Statics exercises - features, description, advantages and disadvantages

  • August 31, 2018
  • Home workouts
  • Timoshenko Mikhail

Only a few people who try to lead an active lifestyle think about the need to perform static exercises. In fact, such training is extremely important. Isometric poses help maintain good muscle tone in various parts of the body. Regular performance of a whole set of static exercises ensures the development of endurance. This activity also helps you lose weight. In our publication we will look at the most effective static workouts for the whole body.

About the benefits of static exercises

static for legs

First of all, static exercises for men and women ensure strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. Isometric training is great for developing weak muscles and ligaments. While the body is held motionless, new tissue fibers are formed.

Regularly performing a whole set of static exercises triggers the process of burning subcutaneous fat deposits. This effect is observed if each approach is given at least 40-45 seconds. Statistical exercises for weight loss have an important advantage. We are talking about the absence of the need to use simulators and expensive equipment. Working with your own body weight can be done conveniently at home.

According to observations, daily exposure of muscles to static loads allows one to achieve an increase in strength of about 5-10% throughout the year. The athlete has the opportunity to focus on working out exactly that muscle group that is most difficult to use during everyday activity.

A set of static exercises makes it possible to feel greater control over the position of your own body in space. The result of exercise is an improved sense of balance. During training, the flexibility of the body noticeably increases.

Isometric training is a real salvation for people who are forced to undergo long-term rehabilitation after severe injuries. Performing light exercises during this period ensures that the muscles are maintained in good tone.

Forces acting on the bearing

In order to correctly understand the essence of the topic, it is necessary to define some terms: for example, the radial direction is the force vector directed perpendicular to the bearing axis; axial is the direction that is directed along the axis of the ring or bearing.

Forces acting on the bearing
Rice. 1. Forces acting on the bearing. 1- radial, 2- axial, 3- mixed load.

A force acting along an axis is called axial , and in the direction of the radial vector is called radial . If both forces act on a node, then such an action is called mixed . The direction of forces acting on the bearing can be seen in Figure 1.

One of the main indicators of durability in operation is resistance to fatigue chipping and plastic deformation. In the first case, the defect is caused by a static load, in the second by a dynamic load. A bearing remains operational if, under the influence of a load, it does not deform the rolling elements, for example, a roller or ball, by no more than one ten-thousandth of a millimeter (0.0001 mm).


static gymnastics exercises

Static gymnastics exercises are not available to every sports fan. Isometric training is contraindicated for people who suffer from disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Strong muscle tension in a stationary state provokes a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues. There is a slowdown in blood flow. There is quite an impressive load on the heart and blood vessels.

It is recommended to avoid static in the postoperative period. As a result of muscle overstrain, surgical sutures can come apart, which causes bleeding and a whole host of other unpleasant consequences.

The reason for refusing isometric training is the presence of varicose veins. After all, such training increases the risk of blood pressure surges.

If you have such health problems, you should reduce and limit your exercise as much as possible. It is extremely important to exercise based on individual physical capabilities, since excessive efforts will only cause harm.

Plank exercise

static exercises for men

A mandatory part of the set of static exercises is the plank. Keeping your entire body tense for several minutes a day ensures high-quality work of the core muscles, which are responsible for a stable, healthy position of the spine. The presented static exercise is suitable for women, since it makes it possible to remove the tummy in a short time with a constant lack of free time.

The training is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Take a position lying on your stomach.
  • Perform an emphasis on the floor on the forearms.
  • The feet rest on the tips of the toes.
  • The body body is pulled straight parallel to the floor surface.
  • Stay in the position for 30-45 seconds, performing about 3-4 approaches.
  • In order to progressively strengthen the abdominal muscles and burn excess fat, gradually increase the time of the exercise.

Isometric back exercises

With the help of isometric exercises, you can not only strengthen your back muscles, but also get rid of pain. They should be performed slowly, staying in one position for up to 10-12 seconds, the required number of repetitions is 5 times.


We perform it while lying on our stomach. We stretch our arms straight forward and raise them simultaneously with our legs up.


Let's complicate the previous exercise by clasping your fingers together from behind and lifting them above your back. We look in front of us, without lifting our feet off the floor.

Half bridge

Lying on the floor, place your knees bent on the floor. Raise your buttocks as high as possible, arching your back. Along with a healthy back, we get toned buttocks.


Sitting on the floor, we raise our straight legs up (we calculate the distance from the floor to our legs based on the angle of inclination, no more than 45 degrees) and pull our arms forward. Before performing, you can rehearse: try to hold your legs with your hands.


The famous yoga asana is beneficial for the back and abdominal muscles. Lie down on the floor with your hands near your chest, palms down. Gradually raise your head and upper back, while straightening your arms. We pause for half a minute and return back to the floor.


Lying on your back, round your back, bend your legs and leave them near your stomach. We reach for our knees with our heads. We stay in this position for half a minute, after which we relax.

