Outdoor fitness. How to organize an active and useful holiday at the dacha

One of the reasons why we love to do exercises in the morning is that you can improve your health, increase flexibility, and make your figure beautiful. In addition, exercising in the morning helps you feel much better and energized.

We all have our own ways of doing a workout. Some people prefer to do this in nature, while others go to the gym. Not many people think about how best to train, indoors or outdoors. It is important to understand this in order to increase the productivity of your training.

You don't have to rely on the weather indoors

If you are the kind of person who doesn't like to run, then you will know for sure that there is nothing worse than putting on your running shoes and opening the door when there is strong wind and rain outside. The same can be said when it is very hot outside.

Weather conditions can have a huge impact on where, when and how you do your workouts, meaning it's much easier to exercise indoors. It is best not to go outside in bad weather. This is because training in challenging conditions can make you more susceptible to injury. After all, the last thing you want to do is slide on a muddy road.

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Literally, this word means “mastery of energy.” The one that we sometimes lack so much to just get up and go, for example, to the pool or fitness center. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, man is nourished by the Earth and filled with the breath of the Universe. It is breath work that underlies the practice of qigong. Its task is to direct the flows of cosmic energy qi along the appropriate “meridians”, and as a result restore balance to the body and soul, which is daily disrupted by all sorts of stresses of the metropolis and the hectic rhythm of city life. Smooth, slow, conscious gestures in combination with breathing exercises and internal concentration allow you to get rid of accumulated tension, feel the integrity of your body and the harmony of its movements in the surrounding space.

What it looks like Like a kind of pantomime session in the lap of nature. They like to show such footage in television stories - not only from China, but also from the USA or Western European countries: on the morning lawn in some picturesque park, a group of loosely dressed people of different ages smoothly change poses, as if in slow motion or moving under water.

What you need for this First, a good teacher who will explain how to breathe and help you remember the sequence of movements. One lesson can last from 45 minutes to an hour and a half and consists of several stages. First - breathing preparation and stretching to free the body and relieve internal tension. This is followed by basic static poses, exercises with smooth changes of positions, and at the end, perhaps, a little meditation or self-massage. Having mastered the entire sequence well, you will be able to restore your energy balance wherever and whenever you wish!

Indoors due to motivation

Going to the gym or running on the treadmill, as well as doing indoor strength training will give you a lot more motivation. If you are surrounded by people while training, then you will want to motivate yourself even more in order to achieve much greater success, break records - your own and many other gym goers.

If you can take advantage of the opportunity to work out at the gym, then you shouldn't miss it. It will also help you make new contacts and meet new people. Studies have shown that training with another person significantly increases your motivation and allows you to train much more often and for much longer. This can be a very rewarding experience for every person.

Card file of exercises for morning exercises in the middle group

To avoid monotony, when compiling a complex of morning exercises, the teacher selects tasks of different types, combining them, if necessary, with a common plot basis.

Any set of exercises begins with a warm-up

Table: plotless sets of morning exercises (fragment)

