9 dietary chicken breast dishes: lose weight with pleasure

Meat is a product of high nutritional value. It contains a large amount of animal protein, fats, good cholesterol, as well as vitamins, among which vitamin B12 is worth noting. This compound is found only in meat.

In order to lose weight, you should give preference to lean meats. Such meat does not contain excess fat and at the same time retains all the benefits of this product. Dietary meat includes chicken. The leanest part of a chicken carcass is the breast. This part consists of meat and practically no fat is deposited on it. To reduce the calorie content of a dish prepared from chicken breast, it is necessary to remove the skin before cooking. This removes most of the fat. Let's look at a few recipes on how to cook dietary chicken breast:

Dietary breast - general principles of preparation

The main task when preparing dietary breast is to make it soft and juicy. And one of the main secrets is not to overcook it. The longer you cook white meat, the tougher and tasteless it will be. Of course, stuffing with butter or bacon will help solve the problem, but then the meat will certainly not be low-calorie.

Dietary ways to cook juicy breast:

• Marinating. Makes meat more tender and juicy. You can use various products and ready-made sauces.

• Batting. Destroys hard fibers, makes meat more porous and soft.

• Cutting against the grain. Also promotes fiber breakdown.

• Cooking in lezone, breading. They will not allow the juices to escape from the meat.

• Using all kinds of sauces.

• Preparing a dish from dietary breast, minced into minced meat.

Whatever method of preserving juiciness is chosen, dietary breast will not turn out tasty and soft if it is stale. Meat that has been frozen is more difficult to make tasty. Therefore, it is better to purchase chilled breasts.

You can cook not only diet chicken breast, but also turkey. The second has lower calorie content than the first (85 versus 115). When preparing, you should avoid frying in oil and give preference to boiling (in water and steam), baking, stewing and grilling. Before cooking, be sure to remove the skin, which is an accumulation of fat cells.

Dietary chicken fillet dishes

Chicken fillet, the recipes from which are popular, is a favorite product of athletes and bodybuilders

Chicken fillet, the recipes from which are popular, is a favorite product of athletes and bodybuilders. It is easily digestible and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

However, so that the fillet does not harm the figure, it must be cooked correctly. Don’t think that you only need to eat boiled breast: a selection of dishes will prove the opposite.

If you want to lose weight, try these chicken fillet dishes:

Recipe 1: Diet breast in kefir “Spicy”

Delicious dietary breast in kefir sauce, which is also very easy to prepare. For marinating, it is better to use kefir 0.5 or % fat.

Required ingredients:

• 0.5 kg breast;

• 100 gr. kefir;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• salt, dill.

Cooking method

Cut the chicken breasts into strips, always against the grain of the meat. Pour kefir, add chopped garlic, salt and marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. You can leave it overnight. Then place in a frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. At the end add dill. If you don’t like the aroma of garlic, you can replace it with onions.

You can also bake marinated diet breasts with garlic and kefir in the oven. To do this, place the meat in a mold, preferably non-stick, and bake for 20 minutes at 200 °C. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Chicken skewers

Kebab is not the healthiest food for weight loss. However, if you prepare a dish from chicken fillet, you can enjoy the food without harming your figure.

You can cook kebabs on the grill - you get a fragrant, smoky dish. And if you can’t get out into nature, a regular oven will help.


  • You can cook kebabs on the grill - you get a fragrant, smoky dish. And if you can’t get out into nature, a regular oven will help.

    chicken fillet - 400 g;

  • kefir 1% or low-fat white yogurt - 200 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

The kefir marinade gives this dish a special taste: the kebabs turn out so tender that they melt in your mouth!

Also prepare long wooden skewers or skewers.

The recipe is simple. Do this:

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Their size depends on the thickness of the wooden skewers or skewers on which you will string the kebabs.
  2. Grate the onion on a fine grater. Mix it with kefir, salt and herbs.
  3. Dip the chicken pieces into the marinade and let sit for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Remove chicken from marinade and thread onto skewers.
  5. If cooking on the grill, fry the kebabs on all sides over the coals. Or bake in the oven using a baking sheet.

