How to lose 40 kg at home? Reviews and photos of people who have lost weight

Significant weight loss is not a sprint, it is not even a marathon, it is a longer process, and in order to maintain the desired weight and then, you will need to change your lifestyle, which may always be with you. But it all starts with the head. And if you are determined to get rid of 40 kg of excess subcutaneous fat, then this is a great start. After all, wanting it badly is already half the battle. So, how to lose 40 kg? And how quickly can this be done?

How can a woman lose 40 kg at home?


Before you find out how to lose 40 kg, you should determine the initial volumes, as well as body weight. All these measurements will need to be written down in a notebook, and on the contrary, indicate the indicators that are the final goal.

It is also important to learn a few basic recommendations:

  • You shouldn’t try several methods of weight loss at the same time, as this will put the body under stress, and the long-awaited plumb line will not please you at all;
  • it is necessary to correctly combine training and nutrition, since success depends only 30% on physical activity and as much as 70% on the number of calories consumed;
  • You shouldn’t try to get rid of such a lot of weight in a short period of time, because it will go away about the same time as it was gained;
  • Calories consumed, changes in weight and progress in training should be recorded in a notebook so that they can be monitored and, if necessary, adjusted.


To lose 40 kg, a diet, or rather a proper nutrition plan, must be strictly followed. There is no need to deviate from it, as this will only slow down the weight loss process. Fortunately, your diet can easily be adjusted at home. There are no serious restrictions here, so sticking to it won't be that difficult.

A healthy diet involves consuming food that provides the body with all the necessary elements. Modern diets impose strong restrictions, so it is not recommended to turn to them, since it is simply impossible to withstand them for a long time.

diet to lose 40 kg

Basic diet

Those who want to lose 40 kg at home should immediately understand that the basis of their diet should be vegetables. This is explained by the fact that they are famous for their minimal energy value, but at the same time they contain a huge amount of micronutrients and beneficial plant fibers for the digestive system.

Fruits occupy second place in a healthy diet. They contain fructose, so these products can easily replace sweets. By consuming them regularly, even those with a sweet tooth will gradually get rid of the desire to eat junk food in the form of chocolate, cakes, and so on. But at the same time you need to give up high-calorie fruits, which include figs, dates and bananas.

Fermented milk products play a particularly important role. Their inclusion in the diet is simply necessary for weight loss. The most important thing is to choose low-fat products. For example, yoghurt, kefir and yogurt are great for getting your digestion in order. In addition, they will help strengthen bone tissue. It is best to consume these foods during your first meal or three to four hours before bedtime.

To lose weight, eat right

Healthy nutrition is a balanced diet that satisfies all the body’s needs for nutrients, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. There is a food pyramid that helps determine which foods and in what quantities should be included in your diet.

The basis is whole grains, pasta and cereals. These foods will provide your body with complex carbohydrates, which will subsequently be converted into energy for normal life and physical activity. There is an opinion that pasta contributes to weight gain, but this is not entirely true; high-calorie sauces, butter and fatty cheeses that we are used to eating with pasta are more likely to blame.

The next level of the pyramid is vegetables, another important component of a healthy diet . They fill our body with plant fiber and vitamins, while containing a small amount of fat.

Next come fruits - low-calorie foods high in vitamins and glucose , which gives energy to our body. Fruits should be used to replace all the sweets that you are used to eating - cakes, sweet bars, milk chocolate, cookies, muffins, and so on.

Level 4 – protein products: different types of meat and fish, legumes, eggs, nuts. While losing weight, you should give preference to poultry and low-fat varieties of fish: pike perch, hake, cod, pink salmon, pollock. Protein is a builder of our body; it is needed to strengthen and build muscle mass during training.

Even higher are fermented milk products rich in calcium: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream. Preference should be given to low-fat types or with a low percentage of fat content. Calcium is needed to maintain healthy bones, teeth, nails, hair, that is, almost the entire body. Dairy products help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bring sugar levels into order. It is good to eat them for breakfast or dinner.

