6 Essential Butt Stretch Exercises If You Spend All Day Sitting

Types of home training

It won’t be difficult to pump up your hamstring muscles at home if you do the following exercises:

Raising your legs while lying down. Take a horizontal position, rest your head on your hands. Slowly move your leg up, keeping your leg and butt muscles tense. Then slowly lower your leg without touching the floor. After completing all repetitions, change legs.

Lifting your hips up. Starting position - on all fours. The back is straight, the palms rest on the floor, the torso is parallel to the floor, the abs are tense. We inhale, and as we exhale, we take our leg back, bend the knee and raise our thigh as high as possible. We do it with alternating legs.

Taking your legs to the side. The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. You need to take one leg back so that it is parallel to the floor. Then we move the straight leg to the side and return to the starting position.

Squats. You can just squat, but to pump your back better, use 1-1.5 kg weights (dumbbells, water bottles). Stand straight, knees slightly bent, weight in hands. Bend your elbows and lift the equipment towards your chest. We do squats so that our thighs are parallel to the floor.

Finish your home workout with stretching. Sit down and stretch your hands to your toes, grab your ankles and press your body against your legs, fix the position for 10-20 seconds. You can also do swings or jump rope for 5 minutes.

Program for training thighs and buttocks

You can pump up your legs and buttocks at home using dumbbells or bottles with wet sand. Weight depends on the specific level of training and individual characteristics of the trainee.

1. Warm-up exercises with an emphasis on warming up the legs (i.e. add half squats, squats, swings on all fours).

2. Half-boat or leg raises from a lying position.

Starting position: Lie face down on the floor, arms in front of you, head resting on your hands, feet shoulder-width apart, body and stomach tucked.

Execution: raise straight legs 40 cm from the floor, pause and return to the starting position. Repetitions: 15 times 3 sets. Do not lift your legs using your lower back; if you cannot raise your legs 40 cm, you can barely lift them off the floor, but your lower back should not hurt.

3. Gluteal bridge.

Starting position: Lie on your back, legs bent, feet 40 cm from the buttocks, abs tense.

Execution: Pressing the heels into the floor and straining the buttocks, we lift the pelvis up, hold for 5 seconds and return to the IP. Repetitions: 15 times 2 sets.

4. Swing your leg back with a weight.

Starting position: transfer your body weight to your supporting leg, hold on to the wall/chair, legs slightly bent at the knees.

Execution: tighten your buttocks and lift your leg, stay for 3 seconds at the top point and return to the starting position. Repetitions: 15 times on each leg, 3 sets. This exercise can be varied by alternate swings back and to the sides. For additional load, you can hold a bar plate (or another weight) on the outside of your thigh.

5. Plie squats (with and without weights)

Starting position: Feet wider than shoulders, toes pointing to the sides, body straight, gaze ahead.

Execution: squat slowly until the thighs are parallel to the floor (smoothly for 4 counts), observing the squatting technique, the abs tense. Rise up, pushing off with your heels and return to IP. Repetitions: 10 times 3 sets. As a weight, you can use a bottle of water, a backpack, a child, a dumbbell (hold the weight on straight arms between your legs).

6. Lunges for the buttocks in dynamics.

Starting position: stand straight.

Execution: take a step and lunge, both legs at right angles. Push off and rise up, placing your back foot towards your front. Repetitions: 20 lunges total, 3 sets. You need to be “friendly” with the lunge technique, maintain weight distribution and angle, otherwise your knees will hurt and crack. The weight can be held in each hand along the body, at the chest, above the head, and lunges can also be done with turns or while standing.

7. Warm up and stretch. This program, combined with alternating cardio and proper nutrition, is suitable for weight loss and the appearance of sculpted muscles. By connecting the scales, girls will not become masculine (this is physiologically impossible), but they will be able to burn fat, including in problem areas of the body. In a gym setting, this workout can be complicated (for example, doing leg abductions in a crossover, bridges and squats with a barbell, lunges with a barbell in a Smith machine.

Set 2

Leg abduction in the lower block. This exercise is also known to everyone, but we will also perform it in a slightly modified version; to perform it we will need a bench, on which we will place emphasis with our free knee and hands. This will allow for a stronger stretch of the muscles being worked. And so set the working weight, fix the belt on your ankle, support the knee of the opposite leg and both hands (if it is comfortable for you, you can support the bench with one hand and hold the handle of the machine with the other). Your body should be almost parallel to the bench, and your supporting knee should be at an angle of 90 degrees. During the exercise, your back should be as fixed as possible, only your leg and buttock muscles work. And so, having fixed the starting position, we move our leg back as far as possible and take a second pause, after which we also smoothly move our leg forward, stretching the muscles of the buttock as best as possible. Do 15 reps on each leg.