Shoulder stand

We lie down on the floor, put our hands along the body. Raise your legs straight up. When they assume a vertical position, we raise the lower back until we find ourselves in a scapular stand position. You can help with this with your hands, but doing it without using your hands will be most effective.

Static load on the abdominal muscles

Static abdominal exercises are rightfully considered the most effective.


Let's return to this exercise again, although it is very difficult to limit its benefits to the press. Triceps, back, buttocks and thighs get their dose of exercise during the plank.

A variation of the exercise is emphasis on outstretched arms. It is important to ensure the correct position: the back, buttocks and legs form a straight line. Start with 30 seconds, but the optimal time is at least 2 minutes.

Side plank

To tighten your oblique abdominal muscles, take a side plank pose. To do this, lie down on the floor and lean on your forearm. Straight legs lie on the floor. Next, we raise our hips up, forming a straight line with our torso and legs. We hold for 30-60 seconds.

Torso up

Lie on your back, straight legs pressed firmly to the floor. Raise and hold the upper body in the air. The position of the hands is arbitrary: behind the head or on the chest. Try to hold it for 30-60 seconds.

Legs up

This exercise effectively develops the lower abdominal muscles. We lie on our back, now the upper part of the body is pressed tightly to the floor, we raise our legs up 20-30 cm and try to hold them for 30-60 seconds.

Leg pull-up

The exercise is performed on a horizontal bar or a special simulator. Grabbing the bar, we pull our legs to our chest - bent or straight. We hold them on weight for as long as you can bear it, and then repeat 5 times.

Crunches on a chair

Sitting on a chair, we perform crunches: we pull both legs to the chest and the head to the knees.

Side bridge

set of static exercises

The exercise is a more complicated version of the plank. A distinctive feature of the training is the increased load on the oblique abdominal muscles. Exercises make it possible to remove excess fat from the lateral areas of the abdominal area.

In the starting position, the body is turned onto the left side. They rest on the back of the foot. The upper body is supported by the elbow, located under the shoulder girdle. The body is leveled, and the free hand is rested with the palm on the side. They stay in this position for about a minute. Then they take a short break and turn the body over to the opposite side, repeating the exercise.

Keeping your body leaning forward

A set of static exercises for men and women includes a forward leaning stance. Take a vertical body position. The body is tilted in the frontal direction so that the body forms a right angle. The gaze is directed towards the palms of straightened arms stretching forward. Try not to bend your legs at the knees.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds, maintaining even, measured breathing.

This static exercise is suitable for the legs, since the exercise effectively pumps the back of the thighs. The buttocks are noticeably strengthened and posture improves. If over time the training ceases to give the feeling of increased stress, the time spent in the rack should be increased to several minutes per approach.

Web server CPU load

CP shows the amount of time in minutes spent on executing all client (client equipment). For example, 0.2cp means that the processor time was 0.2 minutes (i.e. 12 seconds). The data received from all clients every hour is added up and entered into the database. If the received number exceeds the acceptable value set by the provider, then in the next period (hour) all processes will work with a reduced priority. To find out the permissible maximum value, you need to divide the allowed load by 24. Thus, if on the hosting this parameter is 65cp , then it turns out 65/24 = 2.708cp per hour. This means that if the total execution time of the processes of all clients is more than 2 minutes. 43 sec., priority will be reduced in the next hour.

The specified values ​​are measured by the Process accounting system in Linux OS; the data is displayed on the hosting control panel (not to be confused with the site control panel).


static full body workout

The corner exercise allows you to effectively work out your abdominal muscles. The workout is ideal for women, since during the exercises the processes of burning fat in the problem area are activated.

What is the essence of the exercise? First, take the body position, lying on your back. The legs are straightened and raised to a height of about 20-30 centimeters from the floor. Then the body is raised. The body should form a kind of corner. The arms are extended forward to the lower limbs and held parallel to the floor. The position is maintained until the muscles fail. Following exactly this pattern of performing a static exercise for losing weight and pumping up the abs makes it possible to achieve the best results in the short term.

Leg forward lunges

A good static leg exercise is forward lunges. Take a vertical body position. Palms are placed on the waist. The gaze is directed forward. Perform a step with one leg at a distance of about 50-60 centimeters, firmly resting on the foot and maintaining balance in space. The second lower limb, which is behind, is slightly bent at the knee.

Hold in a static position for 20-30 seconds. Next, straighten your legs, moving to the starting position. Change body position with emphasis on the second limb.

Dynamic loads

These are loads that vary not only in time, but also in space.

Dynamic loads are characterized by a relatively high application speed, which requires the calculations to take into account the inertial mass of both the object creating the load and the element subjected to the load. In other words, one should take into account the nature of the movement of the object creating the load, as well as the fact that the inertial masses of structural elements exposed to dynamic loads move with acceleration and affect the stress-strain state of the elements. To take this effect into account, inertia forces are added to the static equilibrium equations to the external and internal forces based on the d'Alembert principle. The addition of inertial forces allows us to consider any moving system as being in a state of static equilibrium at any moment in time. Thus, dynamic loads cause dynamic stresses in the material of the structural element under study, and the behavior of the material in this case turns out to be different from the behavior under static stresses.