The last level contains all the unhealthy foods that contribute to weight gain, the consumption of which should be kept to a minimum. It includes foods high in fat and fast carbohydrates, usually high in calories and nutrition, often used as snacks between main meals. While losing weight, you also need to remove salt, soy sauce and alcohol from your diet.

To lose 40 kg, in addition to following the food pyramid, do not forget about the basic principles of healthy eating:

  • Frequent meals, 5-6 times a day, in small portions;
  • Consumption of clean water, 2-2.5 liters per day;
  • Calorie compliance.

The last condition is determined for each person individually, depending on gender, weight, age and active lifestyle. To determine the caloric intake that is right for you, use an online calculator.

Menu examples

Day 1

  • 1 meal: oatmeal porridge with water, 1 baked pear, milk tea;
  • Meal 2: 1 toast with steamed fish;
  • Meal 3: boiled brown rice, chicken breast, green vegetable salad;
  • Meal 4: a glass of kefir, 2 peaches;
  • Meal 5: soup with lean broth, 1 piece of toast;
  • Meal 6: low-fat yogurt, 10 grams of almonds.

Day 2

  • 1 meal: buckwheat porridge, without butter;
  • Meal 2: baked pears or apples;
  • Meal 3: lean fish soup, cucumber and tomato salad;
  • Meal 4: low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tsp. honey;
  • Meal 5: pumpkin puree with croutons, steamed chicken cutlets;
  • 6th meal: a glass of kefir, prunes or dried apricots.

Day 3

  • Meal 1: 2 egg omelette with tomato;
  • Meal 2: fruit salad;
  • Meal 3: chicken broth soup, cabbage and onion salad;
  • Meal 4: cheesecakes cooked in the oven;
  • Meal 5: stewed vegetables, boiled beef, lettuce;
  • Meal 6: kefir, 1 fruit.

The diet is adjusted depending on the specific organism.


In search of an answer to the question of how to lose 40 kg, you should first understand the prohibited foods. Their consumption will need to be sharply reduced or completely removed from the diet. These include:

  • salt (it can be added to dishes, but in minimal quantities, since it is this product that retains fluid in the body and does not allow one to reduce body weight);
  • fatty/fried foods and dishes;
  • alcohol (including weak);
  • fast carbohydrates (flour and confectionery products, carbonated drinks, sugar, sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise).

Unpleasant numbers on the scales

40 kg is an impressive figure and parting with it is not so easy.
Here it is important to decide how long you want to do this - some people dream of getting rid of extra pounds in 3 months, others are aiming for a longer period, at least 6 months. Let's agree - I will not consider methods of losing weight in the shortest possible time, because I am sure that such experiments on your body are harmful to health and do not bring any benefit. After all, abrupt refusal of food, hunger strikes and strict mono-diets can kill your immune and hormonal systems and cause other significant harm to your body.

rapid weight loss, read my article “How to get rid of and not quickly lose excess weight.” However, on the Internet there is a lot of advice on this topic and, as a result, just a huge number of diets, and it is not always possible to figure out how much one or the other the method works. Therefore, I decided to turn to the opinions of famous people, those who were overweight, were able to lose weight, and, no less important, maintain their new condition. So, let's begin.


It is quite easy to organize nutritious and dietary meals. Here you just need to learn a few important rules:

  1. You need to eat 6 times a day. Among them there should be 3 main meals and the same number of snacks.
  2. You need to drink up to 2.5 liters of regular water per day. This volume does not include teas, juices, etc. If medical indications prohibit consuming so much liquid, then before starting to lose weight you should definitely consult a doctor or trainer.
  3. It is necessary to calculate the number of calories you need to consume per day and strictly adhere to it. Caloric intake will be individual for each person, because it directly depends on the initial weight and characteristics of the body. A doctor or trainer will also help you determine it.

lose 40 kg photo

Losing 40 kg in a week is unrealistic. Even pills or surgery will not help here. This is important to remember because some people mistakenly believe that they can lose so much weight so quickly and easily. Of course, it is possible to speed up the process, but still 7 days to achieve the goal will not be enough. In order to quickly achieve the effect, you should perform at least basic exercises at home. To do this, you don’t need to take out a gym membership at all, since the load is quite enough to start more active fat burning.