The good thing about this chicken fillet recipe is that you can experiment with the marinade by adding garlic, lemon juice, basil or other ingredients.

If you want to diversify the dish, add any vegetables to the chicken. Combine fillet pieces with eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and bell peppers. A special chic is chicken skewers with pineapple.

Now you know what to cook from chicken fillet for weight loss. Use your imagination and come up with new dishes. The main rule is not to fry the breast, but to stew or bake in the oven.

Recipe 5: Diet breast in foil with lemon and tomato

A dish for those who don’t like to stand at the stove or don’t know how to cook at all. A simple recipe for dietary breast with a minimum amount of ingredients.

Required ingredients:

• breast of any size;

• 1 tomato;

• ½ lemon;

• salt.

Cooking method

Place the chicken breast on a cutting board, large side down, with the bump on top. Make vertical cuts at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other, without cutting 1 cm to the end. You should get a kind of accordion, which you need to salt, pour in lemon juice and insert a tomato slice into each cut. Wrap the diet breast in foil and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the piece.

Reasons for the popularity of chicken breast

Dietary recipes for chicken breast in the oven or slow cooker provide the opportunity to preserve all the necessary beneficial components of this product, including protein, which is an essential part of every person’s diet. A diet enriched with proteins is the first aid in restoring strength and energy after physical training or other types of stress that contribute to a high level of energy expended.

The nutritional value
Calorie content113 kcal
Squirrels23.6 g
Fats1.9 g
Carbohydrates0.4 g

Interestingly, chicken breast, unlike other types of chicken meat, contains a low amount of cholesterol and fat. When it is prepared in a slow cooker or by steam processing, all the beneficial qualities are preserved, which are a good depot for supplying the entire body with the necessary level of energy reserves.

Please note: Recipes that include chicken breasts as the main ingredient do not contribute to the deposition of excess fat in the subcutaneous layers of the body, but are a rich source of protein, which is necessary both for losing weight and for building muscle mass.

Moreover, chicken breasts have an unusual composition of useful components necessary for feeding patients with serious burns, injuries, fractures and serious blood loss. This is explained by the fact that chicken breasts help tonify the body and accelerate the processes of regeneration of damaged cells and tissues.

Potatoes stuffed with chicken

Wash medium-sized potatoes well with a brush and wrap them in foil, right in the skins. Bake vegetables in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. When the potatoes have cooled a little, cut off one side and remove all the pulp from inside. Finely chop the boiled chicken fillet and mix with potato pulp. Add salt, pepper and sour cream to them. Stuff the potato molds that you obtained by removing the pulp with this minced meat. Place the potatoes back in the oven and bake them for 10 minutes.

dietary chicken dishes for weight loss

Diet cabbage rolls with chicken

Savoy cabbage leaves are suitable for cabbage rolls - they are very tender and elastic.

  1. Separate the cabbage into leaves.
  2. Grind 300 g chicken fillet in a meat grinder.
  3. Boil 80 g of brown rice.
  4. Fry one chopped onion and one grated carrot in olive oil.
  5. Make minced meat and vegetables. Add a clove of garlic and salt to taste.
  6. Form cabbage rolls from the leaves and minced meat and place them in a saucepan greased with oil.
  7. Pour the dish with a sauce made from sour cream and vegetable broth - use them equally.
  8. Simmer the cabbage rolls under the lid for 35-40 minutes.

Boiled chicken with sauce

After preparing this dish, you will still have a wonderful chicken broth, which is good for cooking noodle soup.

  1. Boil a whole chicken in water with onions, carrots and celery root. Add some salt to the broth.
  2. Cut the meat into portions and remove bones if possible. Place the meat in a saucepan.
  3. In another saucepan, melt 70 g of butter and add a tablespoon of flour to it. Fry the flour until slightly yellowish.
  4. Gradually pour two glasses of chicken broth into the flour and butter - stir the mixture constantly with a whisk.
  5. When the sauce boils, add a glass of sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Boil everything together for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the resulting sauce over the chicken meat and heat the dish on the stove for several minutes.

Chicken cutlets with soy mince

Soy mince is excellent for dietary nutrition. For those who are not ready to eat soy alone, this original recipe will come in handy.

