How to pump up your whole body in half an hour: intense workout without equipment

What is a 7 minute workout?

7-minute workout ” or “ 7-minute workout ” is a seven-minute complex of 12 specially selected exercises that combines the effects of a full visit to the gym. This set of exercises is based on the latest fitness research, its effectiveness is scientifically proven, and the results are truly phenomenal, although considerable effort must be made. But the main thing to remember is that it’s only 7 minutes.

Can't wait to get started? Click on “START” and you will be taken to a page with a timer that will help you conduct your workout.

7 minute workout timer

To conduct a 7-minute workout, you do not need to go to a fitness club - all exercises are performed at home, because all you need from equipment is a chair and a wall. At the same time, if you ever find a workout too easy, you can make it more difficult (read how in the descriptions of the exercises or watch our videos). The image below shows the exercises performed during the workout and their sequence.

7 minute workout

If you just look at the picture, you might think that the set of exercises is simple to perform. But if you perform the exercises at a fast pace, the body receives quite a serious load.

Benefits of homeschooling

Where to begin? With motivation. When there is no incentive or a person cannot answer the question “why do I need this,” then the answer “I want to be like everyone else” does not work.

Therefore, you need to choose a goal and a program to achieve it. For some, this may be an inspiring example from a friend or another crush on a guy with a sporty profile.

The choice to exercise at home can be explained by various reasons:

  • the figure is so neglected that no one wants to demonstrate the process of gaining harmony;
  • familiar environment at home;
  • saving time on travel to the training place;
  • draw up a training schedule based on your routine (the schedule of a fitness club or gym is not taken into account);
  • you don’t need a monthly entrance ticket, which costs a lot of money;
  • It is psychologically comfortable to exercise with excess weight when no one is watching the process;
  • you don’t need expensive, prestigious workout clothes (but they should be comfortable);
  • after a series of approaches, a shower is available;
  • isolation or protection from viruses, fungi and infections common in public places;
  • on maternity leave, family status forces you to study at home;
  • You can always use the most suitable video workouts for losing weight at home.

There are disadvantages to choosing a weight loss plan at home:

  • at home there is no access to a variety of exercise equipment;
  • there is no one to correct the incorrect execution of some movements (especially beginners often lack the correct technique);
  • there is no one to control absence from classes, it is easy to postpone the training system if you feel unwell, tired or busy;
  • there is not always money to purchase sports equipment that makes working on yourself easier;
  • there are a lot of distractions vying for free time that I wanted to use for sports activities.

For those who have a high level of internal discipline and self-organization, external factors are not a hindrance. There will always be 30-60 minutes for classes every other day and 2x2 m2 to accommodate during self-improvement.

Helpful Hint: It is recommended to purchase a bathroom scale to track changes. The extra “kilos” do not go away immediately or stop at a certain point.

Why is this effective?

A scientific study of a set of 12 exercises states that the effect of such a short endurance workout is comparable to a long run or a full visit to the gym. The secret is to alternate high-intensity exercises that target different muscle groups in the upper and lower body and take short breaks between sets. Such short workouts save a lot of time, which is very important in the modern world, without losing results. One of the main points is the number of training sessions performed per day - according to the recommendations, there are only three of them.

A seven minute workout is:

  • high intensity exercise;
  • combining strength and aerobic exercises in one complex;
  • participation of all major muscle groups;
  • alternating load on muscle groups and periods of short rest.

Important Tips


  • Tabata training is very intense. Make sure you spend enough time warming up and warming up.
  • If you are unable to perform some of the suggested exercises due to injury, simply change them to others. As long as you stay within the 20/10 second timing, the exercises will be easy.
  • You will get tired and very tired, but remember to pay attention to your technique. Never replace quality with quantity.
  • No cheating! In each 20-second period, work as hard as you can.
  • This type of training is not for beginners, but for those who know how to listen to their body.
  • If you have cardiovascular problems, this type of training plan is probably not suitable for you.
  • Timing is critical: 20 seconds, 10 seconds, 8 times, with 1 minute rest.
  • Repeat this set of Tabata exercises 2 - 4 times a week depending on your level of physical fitness.

What results will I get?

If you perform the exercises according to the method, that is, follow the sequence, pace, intensity and number of workouts per day, then the result will be no worse than going to a fitness club, or even better! As already indicated, a seven-minute workout engages and therefore develops all muscle groups . Many compare the 7-minute workout with cross-fit , the results of which have not been written in any article or discussed on forums or social networks.

According to scientific research, even one cycle of exercise produces changes in muscles at the molecular level that are comparable to long-term training in the gym or many hours of cycling.

