Big belly: foods to add to your diet to get rid of it

A strict diet and grueling workouts in the gym have the desired effect, bringing the figure to ideal condition.

However, during the exercise, you can see that the loss of sentiment occurs unevenly; it is most difficult to get rid of fat deposits in the waist area.

Many women are interested in the question of what foods make their bellies grow, what should they exclude from the diet so that unwanted pounds do not return?

In addition to the fact that the fat layer around the waist does not add attractiveness to a woman, it negatively affects her health.

The cause of pathologies such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, infertility, and disruption of the cardiovascular system is excess weight.

Drink plenty of water and unsweetened tea

Avoid sweetened drinks. They include a lot of sugar and artificial sweeteners. Drink plain water, black coffee, unsweetened tea and green tea for maximum benefits.

You should avoid sugar as it is partly made from fructose. The human liver is unable to metabolize large amounts of fructose, hence it converts it into fat and stores it in the abdominal area. It can be very difficult to remove it later. It's worth noting that artificial sweeteners are also addictive.

Favorable exchange

Cane sugar instead of white. Sugar should be completely excluded from your diet, but if you cannot drink unsweetened tea or coffee, add cane sugar to them. Unlike white, it brings at least some benefit. Lactic acid products instead of milk. Whole milk is not only very fatty, but, as recent studies have shown, its consumption leads to premature aging of cells. It is better to replace this drink with fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cottage cheese). This is especially true for women over 40. Fruit drinks instead of packaged juices. Packaged juices are better than carbonated lemonades, but they still contain enough preservatives. If you want to lose weight, make your own fruit drinks and compotes, or get a juicer. Chicken breast instead of liver. As in humans, all toxins in the body of animals are deposited in the kidneys and liver. So if the cattle were fed GMO products and hormones, do not expect anything good from the offal. Chicken or turkey breast is much safer and lower in calories.

Stop eating sugar

Of course, it will be hard, but burning dangerous belly fat is definitely worth it. Eliminating sugar means you will no longer drink fruit juices, soft drinks, baked goods, cookies or candy.

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Plus, it involves reading the ingredient list. You can snack on a perfectly healthy salad, but your salad dressing is probably loaded with sugar. Avoid barbecue sauce, ketchup and even mustard.

Open the cabinets and randomly select any product. It likely contains a lot of sugar, but it may be listed under a different name.

Don't chase ease

As a rule, the refrigerator of women losing weight is filled from top to bottom with low-calorie sweet yoghurts and other supposedly diet foods. If you decide to fight for the ideal parameters of your own body, try not to get carried away with “light” products. With them, everything is not as simple as it seems: yes, indeed, fat has been removed from them, but, unfortunately, it is not the only culprit in the formation of excess weight. There is another way to increase in volume - to consume simple carbohydrates, which, by the way, are much more abundant in low-calorie yogurts than in regular ones. They immediately release sugar into the blood, the body does not have time to absorb glucose, so most of it, instead of being used up, is stored as fat on the waist and hips.

Eat fruit

Soothe your sweet cravings by eating fruit. You may crave a lot of fruit at first, but the craving will subside over time. They're healthy even if they contain sugars because chewing triggers the brain to release hormones to make you feel full, and they also contain fiber. Fiber will also reassure you that you're full and you won't eat as much. Fruits also contain a huge amount of antioxidants and beneficial vitamins.


According to scientists, red wine promotes weight loss. It speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the body. Red wine also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Of course, we are talking about small doses of the drink. If you abuse it, then instead of benefit it will only bring harm. Wine contains a special substance – resveratrol, which not only breaks down fat cells, but also slows down the aging process. There is a red wine diet. You are allowed to drink one bottle of wine and eat 300 grams of cheese per day. But it’s better not to use such extreme methods for losing weight, otherwise you can undermine your health. Just allow yourself to drink a glass of good wine with dinner, but be careful, wine increases your appetite.

Eat vegetables

Consume vegetables completely raw, fried or steamed. They contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other equally important nutrients. Vegetables of all colors of the rainbow contain different nutrients. Like fruits, they are high in healthy fiber and will take a long time to digest.

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Do not add cheese, butter, mayonnaise or other dressing to them. If you decide to fry them, use coconut or olive oil for added health benefits.


'Pictures on request

This wonderful cereal has long won the hearts of those losing weight and athletes. The thing is that it contains quite a lot of protein, B vitamins and microelements. Porridge is also rich in fiber. And the slow carbohydrates contained in it release energy quite slowly and due to this give us strength for 2-3 hours.

