Exercises for the back, neck and spine. The best morning exercise

A sedentary lifestyle and being stuck on gadgets have a negative impact on the condition of our spine, including the cervical region. Many complain of headaches, increased fatigue, problems with memory and concentration. The reason for all this is the tension in the neck, and, as a result, poor blood supply to the brain. Exercises for the cervical spine will help restore health and well-being. In addition, such gymnastics is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. Let's look at a simple but effective set of exercises, restrictions on its implementation, as well as the benefits of such training for the back and neck.

Basics of training

A sculpted and pumped neck has always been a necessary element of developed male muscles. It cannot be hidden with almost any clothing, unless of course you do it on purpose.

Therefore, many people around her judge the strength of a man by it. In addition, strong neck muscles are the main attribute of a professional athlete.

If this part of the athlete’s body is developed, then we can confidently say that the person takes building his muscles and playing sports very seriously.

You can pump up your neck without leaving home, you just need to follow a set of special exercises. By doing them regularly (at least two or three times a week), after a month of training you will not only notice, but also feel the result. Your neck will become much stronger and wider. When starting training, do not forget that the exercises should be done gradually, slowly. Excessive haste can lead to spasm of the neck muscles, and high load will cause overwork and muscle rupture. In addition, it should be remembered that it is in the neck area that all the vital centers of a person are located.

If you are a beginner athlete, then start shaking your neck with a partner to avoid unnecessary injuries.

Warm up the cervical spine

Unfortunately, many athletes neglect to warm up, especially their necks. Rotate your head several times in different directions - this is not enough to warm up the cervical region and avoid possible injuries due to muscle strain.

So, let's look at the correct warm-up:

  1. We perform movements with the head down (until the chin touches the chest) and up. The amplitude should be full and the speed very slow.
  2. We turn our heads from side to side so that the chin at the end points is in the same plane as the shoulder or further (if flexibility allows and there is no pain). Again, we do this slowly.
  3. We make lateral tilts of the head, alternately in each direction. Try to reach your ears to the corresponding shoulder.
  4. We carry out circular movements with our heads clockwise and in the opposite direction. There is no need to move your head back too far, just let it “roll” between your shoulders.

Warm-up for the back

Back pain today is experienced not only by older people, but also by quite young people. There are two reasons for such sensations - the consequences of serious illnesses and insufficient muscle strength of the spine. The first pain requires special medical treatment; patients should consult a doctor. But you can and should prevent or get rid of pain arising from weak muscles on your own.

Basic exercises

Now let's look at a few common ways you can pump up your neck...

Using your hands

This method is very convenient and safe and does not require special manipulations. You need to create resistance with your own hands. To do this, place your palms on your forehead and gradually press, and resist with the efforts of your neck, tilting your head back and forth. Next, rest your palm on your side and do the same by tilting your head to the sides, left and right. To make backward movements, cross your fingers and place your palms on the back of your head. For convenience, you can use a small short towel. You can apply the desired amount of force to any part of your head, gradually increasing the repetitions and load.

You can also use the help of any adequate person who will not break your neck. To do this, you need to lie down on a bench or any other suitable object, so that your head remains outside it. Ask your partner to use their hands to gently apply pressure to the desired areas of the head. Do several repetitions of 2-3 sets.

Using a head strap

For this exercise you will need a head strap, which is placed on your head and a plate with the weight you need is attached to it. You can shake your neck both while standing, raising and lowering your head, and lying down in various positions. The principle of operation is the same as with exercises using hands. You can buy special belts at any sports store or make them yourself. And instead of a pancake, you can use another weight.

Using a “wrestling bridge”

This very effective method is suitable for more experienced ones. If you are new to this matter, and your neck leaves much to be desired, then it is better to postpone this method until later if you do not want to break your neck. Judging by the name, as you may have guessed, this is an exercise performed by wrestlers. Before you start performing the “wrestling bridge,” you should thoroughly stretch your neck. You will also need some kind of soft covering, preferably a mat, since doing such an exercise on a hard floor is almost impossible. It's unsafe and very painful :)

In general, we stand in a bridge position, rest our heads on the mat and, with the help of our legs, move ourselves forward and backward a little, pushing off the floor with our heels. The heels must be pressed tightly. Be very careful when performing this exercise, do everything slowly and without sudden movements. To begin with, for convenience and safety, you can help yourself a little with your hands.

