Review: Fat-burning sports nutrition for women and men

One of the main reasons why people start exercising is the problem of excess weight.

Moreover, this problem becomes more and more urgent every year - after all, the benefits of civilization allow us to lead a sedentary lifestyle and enjoy a large variety of pleasures, including food.

These factors, coupled with poor ecology and a number of other factors, have given rise to an unpleasant trend - almost half of the population of our country already suffers from problems with excess weight. To combat excess weight, people sign up for gyms and begin active training.

And at this time, almost everyone is faced with the topic of sports nutrition - a complex of various nutritional supplements that help increase the effectiveness of the training process, including weight loss.

In our article today we will talk about sports nutrition for weight loss for men - we will try to figure out which nutritional supplements are most suitable for this purpose, how and when to use them correctly, and also study reviews about them.

How to Eat Healthy to Increase the Effectiveness of Supplements

Whether you gain weight or lose it primarily depends on how you eat and what kind of lifestyle you lead. Even the best quality sports nutritional supplement will not give results if you do not train enough or eat anything.

Sports nutrition serves as a catalyst that improves your performance and allows you to recover more effectively after intense exercise. In order for your body to lose unwanted weight, you must follow the following dietary rules:

  • Your daily diet should provide less energy than you expend per day, by about 10-15%.
  • Eat small portions, but often - up to 8 times a day.
  • The diet should be balanced and contain a minimum of harmful fats and cholesterol. You need to give up too fatty foods and fried foods.
  • You also need to monitor the quantity and quality of carbohydrates consumed - your diet for weight loss should contain a minimum of simple carbohydrates and a maximum of complex ones.
  • The basis of your diet should be protein of animal and plant origin.
  • Every day you need to drink a large amount of simple clean water - up to 2.5 liters per day.
  • Try not to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Following these rules will allow you to start the process of losing excess weight, which can be boosted with the help of sports nutrition.

If you are a representative of the fair half of humanity and would like to know which sports nutrition is most suitable for girls to lose weight, refer to our article “Sports nutrition for weight loss for women.”

Features of proper nutrition for athletes

Proper nutrition for an athlete will depend on what kind of sport we are talking about. It is important that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals . You also need to take into account that sports activities lead to large losses of energy by the body, so you need to monitor both the caloric content of your diet and ensure that the food is healthy. The following requirements apply to the nutrition of a person who is actively involved in sports:

  • The amount of calories should be sufficient.
  • The body must receive sufficient vitamins and microelements.
  • Additionally, it is recommended to use dietary supplements that activate metabolism.
  • The diet should be planned depending on what your goal is - to reduce or increase body weight.
  • The menu should be designed so that it helps reduce fat mass and build muscle.

Also, when planning meals for athletes, remember about water.
Lack of fluid leads to muscle fatigue and spasms. And during active training, the body loses a lot of water, so it is important to replenish my reserves. The basis of any diet is three elements: proteins, carbohydrates and fats . Each of them influences the athlete’s diet in one way or another.


Carbohydrates are a group of compounds of organic origin, found in the cells of all living organisms and necessary for normal existence. They are, in fact, the main supplier of energy in the body.

Carbohydrates are divided into two types - simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides: fiber, starch, and so on. The body breaks them down slowly, so blood sugar levels change slowly, without sudden jumps.

Sources of complex carbohydrates are beans, beans, peas, lentils, cereals, durum wheat pasta. This also includes fruits, vegetables, berries, and mushrooms.

Simple carbohydrates are mono- and disaccharides, such as fructose, glucose, sucrose and so on. Unlike complex carbohydrates, these carbohydrates dissolve more easily in water and, accordingly, are quickly absorbed by the body. Eating simple carbohydrates before a workout can make you feel tired quickly. They are useful after training because they help to restore strength well.

Sources of simple carbohydrates are flour products, sugar, sweets, honey, bananas, dried fruits, potatoes, pumpkin, rice, corn sticks and so on.