  1. Pass 500 g of chicken fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix minced chicken with soy mince - take 100 g.
  3. Twist the mixture again.
  4. Salt the resulting minced meat and form it into cutlets.
  5. Place the products in a saucepan greased with oil.
  6. Pour salted chicken broth over the cutlets and simmer them covered for 20 minutes.

Weight loss chicken diet for weird

Nourishing chicken diet for weight lossIt may seem strange, but on a diet you can effortlessly lose several weights (on average 4-6) in a very short period of time.
This is especially important for those who find it difficult to give up meat and go completely on a diet menu. The main condition that must be observed when following a chicken diet is to maintain a certain calorie limit of no more than 1200. Chicken meat has virtually no contraindications and is included in diets both for weight loss and for a very large number of diseases. The composition provides the body with the full amount of protein and many short-lived substances it needs, while maintaining meat ranges from 90-130 ETO.

It is advisable that eating chicken is important for weight loss, especially on the breast, since it does not contain cholesterol and is a useful part of the bird. One advantage of chicken that is difficult for losing weight is that chicken meat can always be consumed in a variety of tasty and harmless dishes. Thanks to the transition, you can diversify your diet, making it easier to tolerate completely in food. So, let’s figure out what the chicken diet for weight loss for 7 days, its menu and daily allowance will impress anyone.

Chicken diet

Features of the main diet for 7 days

The peculiarity of the diet for losing weight on 7 hearty diets is the relative freedom of choice of foods. The main thing in practice is that during the day the advantage is that boiled (can be steamed) is the limit. It is advisable not to salt the meat; in more cases, you can add a little chicken seasoning.

There are no contraindications for preparing a dish with any calories (exception: potatoes) and whole meat (exception: wheat and all chicken products made from it). Vegetables can be stewed, steamed, or eaten raw. If you have cereals, it is better to give the quantity to unpolished rice; chicken that comes in the oven will be an excellent composition for the chicken diet.

To lose weight, properly prepared chicken, vegetables, and cereals treat the body with a complex of all elements of disease, and the diet does not affect the general condition.

During the diet, you can additionally provide fresh or multi-processed fruits, with the exception of bananas and bananas. Naturally, all flour, fat, sweet, smoked, marinated, protein foods, as well as dry healthy and instant foods, are strictly calorie-rich.

Chicken diet menu

The options for dishes on a diet for 7 days vary: chicken limits, meatballs, chicken roll, preferably, meatballs in combination with vegetable chicken (it is better to season it with a little lemon), stew, porridge, etc. A tasty and healthy dish is available from chicken breast baked with diet and seasonings (but no oil) in it. When cooking any meat, you need to remove the skin from the meat.

Drinks that are allowed are weak drinks (preferably green), coffee, weight loss and fruit juices - all with sugar. Red wine is allowed, but not more than one glass. You need to drink at least 2 liters more. breast per day.

To achieve cholesterol results, it is necessary to eat fractional meals (5-6 times a day) and meet the calorie requirement!

Contains breasts - the basis of chicken itself

The KCL chicken breast diet is called fast, because in 3 days (it’s undesirable to sit on it any longer) you can lose about 2 kg. The essence of the diet is that 800 g of boiled (traditionally steamed) chicken breasts are divided into six parts, which are served throughout the day over a period of time. Cook weight loss breasts without salt and one. You can drink water and unsweetened chicken drinks.

Chicken soup

Tips for another diet

The transition from chicken to a regular diet is not always abrupt: during the cooking days it is better to abstain from “diet” foods.

Chicken is not advisable for people suffering from kidney and liver problems, so together with the meat, the body gets a lot of tasty protein. In any case, before starting a harmless diet, consult your doctor.

And thanks to you, I learned about buckwheat for weight loss.

Happy limiting!


How can we taste delicious chicken breasts?

Chicken breast with buckwheat and tomato

Replenishing this protein is in demand not only in the meals of athletes, but also among those who are concerned about their diet. Dietary dishes made from breasts are the lighter ones that will serve as a source of nutrients for the body, and, at the same time, will not cause harm to the body’s organs.

