How many sets in tennis do men and women have? How long does 1 set last?

Often trainers throw around fashionable and unfamiliar words, saying “I work with supersets”, “drop sets are more effective than decreasing sets”, “today there will be trisets”. Do you think they're being smart? No. The usual terminology is going away. Now instead of approaches there are sets. What is a set and how do sets differ from each other?

A set in sports is the combined number of repetitions for exercises that use different muscles and muscle groups. This is called a set. Used in bodybuilding, powerlifting and other strength sports.

What is a set?

Set can be translated into Russian as “approach”. Correctly written with an "E", but pronounced with an "E", set.

Sets were invented in the early 20th century and have dramatically increased the intensity and effectiveness of training in all sports! Now the set is a constant friend and assistant for everyone who wants to make their body more beautiful.

You've done one squat, and that's one rep. You have completed 20 squats without a break, you are tired and now you are resting, this will be a set or approach. In other words, 1 set is a certain number of repetitions that are performed without rest.

The value of the set menu for an establishment

This method of service is beneficial not only for customers, but also for the restaurant.

Pros of service:

  1. Set menu is an important part of a PR company, allowing you to expand your clientele.
  2. The menu allows chefs to hone their skills, improve their skills, and master exotic dishes.
  3. The set menu attracts a larger number of visitors, many of whom will want to order a bottle of expensive wine to accompany their delicious meal.

Even if an establishment offers its customers dishes with a minimum markup, it will not lose money. This form of service allows gourmets to try dishes from establishments that they have not visited due to high prices, or to understand what the staff of a familiar restaurant is capable of.

Organizing a banquet is a troublesome business, requiring a lot of time, attention to detail, and emotional investment. If you contact our company, we will organize a celebration at any venue in the city or outdoors. Our employees will deliver and install tents, furniture, barbecues, and refrigerators. The waiters will set the table, and the chefs will prepare delicious dishes. You and your guests will only have to enjoy the holiday.

What are the sets for?

Let's continue with the example of squats. Even if you are a beginner, you can squat 20-30 times with your body weight. But then, muscle fatigue will force you to stop and rest.

But even 30 squats is a small load for your legs! You need to increase the load, and for this you use sets.

You did 30 squats, rested and you can do another 20-30. We still had a rest, and the last 20-30. As a result, you will do almost 100 squats, this load will signal the muscles to become stronger, so that next time it will be easier for you.

As you can see, without sets and without rest between them, you would not be able to complete the required amount.

Set is one of the main tools in any program. But you need to use them wisely to get the maximum benefit from your workout.


Volleyball consists of the following elements: serve, receive, pass, attack, block.


Produced from behind the front line. Under no circumstances should you step behind the baseline until the ball is tossed! The serves can be lower, upper, twisting, gliding and power in a jump. Lightest: bottom. Suitable for beginners. In this case, the ball is hit from below with the back of the hand. A kind of “candle” comes out. The most difficult: strength in jumping. It is an element of an offensive strike, practiced by professionals or very good players. A good power delivery can only be received from below.

The planning feed stands out separately. Such a ball does not fly in a straight line, but in a sinusoid, slipping out of the hands when received. Served from a standing position or from a small jump. A smooth strike with an outstretched palm into the center of the ball.

The serve must be in the opponent's field and as difficult to take as possible.


50% of balls are hit in the center of the court by the libero. Diagonal ones also participate in the technique. The technique does NOT involve a player of the first tempo and EXTREMELY RARELY players of the second tempo.

In professional volleyball, you can only take the ball with a low pass. But in the amateur game there are often easy serves that can be taken from above. Ideally, the receiver should pass the ball high to the first pacer (passer) at a distance of 1 meter from the net into the 3rd zone.


Having received the ball, the player of the second pace with the top gear throws a pass to shoot into the 2nd or 4th zone. The pass can be “deceptive” - behind the back, backwards. Less often, the passer throws the ball above himself to shoot diagonally from the 1st and 5th zones. If he hits diagonally, then he must make a jump BEFORE the offensive line! Otherwise, the point is counted in favor of the opponent.

Forward kick

The attack involves finishing players and diagonal players. Pulling behind the offensive line, they make a run-up and a slash, trying to hit the ball as hard and accurately as possible. The offensive strike brings 60% of the team's points.

The libero in professional volleyball does not participate in the attack.


A well-placed block brings a team up to 40% of points in professional volleyball. The finishers and the second tempo player usually come out to block. The block is placed by one, two or - which happens mainly among professionals - three players. The main nuance of the block: jump in time and stretch along the net, rigidly straightening both arms. Thus, the blocker blocks the attacker's area of ​​his court, making it difficult to maneuver the attack.

