Workouts (fitness complex) for girls for all muscles of the body at home

Every girl or woman who strives to maintain health, youth and flexibility of the body for many years has her own path to harmony and beauty. To feel every cell of it, to make it light and permeated with the light of day, you need to make daily efforts and perform various exercises.

Performing a set of exercises for girls every day for all muscles of the body improves both appearance and health.

The best results in training at home for girls for all muscles can be achieved if they are systematic. When developing exercises, the principle of transition from simple to more complex must be observed, and their number and sequence must be carefully considered.

The advantage of video exercises

The most undeniable advantage is significant savings in money. When working out at home, you can choose comfortable clothes from what you have and not buy a special suit for fitness. Save on travel costs - you don’t need to go anywhere, your gym is already at home.

The second advantage is the ability to choose any video of exercises for different muscles.

Today on the video market there are quite a lot of classes with various trainers. Classes are selected depending on the level of preparation.

By studying at home, you significantly save time resources. This is especially true for large cities, and also if the hall is located far from your place of residence.

There is also no need to adapt to the group during group classes.

Training with video exercises is an ideal option for those who are in poor physical shape and who are embarrassed by the fact that they are not yet able to perform various exercises perfectly.

So, the advantages of video training include:

  • You don't need to go anywhere.
  • Sportswear should simply be convenient and comfortable.
  • You can plan your day depending on how busy you are at work.
  • Significant money savings.

10th exercise with tape - push your arms to the sides

Initial position:

  • feet shoulder width apart
  • back straight
  • take the elastic band in your hands at chest level

Exercise 10 with an athletic elastic band (band) for fitness - push your arms to the sides at chest level
Exercise 10 with an athletic elastic band (band) for fitness - push your arms to the sides at chest level

Let's start doing the exercise with a fitness band:

  • as you inhale, spread your arms out to the sides
  • as you exhale, return your arms to the starting position

Repeat 10 times. Then we fix our arms in a straightened position for 10 seconds.

Disadvantages of video training

Unfortunately, at home no one will be able to control the correctness of certain exercises. This may result in injury.

There may not always be enough space at home to perform some exercises.

There is also no additional motivation provided by the coach. There are a lot of distractions at home: phone calls, unexpected guests, the whims of children and the presence of a TV. All these factors can distract you from playing sports.

At home, only training with dumbbells, possibly a barbell, and on a mat is available. Not everyone can afford to purchase large exercise equipment.

To briefly summarize the disadvantages, we can highlight the most important factors:

  • Acquiring injury due to lack of control over compliance with exercise technique.
  • Distractions (TV, family, guests, etc.).
  • Lack of professional help.
  • Lack of motivation.

Prohibited and secret

As already mentioned, when an enemy attacks you, do not expect any concessions from him. He has a goal - you. More precisely your money, phone or your life. Some techniques, although prohibited in the ring, are quite effective in a street fight.

  1. The bites work well on very close contact. Or when the criminal has already knocked you to the ground. The most important rule is to bite with all your might. This demoralizes the enemy for a while. True, this should be done only in extreme cases, because... there is a risk of contracting various viral infections.
  2. Nails. Good for ladies with long manicures. But men can also put this into practice. The main target for nails is the eyes.
  3. Hair. Only if your opponent is not a skinhead. Therefore, the ability to grow long hair has long been abolished in all military units. Because There are a large number of techniques and hair grips. It is not only effective, but also painful.
  4. Punching the eyes is on the list of dirty techniques for all types of martial arts. On the street you can give free rein to your feelings. Poke your eyes on your health. This not only increases pain, but also reduces visibility.
  5. The throat is an interweaving of arteries and veins, i.e. it is the respiratory tract.

How to choose the right set of video exercises

In life, it takes a lot of effort on yourself to get the body of your dreams. For those who do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the gym with qualified assistance from a trainer.

To choose the right set of exercises, you should consider the following:

Be sure to take into account your preparation and calculate your strength. For your first lessons, choose the exercise system that you can handle. For example, you can take a video of exercises with dumbbells for girls with minimal training.

Don't forget to stretch before and after exercise. This will minimize injury to your muscles.

Choose a complex with activities that target the whole body.

All workouts must be performed regularly. The optimal training option is twice a week.

It is very important to remember that muscle mass in girls is distributed in a different way than in men. Women have a fairly powerful lower half of the body - the pelvis and legs. Therefore, you can easily find videos of buttock exercises for girls on the market.

During training in the gym, the coach keeps a diary where he writes down absolutely all the training and nutrition of the ward. While practicing at home, it is also recommended to keep a diary where you can record all changes in nutrition, training and volume.