AuthorDerevianko O. A., physical education instructor at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8", Krasnodar.
Exercise typeExercise nameContent
Complex without objects"Propeller"
  1. Starting position (ip): legs slightly apart, arms down.
  2. Hands to the side.
  3. In front of the chest, rotate one arm around the other, say “rrrr.”
  4. Hands to the side.
  5. I.p., say “down.”
  6. Repeat 4 times.
"Hands Walk"
  1. IP: sitting, legs apart, hands behind your head.
  2. 1–4 - lean forward, move your arms forward.
  3. 5–8 - the same, back, return to IP.
  4. Repeat 5 times.
  1. IP: lying on your back.
  2. Bend your legs, lift them, imitate the movements of a cyclist (5–8 sec).
  3. I.p. Do not raise your head and shoulders.
  4. Repeat 6 times.
  1. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt.
  2. Tilt to the right, say “tick.”
  3. Tilt to the left, say “so.”
  4. Straighten up and remain silent. Keep your back and head straight.
  5. Repeat 4 times.
"Put the leg down"
  1. IP: standing, hands behind your back.
  2. Right foot on the toe to the side - i.p.
  3. Left foot on toe to the side, turn around.
  4. Repeat 4 times. Perform the movement rhythmically.
  1. IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.
  2. 10-12 jumps, turning around yourself. Jump springy and easy.
  3. Repeat 3-4 times, changing direction and alternating with walking.
Complex with flags"Wave"
  1. IP: legs slightly apart, flags behind your back.
  2. Flags across the sides up, wave, look.
  3. Return to IP
  4. Repeat 6 times.
"The plane makes a U-turn"
  1. IP: legs apart, flags to the sides (vertically).
  2. Turn right.
  3. Turn left. Do not bend or move your legs.
  4. Repeat 3 times.
"Knock on your head"
  1. IP: kneeling, flags lowered.
  2. Sit on your heels, knock the flags above your head, stretch, look at them.
  3. Return to IP
  4. Repeat 5-6 times.
"Show over your head"
  1. IP: legs apart, flags behind the back.
  2. Bend forward, flags forward, say “here.”
  3. Return to IP
  4. Repeat 5 times.
  1. IP: legs slightly apart, flags down.
  2. 8-10 jumps, shaking the flags.
  3. 8–10 steps with flags waving.
  4. Repeat 3 times.
"Wave"Repeat 3-4 times.
Complex with cubes"Cube upon cube"
  1. I.p.: legs slightly apart, cubes behind the back.
  2. Push the cubes forward.
  3. Place the cube on the cube.
  4. From i.p. cubes to the sides, to the shoulders, down, at the waist.
  5. Repeat 6 times.
  1. I.p.: sitting, legs apart, cubes on the floor at the heels, hands pointing behind.
  2. Arms up in an arc, tilt forward to the cubes.
  3. Return to IP Watch your hand movements.
  4. Repeat 5 times.
"Behind the Knees"
  1. IP: lying down, cubes up.
  2. Raise your bent leg and knock the cube against the cube.
  3. Same with the other leg. Don't raise your head.
  4. Repeat 4 times.
  1. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, cubes at the shoulders.
  2. Turn left and place the cube with your right hand.
  3. I.p. and perform the previous step to the left. Take the cubes in the same way.
  4. Repeat 4 times.
"Go Around"
  1. IP: legs slightly apart, cubes on the floor in front of your feet, hands on your waist.
  2. Rise on your toes, walk around the cubes in one direction and the other.
  3. Walk in place at a normal pace.
  4. Finish the set of exercises by running (40 sec), walking.
  5. Repeat 2-3 times.
Quote from: https://infourok.ru/kartoteka-kompleksov-utrenney-gimnastiki-dlya-sredney-gruppi-detskogo-sada-1161197.html

Table: plot complexes of morning exercises (compiled based on open access materials)

Name of the complexExercise nameContent
"Birds""Birds flap their wings"
  1. IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.
  2. Rising on your toes, raise your arms up through your sides, while lowering, raise your arms down.
"Birds are watching to see if the cat is coming"
  1. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
  2. Turns the body left and right.
"Birds are pecking grains"
  1. IP: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist.
  2. Sit down, tap your fingers on the floor: “birds are pecking.”
  3. Stand up, arms up, wave your hands “the birds have flown.”
"Birds Shake Their Tails"
  1. IP: standing, arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Movement of the hips left and right.
"Birds are jumping on the branches"
  1. I.p. legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows, “wing” hands relaxed.
  2. Jumping - the birds are jumping and swinging on the branches.
“Let’s warm the bird” (breathing exercise)
  1. I.p. standing, hands in front of you - “bird” in your palms.
  2. Calmly inhale through your nose, exhale into your hands - “let’s warm the bird.”
Form a column one behind the other, walking and light running in alternation. Alignment.
"The circus has arrived""Jolly Clown"
  1. I.p.: stand with legs apart, hands with rings below.
  2. Rise on your toes, hands with rings behind your head.
  3. Repeat 6 times.
  1. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands with rings to the shoulders.
  2. Turn to the right, hands with rings to the sides.
  3. Return to i.p.
  4. The same to the left, repeat 4 times.
  1. I.p.: kneeling position, hands with rings connected together behind the back.
  2. Sit on your heels, lean forward, move your hands with the rings back.
  3. Return to i.p.
  4. Repeat 6 times.
  1. IP: lying on your back, straight arms with rings behind your head.
  2. Raise your right leg and hand with the ring forward, touching the ring to your foot.
  3. Return to i.p.
  4. The same with the left leg and hand.
  5. Repeat 4 times.
"Trained horses"
  1. I.p.: stand with legs closed, hands with rings below.
  2. Jump on two legs in place.
  3. Walk in place, raising your knees high.
  1. Form into a column one at a time.
  2. Walk/Run.
  3. Walking while restoring breathing.

