How to make drainage herbal teas for home weight loss

Beneficial properties of herbal teas

Plant raw materials are primarily used in folk medicine. But there is a list of medicinal herbs, the properties of which are recognized in traditional medicine and are widely used to treat a number of diseases. There are herbal teas for weight loss, cleansing, relieving pain and inflammation, and so on.

There are herbs that have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • regenerating;
  • stimulating;
  • choleretic;
  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • mucolytic and others.

An herbal collection may include several herbs and fruits with identical properties for the targeted treatment of a specific disease. To combat excess weight, herbal preparations are very often used, the complex of active substances of which has a versatile effect on the problem of excess weight.

What does it essentially consist of? Gaining extra pounds does not always result from simple overeating. Most often, obesity is caused by improper metabolism, poor diet, inactive lifestyle, and eating fast food instead of normal food. A hereditary factor cannot be ruled out, which is almost impossible to combat.

Senna is the most popular and effective component of weight loss supplements

Herbal teas for weight normalization usually include plants that have the following effects on the body:

  • normalize digestion;
  • have diuretic and laxative effects;
  • help remove waste and toxins;
  • improve intestinal motility;
  • stimulate the production of digestive enzymes;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • increase overall tone;
  • speed up metabolism.

Due to this complex effect, the body is cleansed, excess fluid is removed, and digestive function is improved. The body is adjusted to work properly. No known herbal mixture has yet been able to solve the problem of fat deposits. This is an additional means to a properly adjusted diet and physical activity.

Herbs for weight loss

In pharmaceuticals there is a special list of herbs and other plant materials that are used to prepare dietary supplements and herbal teas for weight normalization. They are used both in domestic pharmaceuticals and abroad. Herbs are grouped according to their similar effects on the body.

How to drink ginger tea for weight loss

  1. Laxatives are aimed at improving intestinal motility, cleansing, removing toxins and waste, thereby reducing the volume of the abdomen. These are senna herb, buckthorn bark, fennel and dill, anise and chamomile. Senna has the most powerful effect.
  2. Diuretics and choleretic, through which excess fluid is removed and the flow of bile is improved. These are horsetail, strawberry leaf, corn silk, cinquefoil, bear's ear, tansy.
  3. Reducing appetite. These are angelica officinalis, spirulina, marshmallow rhizome, flax seed.
  4. Normalizing digestion and metabolism. Such herbs include nettle, parsley, birch leaves, buckthorn bark, elderberry flowers, and fennel.
  5. To increase energy consumption by the body, turmeric, rosemary, ginger and other spices are added to tea.

To achieve a certain result, you can use several types of herbs with the same effect. So, to cleanse the body, combine chamomile with hay or buckthorn bark. To improve body tone, add fresh or ground ginger and pepper to any traditional or herbal tea.

There are many recipes for preparing herbal infusions for weight loss, but experimenting at home is dangerous. You need to follow proven recipes and observe the dosage so as not to harm your health.

Drainage tea

Drainage teas are a special type of weight loss drinks that affect the functioning of the lymphatic and digestive systems. They are designed to stimulate lymph circulation in the body in order to cleanse it of waste and toxins. At the same time, they speed up metabolic processes, stimulate the stomach, and help get rid of ballast. A cleansed intestine is the key to the complete absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals and their delivery to organs and tissues. Additionally, the body gets rid of fluid stagnation in organs and tissues.

Ginger accelerates metabolism and increases blood circulation

Typically, drainage teas are drunk in the morning before meals or in the evening before bed. Their composition can be very different. But the drink made from senna is known to be the most effective.

It is prepared like this:

  • Place 200 g of washed raisins in a thermos, add 1000 ml of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes;
  • Pour 20 g of senna herb into a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for half an hour;
  • Strain both mixtures, combine, add a glass of rosehip syrup.

The product is drunk in the evening before going to bed in a volume of 100 ml. The course of losing weight on a drainage drink is 1 month.

Another popular remedy is ginger and lemon tea, to which honey is added according to taste and desire. To add aroma and enhance the effect, mint or lemon balm herb is added to the tea. You need to drink 3-4 tea cups of the drink per day for 2 weeks.

Food drinks

Poor nutrition, work, failure to drink while sitting are the main causes of stagnation and lack of lymph in our body. Drinking will talk about special basic miracle drinks that help cope with the regime problem.

Slimming lymph drainage drinks

Drainage drinks are our excellent remedy against the cause; they help in the fight against excess cellulite and wrinkles.

The action of stagnation is aimed at accelerating metabolism (fluid substances). In addition to the main article, the balance of the body and salts in the body is normalized, and the lymph will improve.

There are several miracle drainage drinks:

  • purified by this in combination with other natural special ones;
  • vegetable and fruit juices, drainage with the addition of herbs;
  • decoctions and herbal remedies;
  • drinks produced in manageable conditions, sold in pharmacies and stores.

Drainage drinks in problematic conditions

You can prepare healthy drainage drinks from available and inexpensive ingredients. Drainage several simple recipes.

For with fresh lemon and honey

On the opposite side of a glass of warm boiled water, add 1 slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Mix salts. It is advisable to use for weight loss.

Infusion of currant leaves, birch and lingonberry drinks

Take all the excellent ones in the same quantity (10 exchanges), rinse and pour a liter of the product. Leave in a warm place on water. Drink throughout the day.

Smoothies help

Squeeze out the juice from excess carrots, young zucchini and cellulite (non-greenhouse) cucumber. Drink the same substances after preparation.

