Fat burning workouts at home for girls and women beginners without preparation. Videos, effective techniques and complexes

Fat burning for women and men: what is the difference?

Although the process of fat burning in the body follows the same scenario for everyone, men and women still lose weight in different ways. “By nature, women need to have a larger reserve of fat than men; this is necessary to bear and give birth to children,” comments Anna Yurchenko, personal trainer at the Escalada fitness club . “Therefore, other things being equal, men will lose more fat. However, the fat burning process itself can only be started by a calorie deficit in the presence of some kind of physical activity. Properly selected exercise speeds up metabolism, which contributes to faster fat burning.”

What is more important for burning fat: nutrition or training?

In an attempt to lose weight, many literally stay in the gym and follow a very strict diet. However, experts say, you can start the fat burning process using less radical methods. “Training and proper nutrition work in tandem; one without the other will not give the desired result,” says Anna Yurchenko. — You should not cut calories too much (a reduction of no more than 200-300 kcal is considered optimal, otherwise the body will begin to make reserves). It is very important to choose the right load and pay attention to how you eat before and after training. Nutrition should be balanced and complete! And drink more water, the body especially needs this during training.”

Fat burning workouts for girls: what's the point?

With a properly structured menu for weight loss, strength, cardio and circuit training are suitable. It is important to choose the level of load that suits you and exercise regularly. Circular training is the most effective , since it is very dynamic, combines several types of loads and is quite energy-consuming,” comments Anastasia Yurkova, master trainer of X-Fit group programs in Russia. “In general, fat burning workouts work like this: firstly, they help burn calories, and secondly, they speed up metabolism.”

Circuit training also allows you to change the load: by replacing some exercises in the basic complex, you can get several options for classes. This, firstly, will diversify your activities, and secondly, will help you focus on different areas of the body.

Requirements for fat burning training for women, rules

Exercising at home has a number of advantages:

  • Work directly with your body without additional dynamic resistance devices and exercise machines.
  • There are no time limits.
  • There is no need to waste time on the road to the place of classes and back.
  • There is no need for expensive sportswear
  • Lack of outside attention distracting from classes.

Fat-burning workouts at home should be based on the principle of understanding that local fat deposits cannot be eliminated and they will only go away if the fat layers are comprehensively reduced.

The main principles should always be put at the forefront:

  • using the maximum number of muscles in training;
  • medium and high intensity training;
  • uniform distribution of loads between muscle groups;
  • alternating exercises in daily training.

Fat burning workouts for girls. Effective techniques and complexes for beginners at home

When starting the training process, it is strictly not recommended to switch to low-calorie diets. Not only will this not help burn fat, but it may also make the situation worse.

As a result of the body’s protective reaction to a decrease in frequency, caloric intake and increased physical activity, “reserves” will accumulate in the form of fatty layers in the most undesirable places: the lower abdomen, on the outer surfaces of the thighs and on the sides.

This process will be accompanied by increased intoxication due to increased processing of the entire insufficient amount of food. For this reason, the diet must match the level of physical activity. Without going into details of the calculations, you should calculate nutrition options with a daily calorie content of 1100 to 1800 Kcal, depending on the level of physical activity.

The next point that needs to be taken into account at the initial stage is the normalization of intestinal activity. This is an element of first necessity, since utilized excess fat reserves must be promptly removed from the body. The most unpleasant and embarrassing factor for many girls and women is the factor of personal hygiene.

Thanks to large-scale advertising, it has become commonplace for several decades to use a lot of detergents, gels, shampoos and creams every day. As a result, the body is forced to work in a mode of combating the destruction of the natural environment on its surface.

Therefore, during the period of fat burning exercises, you should stop using daily detergents and take a shower without them. Use soap solutions only once a week in the shower.

For most women, one of the main problems is changing their daily routine. The fact is that you need to change the rise time: it should be done no later than 5.30, and the end time should be no later than 22.00. This requirement is due to natural biological rhythms.

Morning physical exercises for 40 minutes are mandatory. If there is an opportunity for jogging, the charging time increases by 15 - 30 minutes.

