Useful tips on how to recover after a night shift

You dream of a beautiful, fit, strong body, but you still can’t start working out - where can you find time for training in such a busy work schedule?! We tell you how to combine work and fitness.

Workouts after work

According to experts, to keep yourself in good physical shape, you need to train at least three to four times a week, visiting the gym every other day - the body must have time to rest and recover. However, simply finding time for fitness in your busy work schedule is not enough - it needs to be linked with such important factors for the training process as proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Success largely depends on them.

Evening fitness: the cons

There are no significant disadvantages to evening workouts, except for two factors: fatigue accumulated during the day (which can negatively affect results) and dinner after training, which can negate the benefits of aerobic exercise.

If you train in the evening with the goal of losing weight, have your last meal before going to the gym.

The rest concerns rather the merits of morning classes. It is believed that morning glycogen deficiency and low insulin levels (we will not dive into the physiological questions of why this happens) contribute to more efficient fat burning.

There is also an opinion that the processes of energy metabolism in the body, which are activated in the evening, interfere with the effective growth of muscle mass. However, this is a very controversial issue; such statements cannot be classified as unambiguous arguments.

Let us note one more interesting fact. Morning workouts are considered beneficial in Asian countries: the Japanese, Chinese and other residents of this region most often exercise at 7-8 am. At the same time, it must be admitted that in the “Western” world, including Russia, athletes achieve excellent results when training in the evening.

So, we found out that there are no compelling arguments against. Now let's move on to the benefits.

How to train if you work shifts

It is convenient to combine a shift work schedule, for example, “two after two” with fitness classes. You can choose the time for training yourself, focusing on your own preferences, body characteristics and circumstances.

“Go to study at a time convenient for you and free from work,” says Edward Kazaryan. — You can do a two-day marathon. For example, on your first day off you go to the pool and do stretching, and on your second free day you devote to cardio and functional training. Don’t give up physical exercise completely on weekdays either—do exercises in the morning for 15-20 minutes to keep your body in good shape.”

If you need to work out after a working day, this will be a kind of unloading. Swimming and stretching are again ideal for this. You can also choose this option. “The first free day should be given to light loads, such as cardio, circuit training,” says Valentin Zinin. “And devote the second day to more serious exercises, for example, strength training.”

Benefits of evening fitness

Let's start with the obvious: fitness enthusiasts have to exercise in the evening. This is what the entire service is designed for. If you can just visit the gym at any time of the day, then various specialized workouts are especially effective in the evening .

As noted above, subject to strict adherence to the diet (that is, if you do not eat after an evening workout), classes starting at 19-21 hours will be most effective for losing weight. But once again we emphasize: after training, in this case, only foods devoid of fats and carbohydrates can be allowed from food.

The cardiovascular system tolerates evening workouts more easily , but this does not mean that the effect will be lower. We are talking about the danger of harming yourself with excessive loads, which decreases in the evening. This applies to both strength and aerobic training, but a special effect is manifested precisely when working with hardware.

How to create conditions for muscle growth at work

As usual in the morning, you wake up and have breakfast , then another meal follows, after 2 hours , then the next one, also after 2 hours. The main principle of an athlete’s nutrition is reusability and balance .

In order not to constantly look at the clock, you can listen to your body , as soon as you begin to experience a slight feeling of hunger , immediately begin to eat. It is advisable to replace some meals with protein shakes.

At work, try not to overexert yourself ; if you have the opportunity not to waste physical strength, do not waste it, you will need it in the gym.

Healthy eating at work

Mental core work and training

If you work more with your head , for example, as an office employee who periodically strains his mental abilities, then in this case, you should also not get too tired, especially try to avoid severe stress , otherwise the nervous system will be overloaded, and you will feel overwhelmed and out of control during training. like a “lemon”, but this is not as scary as in cases of heavy physical work, which will inevitably lead the athlete sooner or later to overtraining .