Eat meat

Lean meats like chicken and beef, whole eggs and fish are helpful in the fight against belly fat. Plant proteins like quinoa, legumes and seitan are also good for weight loss. Research shows that the more good quality protein you eat, the less belly fat you will have.

This does not apply to processed meats. It's full of additives linked to cancer and contains huge amounts of salt, which can lead to bloating.

Don't cook the broth

“Broth made from chicken breast, is there anything more tasty and dietary?” - many women who are losing weight think and are very mistaken. Despite the fact that there are few calories in this soup, it does more harm than good. Animals and birds destined for slaughter are fed all the same genetically modified foods and hormonal supplements that accelerate their growth and add fat to their legs. A piece of meat is not forbidden to you - during the heat treatment the amount of harmful substances decreases. But they do not disappear without a trace, but end up in the broth. By drinking it, you will feed your body a killer cocktail, which will not make you thin, but, on the contrary, will disrupt metabolic processes. If you can’t live without soup, boil and drain the liquid at least three times before sitting down to the table. This way you will reduce the concentration of harmful substances. Others are advised to switch to vegetable broths.

Another common mistake of those losing weight is switching from fried foods to stewed ones. If you cook with oil, it makes no difference. It not only adds calories to foods, but also poses a danger itself. During heat treatment, oil turns into a carcinogen, which disrupts metabolic processes in the body much more strongly than preservatives. Bake, steam, stew in water, and add vegetable or olive oil only when you put the food on a plate. For the same reason, you should forget about margarine forever, because it is a carcinogen in its pure form. It is made from the lowest quality, cheapest vegetable oils with the addition of a huge amount of preservatives.

Switch to whole grains

Instead of refined grains, eat less than fifty grams of whole grains per day. There are hundreds of whole grains around the world that are excellent sources of plant-based protein.

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Whole wheat is not necessarily a whole grain. Some products made from it are refined white flour mixed with food coloring and various additives such as bran. Read the ingredient list.

Foods that do not cause belly enlargement

There are foods that are good for the body and will help you get into shape.
Include fatty fish, vegetable oil and nuts in your diet. These products contain fats that are not stored by the body in reserve, but are burned immediately, turning into energy. In addition, fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes, have a beneficial effect on your figure. And finally, rye and bran bread, which is baked from whole grains, does not cause belly growth. It is important to know which three foods affect belly growth. But if your abdominal muscles are weak and you spend little time on sports and eat poorly, it will be quite difficult for you to lose excess weight and maintain a figure in good condition. Make it a rule to regularly engage in physical activity aimed at strengthening your abdominal muscles, eat small portions at least 4-5 times a day, taking into account the above recommendations, and then the problem of a big belly will not bother you.

Don't forget about chia seeds

If you're looking for the perfect meal, invest in chia seeds. They are exceptionally rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, proteins, and healthy fats. In addition, it is a wonderful viscous fiber. Eat chia seeds daily, raw, juiced, or added to oatmeal, cereal, yogurt, vegetables, or rice.


Oats are a dietary product that many people associate with animal feed. In fact, in earlier times, oats occupied a significant place on the tables of many rich people. It contains many vitamins, minerals and... calories. But oats perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Oatmeal broth will be a real treasure for those who want to lose weight and improve their health. Oatmeal is also a storehouse of vitamins, but it needs to be boiled in water. But the cereal must be without additives, sweeteners and flavors.

Choose Healthy Fats

You have a responsibility to reduce your intake of saturated fat, which is found in meat, so the less meat the better.

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Trans fats are really bad for your health and figure. These include partially hydrogenated vegetable oils; do not eat these under any circumstances. They won't help you lose weight and will take a toll on your heart.

Cook with coconut oil, avocado, sunflower or olive oil, but use them in moderation.

What foods to avoid to lose belly fat?

A proper menu that promotes weight loss should not include certain types of foods.


Confectionery products are pure carbohydrates.

To get rid of the hated “apron,” a woman will have to give up:

  • cakes;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • sweets

For those with a sweet tooth who cannot imagine their life without sweets, their favorite delicacy should be replaced with dried fruits, honey, natural marmalade and marshmallows. But even these products should be consumed within reasonable limits.

Flour products

It will be possible to get rid of fat in the waist area only after flour products disappear from the daily dietIt will be possible to get rid of fat in the waist area only after flour products disappear from the daily diet.
It will be possible to get rid of fat in the waist area only after the following disappear from the daily diet:

  • semolina;
  • pasta (except for durum products);
  • White rice;
  • baking;
  • bread.