You can enjoy fresh air while exercising outdoors

While working out at the gym can be very beneficial, there are also benefits to playing sports outdoors. Working outside gives us the opportunity to do other sports that you can't do in the gym or at home.

It also gives you the opportunity to enjoy fresh air, which is very beneficial for your health. Exercising in nature not only improves your energy levels, but also provides a good opportunity to strengthen your body by providing plenty of vitamin D.

Circus gymnastics

Group vaulting.
Circus gymnastics is divided into ground gymnastics (exercises on apparatus and apparatus mounted on the arena) and aerial gymnastics (exercises on equipment suspended high above the arena); respectively, gymnasts - on the floor and aerial.

Each of the two types of circus gymnastics includes many subtypes (depending on the equipment used and methods of work): ground floor - exercises on horizontal bars, trampoline, rings of all types; aerial [2]—exercises on trapezoids of all kinds, cord de parele, cord de shuttlecock, frame, bamboo, air horizontal bar, belts, canvases, ring, sphere.

You may feel more alert in the fresh air

Getting outside to oxygenate your blood and speed up your circulation is one of the best ways to feel energized and revitalized after a workout. Although you may feel somewhat exhausted while exercising, you will actually return home with a new surge of energy, feeling much more energetic and fresh.

Exercising outside gives you a good opportunity to get out of the house and away from the stuffy and cramped rooms of your home. You can also run freely and enjoy the beauty of nature.

There is no exact answer to the question of which type of workout is better, outdoors or indoors, it just comes down to personal preference. However, if you can go outside in good weather, then you shouldn't miss this chance. It is best to alternate your workouts and conduct them periodically outdoors and indoors.

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Rock climbing

The only things better than mountains are mountains—even if it’s a successful imitation of a sheer cliff in a city park or climbing center.
The main thing is to start: after the artificial mountain, a real one will come to Magomed - alive, unlike any other, with ledges, crevices and depressions, with waterfalls falling from a height, and birds circling over the gorge. The history of rock climbing is not new: postcards from the last century with pioneer rock climbers are collecting dust in museums, and the main rock routes - mainly in Europe - are decades old. Unlike mountaineering, rock climbing does not require complex equipment. A rock climber does not use an ice ax to cut his way to the top, as a mountain climber does - he slides, plays with the rock, dances on its surface, trying to find the most accurate, reliable and beautiful hold. From the outside he looks like Spider-Man and definitely has super strength. When you climb a rock for the first time, you will feel pain in muscles that you never knew existed. And after just three or four sessions, you will feel that your body has become stronger, stronger, you have begun to get up easily in the morning, the once urgent need for coffee has disappeared, and the day seems to have been stretched in half. You get more done, although you spend most of your time in a horizontal position - in the air, pressing your whole body against the uneven ledges of an artificial mountain the height of a five-story building. Rock climbing is a multifaceted story. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is now experiencing a rebirth. Rock climbing is a new running and a new yoga. Like any extreme sport, it gives you the opportunity to test yourself and overcome internal resistance: at the very moment when, without feeling your hands and frozen with fear, you make an impossible leap to the top, the world will change - and, of course, for the better. And then you will get involved, start traveling to “climbing” places (for example, to Spain, where there are the most picturesque routes for beginners), “collecting” mountains, bringing pebbles from the top and delighting your friends on Instagram with dizzying pictures. What it looks like You should start with bouldering - a subtype of rock climbing at low altitudes. Instead of a floor, there are soft mats on the playground: it doesn’t hurt to fall on them, and it’s convenient to hone your “grabbing” technique. A special trainer for your fingers will also come in handy (yes, you can “pump” them too!), which consists of several pieces of wood driven at different heights: you grab them and try to crawl up, holding your own weight literally on your fingertips. Maxim Zvorygin, an instructor at the Big Wall climbing center, one of the best in Russia, recommends unloading your arms during the climb, that is, not pulling yourself up, but pushing yourself up with your legs. During rock climbing classes, you are surprised to discover that, even without ballet stretching, you can place your foot on the ledge in the area of ​​your own ear - and rise to an unprecedented height.