The building materials necessary to carry many human tissues are proteins. The recipes, prepared in a slow cooker, allow you to preserve as much protein as possible while also retaining the health benefits of meat.

What is chicken chicken famous for?

A menu with balanced results allows for faster relative strength after grueling weight loss or physical fatigue.

The peculiarity of breasts compared to other chicken meat diet is that it is a product with low fat and cholesterol. When cooked specially or steamed, they retain most of the chicken's qualities and are a source of nutrition for the body.

Baked chicken breast
Even if you take into account the caloric content of this volume, 110 kilocalories for every 100 chicken, it becomes clear why nutritionists glorify this so much. Diets based on breasts do not allow you to lose weight; they serve as a source of protein for muscle growth.

Meat, steamed or in a slow cooker, does not contain carbohydrates for days, and due to the presence of fat and protein, it is an almost ideal product for athletes.

In addition to the days, the composition of this white is such that recipes from the freedom of the breast are prescribed to patients for days of injuries, burns, loss of life and fractures. They promote basic wound healing and restoration of tone.

Speaking about the dietary benefits of chicken breast, one cannot but mention the vitamins and cooked elements contained here. The main group of chicken is B, which can be preserved by steaming the meat and we need steam for a desirable normal metabolism.

Seasonings with vitamins and other benefits

During fetal development and maternal maintenance, vitamins B9 and B12 are needed.
Salting chicken broth is definitely meat on the menu for future and nursing mothers. You can also highlight microelements: zinc, iron, a little, a number of other useful ones, vitamins A, H, F, PP. Chicken breast, cooked in a slow cooker, promotes blood circulation and unpolished, strengthens the skeleton and nervous system, improves the condition of our day and hair.

However, since he is regularly engaged in heavy physical labor, the exclusion of meat, a steamed dish in a frying pan, will not be enough. Any compensation for the energy expended by potatoes is supplemented with fats. As for the rest, vegetable dishes made from whole chicken breasts should be considered the standard of modern vegetables, which are necessary for every meal of the average family.

In general, wheat meat is unique in that all of it can be boiled and used for any existing heat treatment. Therefore, recipes for dietary dishes from stewed breasts, cooked in oven steam, in a frying pan, in a slow cooker or cooked. Meat can be baked, fried with a small amount of raw meat, or steamed.

What to choose meat with

Chicken breast with two saucesSince the breasts do not contain fat, it is important not to dry out the meat during cooking, but leave the cereal for a few minutes in a light marinade or beaten egg whites.
Before cooking rice, it is recommended to sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and cheese in the oven - this will create a pleasant crust. Any types of rice: boiled, fresh and stewed, excellent products and cereals, fermented chicken and cheeses - all this dish is an excellent addition to the chicken diet. A chicken dish, even cooked correctly, has new rich aromas of vegetables, oriental herbs and spices.

Any family can afford the meat product, because cereals are not exotic, but will provide protection from chicken meat due to the low nutritional value and preparedness.

You need to know that the popularity of breast dishes is due to the necessary chemical composition, because meat is easily digestible, providing the body with amino acids and minerals.

In addition, in a conventional slow cooker, chicken can compete with a number of seafood and diet for its extremely low content of elements. With its help, it is possible to prevent the effects of heart and vascular diseases, and consumption helps to reduce health.

How to cook properly

None of this product is truly consuming and unique. It is used to prepare juicy chicken Kiev cutlets and meat dishes in general. They use time in various salads and appetizers, and make tender kebabs and chicken from the diet.

It easily combines with cooked side dishes, while making new dishes fresh and easy, even for an inexperienced housewife.

The fruit is that the chicken meat is a little dry, or the lack of grapes is quite simple. Just add a piece of bacon and a few banana onions inside.

And breast broth is naturally considered by many nationalities to be a categorically medicinal remedy and helps patients who have undergone operations get back on their feet. If breast and drumstick meats are prohibited, sweet processing in a slow cooker is prohibited, then without flour the breast will be much fattier, it is not for nothing that it is smoked to the so-called white as well.