Most women can do their main training only in the evening. There is nothing scary about this. In this case, the optimal time is from 17.00 to 19.00. 2 hours before the start of the workout, finish eating. Exercise sets should be selected based on physical readiness. The average number of exercises should not exceed 10-15 per repetition.

Dosing loads when performing exercises should be done independently according to the principle of maintaining an average pace and average intensity. Peak loads should be short-term, and the main loads should be medium loads. In this mode, the body itself selects energy sources for movements. This will mainly be adipose tissue.

The main mistakes in fat burning training

Shortcomings in any training reduce their effectiveness, and sometimes even reduce the result to zero. Fat loss training is no exception. Here are the main mistakes in them according to Anna Yurchenko:

  • Incorrect lesson duration . “Fat-burning classes (if we are not talking about circuit training) should last from 40 to 60 minutes,” says the expert.
  • The monotony of classes. “If you don’t change your training program for a long time, doing the same cardio for an hour at the same speed on the same machine, this can stop the weight loss process,” notes Anna Yurchenko.
  • Lack of balance in training and nutrition. “This combination will not allow you to lose weight: long exhausting workouts and a low calorie diet. To lose weight, it is very important to maintain a balance - training, nutrition and quality rest,” says Anna Yurchenko.

Take this into account when creating your fat burning workout program for women .

What are the best options for circuit training for girls at home to burn fat?

Circuit training is a set of 5-10 exercises performed sequentially, without interruption.

Upon completion of the circle, a pause of no more than one minute , and the circle is repeated. The number of repetitions, exercises and circuits depends on the level of physical fitness.

Circuit training in the gym or at home: which is more effective?

Fat burning exercises can be done both at home and in the gym. However, this raises the question of efficiency. “There is a difference between these formats. Firstly, the question is psychological: in the gym we are more focused and can work out well, but at home we are often distracted, so the lesson will be more likely to be in a supporting mode,” comments Anastasia Yurkova. “But if a person is highly motivated, he will get good results at home.” Secondly, the gym has additional equipment that helps make training more effective. At home, many people only have access to basic movements on the mat.”

We asked Anastasia Yurkova to compose and show us two sets of exercises for fat burning. One of them is suitable for training at home, the second - for training in the gym. “Both complexes combine cardio and strength training and involve working at a fast pace,” says Anastasia Yurkova.

Losing weight at home - fat burning workout

Fat burning workout at home is a whole set of exercises that combine two types of physical activity: cardiac and whole body. To lose weight quickly enough and maintain the effect for a long time, you will have to do cardio and strength exercises for all muscle groups in one complex .

It is this scheme that works to burn fat in the most effective way. The principle of its operation is simple: the more muscles are involved in the work, the more strength will be needed to restore them. If your nutrition and daily caloric intake are in order, then energy will be replenished from fat reserves. In addition, with regular exercise, metabolic processes accelerate, which also contributes to rapid weight loss.

The fat-burning complex for women includes a variety of types of exercises to perform at home. Sports equipment will be especially effective in losing weight and building a beautiful body: dumbbells, fitball, jump rope.


  • ✅ Exercises for weight loss at home
  • ✅ Gym weight loss training program for men
  • ✅ Circuit training for women and men at home
  • ✅ Ab exercises with a roller for women and men
  • ✅ Workouts to gain muscle mass in the gym and at home
  • ✅ Exercises for the pectoral muscles with an expander

You can build a fat-burning workout on a circuit basis, according to the Tabata system, or create a weekly plan using the split system: one day we train the upper body, another - the legs, the third - the abs. The entire fat burning set of tasks must be completed without rest . This significantly increases the efficiency of burning fat deposits.

Basic principles of fat burning exercises:

  • The complex should include fat-burning exercises for each muscle group. It is best to do several approaches to train your abs and legs;
  • Be sure to start your workout with a warm-up and end with stretching;
  • First of all, you need to perform the most difficult tasks, most often this is working with dumbbells and squats;
  • Next, you can do abdominal exercises;
  • The best way to finish a fat-burning workout is with 15-30 minutes of cardio.