Here are the main ways in which you can pump up your bull neck, make your friends jealous and scare away all the gopniks) How much time you need for this depends only on you. But you shouldn't do these exercises every day, always give your muscles a rest and recovery. 3 times a week will be enough. And in a month you will already be able to notice tangible results.

And you don’t need to surf the Internet for a long time in search of information and miraculous ways and techniques for pumping up your neck. There are no miracle ways, and simply reading will not make your neck grow. So right now get up from your chair, grab a towel, go to the mirror and start pumping!

Is it possible to perform this complex with a sore lower back?

In this case, it is best to consult a physiotherapist or rehabilitation specialist. Professionals will be able to select for you an individual set of physical activities that will not only help you heal, but will also serve as a prevention for future disorders. During periods of exacerbation of all back diseases, including osteochondrosis, doctors do not recommend doing .

As soon as the acute pain begins to subside, you need to begin performing self-massage techniques and do a light warm-up. It is recommended to do this carefully and smoothly, avoiding sudden movements. Each exercise from the proposed complex should not be performed with full amplitude at first. Every day the back pain will be less and less, and when it goes away, you can begin to perform the entire complex in full force.

Exercise is the best way to say goodbye to osteochondrosis. They can improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms, strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the spine, eliminate pain, increase range of motion, and help release nerve endings.

Exercises that are not recommended for osteochondrosis :

  • In a standing position with bends down, so as not to unnecessarily load the spine in a vertical position and tilt.
  • Bends without support, as they create excessive stress on the lower back.
  • Weight-bearing exercise, because it can make the disease worse.

For this disease, the issue of selecting exercises can be resolved with a physical therapy instructor: he will be able to select the complex that suits you best. An important condition is the regularity of classes and adherence to the technique of performing each movement. Performing movements to warm up the lower back is a good way to prevent spinal diseases . This allows you to avoid many health problems! In addition, you get very nice additions - perfect posture and a slim figure!


Exercises for neck pain

It is worth talking separately about such an area of ​​therapeutic and preventive gymnastics as exercises for neck pain. The fact is that most pain in this area occurs due to the development of a disease such as osteochondrosis. It may be caused by a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. To prevent this disease from leading to pathological changes in the cervical spine and even disability, it is necessary to periodically perform exercises to strengthen the neck muscles.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to osteochondrosis

Persons with this disease who periodically experience neck pain should perform the following set of exercises:

  1. Sit or stand with your back straight. Your arms need to be relaxed and lowered down. Rotate your head left and right ten times. If pain appears that prevents you from turning, make several sharp jerks of your head left and right.
  2. Stay in the original position, lower your head down and try to touch your chin to your chest and stay in this position for about ten seconds. After this, perform five head tilts.
  3. Sitting on a chair, with your chin extended, try to move your head back and do ten such movements. This exercise will be very useful for those people who work in a sitting position in an awkward position, as it allows you to stretch the neck muscles.
  4. While in the same position, place your palm on your forehead. After this, tilt your head forward, while pressing hard on it. After you complete this movement, hold for ten seconds and after a break, repeat this exercise ten times.
  5. Lie on your back on a hard surface. You will need to raise your head and hold it in this position for ten seconds, then place it on the floor. The second approach can be done in five seconds, and there should be at least eight of them in total.

If you follow our recommendations, you will have a healthy neck

Using these tips, you can develop the muscles of your neck and back in order to successfully deal with the pain that arises in them. At the same time, it is always worth remembering that playing sports in this case is prohibited for patients with osteochondrosis, as this can worsen the patient’s situation. Therefore, you should only engage in bodybuilding if you have no contraindications for this.

Why do you need a warm-up for your back?

It is recommended to warm up your back in two cases: before intense sports training and in everyday life before heavy physical work or after a long stay in one position. If you do not warm up and immediately heavily load the muscles, then there is a high risk of various stretch marks and more complex ruptures of muscle tissue. After warming up, muscle elasticity improves, blood circulation in tissues increases, the nervous system is activated and prepared for heavy loads.