What is needed for this? Equipment for a beginning rock climber - a safety rope, special climbing shoes and a bag of magnesium to prevent your hands from slipping.
Even in the lap of nature, rock climbing is relatively safe (adjusted for your personal recklessness), and in a specialized center an instructor will always back you up. Professionals like Alex Huber, a living legend of modern mountaineering and rock climbing, make do with only magnesium, preferring free climbing. By the way, Alex, who can literally walk on the ceiling, does not consider himself an extreme sportsman: every movement of the physics department graduate is calculated, and the risk is always justified. Looking at him, you would never say: “This guy is crazy.” The only thing that comes to mind is: “He’s really happy.”

Cardio loads

In addition to the complex aimed at losing weight, you can do cardio exercises a couple of days a week. They not only help you lose weight and develop endurance, but also improve your overall health. The following exercises can be performed as cardio training:

  1. Run. Beginners should start running no more than 20 minutes a day. Evening jogging promotes weight loss and active fat burning. You should go running no earlier than two hours after your last meal. More experienced athletes need to run for an hour. In this case, it is necessary to control your breathing and land on the entire foot, and not just on the toe. To quickly get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to alternate fast running for short distances with slow running for long distances.
  2. Walking. To begin with, light walks will be enough, the duration of which will not exceed 25 minutes, but gradually this time should be increased to an hour. You need to walk at a fast pace, if possible over rough terrain. Thanks to this pleasant type of cardio exercise, you can lose about 5 kg in just a month, without particularly straining your body.

outdoor workouts for girls for weight loss

Which program should I choose?

There are many options for street physical education. All of them are useful and effective - choose based on your capabilities and taste preferences:


The simplest and most accessible way to activate internal processes, lose extra pounds, strengthen muscles and lift your mood. The convenience is that you don’t need a stadium, sports equipment, or equipment to walk. Exercise at any time - morning, evening, noon.

Effectiveness is achieved starting from half an hour. The best option is to walk to work and home. If it’s far away, walk vigorously for a few stops and note the time. Wear comfortable shoes - you can change into shoes in the office. At first it will be unusual, you will feel tired - this will pass in a couple of weeks, you will get used to it and will not imagine your working day without morning walking. An additional gift is a great way to wake up without coffee or strong tea.


This method is for those who are ready to work on themselves, because... requires physical effort. Like walking, time can be spent in the morning or evening. Buy running shoes - this will relieve stress on your bones and ligaments. Think about where it’s better to run - in the park, along the embankment, at a nearby stadium. The condition is to be away from the highway, training is not allowed here: it can cause carbon monoxide poisoning!

If you have never run before, start with five minutes in medium mode and gradually increase the time, monitor your condition. Before jogging, warm up, do squats, lunges, and bends. Start with a brisk walk and progress to a light jog.


A common type of training. In Europe it is often used as a way to get around the city. This is still a new thing for us, because... There are restrictions in terms of weather conditions. Ride your bike when the snow has completely melted and the roads are dry. Ideally, the route will be away from vehicle traffic.


Who said they are only suitable for young people? The point is the stereotype - this instrument is available at any age. A great way to cheer up, develop coordination, and strengthen muscles. First learn to stand, then move to a slow movement: for those who know how to skate, it will be fast.

Preparing for workouts and exercise routines in cold weather

Preparing for workouts and exercise routines in cold weather

Outdoor fitness classes are easy to organize when the weather is warm, but what about in the winter? It is not advisable to stop training after the onset of cold weather, since a long break will have an extremely negative impact on your training. In addition, exercises in the cold season can be used as an additional means of hardening.

In order for winter fitness training to be beneficial to your health, you need to properly prepare for it. Clothes should be chosen to keep you slightly cool when standing still. It is not advisable to get too warm, otherwise you will get wet and catch a cold while doing the exercises.

Pay attention to the material used in the different layers of your gear. Outerwear should have water-repellent and windproof properties. It is better to use special thermal underwear as the bottom layer.

Accessories occupy an important place in an athlete’s equipment, because a hat and gloves will protect your health in winter. In icy and slushy conditions, give preference to waterproof shoes with grooved soles. If you wish, you can take a thermos of tea with you and sip from it little by little during your workout. It is not advisable to take ordinary water in a bottle, because it will quickly cool down.

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