Daily calorie intake: calculator for women and men online

Every woman who wants to always remain feminine, attractive and slim should know the basic rules of nutrition that will not allow you to gain extra pounds and will not harm your health. First of all, you need to know exactly what the daily calorie intake per day for a woman .

After all, each person has their own level of kcal consumption. For example, men have to expend much more physical effort per day, so they have to eat more. Children during the period of their active growth and development also need more calories so that their physical activity is normal. But for the female body, the caloric intake is completely different and the older a woman gets, the fewer kcal per day her body requires for optimal well-being. But here it is also necessary to calculate the level of activity, because, for example, for professional athletes and lovers of a sports lifestyle, the level of kcal entering the body should be slightly higher. In this review, we will take a closer look at what calories are, why you need to know exactly your norm and what formulas can be used to calculate it.

general information

Every person eats to maintain their vital functions. Any food consumed contains a certain set of useful vitamins and microelements, but in addition they contain a certain level of calorie content. The exclusion list only includes certain types of drinks that will not contain any calories.

Please note that caloric value represents a certain amount of energy that is released in the human body when consuming food.

Therefore, the measurement of energy in J and kJ, familiar to everyone from a physics course, is converted into calories to indicate the energy obtained from food products. To make calculations more convenient, 1 kJ equals approximately 4.186 kcal.

Energy is necessary for the human body to carry out all life processes; without it, a person cannot even move. Even during sleep, the body’s work does not stop and continues to consume energy in the process of functioning.

Please note: The average daily calorie intake for women should not be less than 1200 kcal. Although the calorie intake is different for each person, its value can range from 1200 to 4500 and even 5000 kcal.

When calculating calorie intake, a lot depends on a person’s age, physical activity, gender and climatic conditions of residence. Many people don’t even think about what can happen if they consume more than a certain amount of high-calorie foods every day. This is why there are so many people on earth who are overweight and developing obesity. After all, all the energy not spent by the body, received from the foods consumed, is transformed into fat deposits in the most problematic areas of the body. But even with a lack of a certain amount of calories, the human body also begins to exhibit negative reactions, as a result of which a feeling of lethargy and excessive irritability develops.


How many calories do you need to lose weight?

There are quick, strict diets that reduce calorie intake. As a result, the body consumes only 1000 kcal per day and begins to rapidly lose weight. However, such a diet is only suitable for people in perfect health, only after consultation with an experienced specialist. But we do not recommend torturing the body. You can get rid of excess weight using gentler methods. What daily calorie intake is needed to lose weight? Depends on the initial data: weight, age, height, physical activity. The average caloric intake for women is 1800–2200 kcal per day. For intensive weight loss, you need to reduce it to 1300–1500 calories and add physical activity. To quickly lose excess weight, aerobic workouts are good: brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing. It is important to remember that the body receives energy from food. During fasting days, no training is allowed.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich Dietitian, Samara

Dietitians typically have the biggest problem when calculating daily caloric intake for different groups of patients who want to lose weight (or maintain their weight) - determining the level of physical activity. These values ​​are the most variable and may result in discrepancies in daily caloric intake values ​​if they are roughly calculated. That is why in calorie calculators the type of activity is on a long list, and in some cases it is necessary to calculate the calorie intake not on the basis of daily calories, but by counting activities over several days, up to a week. The most responsible nutritionists use such a simple method for this as a diary of daily activities. At the end of the day, the calorie consumption results are summed up and the arithmetic average is usually displayed. In some cases, more complex calorie forecast methods are used, such as weighted averages and the moving average method.

In any case, when using calorie calculation formulas, you should not forget about such important components as fiber, liquid in terms of pure water and vitamins. These substances have no caloric value and are not used as a result of plastic metabolism. However, they are the ones who enable the body to carry out numerous metabolic processes while remaining within the boundaries of health.

Why do you need to count calories?

Kilocalories are a unit of measurement for the nutritional value of foods. It is also this indicator that measures the daily amount of energy consumed. Calorie intake is influenced by a person’s age, weight and gender, as well as their level of physical activity and diet. Any diet begins with determining the required number of calories. Even proper nutrition is based not only on the balance of food intake, but also on calculating energy costs. That is why calculating your daily calorie intake is an important step from which you should begin your journey to your dream figure. To lose weight, you need to expend more energy than you consume in food.