The duration of the warm-up is approximately 10 minutes, the effectiveness and intensity is assessed by the dynamics of pulse changes. Depending on the type of exercise, back warm-up can be of several types.

Table. Types of warm-up for the back.

Type of warm-upShort description
The desired position is taken - this is the starting position. From the chosen pose you need to reach various points; they can be located below, above or horizontally. You should stretch until you clearly feel a stretch in the muscle fibers. After this, the body returns to its original position, the muscles relax.
This warm-up consists of ordinary stretching exercises. You need to stretch to the point at which you feel a slight tension in a certain group of spinal muscles. Next, you should linger for a few seconds, and only then return to the starting position. This warm-up is recommended for beginners; it is safer and does not create greater stress on the cardiovascular system. Allows you to gradually prepare the body for increasing muscle loads after warming up.

Simultaneously with warming up the back, it is recommended to do a massage; targeted warming of the muscles additionally prepares them for the upcoming loads.

What is the cervical spine?

The cervical region can be called a complex of muscles located in the neck, spine and nerves that are located under them. This is quite a problematic area; improper training can lead to vertebrae moving from their positions, pinching the spinal nerve and other troubles that are quite capable of putting an end to a sports career.

Here is the structure of the neck muscles:

Who is contraindicated for training these muscles?

At the beginning of the article, I would like to note that not everyone can safely train their neck. Problems that put a taboo on such training include:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • other problems with the cervical spine;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • presence of infectious diseases.

Contraindications to the procedure

Massage of the cervical area is not such a harmless manipulation. It has been precisely proven that during the procedure there is a direct or indirect effect on vital anatomical structures: muscles, nerve endings, lymphatic and blood vessels, internal organs, the endocrine system, even the spinal cord and brain. Neglecting contraindications can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s health. Therefore, before the course you need to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination.

Absolute contraindications to neck massage are:

  • oncology;
  • thrombosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • HIV infection;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tendency to bleed.

The doctor will also be against neck massage if:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the acute stage;
  • fever, elevated temperature;
  • hypertensive crisis or very low blood pressure;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic rash or swelling;
  • displacement or instability of the cervical vertebrae;
  • skin rashes of infectious origin;
  • some diseases of the epidermis;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine and menstrual bleeding, conditions after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

In these cases, the ban will be temporary. As soon as the patient’s health improves, the procedure will become available to him and will not cause harm.

Practical tips for warming up

In severe stages of osteochondrosis, do not do certain movements; only the attending physician can adjust the load and types of exercises. As soon as the acute pain disappears, it is recommended to first give a light massage of the spine. One rule must be remembered - you can perform the entire warm-up complex only after the lower back pain has completely disappeared. What movements should be done with extreme caution?

  1. Bend down from a standing position. This exercise displaces the vertebrae as much as possible; you need to constantly monitor your well-being.
  2. Bends to the sides without hand support. There is no need to overload the muscles of the lumbar girdle.
  3. All movements with weights. Weights are recommended to be used only by trained and well-developed people or professional athletes.

Recommendations and indications

You can strengthen your neck muscles both at home and in the gym. If a trainer selects options for exercising in the gym, then methods developed by professional athletes and doctors will help you to pump up your neck at home. By strengthening the muscle corset of the neck, you can protect yourself from such situations:

  • reducing the chances of spinal injury;
  • protection of muscles and spine in situations where the back is blown or during hypothermia;
  • the ability to treat neck pathologies faster;
  • withstand heavy loads and sudden movements.

Before performing exercises for the neck muscles, it is recommended to examine your health condition. Problems with blood pressure or vegetative dystonia can lead a person to fainting and even a cerebral stroke during intense exercise.

If there are symptoms such as frequent headaches, nausea, dizziness, or problems with coordination or sleep, then you should consult a doctor to rule out dangerous pathologies. For girls during menstruation or pregnancy, stress on the spine and muscles is not recommended.

All neck movements should be performed slowly, without sudden movements or jerks. If clicking or crunching occurs when rotating or bending, then it is worth undergoing a spinal examination to rule out osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, and hernias. After a serious load, complications such as muscle myositis and pinched nerves (neuralgia) may occur, which will take a long time and be difficult to treat.