4th exercise with band - squat, arms in front of you

Initial position:

  • feet shoulder width apart
  • back straight
  • step on the rubber band in the middle
  • take the elastic band by the ends
  • cross our arms in front of us

4 Exercise with an athletic elastic band (band) for fitness - squat, arms crossed in front of you
4 Exercise with an athletic elastic band (band) for fitness - squat, arms crossed in front of you

Let's start doing the exercise with a fitness band:

  • as you inhale, do a half squat to bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees
  • exhale - rise up to the starting position

Repeat 10 times. Then we fix our legs in a half-squat - in a bent position (90 degrees) for 10 seconds.

Video for the hall

Having purchased a gym membership and not being able to pay for the services of a trainer, you can use a video of gym exercises for girls. Trainers recommend starting your workouts in the gym with exercises for the whole body.

It is recommended to visit the gym two to three times a week. Each lesson should last at least an hour. Don't forget to start your workout by stretching all your muscles.

The importance of proper nutrition

An important condition for the effectiveness of any fitness program, even for lazy ones, is adherence to a diet. It is not necessary to go on a strict diet, it is enough to adhere to the principles of healthy eating. To get the result you must:

  • maintain a calorie deficit;
  • monitor the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • give up unhealthy foods: sweets, smoked foods, fatty, fried, processed foods, fast food;
  • eat small meals 5-6 times a day;
  • nutrition should be complete and rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • for snacks it is better to use protein shakes or cereal fitness bars;
  • It is better to cook by steaming or in the oven;
  • Avoid mayonnaise and other fatty sauces; use a little olive oil or lemon juice to dress salads.

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Sample lesson program

Day #1:

  • You can warm up your muscles by running in place, rotating your body, or jumping rope.
  • Exercise on an exercise bike.
  • Push-ups – just do 15 times.
  • Abdominal strengthening exercises – 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Deadlift with a barbell.
  • Dumbbells are moved to the sides - three sets of 12 times.
  • Bench press – three sets of 12 reps.
  • The barbell can be used for squats. Three sets of 10 times.
  • Don't forget about stretching your muscles. Rest.

Day #2:

  • Start your session by jogging in place for 10 minutes.
  • Press – lift your legs up and hold them. Repeat three times 12 times.
  • Dumbbell flyes – three times, 10 times each.
  • Bench push-ups – 15 times.
  • Squat with a barbell – 12 times, three sets.
  • In a lying position, you need to do dumbbell presses. Three times 12 times.

The exercises end with a short stretch for all muscles.

Thanks to the facilitated exercises that are presented in the program for beginners, it will be much easier for beginner women to accustom themselves to working on their body.

However, it is worth remembering that any introductory course will take at least eight weeks to complete. After successfully completing the introductory course, you can safely move on to the next stage.

After long sessions, you can begin to improve your figure. The next stage involves increasing the number of workouts to three per week. You should add a day off between classes to allow muscle recovery.

In the enhanced program, the first day is aimed at working on the buttocks, abs and other muscles.

Initially, the training should begin with a warm-up on a skipping rope or running in place:

  • For crunches, you can use an incline bench. Next, you should include Romanian deadlifts in your training.
  • Don't forget about squats and lunges. Emphasis on elbows with leg raises and leg presses.
  • Day two will help strengthen your back muscles. All exercises must be repeated 15 times.
  • Row on the horizontal bar.
  • Pull the lower block to the belt. Performed in a sitting position.
  • Pull the upper block behind your back.
  • Dumbbell row to the waist. Performed in a slightly bent position.
  • Run in place. Can be replaced with a small stretch.

7th exercise with elastic band - arm pull-down

Initial position:

  • feet shoulder width apart
  • bend your knees slightly
  • step on the elastic band in the middle (folding it in half)
  • lean forward at an angle of 45 degrees
  • We grasp the elastic band with outstretched hands so that it is slightly stretched

Exercise 7 with an athletic elastic band (band) for fitness - pull your arms to your stomach while bending forward
Exercise 7 with an athletic elastic band (band) for fitness - pull your arms to your stomach while bending forward

Let's start doing an exercise with a fitness tape:

  • as you inhale, raise your arms to the level of your stomach
  • as you exhale, lower your arms to the starting position

Repeat 10 times. Then we fix our hands near the stomach for 10 seconds.

Lesson results

If you follow all the recommendations correctly, you can see the result after two months of regular training.

Remember that over time the body will be able to adapt to the load. Due to the fact that it gets used to working, progress may stop.

Professional athletes recommend changing the training system once a quarter. In this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the load and weight.

Some exercises can be replaced with their analogues. This will reduce the addictive effect.

It is recommended to keep a diary to track your results. If a plateau effect is achieved, it is necessary to either increase the weight or the number of repetitions.

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