These products can be replaced with their lower calorie “brethren”:

  • brown rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • rye or bran bread;
  • pearl barley;
  • pasta based on buckwheat or durum wheat.

Important! Products with a high flour content attract fat like a magnet and increase body weight in a matter of days.


The human body will not function normally without meat. But pork contains too much saturated fat, which doesn't help you lose weight.

To make the reflection in the mirror pleasing, instead of pork cutlets, it is better to eat baked poultry, rabbit or beef.


They prefer to eat this favorite vegetable in Russia fried, along with a good portion of lard. But 1 serving of this dish contains at least 300 kcal.

And that's not counting the lard. Women who want to get a slim body can only eat potatoes boiled or baked. Pre-peeled vegetables must be soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours.


Properly prepared pasta will not harm your figure. Excess fat will appear only if you season the side dish with a fatty butter-based sauce or add smoked meats to the main dish.

In the fight against excess weight, you can eat pasta only with stewed vegetables, low-fat fish or mushrooms.

Sweet drinks

Properly prepared pasta will not harm your figureProperly prepared pasta will not harm your figure.
The main enemy of the waist is sugar . In view of this, it is recommended not to add granulated sugar to coffee, tea or compote. Juices can only be drunk freshly squeezed. With regular use of the packaged product, belly fat will appear within a week of use.

In the fight against excess weight, it is advisable to drink unsweetened drinks throughout the day. If bitter coffee or tea does not bring pleasure at all, you can sweeten it with honey or stevia.


Intoxicating drinks themselves are non-caloric (not counting beer). But the foods that a person consumes while taking them definitely add extra pounds.

In addition, alcohol overloads the liver, slows down metabolism and retains water. To burn fat, you should remove alcoholic drinks from the menu.

Carbonated drinks

You can protect your health and figure only by completely abstaining from carbonated water.It will be possible to protect your health and figure only by completely abstaining from carbonated water
. By drinking 200 g of Coca-Cola, a person consumes 1/7 of the daily requirement of carbohydrates and does not quench the feeling of thirst. In addition, such drinks increase blood sugar, gradually leading a person to diabetes.

You can protect your health and figure only by completely abstaining from carbonated water.

Fast food

Fast food dishes not only contain a lot of preservatives, but are also eaten with fatty sauces. The body does not receive saturation from such food; accordingly, the person overeats and exceeds the permissible caloric intake. As a result, the numbers on the scale increase daily.


It's not food, of course, but exercise is very, very important. If you consume the foods presented above in the article, you will lose weight. Adding exercise will increase belly fat loss.

Exercise for at least one hundred and five minutes a week. That's just fifteen minutes a day! And it doesn't have to be exercises like squats, planks, or weight lifting (although strength training can't hurt either). Aerobic activities include activities such as walking, running, swimming and cycling.

Stars about losing weight

Anna Semenovich: – Many people believe that pineapple burns fat. It turns out that you can eat a pan of fried potatoes, and then flavor it with this fruit, and the excess weight will disappear. This way you definitely won't lose weight.

In general, you need to be careful with fruits. Under no circumstances should they be eaten after six in the evening. These are fast carbohydrates, which make it easier to gain a couple of kilograms than from fats.

Elena Ishcheeva: – As far as I know, citrus fruits to some extent contribute to weight loss. For example, my friend has a fruit day every few weeks, during which she eats only a little cooked protein and grapefruit. Just ten meals.

You can only drink green tea. As a result, she manages to lose a couple of kilograms.

Irina Saltykova: – Products that burn fat are a myth. There is no food that can help you become thinner. But there are golden rules. Follow them if you don't want to get fat. First, never, under any circumstances, eat before bed. This is especially true for women over thirty.

Any evening snack will inevitably lead to an increase in volume. Secondly, exercise.

Olga Orlova: – Personally, I really like to eat. But I have been following the principles of separate nutrition for many years. My daily diet almost always includes cheese. I start my morning with a cup of coffee and drink a lot of tea throughout the day. And also mineral water. Two or three times a week I work out on exercise machines and play tennis. As you can see, I don’t limit myself, but I don’t gain weight either.

Rice Quinoa

Rice quinoa grows in South America. Its prices are quite high, so not everyone can afford to use it regularly. Rice quinoa is a source of protein. Its composition is very balanced, it contains up to 20 types of amino acids. Rice quinoa is often used to make porridge that tastes like rice. It is added to confectionery products, soups, and salads. It has a low glycemic index and is rich in iron. It can be eaten without fear.

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