Fat-burning workouts at home for women can alternate by day of the week. Cardio, like running or cycling, is best done in the morning on an empty stomach. Fat burning depends on food intake: it is better to eat 2 hours before training, and 2 hours after.

In order to enhance the fat-burning effect of any chosen system at home, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Carry out the program 1.5-2 hours after eating and do not eat for another 1.5-2 hours after it;
  • The training time should not be less than 50 minutes;
  • For high-quality results, it is best to perform a fat-burning training system in the fresh air;
  • Monitor the average heart rate while performing an effective complex (220 minus age);
  • Effective results can be obtained by performing at least three workouts per week;
  • For a fat-burning effect, you need to constantly dilute strength exercises with cardio.

Program for girls

The fat-burning workout program for girls at home is perfect for the modern woman who works, takes care of her family, and at the same time devotes time and energy to her own health and appearance. It is worth recognizing that for these purposes it is not always possible to regularly visit the gym, so home workouts are a priority for many.

Fat burning workout for girls at home is the most suitable option for women who are ready to devote 30 minutes a day to working on their own body. At this time, you will have to fit in a mandatory warm-up, strength and cardio exercises, a cool-down or stretching - the latter can not be included in the 30-minute fat-burning complex, but can be done additionally for 15 minutes. In a short time of the main workout, you will have to pay attention to all muscle groups, so you can combine two types of exercises in one - this is called supersets.

Supersets of exercises for the whole body during a fat-burning workout:

  • running in place (15 minutes) or jumping at an accelerated pace (10 minutes), X-jumps (20 times);
  • turning and bending the body to the sides (about 20 repetitions in each direction);
  • push-ups on your knees (for beginners) from the floor or leaning on any surface (bed, chair) - a couple of sets of 15 repetitions;
  • deep squats with legs wide apart (3 sets of 15 reps);
  • lunges (a couple of sets of 10 times on each leg);
  • abdominal crunches (straight, lateral, combined with a “bicycle”), 20 times, 2 approaches;
  • stretching for all muscle groups.

Before and after supersets, you can perform cardio (running or jumping) for 10 minutes to enhance the fat-burning effect.

The entire program for losing weight at home for women takes half an hour, this saves not only time, but also money.

Leg exercises

Fat burning workout at home for women can consist of a set of tasks to work out the leg muscles. To give your legs a slim and toned look, you don’t have to go to the gym; you can perform fat-burning exercises at home and achieve the desired result.

Leg training program at home:

  • deep squat (you need to squat low and smoothly to feel the muscle tension), three sets of 20 repetitions;
  • plie squats (leaning on a chair, you need to squat down smoothly and stay in this position until you feel maximum muscle tension), three sets of 10 repetitions;
  • sumo squats (deep squats with legs wide apart), three sets of 20 reps;
  • lunges on each leg (15 times);
  • double lunges (after lunging forward, do a reverse lunge back), 10 times, two approaches;
  • exercise “dog” (on all fours you need to move your legs back and to the side), 15 repetitions on each leg.

By performing fat-burning exercises for the legs, the muscles of the thighs, calves, buttocks, and abs are strengthened.

Effective abdominal exercises

How to lose belly fat with fat burning exercises? To remove a small amount of extra pounds from this part of the body, you can limit your diet and do cardio at home. However, to achieve relief on your stomach, you need to add strength exercises to your cardio.

Fat burning training for the abdomen is aimed at activating muscle work and reducing fat, but this is not enough. Beautiful relief is achieved only with proper nutrition with a predominance of protein in the diet, which is a building material for muscles.

Exercises for a flat stomach should target the transverse abdominis muscle, for this you need to perform intense crunches in several approaches.

What exercises for a flat stomach can be done at home?

  • plank in all variations: on outstretched arms; on the elbows; lateral with emphasis on one hand; with classic with side swings; "climber"
  • twists in all variations: straight; lateral; on fitball; reverse crunches - lifting legs bent at the knees; crunches with legs raised on a chair; bicycle crunches;
  • lifts from a lying position: straight and lateral.