As for carbohydrates, when planning your healthy diet for an athlete, consider the following point. Before training you need to eat complex carbohydrates, after - you can eat simple ones. The amount of carbohydrates per day should be 5-9 grams per kilogram of your weight. And the emphasis should be on complex carbohydrates. The best time to use them is the first half of the day. In the process of preparing for competitions, which in professional circles is known as “cutting,” the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 2.5 grams per kg of body weight.


A proper diet for an athlete should include proteins . These are organic substances consisting of amino acids that are connected in series. They include proteins and peptides. Proteins are extremely important for all tissues in the body, they are necessary for the digestive and immune systems.

Depending on the type of activity, the amount of protein needed per day may vary. The average diet for an athlete recommends consuming 1.4 g of protein per kg of body weight .

Sources of protein are chicken, beef, turkey, fish (especially trout, tuna, pink salmon), seafood (caviar, shrimp), eggs, white beans, and dairy products. Proteins are also found in rice, oatmeal, and rolled oats. Proteins are very important for athletes, since they are the main building material for muscles.


The next component that is included in the rational nutrition of athletes is fats . They are natural organic compounds that have two main functions - organic and structural. Normally, it is advisable to consume 0.4-0.6 g of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.

Fats are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are made up of molecules full of hydrogen. At normal temperatures they do not become softer. Therefore, they are considered harmful because they contribute to the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Once in the body, these substances slow down metabolism, thereby complicating the process of losing weight and leading to excess weight.

Products with saturated fats are margarine, butter, coconut oil, animal fat, chicken skin and so on. Also these are fatty sauces, pastry creams, fast food.

The molecules in unsaturated fats are not entirely filled with hydrogen. Their main sources are plant products. At normal temperatures, these fats can become liquid, so the body quickly processes them, and there is no harm to health .

There is an opinion that fats in the diet should be limited. In fact, the body needs them, but only the right ones and in moderation. Their lack can disrupt hormonal levels, worsen the formation of muscle tissue, and reduce the functioning of the immune system. Unsaturated fats are also needed to help the body absorb vitamins better. It is worth choosing them, and their quantity in the diet should not exceed 20% of its total calorie content.

Healthy fats are found in olive, soybean, corn oil, nuts and nut butters, caraway oil, fish, and seafood.

Sports nutrition for weight loss for men

The list of nutritional supplements that will help you lose excess weight faster and more effectively is as follows:


The strongest source of proteins. This component of sports nutrition does not have a direct effect on the process of losing weight.

However, it is not by chance that it is on our list, because the process of losing weight will be accompanied by intense training, during which a huge amount of energy and nutrients is consumed.

Protein is designed to protect your muscles from negative catabolic processes that inevitably occur during the recovery period after hard training. With its help, you can be sure that you are losing fat deposits and not muscle tissue.

Fat burners

Nutritional supplements that are directly involved in activating the processes of breakdown of adipose tissue. In addition to the actual breakdown of fat deposits, fat burners can suppress appetite and reduce the absorption of fats and carbohydrates by the body, thereby speeding up the fat burning process.

Their effect is revealed only during intense training, so you shouldn’t just drink a fat burner and hope that the folds on your sides will disappear. Also, fat burners put a strain on many body systems, and they must be taken carefully, strictly following the instructions.

If possible, you can do without them: after all, subject to a balanced diet and intense training, fat deposits will disappear without the help of fat burners.


It may seem similar in properties to fat burners, but it is fundamentally different from them. The main property of L-carnitine is that it directs fatty acids found in the body for processing, and thereby promotes their removal from the body.

The similarity with fat burners is that L-carnitine also works only during intense training.

BCAA-amino acid complex

These are branched-chain amino acid compounds essential for the body, which are designed to preserve muscle tissue from decay under the influence of catabolic processes.

Multivitamin complexes

Preparations of this type contribute to the intake of micro- and macroelements necessary for its normal functioning into the body, which are intensively consumed and excreted from the body during training.