Abduction of a bent leg with a spring. For this exercise we will need leg weights and a mat. Lay out your mat, put on some weights, and get down on all fours. Fix your lower back; it should remain motionless during execution. Bend your foot towards you and lift your leg bent at the knee (90 degrees) and stretch your heel towards the ceiling, making three springs with a small amplitude. Then we lower the leg to a level parallel to the other leg, but do not lower the leg being worked on the floor. Do 15 repetitions of this on each leg.

At the end of the second set, you need to do lunges, alternating in jumps. Three sets of 15 repetitions, but remember that the main thing in this exercise is not speed, but the correct execution of lunges; the speed should be moderate.

Stretching while standing

You can effectively stretch the muscles of your buttocks while standing. To do this, you can resort to dynamic and static exercises.

  1. Stand straight next to the support (trained people can do without it), raise one leg, bend it at the knee and pull it to the chest with your hands. Gently increasing the pressure on the knee to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat for the second leg.
  2. Deep lunges: stand straight, arms straight at your sides, take a wide step, moving your leg bent at the knee forward, place your palms on the floor, tilt your body onto your knee; hold, then repeat again. Do 5-8 times for each leg.
  3. Standing straight, take one leg forward and kneel with the other. With your hand, take the toe of your foot, the knee of which is on the floor, and pull it forcefully towards your buttocks. Repeat for the second leg.
  4. Stand straight, bend your knees slightly, raise your arms up. Gently tilt your body forward, stretching your tense arms forward, clasping your hands together. Stretch your arms forward so that you feel a stretch in the buttocks.

These exercises are especially good when you need to stretch the gluteus medius muscle , as they engage this tissue to a greater extent.

Any of the exercises has no contraindications due to age and physical fitness. They can be combined with each other to create an effective training program that will help get your hips and buttocks in great shape.

Regular stretching in combination with strength and cardio exercises will ensure elasticity, slimness, fit and good shape of the buttocks, and prevent the development of cellulite and other defects.

Tips for organizing fitness workouts at home

A well-thought-out system of fitness classes at home contributes to their effectiveness. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to organize training in accordance with the provisions set out below.

  • Choose a convenient training time and strictly follow the schedule.
  • Complete the program at least 3 times a week.
  • Get comfortable sportswear and shoes.
  • If necessary, compensate for the lack of sports equipment using improvised means. So, instead of weights and dumbbells, plastic water bottles or bags of sand can be temporarily used.
  • Follow the recommendations of trainers regarding the technique of performing fitness exercises.
  • Get a video course of similar training. The last requirement is especially important for beginners.

How to tighten your buttocks at home quickly

The muscles of the buttocks, both female and male, are represented by three paired muscles. Sagging of the butt occurs when the gluteus maximus relaxes. If it loses its tone, the fifth point ceases to be elastic and begins to look very unattractive. This can be corrected by tightening this muscle.

It is necessary to work on both external and deep-lying tissues. You can achieve this at home by doing squats, lunges and other exercises. The use of an elastic band and dumbbells allows you to increase the effectiveness of your workout.

You need to exercise at least three times a week. Each exercise should be done 3 times with the prescribed number of repetitions and a minute's rest after each set. The cycle must always be complete. When 3 sets of one exercise are completely completed, move on to the next. The last couple of repetitions in each approach are done with an increased load, but within a reasonable limit, that is, without fanaticism.

The training program for pumping up the buttocks presented below is based on the most effective exercises with different levels of difficulty. This allows, without good physical preparation, to first perform a warm-up of low and medium intensity, and then proceed to high-intensity training to pump up a beautiful butt.

How to tighten your buttocks and inner thighs at home

Hamstring exercise program

The above muscle groups are responsible for the definition of the back of the thighs, so it is important to pay attention to each of them separately in your training. A common, and therefore effective exercise for pumping them up is bending the legs in various positions - sitting, standing, lying down. Start each workout with a warm-up portion.

This will avoid many injuries.

Start each workout with a warm-up. This will avoid many injuries.

