Whole grain flour: what is it and what to cook from it

Hello dear readers. Usually, in the minds of many, the diet is associated with a complete abstinence from flour. However, there are ways to lose weight and eat buns at the same time. Without painful restrictions and prohibitions. With only one exception - refuse the wrong flour. What does this mean and which flour is the lowest calorie and healthiest, read below!

There are dozens of types of flour in nature: from cereals, seeds, and shells. Not all of them are equally healthy, enjoyable, or suitable for baking. Today I have compiled a small rating of dough bases made from cereals that are pleasant to eat, won’t break the bank, and won’t leave you with extra pounds. I will also go into detail about the nuances of each type.

How is this possible?

The whole secret is in the composition of the treats. In addition to sugar, traditional buns contain refined wheat flour - this is where the main harm to our health and beautiful figure lies. We will try to explain in more detail.

The fact is that a grain of wheat consists of three parts:

  1. an embryo containing a large amount of nutrients;
  2. endosperm, which is the nutritious tissue around the embryo and is mainly composed of starch;
  3. the outer shell is rich in fiber (which, you see, is an undoubted helper for a flat and healthy tummy).

When flour is processed in the traditional way, the germ and outer hull are removed, leaving a white flour “rich” in starch alone.

That's why it's so important to make friends with whole grain flour - it retains all the vitamins and fiber.

Among other things, there are many other types of flour that will bring undoubted benefits on the path to a healthy and beautiful body.

And what flour is the most dietary - you ask. All types of flour that we talk about below are suitable for dietary baking!

Corn flour:

A distinctive feature of this type of flour is its high fiber content, which helps reduce cholesterol and remove fat deposits from the body. Products made from it improve intestinal motility and are recommended for people with digestive diseases. In addition to fiber, it also contains a lot of protein, vitamins B, A, E, as well as microelements: magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, silicon and others. Helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, is useful for anemia and for stimulating bile secretion. By the way, products made from corn flour do not provide many calories, and at the same time they are very filling, which makes them suitable for those losing weight.

Barley flour is the most beneficial for weight loss


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Barley is a rich source of fiber and many useful substances, so it will become an indispensable aid in losing weight, helping to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of impurities.

Whole grain barley flour is a worthy assistant in your kitchen. It makes delicious pancakes, muffins and flatbreads. Barley flour is also suitable for making bread, but be aware that you need to eat it a couple of days in advance, because such bread quickly becomes stale - remember this when you calculate the number of buns to bake.

Barley flour adds a pleasant, slightly tart, nutty flavor to your treats. It should be stored in a tightly closed jar.

Calorie content: 300 kcal/100g. Proteins: 8.9, Fats: 0.9, Carbohydrates: 64.2.

Useful qualities of rice and buckwheat flour

Rice flour is made by grinding rice grains and has the same properties as cereal. It contains a small amount of microelements, but still there are more of them than in wheat flour. It also contains a small amount of amino acids. It is often used to prepare baby food, as it is hypoallergenic. It is sometimes used in making sauces.

Rice flour in its pure form is not suitable for baking due to the lack of gluten in it. It can only be used for dough with the addition of other types of flour. In terms of its composition, rice flour is higher than wheat flour, but products based on it should not be abused, since in large quantities it can cause constipation.

Buckwheat flour, of course, is made from buckwheat, which is considered the queen of all grains. Nutritionists have long recommended its use in proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. It contains zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamins B and E, antioxidants and vegetable protein, and is a source of amino acids.

The role of protein in buckwheat is slightly exaggerated, since it is only 12 grams per 100 grams of product, but it is perfectly absorbed. And therefore flour has all these beneficial qualities. Flour made from refined cereals is sold on store shelves. At home, you can make flour with bran, which will be even more useful.

Buckwheat flour helps reduce body weight, actively helps in digestion, rids the body of harmful substances, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and blood sugar levels.

The zinc it contains promotes cell renewal and division, which helps the skin slow down changes in the form of wrinkles. A very good remedy for heartburn.

Buckwheat flour should be used with caution by people with gastritis and people prone to flatulence; in these cases, it is better to take the advice of a specialist.

Buckwheat is by default classified as a dietary product due to its low calorie content. But this does not apply to buckwheat flour; per 100 grams of flour there are 350 kcal, and also the fats it contains. Therefore, people watching their weight should use it in moderation.