How to lose 40 kg at home

Nutritionists have developed many effective systems to help you lose weight if you are overweight. Each of them is based on a preference for wholesome and healthy food, a balanced diet and exercise. Losing 40 kg is a difficult task, but it can be done. Experts recommend not using mono-diets and fasting to lose weight. Use time-tested techniques that will not harm the body and will help you lose weight.

Fractional meals

Almost every diet recommends eating 5-6 times a day. This rule is often neglected and completely in vain! Long breaks between meals will cause a “brutal” appetite and a desire to snack on unhealthy foods . The body actively accumulates fat reserves if it is rarely fed . Small portions that you eat 5-8 times a day will calm the body, speed up metabolism and improve well-being. Fractional meals are one of the recommendations for those who are looking for a way to lose extra 40 kilograms.

Calculation of calorie intake

When dieting, it is important to consider the energy value of foods in the diet. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories in foods than you expend. The method of losing weight based on daily calorie intake is based on this simple principle. An overweight person calculates how many calories he can eat per day and creates a menu using food calorie tables. The indicator is determined individually depending on weight, age, gender and physical activity.

Physically active lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is often the root cause of excess weight. It's not just active exercise that will help you lose weight. Obese people often find it difficult to work out in the gym. At the beginning of your weight loss journey, engage in light exercise. This could be breathing exercises, walking, small exercises. With the help of these loads, your muscles will become toned, and it will be easier for you to move to the next level with anaerobic, aerobic or mixed training to lose weight faster.


When answering the question of how to lose 40 kg, physical activity should also be mentioned. Of course, regular walks and light jogging play an important role, but when the body gets used to them, you will need to move on to more intense training. They will help speed up the weight loss process.

The most important advantage of the exercises is that they can be easily performed at home. This does not require spending time and money on going to the gym, so such classes are suitable for all people. Although no additional weights are used for them, the effect will be amazing in any case.

A special case regarding coffee

Coffee is a controversial and multifaceted issue. Speaking about it, we should highlight both the “benefits” and “pitfalls” of its use.

Benefits of coffee for weight loss:

  • reducing the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. This is what obese men “traditionally” suffer from;
  • It is well known that coffee energizes - increases efficiency, promotes fat burning. This is especially true for athletes (both professional and just gym regulars);
  • By saturating the body with energy, coffee catalyzes its consumption, i.e. metabolism (metabolic rate). Very plump men should try coffee with additional components (orange, chromium, hydroxycitric acid) - with its help you can easily enter the “express mode” of weight loss.

It may seem that with such advantages it makes no sense to talk about disadvantages. Under certain conditions, however, this is not the case. What exactly should a man observe when drinking coffee in order to reach “minus 40” on the scale?

  • give preference to natural coffee. Coffee drinks and the like can not only neutralize the effect of weight loss, but also reverse it. Decaffeinated coffee is not an option for the same reason;
  • remember that the whole “specialty” of “specially developed” recipes for coffee and tea for weight loss lies in the presence of diuretic and/or laxative components. Consuming such drinks according to the principle “the more the better” will only bring harm;
  • acceleration of metabolism after coffee, increasing performance, in general, for an untrained body with excess weight (in particular, for the heart and blood vessels) poses an absolute danger.

The above does not mean that you should not drink coffee at all. It is possible, but carefully and in small doses.