The decisive factor on the block is the player's height. The higher it is, the better the quality of the block.

Types of sets

We will list the most popular and frequently practiced sets, in fact there are more of them, but let's start with the main ones:

Classic set

This is a set in which you perform the specified number of repetitions for an exercise. The number of sets and rest between them depends on the specific program and tasks you are solving. But most often you will be offered 2-4 sets with a 2-3 minute rest between them.

Double set

This is a set that includes two exercises for one muscle group (for example, a bench press and a dumbbell fly). Both exercises are performed without rest. You do the specified number of repetitions of the first exercise and immediately do the specified number of the second - this will be a two-set. Rest only after two exercises.


It includes two exercises for opposite muscle groups, which are performed in a row without rest. For example, if you do 12 squats and then do 20 leg curls in the machine without rest, this will be a superset. You also rest after two exercises.

Drop set

Its essence is to gradually reduce the weight of the shells. For example, let's say you did a set of squats with a 50 kg barbell for 8 reps. For the next set, reduce the weight by 20%. In the next one another 20% and so on. This is a drop set.

Sets with partial repetitions

This is what is called repetitions with incomplete amplitude, when the athlete at the end of the approach does not have the strength to perform full repetitions.

Forced rep sets

If you don't have enough strength for even partial repetitions, your partner or coach comes to your aid and helps you do a few more repetitions.

Already confused?

Don't worry! Double sets, drop sets, and partial reps will only benefit advanced athletes and we do not use them in entry-level programs.

Which set to choose for training

Beginners will not be able to choose their own workout and figure out what a set is and how to build these sets as part of their training program. Go through at least a few workouts with a professional trainer, he will tell you how to perform the exercises correctly and select the optimal sets for training. When talking about the specific number of approaches (sets) for one workout, it is worth taking into account the athlete’s tasks and experience. The greater the muscles and the experience of working with hardware, the more approaches you can do.


A professional can perform only 1-2 approaches - they, as a rule, go with maximum weights. And 3-4 approaches with an accessible weight for an ordinary person is the average norm.

Now you know what a set is and what types of sets there are. Good luck!

Rest and number of repetitions in sets

Correct calculation of repetitions and sets is a primary task when creating a program. Without accurate calculations, you risk overtraining, and this is very dangerous!

Each person has an energy limit designed for muscle regeneration. If you exceed it, your progress will stop, or worse, you will begin to lose strength and muscle. On the contrary, fat will begin to accumulate!

That's why you need to strictly do the number of repetitions and adhere to the rest time recommended in your program. If you are not experienced, then do not experiment with yourself and do not make changes.

Problems to be solved

As we wrote above, the specific number of sets and rest between them is always indicated in our programs. They are selected to achieve the best results, depending on your goals and current level of training.

How do goals and types of training affect the number of sets? Below we give several examples of training schemes for different tasks.


The first set of training should always be a warm-up. It is performed with half the weight you plan to use.

Do 10-15 repetitions and your muscles and ligaments will warm up and become ready for serious load.

Strength increase:

Such training does not serve to grow, but to increase the strength of your muscles, ligaments and strengthen the nerve pathways. This will allow you to increase the load in regular training in the future.

  • • exercises per muscle group: 1
  • • number of repetitions: 1-5
  • • number of sets: 1-5
  • • rest between sets: 3-10 min.
  • working weights: 85-100% of the maximum at one time

Muscle enlargement

The most popular training goal is to build muscle mass.

  • • exercises per muscle group: 1-3
  • • rest between sets: 2-5 minutes
  • • number of repetitions: 8-12
  • • number of sets: 1-4
  • • working weights: 60-80% of your maximum at one time

For some larger muscle groups, such as the legs or back, additional amounts may be recommended. These muscles require special attention, but more on that in another article.

Endurance and terrain

Such training is aimed at increasing the overall endurance of your body and improving the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Endurance is very important for people involved in sports, and especially for those who decide to lose weight and reduce body fat. By building a training plan over several months and using different types of training, you can get amazing results in 3 months or less.

  • • number of exercises in training: 5-10
  • • rest between sets: 0.5-1 min
  • • number of sets: 1-3;
  • • number of repetitions: 12-50
  • • working weights: 30-50% of your maximum at one time or with your body

How many sets should you perform per workout?

It all depends on the goal. An athlete can work to increase strength, endurance or muscle mass, and in each of these cases the number of sets will be different. In addition, do not forget about fat-burning training, which also has its own system and principles.