According to WHO recommendations, to maintain normal weight, the diet should contain no more than 30% fat, of which 10% are saturated fats, trans fats - less than 1%.

At the same time, for women to lose weight, it is necessary to almost halve the caloric content of dishes.

Why does everyone need to know caloric intake?

Many girls dream of losing excess weight, at least a few kilograms. But, for effective weight loss, first of all, you need to correctly calculate your daily calorie intake. And the most important thing when losing weight is “not to go too far,” because the human body is capable of spontaneous accumulation of reserve reserves of energy, and, accordingly, fat.

There are those who sharply reduce the amount of calories they consume to lose weight, but the result of such actions is that they burn something completely different from what they would like. Muscle masses begin to melt before our eyes, but the hated fat remains.

When it comes to health, what should come to the fore is not the quantity of consumption of high-calorie foods, but the consistency of their quality. Therefore, when compiling a daily diet for weight loss, you should be careful about the choice of products, which must contain the correct proportion:

  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins.

It is important to consider that fats are the most high-calorie component, so you need to consume them the least, especially when losing weight, but completely removing them from the diet is not recommended.

In order to learn to better understand proper nutrition and how best to choose a strategy for effective weight loss, it is recommended to read John Biff’s unique book, which is called “Stop Counting Calories.” The author clearly explains how to properly lose weight while being in harmony with your body.

Why you need to know your norm

Many of us want to lose extra pounds. To lose weight, you first need to calculate your daily calorie intake. It's important not to overdo it here. After all, our body tends to make reserves. Some begin to sharply reduce the number of calories they consume. As a result, what is burned is not what you want. Muscle mass melts, but fat remains.


  • How to calculate the number of calories a person needs per day
  • Calorie intake per day for men: how to calculate
  • Online calculator for calculating daily caloric intake

When we talk about our health, not only quantity is important. Quality is even more important. Be careful when creating your menu. Products must contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the correct proportions. Fats have more calories, so their amount should be less. But excluding them completely is contraindicated.

daily calorie intake for women

To better understand this topic, read the book “Stop Counting Calories.” Author John Briffa clearly explains how to avoid making mistakes when choosing a weight loss strategy. He talks about how to lose weight correctly without losing harmony with your own body.

Average daily calorie intake for the female body

Today, most of the female population has a general idea of ​​how many kilocalories should be consumed per day. The norm of kcal consumption per day for women aged 18 to 32 years ranges from 2000 kcal, but if a woman leads a sports lifestyle, then the body’s need for calories increases several times.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity who are over 32 years of age are recommended to consume slightly less high-calorie foods, so the daily calorie intake for a woman when losing weight should not exceed 1800 kcal.

When leading an active lifestyle at any age, energy costs increase, so calorie intake should be increased by about 200 units. For ladies over 50-55 years old, the required amount of calories should not exceed 1600 units per day.

Daily calorie intake for women and girls, taking into account their lifestyle

Calorie norm

To calculate how many calories a woman needs per day, you can use a special formula. This requires a number of indicators: age, weight, height, lifestyle, activity level, basal metabolic rate.

Basal metabolism is the number of kilocalories that are vital for the functioning of all important organs and ensuring the basic functions of the female or male body. This indicator is measured in the morning, on an empty stomach, in a complete state of rest at a comfortable room temperature. Depending on the basal metabolic rate, the daily calorie intake varies.

The daily calorie intake depends on lifestyle and many other factors.

If a woman plays sports or works hard physically, or is in a position, the amount of energy required increases, and the value of the daily calorie intake also increases. If there are no sports activities, sedentary or moderate work, the daily calorie intake for a woman will be less than in the previous version.

It is generally accepted that the daily calorie intake, on average, for women and girls ranges from 1600 to 1800 kcal. This indicator is an average and must be adjusted in each specific case depending on the factors described above. Therefore, there is no clear single answer to the question of how many calories a woman needs per day.

Depending on your metabolic level, it is recommended to vary your daily caloric intake. That is, if one girl loses weight by 1600 kilocalories per day, another with the same physical indicators can, on the contrary, gain weight, or her weight will remain at the same level. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the daily intake of BZHU or try the so-called “scissors”. For example, today you can eat 1600 kcal, tomorrow 1300 kcal, the day after tomorrow - 1400 kcal. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to change the metabolism.