It is better to use buckwheat flour together with wheat or rye flour, since in its pure form the product will be dark in color and have a specific taste, and this is also necessary due to the lack of gluten in it.

Are you trying to replace bread with crispbread?

Not really

Oat flour


22 Reviews Organic whole grain oat flour Black bread

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Who among us doesn't know oatmeal? Many of us start our mornings in the company of it, some add it to salads and soups. Now it’s time to get acquainted with oat flour - an equally useful product obtained from oat grains.

This is an excellent flour for dietary nutrition. It retains a large amount of fiber, which helps to improve the intestinal microflora, and therefore strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism. Oatmeal treats give you a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day!

It makes delicious jelly, diet buns and the famous oatmeal cookies.

Calorie content: 337 kcal/100 g. Proteins: 12, Fats: 6.1, Carbohydrates: 58.7.

Flour of choice: which flour to choose for a balanced diet?

It is not at all necessary to completely give up flour products; it is enough to replace unwanted ingredients with healthier ones and delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious baked goods without threatening your figure!

We have analyzed which types of flour products are really not recommended to consume if you want to become the owner of a slim and toned figure, and which ones, on the contrary, will help you make your diet balanced and will serve as an assistant in the difficult task of losing weight.

First of all, we are looking for a replacement for white wheat flour

. The reason for this is high calorie content, high glycemic index, and high starch content. Wheat flour is a pure, fast carbohydrate that retains water in the body, which contributes to swelling and the accumulation of extra pounds. If you are not ready to completely give up products made from wheat flour, then choose grade 1 or 2 flour. The lower the grade of flour, the healthier it is for the body.

Unlike wheat flour, which is really better to avoid in the process of losing and maintaining weight, rye flour

less caloric, per 100 g of product there are 298 kcal. For a long time, bread in Rus' was baked only from rye flour, which is distinguished by its beneficial qualities, low calorie content and abundance of vitamins and minerals.

The composition of rye flour is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates; it also includes:

  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • vitamin E and group B.

Rye flour is perfect for baking bread, pancakes, it is added to cottage cheese casserole, it is used to make breading for meat and fish dishes and sourdough for kvass.

There are several other low-calorie alternatives to wheat flour: buckwheat, corn, almond, flaxseed, oatmeal, soy, rice. For dishes such as pancakes, pancakes, and sweet pastries, these types of flour are ideal. Also, the listed varieties do not contain gluten, the degree of processing of the varieties is minimal, which allows them to retain the maximum of beneficial properties and vitamins.

For example, buckwheat flour

is an excellent protein product containing a large amount of amino acids, as well as a large amount of fiber with a minimum content of fat, sugar and carbohydrates.
is rich in vitamins B, E, phosphorus, zinc and manganese, a large amount of fiber and proteins, which perfectly nourish the body. Baking made from oatmeal is considered a dietary product.

Flaxseed flour

– an excellent choice for a balanced diet, as it holds the record for protein content.
It also contains a large amount of fiber and fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Corn flour
is not inferior to other varieties in terms of vitamins and minerals.

There are many varieties of flour, products from which will provide the body with nutrients and beneficial substances, make your diet healthy and balanced, and make the weight loss process even more enjoyable and tastier. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to find healthy flour - all varieties are presented in abundance on store shelves.

To find out how to eat a balanced diet and control your weight, contact a Healthy Lifestyle Consultant in your city by filling out the application form

Find out how to eat a balanced diet and control your weightLearn more August 21, 2020, 11:002017-08-21

Author: Be in Shape

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Coarse wheat flour


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For another 50-100 years, Rus' valued whole grain flour or wholemeal flour (wallpaper) and almost never used white flour, which we are accustomed to, because our ancestors knew that it had no nutritional benefit.

Coarse wheat flour consists almost entirely of whole grains and retains all its healing properties. Its difference from white flour is that it is more uniform in grain size and the germ and fruit membranes have been partially removed. This is done to improve its baking properties - buns and bread made from wholemeal flour are more fluffy.

Calorie content: 324 kcal/100 g. Proteins: 10.8, Fats: 1.4, Carbohydrates: 66.

Rye flour

You probably already guessed why I am doubly pleased, today, June 12, Russia Day, to answer the main question of the article?! That's right, because rye flour takes 1st place, it is the healthiest flour. And it is rye bread and various bakery products made from sour rye dough that the Russian people have consumed from time immemorial (see Russian cuisine and its features). We are going in the right direction! =) However, if you look at things realistically, rye bread is not held in particularly high esteem today. It has been replaced by various English and oatmeal cereals, and many generally only eat loaves. But in vain...

