How to eat properly for football players - nutrition menu

Proper nutrition for a football player

Nutrition is one of the key moments in the life of every athlete, whether experienced or young, and a football player is no exception. To achieve high performance in the game, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to sports training, and devote time not only to training, but also to the correct menu.

In football clubs, nutritionists carefully monitor the nutrition of athletes. Their responsibilities include regularly collecting tests, determining the state of the immune system, metabolic rate, after which a complete diet is developed, which is based on basic concepts of nutrition for all football players. For those who cannot yet afford a personal nutritionist, it would be a good idea to know the basic rules of healthy nutrition.

Benefits of carrots

The above composition cannot help but suggest an idea: the beneficial properties of carrots border on healing ones. Truly: eat and heal!

Improving vision

Despite the lack of confirmation of the British legend that eating the vegetable improves visual acuity, the vitamin A (beta-carotene) it contains is necessary for the formation and strengthening of the visual organs.

A lack of beta-carotene can lead to vision problems, including night blindness, a condition in which a person has difficulty seeing in low light.

At the same time, simply eating carrots means translating a great product. To get the benefit of vitamin A, you need to flavor it with either vegetable oil, sour cream, or another fatty product, because beta-carotene is soluble in fat.

Overall Health Benefits of Carrots

1) An active participant in redox processes. When consumed, it contributes to metabolism, improving and accelerating its flow. As we know, a good metabolism is synonymous with health (learn three important rules to speed up your metabolism here).

2) Indispensable for vitamin deficiency. That is why you need to “lean on it” especially during the cold season, when there is a shortage of short-lived vegetables and fruits (what to do with symptoms of vitamin deficiency).

3) It has noticeable antioxidant properties that bind free radicals and fight their effects such as cancer, vascular diseases, disorders of the nervous system and brain, various inflammations, immune disorders, and aging.

4) Regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Due to this property, doctors recommend that diabetics do not forget about the root vegetable.

5) Positively affects the heart and blood vessels , including the brain. The effect is achieved due to the property of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as strengthening blood vessels.

It is believed that lovers of the burnt orange vegetable reduce the risk of stroke by almost half.

Helps with hypertension, varicose veins and other problems with veins and blood vessels.

It has been proven that even low concentrations of phytoene and phytofluene contained in carrots powerfully counteract the development of atherosclerosis.

6) Used to prevent and treat cancer. It is enough to eat a medium-sized root vegetable daily to get a dose of vitamin A that can reduce the risk of cancer by 40%.

7) Improves the condition of the kidneys and liver, promoting their renewal and a certain diuretic and choleretic effect.

8)Normalizes digestion by improving carbohydrate metabolism and the “climate” for beneficial intestinal microflora; a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from “congestion” and accumulation of so-called waste and toxins.

9) Regulates mineral metabolism , and therefore is recommended for the treatment of osteochondrosis, metabolic polyarthritis and other diseases (find out what to do when your back hurts here).

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10) Has a rejuvenating effect both inside and outside, restoring the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as smoothing wrinkles. And not only when eating. Ladies who take care of themselves use carrot masks with all their might.

11) Useful for:

  • anemia, characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • high mental stress;
  • increased fatigue.

Carrots and weight loss

The benefits of carrots for weight loss are undeniable (about ways to effectively lose weight). It is for this purpose that many, along with cabbage, include it in their menu in order to quickly lose a few kilograms of excess weight.

More details about this:

1) Tartronic acid contained in the root vegetable prevents the conversion of carbohydrates entering the body into fat.

2) A large amount of indigestible fiber gives a feeling of satiety and at the same time does not carry any energy load.

3) Calorie content: only 32 kcal per 100 g. Taking into account the fact that a person needs 2 - 3 thousand kcal per day, gaining them only from carrots, one would need to eat about 10 kg of vegetables per day. Unreal and dietary!

Carrots and fitness

Taking a close look at the health-improving properties indicated above, one can see its applicability as an additive to the menu of people leading an active lifestyle and playing sports.

Let’s highlight a little why athletes love her:

  • activates metabolism;
  • helps you recover faster between workouts;
  • stimulates cell growth;
  • can be used as a vitamin complex;
  • improves blood supply to muscles;
  • helps increase the body's endurance and increase the duration and intensity of workouts.

Eating carrots

The champion for healthy use is, of course, the raw variety. At the same time, boiled carrots and passed through a juicer have qualities that are beneficial to us.

According to scientists from the University of Arkansas, boiled carrots contain a third more antioxidants than fresh ones. And their number continues to grow within a week after preparation.

Carrot juice is used in the fight against cancer, stomach ulcers, infections of the ears, throat, nose and eyes.

Compared to fresh, boiled vegetables become even less caloric (25 versus 32 kcal). Same with carrot juice – 28 kcal.

To ensure that fat-soluble substances, primarily beta-carotene, are well absorbed, it is better to combine carrots in any form with fatty foods.

How to take cheese to increase potency?