Formulas for calculating calorie intake

In order to find out the specific value of the calorie intake rate, it is recommended to use special formulas for calculations, the most famous of which are:

  • formula developed by Harris-Benedict;
  • and the formula developed by Mifflin–San Geor.

Harris-Benedict developed his first formula for calorie calculations back in the early 20th century in 1919. Today, this formula is used by many with adjustments made, which allow obtaining more accurate calculation results. But the Mifflin-San Geor formula was developed quite recently. Let's take a closer look at each of them using specific examples. To make an accurate calculation, you need to measure the exact parameters of your body, namely height and weight.

Then determine the exact coefficient corresponding to vital activity according to the following criteria:

  • with a passive lifestyle, the activity coefficient will be equal to 1.2;
  • with regular sports activities at least 3 times a day, the activity coefficient is 1.375;
  • when playing sports at least 5 times a week – 1.4625;
  • and with intense training in combination with physical work – 1.550;
  • when engaging in sports activities 7 days a week – 1.6375;
  • when performing daily intensive training several times a day, the coefficient will reach 1.725;
  • Well, if you combine physical labor with intense daily training, then the coefficient will be equal to 1.9.

Harris-Benedict calculation

The general formula looks like this: (447.6 + 9.2 * weight in kg + 3.1 * height parameters in cm – 4.3 * age) * CFA, where CFA is the coefficient of physical activity. For example, let’s find out the calorie norm for a woman 172 cm tall, weighing 75 kg and 25 years old, leading a passive lifestyle: (447.6+9.2*75+3.1*172-4.3*25)*1 .2=1875.96 is her minimum calorie intake per day.


Calculation according to Mifflin - San Georo

Its formula is as follows: (10 * weight in kg + 6.25 * height in cm – 5 * age – 161) * CFA. Let's calculate for the same example: (10*75+6.25*172-5*25-161)*1.2=1846, as can be seen from the result obtained using both formulas, the answer is practically the same. Therefore, you can calculate the dose of calories using either the first or the second formula. But, if calculating your own dose of daily kcal using the presented formulas turns out to be difficult, then you can calculate them online using our calculators .

Calories and proper nutrition

Energy is found in any food. If you want your body to maintain endurance longer, your diet must contain a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates. These foods digest slowly, keeping you full for a long time. This way you will be able to avoid overeating and not get tired during training. Slow carbohydrates can be eaten 2-3 hours before physical activity.

This is interesting: WHO recommends eating at least 400 grams of any fruits and vegetables per day, with the exception of sweet potatoes and other root vegetables with a high content of starch.

Protein can be obtained from meat, fish and dairy products. However, for those who plan to lose weight, Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 protein shakes may also be suitable. High protein content, minimal calories (up to 96 depending on flavor) and vitamin and mineral complex per serving, as a rule, provide complete nutrition, saturating the body with energy and preventing overeating.

Why count calories?

Food has a certain value. A person subsists on food: it is an integral part of life. Depending on gender and age, the value varies from 1500 to 3000 kcal. A man in average physical shape needs to consume 2500-2700 kcal (for athletes up to 4000). Children need calories to grow. Having reached puberty, the need for energy units decreases with age.

The norm of kcal per day for women depends on her activity, health, goal to gain weight or lose kg. Athletes can afford a little more; people who are prone to obesity should keep track of what they eat.

If a woman is on a strict diet, exhausting herself with hunger strikes, the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. As a result, your health worsens, dizziness and exhaustion appear. The situation threatens diseases: hormonal imbalance, nervous system, digestive tract. This harms the reproductive system.

There are days when a woman uncontrollably consumes fatty, floury foods, and a box of chocolates is followed by a bar of chocolate. This is how they fight depression and PMS: the body requires serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Minute weakness is deposited in the form of fat on the sides, hips, and abdomen, which you will have to fight for more than one month.

Calculating the energy value of foods is necessary to develop correct eating behavior. If you control your diet, portion size, and nutrient balance, you can maintain a slim figure and avoid illnesses associated with excess weight (obesity, diabetes).

Bju calorie calculator. Calorie calculator for foods and ready meals

Food has a great influence on a person’s health and appearance. To get rid of extra pounds and stay in good physical shape, you need to monitor the amount of calories in food and follow the recommended intake. However, manually calculating the energy value of food every time before eating is difficult and tedious. This task will be facilitated by calculating the calorie content of ready-made dishes using an online calorie calculator - a special application designed to determine the energy value of servings of various sizes.