Cardio workout

Fat-burning cardio workout for home is a single set of strength exercises and cardio that increases the speed of achieving the desired result. Their main goal is to burn extra pounds and give overall body tone. To have the desired effect, intense fat-burning training at home must be accompanied by proper nutrition.

The intensity of exercise depends on the structure of the body. The emphasis should be on problem parts of the body. An important element is speed and technique; you need to perform the exercises correctly and quickly.

Fat burning cardio workout at home:

  • explosive push-ups. With this type of push-ups, you need to smoothly lower down and sharply push off from the floor, lifting your palms off, then gently lower, you need to perform them 15 times, gradually increasing the difficulty by adding clapping;
  • burpee exercise . From a standing position, bend over, place your hands on the floor at your feet, rest on your palms. Jump your lower body back into a push-up position. Perform push-ups. Pull your legs under yourself again, resting on your bent legs and straight arms, and stand in the starting position while standing. You need to repeat the burpee 20 times;
  • "climbing" exercise. While standing in a plank, pull your left leg towards your left hand and return to the starting position, do the same on the other part of the body. You need to repeat the exercise 30 times on each leg;
  • jumping - from a squatting position you need to jump up, holding your hands behind your head, 15 times;
  • sumo squats - a squat on legs wide apart with a weight in your hands, holding it between your legs. Do 15 reps.

This is an example of the first round of an intense workout at home. It can be repeated several times, depending on the level of training.

According to the Tabata system

Today, the Japanese system of exercises at home using the Tabata system is very common. These quick exercises are just as effective as longer workouts at the gym. In addition, the Tabata complex can be performed in just 4 minutes at home, and the result will be impressive.

Fat burning training using the Tabata system - what is the effectiveness of the system at home? First of all, the specificity lies in intense movements performed for a while and alternating with short rest. Tabata training ideally combines cardio and strength exercises, which directly affects the acceleration of fat burning.

The workout takes four minutes. One minute includes two cycles of activity of 20 seconds, and two cycles of rest of 10 seconds, which alternate with each other. Each minute can be a different exercise, or it can always repeat the same movement. A four-minute fat-burning workout can be done in several approaches, using as many exercises as possible. You can perform the Tabata exercise program at home every day. All exercises must be performed technically correctly and diligently in order to quickly lose excess weight.

This fat-burning workout is popular among modern men and women, since in a minimum amount of time you can get rid of a large number of calories accumulated during the day and increase endurance.

The set of exercises according to the Tabata system at home includes:

  • intense jumping;
  • deep squat;
  • running with overwhelm;
  • twisting;
  • running in place.

Before exercise, it is better to warm up and stretch. Since the program requires maximum intensity of movement and speed, it is important to prepare the body in advance so as not to harm yourself.

Important! Fat burning workouts using the Tabata system cannot be carried out:

  • people with heart problems;
  • with ailments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • those suffering from chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • unprepared physically.

A set of exercises for men

A fat-burning training program for men includes additional equipment, such as dumbbells or a jump rope. The system for men is designed not only to remove extra pounds, but also to strengthen muscle mass.

The program includes strength exercises that are performed alternately with cardio. This complex at home is called a combined program. The purpose of strength training is to train muscles, while cardio helps you burn excess fat. Such a system can be called power aerobics at home.

Fat burning workout complex for men at home:

  • Dumbbell bench press in a supine position (from the chest up), 20 times, 3 sets;
  • standing dumbbell curls , 3 sets of 20 reps;
  • intense jumping rope for 15 minutes;
  • push-ups with a gradual increase in load (adding clapping and one-arm push-ups), 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • deep squats with dumbbells (dumbbells need to be placed behind your back and held straight), 20 times, 3 sets;
  • finishing run for 30 minutes.

You can alternate fat-burning exercises and swap them, it is important to perform them correctly and intensively in order to bring your body closer to the ideal.