The optimal time for an evening workout

The lower time limit can be set based on dinner. You should eat, wait an hour or two, and only then start exercising. The reason is that eating seriously after finishing classes is no longer advisable . For physiological reasons and in order to fall asleep normally, you should complete your workout at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. It turns out that a reasonable lower time limit is 19 hours.

During evening home workouts, you should think about your neighbors: it is better to reduce noise to a minimum. This problem is well solved by Life Fitness exercise machines, one of the important advantages of which is quiet operation.

Finally, a little advice: never change your time at the gym suddenly . If you need to switch to a different daily routine, shift the start of your workout by an hour or two each time, nothing more. This way you will protect your body from unnecessary shocks.

Tips on how to stay healthy

Hormonal balance plays an important role in maintaining vital health. If the production of at least one of the necessary hormones is disrupted, a person feels weak, his health deteriorates, and his quality of life deteriorates.

IMPORTANT! As you know, the hormone melatonin is produced at night, in the time period from 12 to 2 am. It is recommended to at least sometimes arrange your work process in such a way that you can capture these precious hours for sleep.

General Tips

To maintain your health for many, many years, follow these tips.

  1. Alternating work schedule. Try to arrange your work process in such a way that you can sleep at night at least 15 days out of 30. This way, the body will not feel enormous stress.
  2. Regular physical activity. 3 times a week for half an hour - a guarantee of a healthy body and strong spirit.
  3. Proper nutrition.
  4. Elimination of alcohol and nicotine.
  5. Receiving spiritual food - theaters, cinema music. Everything that brings pleasure must be present in your life to feel complete.

What to do if you can't sleep?

To fall asleep faster, you need to create a nighttime atmosphere in the bedroom. The so-called “black out” curtains will help with this. Due to their density, they do not let sunlight into the room, creating the illusion that it is evening outside. Which means it’s time to sleep.


If curtains don’t really help, you can resort to this option - using synthetic melatonin. Medicines that contain it are sold in all pharmacies and are available without a prescription.

The list of side effects and contraindications is practically absent, but the benefits of taking it will be enormous. As with any medicine, before taking it you should consult with a specialized doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

ADVICE! Soothing teas - herbal infusions, chamomile, sage - will help you go to sleep faster. A warm shower will also have a relaxing effect on the body and help you get into a sleepy mood.


If you have a headache after a night shift, the best recommendation is to lie down and sleep. During sleep, the body will recover faster, and after waking up you will feel a surge of new strength.

If sleep doesn't help, you can take a paracetamol tablet. This drug is considered the most harmless among analgesics; side effects are almost never recorded.

You feel sick

If night work is burdensome, and your health after such shifts leaves much to be desired, it is recommended to reconsider your life positions, and, as a last resort, simply change your place of work. You certainly shouldn’t sacrifice your life and its quality for work.

Shifts are strictly contraindicated for the following categories of citizens:

  • pregnant women;
  • minors;
  • those suffering from heart disease who have had a heart attack;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus, ulcers;
  • suffering from chronic diseases.

You may find this article useful: what to do if you don’t want to work.

Workout after work

Well, I don't really respect this matter very much. Although, when there is no other choice, then why not? The disadvantages of evening training are:

  • — Fatigue, laziness and reluctance to move at all after stress at work. We begin to come up with reasons why we shouldn’t play sports today, and find excuses for ourselves. Moreover, if a friendly team is going to relax after a hard week of work, submitting reports, etc. And I also want to pay attention to my family...

  • — There are too many people in the gym in the evening. The desire to have a beautiful body and strong muscles makes people run to the gym, but only after work, because... Not everyone has another option. Therefore, you can prepare for the fact that you will have to stand in line to get to the simulator you need.

But, if your priority is training and a healthy, beautiful body, and not laziness and excuses, and not getting together with friends over a glass of beer, crowds don’t bother you, then this is the best option for training. Just remember about nutrition, i.e. do not eat after 18:00. But after training, it is advisable to eat something containing protein (protein shake, cheese, milk, cottage cheese).