The load should be increased gradually, without sudden decreases or, conversely, increases in the number of approaches or training time. Before you start exercising, you need to stretch the muscles of your back, shoulders and arms.

Pumping the entire back muscles

Pumping the entire back muscles

To create a beautiful relief, working out the latissimus dorsi muscle alone is not enough. It is necessary to pay attention to all groups, including in the program a variety of exercises that involve almost all muscles.

Interesting fact. There are many principles and rules for building an effective program for pumping up the back. And it is best to seek help from professionals. Experienced trainers will take into account the characteristics of the body, actual physical training, etc.

Relaxing neck and shoulder massage

Spasm of the muscles of the cervical-collar area is a common phenomenon, characterized by their involuntary contraction and compression. The cause of the painful condition is not only injuries, mechanical damage, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, but also a lack of B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, sodium, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and sitting for long periods in an uncomfortable position. Pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, head and upper limbs are the most harmless symptoms. The danger of the situation is that spasmed muscles can pinch blood vessels and nerve fibers, disrupting blood circulation, lymph flow and sensitive conductivity.

Having mastered the basic techniques and methods of influence, you will help your loved ones eliminate painful manifestations at home and prevent the development of complications.

Step-by-step execution

The patient lies on his stomach with his hands under his forehead, or sits on a chair with his head slightly bowed forward. Only in this position is maximum relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulders achieved. The massage therapist is located on the side or behind.

We start with light strokes, which will prepare the area for deeper impact. We perform manipulations over the entire surface of the palm, taking into account the location of the lymph nodes and vessels. We gently move along their course, from the back of the neck to the edge of the shoulder blades. Using the same movements, without pressure, we treat the lateral muscles, moving from the ears down.

Then we move on to rubbing. These are more intense movements with pressure from the base of the skull down along the spinous processes. We use fists, the edge of the palm or the phalanges of bent fingers. These actions are aimed at improving blood circulation and warming up deep-lying tissues.

Don't forget to massage the mounds behind the ears.

Using your thumb, index and middle fingers, grab, hold and knead the long muscles in the neck area with circular movements. With high blood pressure, these manipulations should be performed with great caution, moving exclusively from top to bottom, or completely abandon them.

Later, we work the trapezius muscles in the same way. Tapping the cervical-collar area with your fingertips helps fight congestion and subcutaneous fat deposits. We perform the “squeezing” by forcefully lowering the palms from the neck down to the shoulder blades, and then with the same movement returning upward, along the deltoid muscles, to the shoulder joints.

It would be correct to finish the procedure with a light glide over the surface of the skin, which soothes and gives a pleasant sensation.

You can relieve tension and muscle spasms on your own, without outside help, by studying the techniques described in detail in our article “How to do a self-massage of the neck.”

Required number of sessions

Typically, a treatment course includes 10–15 half-hour sessions. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a year.

For children's massage, the exposure time depends on age and individual characteristics of the body, but in general it should not exceed 15 minutes at a time.

Training for osteochondrosis

Dr. Shishonin’s neck warm-up exercises are recognized as the most effective for pain in this area. Such gymnastics helps people suffering from high blood pressure, which often causes painful spasms. Next we will look at the techniques of this complex.

To perform the first exercise, you should sit up straight and slowly lower your head down, turning it towards your shoulder. If you feel tension, you need to freeze for 30 seconds. After this, return to the starting position and do the same in the other direction. The minimum number of repetitions is 5 times.

Next, let's start turning the head to the sides. It is important to note that you should unfold it as much as possible and freeze for 15 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.

Another technique, which is also performed in a sitting position, is to place your hands on your knees and then smoothly move them behind your back. Pull your chin up. In the position of highest tension, it is recommended to freeze for half a minute. Perform 7-10 times.

It is better to perform neck exercises according to Shishonin every day and within a week or two you will feel noticeable changes.