To increase potency, doctors recommend eating 40-50 grams. product daily. In this case, you should pay attention to the fat content of the dairy product. Cheese, which contains a large amount of fat, negatively affects a man’s body, increasing blood cholesterol levels. Naturally, this is harmful to potency. Therefore, try to eat more low-fat foods.

And residents of Georgia recommend that all men take 50 grams every day in the morning to increase potency. suluguni (Georgian cheese), while washing it down with kefir.

Keep in mind that cheese is recommended to be taken with other foods. It goes especially well with green salads. It is not recommended to take cheese with bread, as it is harmful to male potency.

Carrot salad recipes

We will use the slogan: fast, tasty and healthy. The main thing here is to understand the principle, and then you can create a sea of ​​recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

  1. Salad of raw carrots, beets and radishes with sour cream.

Mix 100 g of coarsely grated raw beets and carrots with 50 g of grated radish. Add 100 g of sour cream and a little salt. Mix and eat.

The radish can be replaced with a clove or two of garlic.

  1. Salad of raw carrots, cabbage and apples.

Add one grated carrot and chopped pre-peeled apple to finely shredded cabbage (about 400 g).

Combine a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil with a teaspoon of vinegar and pour into the vegetable and fruit preparation.

Pepper, salt, mix thoroughly and eat with appetite.

Limitations and harm

Unfortunately, delicious Italian cheese is not healthy for every person.

The benefits of monosodium glutamate, a natural compound that we know as a preservative, remain in question. A weak body, especially a child’s, may not perceive the component at all, resulting in severe food poisoning or even an allergy.

Another amino acid (glutamine) in large doses overstimulates the nervous system, which results in anxiety, severe migraines, absent-mindedness and sleep disturbances.

Sodium itself is also hazardous to health, especially in high concentrations. You should not consume more than 2300 mg of a microelement per day, so you should not replace your main meal with Parmesan. Patients over 50 years of age, as well as diabetics and hypertensive patients, should consume foods rich in sodium with caution. The mineral is also dangerous for people with kidney diseases, as it retains fluid in the body and interferes with the normal functioning of the excretory system, contributing to the increase in swelling. People with a history of cerebral stroke or myocardial infarction are also prohibited from consuming Parmesan.

There are other contraindications for eating Italian hard cheese:

  1. Exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (high acidity, ulcers, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and others).
  2. Kidney diseases (stones, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, failure and others).
  3. Acute food intoxication, chronic diarrhea.
  4. Allergy to components in cheese.
  5. Diathesis in children in the acute stage.
  6. Obesity of various stages (high-calorie and fatty products).
  7. Regular headaches and migraines.
  8. Hypertensive conditions (hypertension, crisis, preeclampsia).

Gastroenterologists and nutritionists have named the optimal dose of parmesan per day - 40 g. In this amount, the product will saturate the body with a shock dose of proteins and calcium, improve metabolism and suppress the feeling of hunger. Of course, for maximum benefit, purchase the product in specialized cheese stores and ask to see a certificate of quality.

processed cheese - benefits and harm to the body

Drink 2-3 protein shakes a day

To build muscle mass you need a lot of protein.

The bigger, the better.

I don't care how you eat.

Even if you have the best protein diet in the world and eat chicken and meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, great!

Add 2-3 protein shakes with milk to your diet and you will grow even faster.

Your muscles require protein, and protein drinks help you get the maximum amount of it.

Drink protein and build up your biceps and chest faster!

Have some fun

The most important thing is that you have fun while training, and then you won’t be pulled out of the gym or home workout.

Change your attitude. Training is not torture. Working out is fun!

People have a problem with fucking motivation.

“How to start training?”

Remember: working out should be the best part of your day!

Working out is the most fun thing in the world. You throw out all the negativity and become strong and sexy.

Do you need motivation for this?

Do you need motivation to pick up five mowers off the floor? I think no.

Likewise, it is not needed for training. Have fun - and then every workout will be like five haymakers for you.

You don’t come to torture yourself, but to make a real rock out of a weak and dead body.

Eat a lot

If you want to get big and strong, then why the fuck are you eating like chicken?!

Muscles are not made in the gym. They are made in the kitchen.

Pack in as much protein and calories as possible.

If you eat like a bird, you will look like a bird.

If you eat like Hercules, you will look like Hercules.

On training days, you can eat chocolate and sweets if you suffer from underweight.

I'll say this: I once thought I had thin bones.

That I was just born a guy who weighs 66 kilograms - what can I do?..

But when I started lifting and eating excessively, I quickly gained 20 kilograms.

Do you see the words “beyond measure”?!

You have to cram some food into yourself.

Because your skinny body and your Soviet parents don’t know how a bodybuilder should eat.

You have to eat to-hoo-ya.

Here's your identification sign: if everyone around you is surprised at how much you eat, it means you're on the right track.

The bodybuilder's burden is heavy.

You always leave grandma's with a full belly, don't you?

So, when you start to lift, your grandmother starts telling you that you’re a fucking swallow and won’t feed you - that’s what it means to gain weight .

But do you really want to have a big and muscular body that makes girls drool?

So eat like a pig, eat in basins, eat in buckets.

And not just salads with soup.


And for this...

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