About motivation

Own successes

Periodically look back and remember your victories. When I was losing weight, buying a bun, I remembered that I had already lost 5 kg. “Is some puff pastry really more valuable than all the early rises and soaking wet T-shirts?”

Involvement in a global idea

Often during the final approach I imagine that someone is also squatting. Maybe even does it much better than me. The feeling that thousands of people at this very moment are training and not giving up is very inspiring.


The coolest thing about being a beginner is that you quickly begin to notice the first results of your efforts. This is the most exciting period, super motivational, and, unfortunately, you can only go through it once. Because the body adapts, and then the time comes for more cunning actions. This could be changing the type of physical activity, setting inspiring goals and publicly commenting on them, training with a coach or with a group (socialization in itself is a good motivator), or simply discipline (this is probably the main factor). It is very important to be able to work with yourself and look for new “carrots” and arguments to continue playing sports every time.


If Facebook is more for colleagues, VK is for old friends, then Instagram is mostly sports. There are motivational photos and life hacks.


It is important to choose your goal. For example, lose 7 kilograms by the New Year, increase the percentage of body fat to 18% (there are “smart scales” that measure this parameter at home), do 10 pull-ups or stand in the plank for 7 minutes, run a half-marathon in August, run a half-marathon from two hours, take part in some competition or competition. The goal should not be sadistic, but intense. If you are not 90 years old, almost any goal is achievable, it is important to calculate the time correctly. If you don’t miss classes and watch your diet, within a month your own reflection in the mirror will become a good motivator. Selfies from the gym/from the forest (and their public approval on social networks) can also be a good encouragement for many, but you shouldn’t abuse them - if you post too often, you won’t see progress, and it will irritate readers.


Today, stores have a large selection of bright and specialized items for sports - T-shirts, sneakers, Thais and shorts, gloves, headbands. Even water bottles. Do not exercise in home or old clothes. If you think this is nonsense, just try it. Firstly, wearing a special uniform is convenient, and secondly, it sets the mood for victory.

Supporting a loved one

It is the people close to you who will take your hand at the right moment and say: “Continue. You really wanted this. I'm near".


Understand the topic. Remember "Alice"?

- Dear Cheshire cat, please tell me where should I go from here?
- A-a-a-a-a-a-and where do you want to go?

- But I don’t care where to go, as long as I get somewhere...

“Then it doesn’t matter where you go... you’ll end up somewhere anyway.”

How fitness helps business

To get everything done, you need to take time away from other things, which means setting priorities. Sport teaches you to be purposeful and distinguish what is important from what is unimportant. I became much more collected and disciplined, learned to clearly plan my day and overcome difficulties more easily. When you press a platform in the morning with a weight twice your own, you fly to the office inspired by success, and many difficulties at work seem trivial. I recommend everyone to start the day with a small victory over themselves.


Playing sports gives you energy and health. For example, I don't use the elevator anywhere. The apartment is on the 30th floor, the office is on the 7th. I walk exclusively, it doesn’t matter to me how many times a day I need to go up and down. I also don’t remember the last time I was sick.


Regular exercise helps you manage your time very well. You literally have to “budget” time for meetings, communication, household chores, and even to be completely alone and take a break from everything. Time is a very important resource, I had to learn to give up empty communication or some insignificant entertainment, to be able to prioritize what to spend time on. In exchange for spending so much time and effort on sports, I get a great mood and a lot of energy. Sport actually adds energy to life and work, rather than taking it away. In addition, this is a very good way to cope with stress and strong emotions - they are perfectly “utilized” after a good load, so the influence of negative emotions on decisions becomes much less.


An obvious topic of conversation appears. Since all “triathlon” sports - running, swimming, cycling - are now experiencing a real boom, it turns out that many of your old acquaintances and new business contacts have become athletes, and a discussion immediately begins about who ran the half marathon in how long and where they will go to the next competition. In addition, the meaning of travel has changed. The “weekend trip to get drunk” has been replaced by trips to races or swims, allowing you to look at seemingly familiar places, but from a new angle.

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