Strawberry tele with mint and lemon balm

Brew wrinkled strawberries in a teapot (1 bunch in addition to water). Pour boiling water over mint and lemon balm separately. 15 leaves per flow of water. Mix lymph infusion (1:1). Drink during the water.

Dill drink

Pour 1 bunch of dill drinks into 1.6 liters. Leave overnight. Drink to speed up the day.

Drainage miracle drink of effect, recipe

For kilograms of “green cocktail” you will need:

  • 1 main kiwi;
  • ¼ lemon;
  • 1/3 of the metabolism branch is young;
  • 5 sprigs of mint comes;
  • 1/10 liter of purified water, normalization.


  • Clean the kiwi from balance.
  • Finely chop the lemon. Cut the juices into several parts.
  • Improves, wash and chop the mint and extract it.
  • Place everything in a bowl, add water.
  • Beat until smooth.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to the finished drink.

Drainage should be taken once a day.

Unrefined drink for people with combination diseases.

According to reviews, such a tasty and other drainage drink helps with its components, remove excess liquid from natural ingredients, and saturate the body with vitamins. Fruity refreshing effect.

Drainage vegetable - reviews

Victoria: “Every once in a while, for five years now, I’ve added herbal water with honey and lemon. Excess weight as well as not greens, swelling also went away, decoctions decreased. The color of the infusion and the condition of the skin have improved.”

Alena: “Networks like ginger with mint. I infuse the drinks overnight with water. I chill the drinks and drink them all day long. I didn’t even know that the drink has industrial drainage.”

Irina Viktorovna: “My husband and I cannot sit under conditions. We can't stand it. But we can use any sold teas. We especially love drinks with lemon balm. It tones well and removes pharmaceutical waters.”

Drainage drink from stores and lemon (video)

Homemade tea recipes for weight loss

Preparing any herbal teas is not recommended for those who are allergic to plants and pollen, pregnant women, children under 12 years old, suffering from stomach diseases, urolithiasis and in cases of individual intolerance.

Below are recipes for simple weight loss drinks that you can make yourself from herbs purchased at the pharmacy or collected yourself.

Recipe No. 1 with dill or fennel seeds

  1. Combine 1 part mint leaves and dandelion roots, 0.5 parts each fennel and parsley seeds and 3 parts buckthorn bark.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiled water, wait 20 minutes, let cool and strain.
  3. Take 10-15 ml daily before your morning meal for 2 months.

How to drink correctly

Despite all its usefulness, any collection from plant materials requires careful use. If changes in health for the worse are noticed, stop using it. Nutritionists often recommend drinking herbs while following a diet to enhance the effect. This is true, but not in all situations.

Herb tea
Diuretic and laxative teas begin to be drunk in free time from work

There is no need to use diuretics and laxatives during the diet. In addition to the fact that the body does not receive part of the nutrients it needs from food, they will be washed out and removed from reserves through increased urination and bowel movements. Combining a diet with herbs can worsen the condition and lead to exhaustion.

If tea is a vitamin, tonic and immune-strengthening tea, then its intake is indicated during a diet. It will help cope with weakness and lack of certain substances due to a limited diet. Plus, these teas are usually very tasty. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult your doctor before starting a herbal weight loss course.


Among the contraindications for using drainage tea for weight loss are:

  1. Childhood and adolescence,
  2. The period of gestation and lactation,
  3. Lack of body weight,
  4. Disorders of the digestive tract and urinary system,
  5. High ambient temperatures.

    Lack of body weight

It is impossible to violate the rules for taking drainage drinks, since they have a strong diuretic effect. Excess moisture removed will lead to serious damage that will take a long time to restore.

Don't forget about allergic reactions. If you already have a proven allergy to any substance, you should take new medications with caution. It is possible that an ingredient will trigger an immune response in the body.


Tatyana: I really doubt that herbs will help you lose weight. This is a big misconception, although they can improve well-being and digestion. Maybe thanks to them you can lose 2-4 kg, but with serious problems this is impossible. A radical lifestyle change is needed. This includes changing sedentary work to active work, getting rid of the habit of snacking, treating chronic diseases, eating only natural food, and so on.

Margarita: Our family has long switched to evening herbal tea. It's nice, tasty and healthy. I noticed that after an arbitrary combination of linden, St. John's wort and sage, you don't get up in the morning with puffiness under your eyes, there's no heaviness in your stomach, you want to have breakfast and run to work. Herbs still work.

Inna: This is not a weight loss product or even an additional one. That's right, by the way, you can drink.

Inga: I bought a drug called Lose Weight tea. Consists of senna and mallow, the taste is pleasant. I not only lost weight on it, but even my face shrank. I was only able to drink for 3 days. I had to go to the toilet so much, I didn’t even go to work. My stomach just fell, my cheeks too, everything tightened up. Suitable for quick results, but then the weight gains again.

Indications for use

There are several indications for using drainage teas:

  • Activation of fat breakdown processes;
  • Acceleration of metabolism and processes of removing waste products from the intestines;
  • Comprehensive improvement of the body;
  • Active movement of food through the intestines;
  • Normalization of stool;
  • Cleansing the bloodstream from decay products, strengthening vascular walls;
  • Prevention of diseases of the renal and hepatic system.

Reviews of drainage teas for weight loss indicate that they can be used for many other conditions. The main thing is that if you have doubts about the advisability of using the drink, it is better to get medical advice.

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