In turn, dynamic loads, depending on the nature of movement, are also of several types. For building structures, the most important are moving and impact loads:

Moving loads

These are loads resulting from the movement of an object along the surface of the structure under study (along the axis of the element under consideration).

For example, a car driving over a bridge creates a moving load on the bridge elements. In this case, the moving load will depend not only on the mass of the vehicle, but also on its speed and trajectory. For example, when moving in a circle, the greater the speed of movement, the greater the centrifugal force, so flying into a ditch on a bad road at high speed is a piece of cake.

Shock loads

These are loads that arise at the moment of contact of a moving object with the surface of the structure under study (along or across the axis of the element under consideration).

However, these are not all the options for classifying loads. Based on the area of ​​application, loads are divided into concentrated and distributed.

Static hyperextension

static leg exercises

Lay face down on a gymnastics mat. The upper and lower limbs are extended along the body. Exhale, after which they raise their arms extended forward along with the chest part of the body. The legs are also lifted off the floor, keeping them suspended. The body is tensed for 5-10 seconds, and then returned to its original, relaxed position.

Performing static hyperextension every other day allows you to train the gluteal muscles. The exercise is suitable for strengthening a weak back, which helps improve posture.

Chair against the wall

They press their backs against the surface of a flat wall. The arms are slightly spread to the sides and also support the plane. Bend your legs, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor. Externally, the position should look like placing the body on an imaginary chair. In static conditions they are held for 20-30 seconds. After some time, a burning sensation will arise in the muscles, which must be endured. Following this scheme, you can quickly pump up weak calf muscles, as well as the lower back, hips and back.

Static exercises for legs

Wall Squats

We press our backs tightly against the wall and begin to squat. Imagine sitting down on a chair. Stay in the squat when a right angle forms at the bend of your knee. Count to 30, then slowly return back. Repeat again 5 times.

Leg back

This static exercise will also tighten the muscles of the buttocks. Raise your arms up and at this time move your leg as far back as possible, without bending. We hold in this position, and then perform it with the other leg.

Leg to the side

A similar exercise, but alternately move the leg to the side.

On tiptoe

We stand on our toes, straining our calf muscles. We try to hold ourselves to 1-1.5 minutes.


The exercise is performed while standing on the floor. We place our feet at different levels: one in front, the other behind. We strain our leg muscles, trying to simultaneously move our legs and resist it. We count to 30, after which we relax.

Cat stance

static exercises for women

Consider isometric training to relax tight core muscles. Perform a stand on all fours. The emphasis is on the knees and palms. As you take a deep breath, tilt your head back slightly. The pelvis is directed upward, which contributes to a high-quality arch of the back. Hold in position for about 5 seconds. As you exhale, lower your head down and bend your back in the opposite direction. Perform about 3-4 cycles of such exercises. The time of holding the body in a static position is gradually increased as you feel the growth of physical potential.

Useful tips

In order to prevent accidental injuries during isometric training and obtain maximum benefits, we recommend paying attention to the following points:

  1. Classes must begin with a warm-up. It is necessary to warm up the muscles with the help of rubbing. It is advisable to stretch. Such actions will help prepare for the safe performance of a set of static exercises.
  2. During training, you need to concentrate on your own feelings. The target muscles that are to be pumped should feel a slight burning sensation. The effect indicates high-quality muscle development. If you do not force yourself to endure such discomfort, you cannot count on strengthening your muscles and ligaments.
  3. It is important to ensure proper breathing technique. It is recommended to begin isometric exercises by taking a deep breath. When holding a static position, you should not resort to jerky breathing. The air should be absorbed evenly.
  4. You should not completely concentrate on supporting your body. The body should stretch in space. It is necessary to try to reach with straightened limbs to distant imaginary points in space. The solution will allow you to increase the load during training.
  5. Beginners should hold their body in static poses for several seconds. Efforts need to be increased gradually. It is recommended to resort to maximum loads at the end of classes.
  6. If any pose causes increased discomfort, for example, severe pain in the muscles and joints, then you should switch to other, simpler exercises.
  7. When organizing training, do not forget about drinking plenty of fluids. The intake of fluid into the body will avoid tissue dehydration and provide additional strength.

Static training to develop strength and endurance

Static training is not only a female prerogative. Statics are also actively used during strength training, although it cannot be said that as the main activity. A set of exercises with weights to develop strength and endurance is presented in the video.

Static training to develop endurance

Static exercises should definitely be included in your sports diet. They should not be considered as an alternative to dynamic loading. Using dynamics in combination with statics, you can achieve your weight loss goal. What isometric exercises do you use? Did you feel a special effect from them? Share your experience in the comments!

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