For thighs and buttocks

The main muscle groups that ladies often work are the thighs and buttocks. They help to quickly create a slender body and make the lower limbs stronger and more resilient. Exercises aimed at working them out are performed in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. If desired, the number of approaches can be increased, but you need to start with only three, otherwise the muscles will be subject to a very strong load and it will take a lot of time to recover.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs are:

  1. Lunges. The technique is extremely simple: standing up straight, you need to take a step forward. Keeping your back straight, you need to bend your legs 90 degrees, slightly touching the floor with your lower knee, but not resting on it. Then you should stand up and pull your leg back. Then all the same actions must be done with the second limb. Over time, it is recommended to try to move your legs as far apart as possible in order to better load them. If you wish, you can pick up bottles of sand or water as weighting agents.
  2. "Climber". A rather complex, but quite realistic exercise for beginners is performed as follows: stand upright, lying down, forming a straight line with your body and placing your palms clearly under your shoulders, quickly bend your legs and pull your knees to your chest, imitating running or the movements of a rock climber. If you want to complicate the technique, you can combine alternating limbs with jumping.

lose 40 kg at home


Just two exercises that involve several muscle groups at once are an excellent way to quickly lose 40 kg. They trigger fat burning processes and develop endurance. It is best to start performing them with one approach, in which there should be no more than 8 repetitions. When there is no particular difficulty during the training process, you need to increase the number of approaches, eventually reaching three with 12-15 repetitions.

Modern athletes strongly recommend performing the following multi-component exercises:

  1. Burpees. A universal exercise that uses almost all muscle groups, suitable for both men and women. It does not require special skills, but you will have to spend a lot of patience on it. The first thing to do here is to squat down, rest your palms on the floor, and then jump back, straightening your legs, but without lifting your arms. As you inhale, you need to perform a standard push-up, and as you exhale, you need to jump back into a squat position. Next, you need to quickly rise to your feet and jump as high as possible, clapping above or behind your head.
  2. Jump squat. An excellent exercise for the abs, gluteal muscles, legs and lumbar region. Concentration is very important here, because it determines how powerful the jumps will be performed. In addition, it will not be easy for beginners to work for quantity, so you need to set yourself up for hard work even before you start training. The starting position in this case is as follows: your feet are wider than your shoulders, your back is straight, and your arms are extended in front of you or placed on your hips. As you inhale, you need to lower yourself down, bending your legs, but without bringing your knees past your toes. When your hips are on a line parallel to the floor, you should tense your calf and thigh muscles as much as possible and jump up. In this case, you must lift your toes off the floor, otherwise the jump will not be counted. You should land not on straight legs, but on slightly bent ones, so as not to get injured.

lose 40 kg in a week

Minus 40 kilograms in 4 months

Losing weight in 4 months is a more realistic goal. It is, of course, possible to achieve the desired result during this time, but you will have to spend a lot of effort and nerves. The first thing you need to do is get a psychological attitude and motivation, as well as undergo a full medical examination. Next, you need to give the body time to get used to the changed rhythm of life. To do this, you will need to gradually change your diet and increase the duration of your workouts. Ultimately, you will need to spend time on sports grounds or in gyms at least 5 times a week for two hours. As for nutrition, you just need to follow the rules presented above.

lose 40 kg reviews from those who have lost weight

Reviews and results

From the article you can understand that you need to set only realistic goals in order to lose 40 kg. Reviews from those who have lost weight indicate that it will not be possible to quickly achieve results without harming the body. Experienced men and women who were able to lose the hated kilograms by following all the rules recommend being patient and moving towards your cherished goal gradually.

Most people managed to lose 40 kg in just six months. At the same time, they devoted enough time to physical activity, but did not overdo it. Two-hour classes 4-5 times a day were enough for them. At the same time, the muscles had time to recover, and fat burning was actively progressing. They were able to observe the first noticeable results after a couple of months, losing about 10-15 kg and significantly reducing their external volume.

how to quickly lose 40 kg

Other people took about a year, but the result simply shocked them. Those who lost weight claim that the goal they set helped them radically change their lives and instilled in them a desire to exercise and eat right. Even after the hated 40 kg were eliminated, men and women continued to adhere to the same rules and felt great about it.

Fragile Polina Gagarina

The singer, who has been successfully performing on the Russian pop stage for more than 10 years and even took second place at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2020, some time ago was distinguished by her very curvaceous figure. No, she was not fat, they say about people like her: “blood and milk.”

The artist decided to decisively give up extra pounds after the birth of her son in 2007, when she gained even more weight. Wanting to change herself, she achieved an excellent result - she lost 40 kilograms in about six months.

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