Set of exercises

These exercises are great for beginners.

Perform 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions of each exercise with a 1 minute break.


This is a great warm-up exercise.


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides.
  2. Place your hands on the floor, lift your bottom off the floor until your hips are fully extended, and squeeze your buttocks from above.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.


Squats work your legs and glutes.


  • stand in front of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward;
  • bend your knees, lower yourself slowly down until the bottom touches the chair, stretch your arms in front of you;
  • squat without lifting your heels and return to the starting position.


  1. Keep your right foot forward.
  2. Bend your knees and lunge, stopping when your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. Jump up through your right leg to return to the starting position. Repeat, then switch legs.

Also, after this exercise, do one more:

  • place your feet wide, with your knees and elbows slightly bent at your sides;
  • quickly alternate lifting your legs off the floor, shifting your weight from left to right on the soles of your feet;
  • keep alternating as quickly as you can.

How to use the site?

Our website timer will help you conduct a full seven-minute workout and give you all the necessary tips. Just click the “Start” button on the main page and do the exercises that you will see on the screen. You can also read more about each exercise in this section. In the description of each exercise we perform, we will give as much information as possible - how to perform the exercise correctly, what mistakes beginners make, how you can complicate the exercise if the load seems insufficient.

If necessary, the training time (timer operating time) can be changed - just change the number 7 on the main page to any necessary value and the exercise time will be adjusted to your free time.

Important tips for losing weight at home

There is no need to come up with something of your own when many effective programs have been developed for drying the body and actively burning calories.

It is recommended to do home workouts for weight loss without “extremes” in the form of mono-diets and approaches with weights, if this weight is not yet available. This will do nothing but harm.

Fitness trainers recommend adhering to the “golden” rules:

Fractional low-calorie meals will help avoid attacks of hunger and satiety, maintaining optimal blood glucose levels.

Water is the best catalyst for all metabolic processes in the body, so during training, some of it is drunk in small sips between approaches.

Learn to count calories by reducing your intake and increasing your expenditure through an active lifestyle.

Additionally, include walking or jogging, climbing the steps in the entrance, visiting the pool and dancing events in your daily routine.

Reduce your sugar and starch intake by replacing it with complex carbohydrates.

You cannot sharply reduce caloric intake, otherwise the body will begin to actively “stock up”, even to the point of swelling of the tissues from liquid food.

Don't expect to lose weight quickly at home without exercise equipment and a treadmill. All “high-speed” methods are very harmful.

Aim for at least 8-12 weeks of active training until the desired silhouette begins to emerge.

Application for iOS and Android

Looking for app for a short 7-minute workout? You can end your search, because there is our website with a timer on the main page. Just save the link on your device and use our website instead of the app.

For example, to add a seven-minute workout timer to your iOS device's home screen, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • open the website in the Safari browser;
  • click the options icon at the bottom of the screen;
  • select “Go to Home Screen”;
  • Click the "Add" button at the top of the screen.

After these steps, the application icon will be saved on the home screen of your device. Enjoy it for your health!

7 minute workout iphone app

How to incorporate exercise into your daily life?

This all sounds good, but a person may feel that taking even five minutes to exercise is impossible due to their busy schedule. Or maybe when a little free time arises, a person just wants to relax. No one says staying in shape is easy, but it is entirely possible.

Tips for finding time

  • Use television commercial breaks to your advantage. You can get up and do jumping jacks or get down and do push-ups during commercials.
  • Try the nano-training method while performing daily tasks such as brushing your teeth. Instead of just standing, you can do a few calf raises.
  • Set a reminder on your phone to motivate you to exercise throughout the day. You can close the office door to do yoga or take a short walk as a work break.
  • Walk to run errands instead of taking public transportation. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

If you stick to these simple rules, after a while they will become a habit and will naturally fit into your daily routine.


Like any other movement, Zumba also has its drawbacks. These are minor nuances, but they can become a serious reason for choosing a different training program:

  • The exercise scheme is based on the continuity of movements. Dance elements mastered in one lesson can be transferred to the next. This nuance can create difficulties for people with memory problems. If you miss one workout, you often have to experience discomfort while urgently learning several times more new movements.
  • Zumba is simple, but requires dynamism and energy. People with problems with the respiratory system find it difficult to work with dance programs. If you still want to start, it is recommended to first strengthen the body and increase endurance.

Interesting fact. Another significant drawback that is often forgotten. Zumba helps you lose weight, but it cannot be called an ideal “cure” for obesity.

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