A program that allows you to quickly determine how nutritious a food is. This application is designed to make it easier for people who want to lose weight to create a menu. Thanks to the service, everyone will be able to improve their eating habits and balance their diet.

How to use an online calculator

The application has a simple and user-friendly interface. To calculate the nutritional value of food, you should indicate the weight of the serving in grams and select the dish of interest from the list provided, after which detailed information about the quantity contained in it will appear on the screen:

  1. calories;
  2. proteins;
  3. fats;
  4. carbohydrates.

To make it easier for the user to find the information of interest, the application provides a search by name. When working with the program, you need to specify the name of the product in a special window, after which the system will automatically select from the list all results that meet the search conditions.

Considering that when eating a person rarely limits himself to one product, the application allows you to simultaneously calculate the indicators of several dishes, as well as determine their total energy value.

An example of calorie calculation and menu adjustments

Using a calorie counter, you can calculate the nutritional value of both a small snack and a full breakfast, lunch or dinner within one or two minutes. Suppose you plan to eat for breakfast:

  1. fried potatoes – 150 g;
  2. stewed beef – 50 g;
  3. canned cucumber – 50 g;
  4. bread (sliced ​​loaf) – 25 g;
  5. coffee with sugar – 250 g.

To determine the calorie content of breakfast, you need to enter information about each menu item into the application, indicating the name and weight of the portion. After the program processes the data, the user will be shown the calorie content of each dish, as well as the energy value of breakfast as a whole and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed. The user will be able to see the following results on the screen:

  1. fried potatoes – 288 Kcal;
  2. beef stew – 116 Kcal;
  3. canned cucumber – 8 Kcal;
  4. bread (sliced ​​loaf) – 66 Kcal;
  5. coffee with sugar – 145 Kcal.

In total, breakfast contains 623 Kcal, the total weight of consumed products is 525 g, including:

  1. proteins – 17.63 g;
  2. fats – 26.63 g;
  3. carbohydrates 76.48 g.

Online daily calorie calculator. Daily calorie intake for women and men - online calculation 01

If you need to lose excess weight, it is recommended to review the menu and choose an alternative to high-calorie foods. For example, fried potatoes can be replaced with a similar-sized portion of boiled potatoes, reducing breakfast calories by 165 kcal.

The calorie counter makes it easy to create a daily menu, which is important for people who are struggling with excess weight and must follow a diet that involves consuming a limited amount of calories and carbohydrates. On the website you can quickly determine the list of dishes and the volume of portions that you can eat during the day, without going beyond the established limits.

Why is it important to calculate the calorie content of prepared food?

On the packaging of any product you can find information about its calorie content. However, heat treatment changes the energy value of products. An illustrative example is an apple, 100 g of which in its raw form contains 47 Kcal, and when baked - 89 Kcal.

Considering that a person mainly eats not raw, but prepared foods, counting calories for weight loss on a calculator allows you to accurately find out the nutritional value of cooked food and correctly formulate a menu.

Calculation of daily nutritional intake

The daily nutritional intake should be determined individually for each person. This indicator depends on:

  1. growth;
  2. age;
  3. weight;
  4. gender identity;
  5. level of physical activity.

The intensity of weight loss is also taken into account - the faster you need to get results, the lower the energy value of the food consumed should be. However, regular malnutrition and intense weight loss are fraught with negative consequences for the body. Therefore, in order to correctly calculate the amount of food consumed, it is recommended to use a body mass index calculator for weight loss.

Daily calorie intake for women for weight loss calculator. Calorie intake calculator

Online calorie calculator.
Use the calorie intake calculator. Count your calories and lose excess fat. Let me remind you that food is calculated by the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in it. You can calculate your energy needs using sophisticated formulas, or you can use a convenient calorie intake calculator.

Don't forget that we are all unique in our daily needs. It depends on the:

  • gender (women need less kcal per day than men);
  • age (in teenagers and children the exchange is more intense than in old people);
  • physique;
  • lifestyle;
  • health conditions;
  • heredity;
  • metabolic rate, etc.

It is difficult to achieve accurate results. But for losing weight, it is important to find a starting point that will allow you to achieve results experimentally.

There are several “buts” in this matter.