  • Force. To increase strength, you need to perform one exercise (usually the base - bench press, deadlift and squats) per muscle group. In total, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions are performed per workout. Doing a lot of sets with heavy weights strengthens our body's neural pathways and increases the efficiency of our motor neurons.
  • Endurance. To train endurance, you need to perform 3 exercises per muscle group, 4 sets each. Each set should be 12+ reps. Endurance training is very important for runners, swimmers, cyclists and other athletes.
  • Muscle mass. In this case, as a rule, 3 exercises are performed for one muscle group, 3-4 sets each. On average, 6 to 12 repetitions are done per approach.
  • Fat burning. One exercise consisting of two sets will be enough. The number of repetitions in a set is from 6 to 12.
  • There is also a warm-up set performed at the beginning of the workout with minimal weight to warm up the muscles and joints.


    1. Sets are a great tool for increasing the effectiveness of your workouts.

    2. There are several types of sets, but you need to use them wisely!

    3. It is important to clearly choose a goal in order to get the optimal number of repetitions, sets and rest between them.

    Its time to begin!

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    Rolls are a type of sushi in the form of a roll. Their main ingredients are the same: rice and seafood wrapped in nori. But you can add more fruits and vegetables to the rolls, for example, cucumber or avocado. It is cucumber rolls that are usually served in Japan on special occasions. In fact, the range of rolls that are now served in sushi bars has changed a lot recently. The imagination of culinary specialists knows no bounds, and today you can see and try rolls of different shapes and sizes, decorated with images of animals and plants. Various types of fish, algae, and vegetables become fillers for them. Even the main ingredient - rice - is colored with special additives (for example, red caviar).

    Rolls are prepared on a special bamboo mat. All the necessary ingredients are laid out on it, rolled into a roll, compacted and cut into small pieces. They are called "makizushi". But this is only a general name indicating the method of preparation - rolling. By size there are “hosomaki” - small ones, and “futomaki” - large, thick rolls. They are round, oval, and square in shape. “Guanmacs”, shaped like a boat, with filling laid on top, is also one of the varieties of rolls. If the nori sheet is not on the outside, but inside, under a layer of rice, then such rolls are called “uramaki”. And “temaki” are rolls in the shape of a cone made of nori with filling inside.

    It is interesting that rolls, so popular in Russia, can rarely be found in the best restaurants and sushi bars in Japan: the Japanese themselves prefer traditional sushi.

    The meaning of the word Network according to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary:

    Network (ethnogr.) - From folk tales about evil spirits, the idea is clear that an evil demon can be put in a bottle, tied in a bag, or driven into a hole in a tree with a wedge. An ancient man was fishing with a net and wanted to catch a demon with the net, so he threatened S. and kept it with him as a talisman. The Georgian spell against the evil eye says: “we will entangle the evil angels of darkness with hemp S.” (“Collection of materials on the description of the Caucasus”, XVIII, 312). Among the Georgians, to protect the mother and the child from the evil spirit, fishermen's charms are stretched around the bed to the very ceiling. In some places in Northern Russia, the symbol is placed on the mother in labor and on the bride during the wedding, or the bride hides from the groom behind the symbol - mixing the amulet with the custom of kidnapping . The origin of S. as a talisman dates back, perhaps, to the times of pile buildings, when S. was part of the circle of everyday and ritual use. N. Sumtsov.

    How long does a tennis set last?

    1 set in tennis lasts differently - it depends on how equal the opponents are. If there is a clear favorite and an outsider, then the duration of the set can be less than 20 minutes. However, when two equal opponents meet, such as Djokovic vs Nadal, the game can last more than an hour. The forces are equal and neither the first nor the second will be able to win quickly 6:0, here the set score could be 6:2, 6:3, 6:4 or 7:5 - these will be long, and very interesting rallies for the fans.

    It often happens in tennis when there is a draw in a set - a “tie-break” 6:6. In this case, the half lasts until the next winning game and with the score 7:6, the set ends. In this situation, the duration of a tennis game can be more than an hour and a half.

    Thus, here is our mini-result on the question posed: a set in tennis can last from 20 minutes to 1 hour or more. Once, even at Wimbledon, a half lasted as much as 8 hours and 11 minutes - American John Isner and Frenchman Nicolas Mahut took part in this thriller match.

    How long does a tennis match last?

    It all depends on a number of factors:

    • Who plays: men or women?
    • What tournament and how many sets does the match consist of?
    • Tennis player level.
    • If the court is covered on clay, for example, the match will take longer.

    The game will be especially long at Grand Slam tournaments, where the winner is determined after 5 games. If the best player manages to win in 3 sets, then the match can end in an average of 2 hours, but a match of all 5 sets can last up to 5 hours on average.

    Many competitions are held with matches in 3 halves, so, as mentioned above, the fights do not drag on for a long time.

    Women's games consist of a maximum of 3 sets. With the participation of representatives of the fair sex, matches usually do not last long - the average time is less than 2.5 hours.

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