;

⇒ swimming in different styles;

⇒ cardio training, usually used in bad weather and winter.

In addition, it is necessary to adjust the diet, creating a calorie deficit of 300-40 units, if this does not help, then 500-600 units, but no more, otherwise the metabolic rate will sharply decrease. Preference should be given to slow carbohydrates, vegetables, herbs, chicken and beef, eggs, fish and seafood.

Sometimes, despite following all the rules, it still doesn’t want to decrease, then the reason may lie in problems with the endocrine system, when testosterone production decreases and its concentration becomes less than normal.

In this case, only a trip to the doctor and, in addition to everything described above, the additional use of special medications will help.

Consolidate the result

In order to maintain the positive results achieved in the gym for as long as possible, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • stop using alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products;
  • drink as much water as possible;
  • balance your diet by consuming cereals, meat, fish, chicken eggs, and lactic acid products daily;
  • exercise no more than 3 times a week;
  • at night, sleep for at least 8 hours, and also provide yourself with 1 hour of daytime sleep;
  • avoid stress and psycho-emotional stress;
  • don't skip workouts.

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle for a woman in the gym, at home. Equipment, photo

Compliance with the above recommendations guarantees not only the preservation of the results of the training process, but also ensures excellent well-being in general.

Pelvic lift

If you decide to pump up your buttocks at home, then this will help you complement your training complex. For this exercise you will need two benches. If you don't have such benches, use chairs or a bed with a chair. You need to lie on one bench with your shoulder blades and put your legs on the opposite one. Lower your pelvis to the floor and cross your hands behind the back of your head. The movement begins with lifting the pelvis. At the top point you need to linger for a few seconds, tensing the muscles of your buttocks. Then lower your pelvis down and repeat the lift. You can make the lifting more difficult by hanging dumbbells from your belt.

A little anatomy and physiology

The gluteal muscles are one of the main muscle groups in the human body.

Their healthy and firm contours are directly related to:

  • Correct posture;
  • Position of the body in space;
  • Graceful gait;
  • Ease of body movement when bending, bending or straightening.

The condition of the gluteal muscle group helps to diagnose hidden diseases in men or women.

Their hypertonicity can accompany acute or chronic pathology:

  • Genitourinary system;
  • Pelvic organs;
  • Spine;
  • Lower limbs.

At the same time, it is worth noting that a strong and elastic butt indicates the good health of a man or woman, adding sexuality, slimness and grace to their owners.

From anatomy we know that the gluteal group includes three muscles.

  • Major, which is the largest diamond-shaped muscle. It helps keep the torso in an upright position and allows you to rotate the hip downwards or rotate it.
  • Medium - this muscle determines the shape of the buttock and is located on the side under the big one. Usually its shape is determined by genetics.
  • The minor is the smallest muscle that performs auxiliary functions that allow a person to move the leg to the side and hold the entire body vertically.

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