Also, if finances allow, you can purchase the following optional drugs:

  • Omega-3 is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids that bring great benefits to the body - strengthen the cardiovascular system, help remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Blockers of fats and carbohydrates - reduce the absorption of these substances when they enter the body. They should not be overused, as this can lead to digestive problems.
  • Cortisol blockers – help reduce the production and negative effects of the hormone cortisol, which breaks down muscle and promotes the formation of fatty tissue.

Proper nutrition for drying the body for men: exercise regimen and abs program

When drying the body and pumping the press, the diet should be rich in carbohydrates. If the working hours allow you to divide the daily meal into 5 meals, then the diet should be something like this:

  • Breakfast should consist of some kind of porridge; oatmeal is also suitable. An egg omelet will help the athlete’s body obtain animal protein for muscle formation. You can also add muesli, fruit and a small low-calorie vegetable salad;
  • It is not advisable to skip the second breakfast. As for the second meal, you can use dairy products, homemade yogurt, and so on;


  • the main meal of nutrients at noon includes hot dishes, either made with lean broth, or with a decoction of white meat or white fish;
  • the afternoon snack must include a low-calorie vegetable or fruit salad and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • dinner, as the final meal of the day, should include baked vegetables or fish, lean dishes, and you can eat kefir or yogurt. Under no circumstances should you fry fish or vegetables to eat at dinner, as this can lead to indigestion and result in stomach diseases.

How to take sports nutrition for weight loss

In order for nutritional supplements to provide maximum benefit, they must be taken at a specific time:

  • Protein – for weight loss, protein is taken in smaller portions than when gaining muscle mass. Half of a standard serving can be consumed half an hour before training to ensure the flow of protein into the muscles during physical activity. Another half serving should be taken after training to protect muscle tissue from catabolism. In addition, a portion of a protein shake can replace one of your meals.
  • Fat burners - these sports supplements should be taken with a minimum amount, gradually increasing the dosage. You should take fat burners 2 times a day - once in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The second time the fat burner is taken in the afternoon, shortly before training.
  • L-carnitine - this drug will work best if taken twice a day: once in the morning, on an empty stomach, and a second time, half an hour before the start of training.
  • BCAA amino acids serve to protect muscle tissue from catabolism, so they should be taken before training and immediately after it ends.
  • Multivitamin complexes - taken according to instructions, usually before or after meals. An important point: when choosing vitamins for yourself, make sure that they are most suitable for your gender.
  • Omega-3s are taken 2 times a day with meals, just like fat blockers.
  • The cortisol blocker should be taken as directed.


Since losing weight is accompanied by greater physical activity, the body needs protein more and more. Over time, it becomes impossible to compensate for the body's needs with regular food, and this is where protein supplements come to the rescue. They promote the growth of muscle mass, replacing fat tissue. They also prevent your body from breaking down its own muscle mass to synthesize amino acids. Protein is taken a couple of hours before training and an hour after it, dividing the portion in half.

How to choose sports nutrition for weight loss for men - video

You can learn in detail about which sports nutrition is most suitable for weight loss and how to take it using the following video:

Sports nutrition, if used correctly, can significantly speed up your weight loss process and, importantly, maintain your health.
However, do not forget that this is only an assistant in the fight for a beautiful athletic figure, to achieve which you need to work hard and hard. Do you use sports nutrition to lose weight? Maybe you still have questions about taking sports nutrition? Ask them in the comments!

Monthly weight loss plan: proper nutrition for male athletes, sports and body treatments

Of course, it is impossible to lose weight in a month, but you need to start somewhere. So, to make a plan, you don’t need to be a nutritionist. A sports diet should include a variety of foods, but in limited quantities.

All harmful foods, as well as canned foods, should not be included in the diet, as this will only harm the body as a whole and there will be no beneficial effect from it. You also need, with the help of a strength training coach, to draw up a detailed plan (program) and choose a time for joint training, both to achieve six-pack abs and for the entire human muscle group.

All human muscle groups

At the same time, be sure to strictly follow the diet and real sleep schedule. The most important condition when taking medications is that there should be no feeling of hunger or lack of anything in the body. This will prevent exhaustion of the body and will not burn the elements necessary for the body to function properly.

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