Circuit training

The effectiveness of circuit fat-burning training lies in the fact that during its implementation you can burn many more calories than during regular exercise in the gym. The main advantage of such a program is that you can modify fat-burning exercises and perform both cardio and strength training at the same time.

A circular set of tasks can be performed at home in order to get rid of subcutaneous fat and give relief to the body. For each goal, you can create your own training plan with a predominance of certain exercises. At home, training can last 30 minutes. One round of exercises can include movements for all muscle groups. The number of repetitions is 15-25, depending on the level of training.

Important: To perform a fat-burning circuit workout, you need average physical fitness and no heart problems. Before starting, it is better to consult with a specialist to choose the right system at home.

What exercises to include in circuit training at home:

  1. warming exercises for joints and muscles;
  2. squats;
  3. lunges;
  4. twisting;
  5. burpee jumps;
  6. push ups;
  7. plank

Circular fat-burning training at home can be done without additional sports equipment; just working with your own weight is enough. However, having dumbbells and a jump rope will significantly increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

How to build a lesson

  • Start your workout with a light warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the stress.
  • Build your training on a circuit basis. “Perform the exercises sequentially, each with 15-20 repetitions. Try to do 3-5 circles, depending on your fitness,” advises Anastasia Yurkova.
  • Do this program 2-3 times a week.
  • Supplement these workouts with cardio. “Any uniform cardio - walking at a fast pace, jogging, elliptical - is always a big plus in the case of fat burning. Add 2-3 cardio classes per week,” notes Anastasia Yurkova.
  • Finish your workout with stretching .

To perform the complex at home, you only need a mat, but for the “indoor” complex - a step platform, a dumbbell or a barbell “pancake”.

Additional equipment needed for training

For training at home, you can use your own weight with little preparation. But later, when the body gets used to the stress, there will be a need to use additional devices for better calorie burning. For training you may need:

  • dumbbells of different weights for pumping up the arms, chest, back and lunges;
  • weights for legs;
  • step platform for those who want to diversify their step aerobics classes;
  • a hoop (hula hoop) for the waist is an excellent way to combat fat on the sides;
  • bodybar for squats and leg exercises.

Sports equipment for home exercises

The use of additional devices in training increases the rate of drying of the body and accelerates the process of burning fat.

Everyone chooses sports equipment in accordance with their wishes and physical capabilities.

Important! You don’t need to acquire all the fitness equipment at once. First you need to get used to the pace of physical activity and get into the routine. Often people buy sports equipment and then never use it.

Some things are a must for training at home. To play sports at home you will need:

  • fitness mat;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • sportswear for activities.

On the Internet you can find a large number of fat-burning video workouts for all muscle groups. But there are some exercises that are repeated from complex to complex. They must be included in every workout.

Circuit training for girls at home

Don't forget: even if you work out at home, be sure to do it in sportswear and shoes. This will make you more comfortable and you will be able to concentrate better on the lesson.

Changing legs while jumping

Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Step back with your left foot, extend your arms along your body, and pull in your stomach. Jump up, changing the position of your legs: put your right foot back, bring your left foot forward. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.


Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Lean your body forward, lower your palms to the floor, transfer some of your weight to your hands. Jump your feet back and stand in a plank position. Work the muscles of your abs, back, arms and legs, stretch your top of your head forward and your heels back. Then jump and place your feet as close to your hands as possible (knees bent). Straighten your knees and take a vertical position, this will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.

Plank running

Stand in a plank position, leaning on your straight arms and toes. Stretch your head forward and your heels back. Work your abdominal, back and arm muscles. Bend your left knee and pull your thigh toward your stomach. Then return to the starting position and bend your right knee, pulling it towards your stomach. Return to the starting position (plank supported by straight arms and toes). And repeat. Move at a fairly fast pace.

Seated crunches

Sit on the mat, bend your knees, lean your body back slightly. Raise your shins above the floor, bring your palms together in front of your chest. Using your abdominal muscles, twist your chest to the left, then return to the center and then twist your body to the right. Secure your lower back and move only with your upper body. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number of repetitions.