Experienced athletes note that in order to see the desired changes in the pumped area, you do not need to direct all the force and spend a large amount of time on one muscle group. An integrated approach is important here. It is best to alternate the exercises presented below. If your goal is to tighten your thigh muscles and get rid of unnecessary pounds, then experts recommend adding anaerobic training to your exercise routine. In combination with strength training, they will help give the back of the thighs a toned appearance.

How to pump up the back muscles of the thighs using leg curls in the simulator in various positions

In a sitting position

The exercise is isolating and effective. Allows you to perfectly pump the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles of the thigh. We sit down in the exercise machine, placing our knees at the level of the edge of the bench. The roller passes under the lower part of the calf muscle. Exhaling slowly, we begin to bend our legs. Then we return the legs to their original position.

While performing the exercise, tense the muscles in the pumped area. At first, use light weights to avoid injury.

In a prone position

Before starting training, you need to adjust the machine to your height. The exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. We grab the special handrails with both hands and place our straight legs behind the bolster. The lower part of the shin should touch the roller. We keep our head suspended and our torso straight. Exhaling, we bend our legs, trying to raise the roller as much as possible. Slowly return the legs to their original position. To avoid injuries to the back and knee joints, experienced athletes do not recommend immediately lifting heavy weights.

When performing the exercise, it is important to alternate the position of the socks, that is, first place them inward and then outward. This will maintain proportionality between the inner and outer thighs.

In a standing position

The exercise uses all muscle groups in the back of the thighs. The bonus of this exercise is that it perfectly tightens the bottom of the biceps, making the legs visually lengthen and look more proportional. First, we set up the simulator to suit your height. We take hold of the handrails with our hands, resting the front of our thighs against a special support. The lower back should be slightly arched, with the roll running under the lower part of the calf muscle. Bend your leg, trying to raise the roller as much as possible. We lower the leg, returning to the original position. We perform the exercise at a smooth pace.

How to pump up your hamstrings with the Romanian deadlift

The Romanian deadlift (RDT) is a basic exercise that helps to gain overall mass (especially in the hip joints). It is a simplified version of the classic deadlift. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and use a straight grip. Place your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. We bend our legs slightly at the knees, look straight ahead, and keep our torso straight. The tilt occurs solely by abducting the pelvis to the posterior position. Having reached the bottom point, we try to hold the barbell for as long as possible (it cannot be lowered to the floor). If you perform the exercise correctly, you will feel the tension in your hamstrings. We return to the starting position by pushing the pelvis forward. It turns out that the hamstrings and buttocks are responsible for lifting the barbell.

How to Strengthen Your Hamstrings with the Classic Deadlift (CTD)

A basic exercise that allows you to achieve muscle growth and develop strong legs. The technique of performing the exercise is similar to the previous one, but is performed on straight legs. CST is mainly used by men. The load falls on the hamstrings and lower back. Torso tilt is 45 degrees.

On a note! For beginners, the Romanian deadlift is suitable, and for more experienced ones, the CST.

A basic exercise that allows you to train the back of the thigh, muscles of the buttocks and legs. We sit down in the exercise machine, our legs and back are in full contact with the backrest. We hold the handrails with our hands; if there are none, you can hold on to the sides of the bench. The gaze is directed forward, the body is kept straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. We perform the press in a smooth rhythm. To avoid injuring your knee joints, it is not recommended to fully straighten your legs.

Anatomy of the posterior thigh muscles

Where would we be without anatomy? After all, her knowledge is necessary for pumping the target muscle group. The back of the thigh includes three muscles.

  • Biceps femoris (biceps femoris). Assists other muscles in straightening the leg, bends the legs and rotates the lower leg when the knee is bent outward
  • Semitendinosus muscle. Extends the leg at the hip joint and bends the knee. Also rotates the shin when the knee is bent inward
  • Semimembranosus muscle. Performs the same functions as the semitendinosus

As we can see, to pump up this muscle group you need to perform movements with leg extension at the hip joint and flexion at the knee.

What can you do in the gym?

But these exercises on the muscles of the legs and buttocks can be performed directly in the gym with a barbell or on special machines. Everything, as they say, is to your taste. Although, of course, preference is always given to free weights, since these exercises involve more stabilizer muscles. The simulators are most likely just an improvement.