Why is it important

Problems with the neck are often observed in those who work at the computer, with papers, or bend over the kitchen stove for a long time... If our body is in a forced monotonous position for a long time, a spasm of the neck muscles occurs. And this is fraught with dangerous consequences, because overstrained muscles put pressure on the cervical vertebrae, on the vessels that supply blood to the brain and nerves that carry signals from internal organs to it. The result can be a headache, poor sleep, a feeling of fatigue, weakness the next morning, memory loss, and vision problems.

To prevent such consequences from occurring, you need to stretch your neck regularly. It's not that difficult.

It is very important to keep your neck relaxed while you sleep. To prevent the muscles from spasming, the cervical spine should be a continuation of the thoracic spine and be on the same straight line with it

Choose your pillow carefully so that it is not too soft, too low or, conversely, high.

Experts recommend periodically performing isometric exercises for the cervical spine during the working day. During them, the neck muscles should tense as much as possible, but for a short time. Since you do not make sudden movements, the exercises do not put pressure on the spine. They can be performed while sitting at the table.

Sit up straight, place your hands one on top of the other, forming a lock. Raise your hands to your chin and press your chin down. Neither the head nor the hands should move. Then relax and repeat the exercise several times.

Place your hands on your forehead. Try pressing forward with your head and resisting as hard as you can with your hands. Only the muscles above the shoulder tense, and the head and arms are motionless. After a while, relax.

Put your hands behind your head, place your palms on the back of your head. Try to tilt your head back, and apply back pressure with your hands, preventing you from doing this.

Place your palm on your temple, thumb behind your ear. Press your head against your palm, trying to bend your arm to the side, and at the same time resist this pressure with all your might. Switch hands and repeat the exercise.

Psychological stress can lead to the appearance of tension in the neck. Against this background, hormones are released into the blood, which increase muscle tension. If a stressful situation drags on, it becomes chronic - muscle spasm occurs. To remove it, sometimes you need to go not only to a massage therapist, but also to a psychologist. True, there is also a feedback here: when we perform gymnastics to physically relax the neck, psychological tension also decreases slightly.

Let's set priorities

It’s unlikely that many people do such gymnastics on purpose. People turn their heads and stretch. They often unconsciously tilt their heads to the sides when they sit in one place for a long time. These are reflex actions aimed at warming up the neck.

If we know which exercises will best help stretch and strengthen the cervical spine, it will be easier for us to understand what exactly to do in such moments. And we will not unconsciously turn our heads.

As we have said more than once, it is important to know why we do things. The cervical gymnastics complex is very important, which is obvious:

  1. When the weakness of the neck muscles is pronounced, the spine experiences extra stress under the weight of the head. This leads to cervical osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, that is, pain and stiffness in movements. If the muscles are weak, they must be strengthened from an early age. This is pain prevention.
  2. When you work for a long time (most people do this today, the 21st century is the century of sitting or lying down), the muscles become stiff and impede the flow of blood to the head and back to the body. Fresh blood, saturated with oxygen, enters the brain in insufficient quantities - you experience a headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, a powerful feeling of fatigue and a great desire to gape. It is precisely at such moments that you need to get up and stretch. And if it’s not possible, at least do a series of neck exercises. This is the prevention of strokes.
  3. Over the years, the mobility of the joints of the body becomes less. This can be avoided if you regularly do a therapeutic complex so that the joints do not forget about their mobility. Here's another important reason to stretch your neck.
  4. If you have a pinched neck or osteochondrosis, neck exercises will save you from pain and help you forget about dizziness and ringing in the ears. This is already a treatment.

Now let's look at what exercises gymnastics for the neck consists of. The main load that the cervical spine will experience is static. The main exercises for the cervical spine consist of 10 elements. The video shows the complex itself, and then you will find a detailed text description of all the exercises.

Types of exercises for neck muscles

Exercises for the neck muscles are developed for various purposes, and such training is divided into two main areas: sports and therapeutic and prophylactic. If you are an athlete and engage in sports such as boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, or bodybuilding, strengthening your neck muscles will be one of your sports activities. The fact is that “pumped up” neck muscles allow you to protect the head and cervical spine during a boxing match, as well as fights on the boxing mat. In addition, the bodybuilder strengthens these muscle groups in order to improve his appearance before competition.