Jumping Jack

Place your feet together, lower your arms along your body. Work your abdominal muscles, reaching up with the top of your head. Jump with your feet wider than your shoulders, placing your palms together above your head. Return to the starting position: jump with your feet together, lower your arms along your body. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number of repetitions.

Circuit training in the gym

Try to perform the exercises at a fast pace, but so as not to violate the correct technique. This will protect you from injury.

Step races

Stand facing the step, feet hip-width apart. Bend your arms slightly and hold them near your body in a natural position (as when running). Step your right foot onto the step, then your left. After this, lower your right foot to the floor, then your left foot. Repeat, moving at a fast pace. Do not slouch or increase the arch in your lower back.

Lunges with twist

Take a weight (dumbbell or weight plate) in your left hand, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step your right foot forward, lowering into a lunge. At the same time, slightly twist your body to the right, bring your hand with the weighting material slightly forward. Work the muscles of your arms, legs, back and abs. Then also smoothly return to the starting position, straightening your knees and placing your feet hip-width apart. This will amount to one repetition, perform the required number of such repetitions in each direction.


Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, arms slightly bent. Jump wide to the left, landing on your left foot, then to the right, landing on your right foot. Work the muscles of your abs, back, arms and legs. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number of repetitions.

Lateral jumps

Stand facing the step platform (place the projectile with its end facing you). Place your feet together and stand slightly to the left of the platform. Bend your knees and jump up to land to the right of the platform. Work the muscles of your abs, legs, back and arms. This is one repetition, perform the required number of such repetitions in each direction.


Sit on the step platform, take a barbell plate or dumbbell in your hands. Lean your body back slightly, bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor. Work the muscles of your abs, legs, back and arms. Twist your body to the left while alternately bending your legs, then return to the center and twist your body to the right. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number of repetitions.

Follow this program regularly. You can combine complexes: for example, work out in the gym once or twice a week and once at home.

Examples of exercise sets

Here's a simple example of a daily 15-minute workout at home:

  • Jumping (feet together, arms at your sides; when jumping, raise your arms up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart; return to the starting position) - repeat 20 times;
  • Squats (hands behind your head, back straight, squat deeply and stand up sharply) - repeat 10 times;
  • Push-ups (lying down, arms bent at the elbows, legs straight) – 15 times;
  • Lunges forward on one knee - repeat 12 times with each leg;
  • Candelabra (standing against the wall, bend your elbows, forearms up; raise your arms up, sliding along the wall, and lower to the starting position) - repeat 10 times.

The complex is repeated several times without stopping with a 1-minute break.

Exercises for girls , easy to do at home in 3 stages with 5-minute breaks:

Stage I

  • Warm-up (for all muscle groups);
  • Jumping rope – 100 times;
  • Lying body crunches – 20 times;
  • Jump rope again - 200 jumps;
  • Lying push-ups – 15 times;
  • In a lying position, raise straight legs – 15 times;
  • Jump rope – 200 jumps.

Stage II

  • Jump rope – 100 jumps;
  • Knee push-ups - 10 times;
  • Jump rope – 200 jumps;
  • In a lying position, raise straight legs alternately - 20 times;
  • Jump rope – 200 jumps;
  • Lateral body crunches – 20 times.

Stage III

  • Jump rope with acceleration – 100 jumps;
  • Quick crunches – 20 times;
  • Stretching all muscle groups.

The complex is performed daily.

Workout to do at home: 3-4 circles of 4 exercises. You need a timer on your phone (exercises 1 and 3 are completed in 1 minute 30 seconds, exercises 2 and 4 are completed in 1 minute). 2-3 lessons per week are enough.

  • Jumping rope (knees high).
  • Jump forward with a squat and two small jumps back.
  • Mill: in a deep bend, touch the floor with a straight hand, the second hand is perpendicular with a turn of the body; While jumping at the same time, alternately move your legs to the side.
  • Sun jumps: arms to the sides - up, legs together - apart.

After a fat-burning workout, stretching is necessary.

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