  1. Bent-overs with a barbell. This is a great way to strengthen not only the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also the muscles of the back, in particular the lower back. Bent-overs with a barbell are practiced by both amateurs and professional athletes. The main thing is to monitor the correct technique for performing this exercise and do not forget to thoroughly warm up the muscles before the approach. At the same time, to perform really deep bends, you need to have a fairly good stretch in the legs and buttocks so as not to get injured. We do 15-20 repetitions for three to four approaches.
  2. Bending in the simulator. A machine is the safest way to provide exercise to a specific muscle group. Here, the entire movement is built along a clear trajectory and there is no possibility of “taking a wrong turn” during the exercise. Accordingly, the risk of injury is minimized. Among the obvious disadvantages of any simulator, athletes note that stabilizer muscles are almost completely excluded from the work. We do 15-20 repetitions for three to four approaches.
  3. Romanian deadlift. This is a deadlift with slightly bent legs. Works the gluteal muscles and hamstrings very well. In terms of execution style, the “Romanian” is similar to a regular deadlift, but the emphasis of the load falls more on other muscle groups. We do 15-20 repetitions for three to four approaches.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about pumping up your hamstrings. You just need to do a few simple exercises that you can do after your main training load. By the way, the muscle group we are describing is actively working during basic exercises such as squats and deadlifts. Some exercises, such as barbell dips, have fairly high stretching demands on the athlete. Take this into account too. The hamstrings can be pumped up using a barbell, kettlebell or a special machine. It is also possible to train with a dumbbell.

Finally, we wish our readers to adhere to a sports lifestyle and give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol. Remember that sobriety is brighter, more productive and interesting than any drunkenness! Try it and feel the significant difference! Instill a healthy lifestyle in your children too. Let them follow your example, let them grow up strong, healthy and cheerful, let them always be faithful to sports.

Learn more about glute stretches

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Stretching is one of the basic exercises, so it needs to be done regularly. In the process, a person uses several important joints and also uses his own body weight, making stretching effective. Such exercises are suitable for beginners, as well as for fairly experienced ones.

Fitness classes at home, recommendations from trainers

In order for independent fitness classes to bring maximum benefit, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Before starting the main set of exercises, you must warm up for 5-10 minutes. This could be running in place, jumping, or other simple techniques designed to warm up major muscle groups. Pre-warmed muscles and ligaments become more elastic, as a result of which the risk of injury is significantly reduced when moving to more serious loads.
  • Throughout the entire fitness training, it is necessary to control the breathing pattern, following a simple rule: any movement that requires muscle tension is performed while exhaling, relaxation - while inhaling.
  • All exercises must be repeated the number of times recommended in the description. Each stage of training sessions for the back half of the thigh should contain at least 15-20 repetitions, after which there is a one-minute break. Next, the following approach is performed.
  • The load should be increased gradually. At each workout, you should, if possible, increase the number of repetitions, add approaches, and complicate the movements.
  • When finishing physical activity, you need to stretch. This will relieve pain after strength training and increase muscle flexibility and firmness.

Sets of exercises for the hips

The gym provides us with a lot of opportunities for a full leg workout. The range of exercises is limited only by the available equipment. In all other respects there is complete freedom of action.

Use the following program as a sample leg workout in the gym:

ExercisesNumber of approaches and repetitions
Leg extensions in the simulator3x15-20 (warm-up)
Leg press3x10-12
Romanian barbell deadlift4x10-12
Lying leg curls in the simulator3x15

If you train at home and your arsenal is limited to dumbbells, this does not mean that you cannot get a full leg workout. Use the following diagram as an example:

ExercisesNumber of approaches and repetitions
Squats with dumbbells4x12-15
Lunges with dumbbells4x10-12
Deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells4x10
Plie squats with dumbbell3x12
Gluteal bridge3x12

When gaining muscle mass, give preference to multi-joint movements performed with free weights. The working weights will be higher and the number of repetitions will be lower. In practice it looks something like this:

ExercisesNumber of approaches and repetitions
Leg extensions in the simulator3x15-20 (warm-up)
Front Squats3x10
Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell4x10
Lunges with dumbbells3x10

During drying, it is important to locally work out certain muscle areas. This is why isolated exercises were invented to tighten up areas that are lagging behind.

But don’t forget about the base - it should still be the basis of the program:

ExercisesNumber of approaches and repetitions
Leg extensions in the simulator3x15-20 (warm-up)
Hack machine squats4x12
Leg extensions in the simulator3x15-20
Romanian barbell deadlift4x12
Lunges with a barbell3x10
Lying leg curls in the simulator3x15-20


Project expert. Training experience – 12 years. A good theoretical basis on the training process and proper nutrition, which I am happy to put into practice. Need a recommendation? This is for me

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