Rye flour is a very valuable product! It contains the extremely important amino acid lysine, necessary for tissue repair, a large amount of fiber, as well as vitamins A, B, E, manganese, zinc. It has twice as much magnesium and potassium as wheat flour, and also 30% more iron. With constant consumption of rye bread, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which prevents the formation of fatty plaques in the blood vessels, metabolism is normalized and heart function improves. It cleanses your intestines, removing toxins from the body, and promotes digestion. By the way, the energy value of such bread is much less than wheat bread.

Keep in mind that coarse rye flour (that is, the one obtained by grinding whole rye grains along with the shell) is especially useful. This way, much more vitamins and microelements are preserved. At the same time, baked goods made from such flour will be very dense in structure, because... There is much less gluten and gluten in it. By the way, real Russian kvass is made from rye flour!

But for people with high stomach acidity and peptic ulcers, rye bread and other such baked goods are not recommended.

Why is organic flour better?

In conclusion, I would like to say a few more words about the origin of the flour itself. Just as our health is influenced by the environment in which we live - whether it is a city or a village, whether highways and factories are close, whether the water is clean, so the quality of products is influenced by where and how they were grown.

The organic origin of flour is the key to its purity and preservation of all beneficial properties. This means that the cereals for its production were grown in an environmentally friendly place without the use of harmful substances and fertilizers, which, of course, affects the quality of the finished product. And baked goods with such flour are more aromatic and rich in taste.

What flour is good for diabetics and those losing weight?

To choose low-fat flour suitable for patients with diabetes or obesity, you need to consider the beneficial properties:

  • soy – contains protein, strengthens bone and cartilage tissue, muscle corset;
  • corn - contains vitamins A and E, improves bile flow, stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, makes the vessels and arteries of the heart muscle strong and durable;
  • buckwheat – stabilizes the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • oatmeal – lowers cholesterol, normalizes stomach function;
  • flaxseed – cleanses of decay products, toxins, starts accelerated food processing, promotes weight loss;
  • coconut – accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, gives a feeling of fullness and suppresses hunger, fights constipation and stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • almond – lowers cholesterol, triggers the body’s natural production of insulin, cleanses the kidneys, protects blood vessels, prevents the absorption and deposition of carbohydrates.

Flour in proper nutrition

Many people have heard since childhood that a love of flour leads to excess weight. Does it actually cause weight gain and slow down weight loss? Experts believe that completely avoiding flour is harmful to the body. This opinion is supported by nutritionists; they are confident that it is not worth completely excluding the product from the diet, it is enough to choose the right variety. It’s quite possible to eat delicious baked goods and not gain weight!

Which flour is the lowest in calories and healthiest?

Calorie content of healthy flour

I have collected for myself and for you, my readers, information about the calorie content and composition of different flours. Even a superficial comparative analysis will allow you to understand which flour to choose for low-calorie healthy baking.

Calorie content of flour (kcal) per 100 g of product as it decreases:

Sesame - 526 Oatmeal - 404 Millet - 382 Corn - 375 Rice - 366 Wheat (white) - 364 Sorghum (whole grain) - 359 Rye - 357 Barley - 345 Wheat (whole grain) - 340 Buckwheat - 335

The most popular of those presented are: whole grain wheat (we do not consider white flour, since it contains a lot of starch and gluten, which are harmful for weight loss; we use it only in small quantities as an additive for “gluing”, giving the dough viscosity), rye, oatmeal, corn and buckwheat I suggest studying their composition a little closer to understand which flour is more suitable for which types of dishes.

Advice from nutritionists

When preparing baked goods during a diet, it is important to consider several points:

  • you need to give up premium wheat flour;
  • do not use butter to prepare the dough;
  • instead of sugar - stevia;
  • instead of chicken eggs - quail, ground flax seeds or banana;
  • cook in a silicone mold or using parchment paper.

Important! It is necessary to observe the measure. A properly prepared low-carb dessert can have a negative impact on your figure if you eat 5 servings at one time.

Each type of flour has its pros and cons. Baking is allowed in a healthy diet, but it must be made from healthy ingredients. Whatever variety is preferred, it is worth considering that coarse flour brings the greatest benefit.

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