Therapeutic exercises will help avoid neck problems

In addition, neck exercises are recommended for track and field athletes, football players, hockey players and other athletes as an element of general training.

The intensity and severity of your training will depend solely on the athletic performance you are going to achieve.

A football player's warm-up also includes exercises for the neck.

As for the treatment and prophylactic direction, the main goal here is not only the development of the neck muscles, but also the strengthening of the ligaments and cartilage of the cervical spine. Therapeutic and preventive physical education is usually prescribed to patients with various diseases of the spine, patients discharged from the hospital for general strengthening of the body, and people suffering from pain syndrome

In addition, exercises to strengthen the neck can improve blood circulation in the head, which is very important for atherosclerosis.

Neck exercises are used as a treatment for osteochondrosis

It is also useful to stretch your neck during a break from work when it is mainly performed at the computer or is sedentary. By doing this, you can improve your blood circulation, prevent the formation of edema, and also combat the phenomenon of crunching in the upper spine. Usually these are quite simple exercises, consisting of rotating the head around its axis, bending, moving left and right. It is recommended to perform them every three hours of work.

Exercise: neck and head tilts

The trainer will prepare a training regimen for you, and the doctor will give recommendations for conducting physical therapy exercises. If you just want to warm up at work, you don’t need any special advice for this; simple movements that are available to any office worker are enough.

Neck exercises in sports are usually included in the general training course. Moreover, each sport has its own set of exercises to develop the neck muscles. For example, exercises for the back and neck in bodybuilding can increase their volume and definition.

A pumped neck in bodybuilding is an indicator of constant training of the neck muscles

A little anatomy

Why is the neck so vulnerable and often suffers from injuries and various diseases? It's all about the complex anatomical structure of this part of the body, where many organs and structures that are vital for humans are concentrated in a small area:

  • The spinal column in the cervical region is represented by seven vertebrae of a slightly elongated saddle shape. Two of them - the atlas and the axis - give a person the opportunity to rotate his head and tilt it in different directions. The small size of the segments, their relative fragility and high mobility often cause various injuries. Protrusions of the interdiscal cartilage layer with age lead to the development of osteochondrosis, spondylosis or various impingements, accompanied by limited mobility and pain.
  • 32 different types of neck muscles help to move, speak, swallow, breathe, hold the head upright, the weight of which on average reaches 4 kilograms and increases sharply when tilted.
  • 70-80% of the blood flows to the brain through the carotid and vertebral arteries located in the neck. These vessels nourish the muscles and tissues of the head, thyroid gland, and the corresponding part of the spinal cord. Venous outflow occurs through the subclavian, external and internal jugular veins.
  • The spinal cord is reliably protected by a bone frame of vertebrae. It is an important part of the central nervous system, transmits impulses from the brain to the peripheral parts, ensures human life, controlling the heartbeat, breathing, digestion, and motor functions. In the cervical area, the seven largest nerve plexuses originate from it, through which sensitive signals go to the diaphragm, skin and muscle structures.
  • Lymphatic trunks in the neck run along the jugular vein, forming superficial and deep nodes. Here, the lymph flowing from the mouth, nose and inner ear is cleansed and special protective bodies are produced that help cope with infections.
  • The pharynx is involved in breathing, digestion, voice formation, and removes harmful substances out through the gag reflex and cough.
  • The larynx controls air flow, human breathing parameters, performs a sound-producing function, and also stops food particles and foreign bodies, preventing them from entering the lower respiratory tract.
  • The trachea conducts air to the lungs, pre-warming and purifying it.
  • The thyroid gland produces hormones that stimulate metabolic processes, control the proper functioning of body systems, and regulate a person’s psycho-emotional state.
  • The esophagus promotes the movement of the food bolus into the stomach, while simultaneously protecting against reflux esophagitis.

A large number of nearby organs are interspersed with connective tissue membranes called fascia. They create a kind of soft skeleton, performing a supporting function, and isolate nearby areas from each other. This allows you to avoid intertwining of blood vessels, muscles, nerves, bones, preventing gross violations of their functions. It is necessary to massage the neck taking into account these structural features of the body, so as not to harm human health and not aggravate painful symptoms.

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