  1. Tables of caloric content of foods (you can download and view them) cannot be considered a standard. The energy content of food depends on:
  • processing method;
  • from where and how she grew up.
  1. Not all low-calorie foods can be eaten. Contents to consider:
  • irreplaceable
  • and carcinogens.
  1. The number of calories does not coincide with what is needed, and the latter is more important to us.

Having an extra supply of energy (you can work it off physically) is not as scary as neglecting your body. In order for it to serve as long as possible, it needs to be properly fed and developed.

Daily calorie intake for women for weight loss calculator. Calorie intake calculator

I hasten to please you! My “Active Weight Loss Course” is already available to you anywhere in the world where there is Internet. In it, I revealed the main secret of losing weight by any number of kilograms. No diets and no hunger strikes. The lost kilograms will never come back. Download the course, lose weight and enjoy your new sizes in clothing stores!

There are also calculators for you:

Other calculators and tables.

That's all for today. Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog. And let's move on.

Tricks to “fit into the norm”

Of course, you can eat a few pieces of cake and be hungry for the rest of the day. And there is another option: eat healthy foods with a low calorie content, which will provide the body with all the components and will not allow you to feel hungry, thereby making the weight loss process comfortable. In order not to resort to diets and stay slim, nutritionists recommend adhering to several rules:

  • Eliminate fatty foods. Replace a piece of lard with lean beef, and steam fried cutlets: the saturation will be the same, and the calories absorbed per day will be less.
  • Give up sugar. Consume honey, dried fruits, and dark chocolate in reasonable quantities.
  • Chew thoroughly. The slower food enters the digestive tract, the less is eaten at lunch.
  • Eat five times a day in small portions, the volume of the stomach will decrease, thereby solving the problem of overeating.
  • Place portions in small plates, use dessert spoons. This way you can deceive the brain: if the plate is full, then the stomach will be full.
  • Include vegetables, fruits, bran, and grains in your diet.
  • Have one fasting day a week, for example, kefir (100 g of one percent drink contains 40 kcal).

If you decide to start counting calories, keep a food diary, write down the food you eat and the volume. Print out and hang a table on the refrigerator showing the indicators. You can entrust the routine work of counting calories to apps. There are a huge number of programs for computers and smartphones that will help you determine your daily intake and monitor everything you eat. Not all calorie calculators are paid; if you wish, you will find many free versions.

Develop the habit of drinking large amounts of clean water, at least 2 liters: it stimulates metabolism, fills the body's cells with fluid, and dulls the feeling of hunger. Watch your diet, walk in the fresh air, replace the elevator with stairs, run in the morning and you will radiate freshness and have a thin waist.

It's no secret that to maintain a figure in good condition, you need to adhere to your daily calorie intake throughout the day. This is especially important for women who do not want to gain weight.

Scientists have long established that the amount of calories consumed by a person during the day depends on the person’s gender, his age, as well as the climate in which he lives and his profession. But these are only the main factors that can be taken into account. For children, for example, the daily calorie intake should increase approximately with every six months of life, since the child’s body is growing from birth, for which it requires a lot of energy.

As a person gets older, his daily caloric intake decreases. In old age, a person no longer needs a lot of energy. But if, for example, a person is over 70 and is engaged in physical activity, he will need the same number of calories per day as he needed in his youth, because any physical activity requires a lot of energy from us.

Men need a higher amount of calories than women, as their bodies expend more energy and strength. This is why the daily calorie intake for women is much lower. This, of course, does not apply to pregnant and lactating women, who must eat for two, as well as to athletes, because their energy consumption is approximately one and a half times higher.

The quality of the calories we consume is also important. It is necessary for a person’s diet to be completely balanced. Attention should be paid to the daily protein intake, but the consumption of carbohydrates and fats should be limited, because a large amount of them leads to an increase in body fat. It is important that fats make up approximately 30 percent of daily calories and carbohydrates make up 50 percent of daily calories for women.

What are calories

Any product consumed as food has energy value, calculated in kilocalories.
A calorie is a unit of energy value of food, that is, the amount of energy that the body receives from food. The daily calorie intake refers to the amount of energy that a person needs for the normal functioning of the body all day. Energy is spent not only on active actions; even inhaling and exhaling requires spending a certain amount of calories.

Usually calorie content is indicated on the packaging, but you can also find it in special tables.

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