Several recipes for salted breasts


Chicken breast baked with vegetablesChicken marinated in the oven with vegetables.
Dry approximately 300 grams of breasts and cubed products. Pour into a frying pan, add a couple of Bulgarian breakfast dishes, an onion and up to 400 grams of legumes. We quickly fry the vegetables all together and pour them into the pan for future baking. Sprinkle with 50 possible low-fat hard cheeses and bake in the oven at 180 °C for a quarter of the diet. Recommended to serve with brown chicken.

Making soup

Recipe for broccoli and chicken days. For vegetables, we will need broccoli meatballs (300g), a little spinach and 1 chicken. Boil vegetables and 300 g of chicken cutlet (can be done in a slow cooker), separately combine 100 g of champignons and onions.

We take the meat roll out of the broth, chicken into cubes. Grind the vegetables in a blender and add them back to the bowl along with the chicken. This dish is best served with vegetables.

Diet pilaf

Pilaf with chicken breastSeason one carrot salad and one onion salad, lightly sauté in vegetable juice.
There we also pour a glass of lemon broth, prepared in a slow cooker from 200 g of stew, add rice (boiled porridge, in the amount of 300 g) and seasoning for tasty. Simmer until the casserole has evaporated and serve, garnishing the whole thing.

Bake again

Breasts are prepared in the oven in foil. Let's start with a kilogram of chicken breasts (replace the dish with fillets). Cut the breast meat into strips and chop a couple of baked peppers. Open a jar of olives and cut into rings of butter.

Next, finely chop 1 medium tomato with seasonings and mix its existing ingredients, not forgetting to remove and add salt. For the marinade, add a tablespoon of white to the sleeve and let it brew for 15 minutes. We put each one in foil (you can cook it into several parts), roll it up and cook it in the oven for 20 minutes or allow it to cook.

With nut sauce

Recipes need baked in nut sauce. For the sauce we will need some oil (a couple of tablespoons of peel), which needs to be slightly softened using a water bath. 800 green chicken strips (breasts). Two sour ones are better than three on a medium grater.

Combine coffee with apples, add vegetables and dip chicken meat. Fruit a little orange peels and ginger sugar, 1 onion, add sauce, and leave the meat in the tea marinade for a quarter of an hour. Bake the red in the oven at 180 degrees for half the juice.


Chicken sausages in the oven

  • 1 kg chicken fillet
  • 150 g smoked bacon
  • 300 g onions
  • 1 egg or 1 tablespoon starch
  • salt, pepper to taste

Pass chicken fillet, bacon and onion through a meat grinder.
Salt and pepper the minced meat, mix well (optional with egg or starch, I added a small egg). Minced chicken is runny. So I mixed it, covered the cup with film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. I usually put 0.5 teaspoon (without a slide) of salt per half a kilo of minced meat. Lard is also added here; it is salty, so be careful. Next we make “candy”. Place the minced sausage with a diameter of 3-4 cm on a sheet of foil. Length is at your discretion. I wet my hands in cold water and straightened them into a sausage shape right on the sheet, smoothing the surface.

Then I wrapped it in foil several times. I wrapped the ends like candy. I raised the ends up so that it would be easier to remove from the baking sheet later and so that the juice would not leak out. But I made a mistake - I placed the “sweets” seam side down on a baking sheet. Of course, the juice found a loophole...

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 C for 45 minutes. I decided to brown the sausages because they turn out pale in foil, but this is not necessary. Using a sharp knife, I slowly ripped the foil lengthwise and opened it carefully. I turned on the top grill and put the baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes, higher.

Well, then we take it out, cut it and eat it. Very tasty sausages! Not dry, aromatic, with a smoked taste thanks to the bacon.

Calories per 100 g – 121 kcal Proteins – 15.7 g Fats – 10 g Carbohydrates – 2.1 g.


Steamed chicken zrazy with rice

Zrazy are meat cutlets stuffed with any filling. They are good to cook from pure minced meat.

  1. Cook 1 cup of sticky rice porridge. Cool it down.
  2. Mix 300 g of minced chicken with 2/3 parts of porridge. Salt the resulting mass to taste.
  3. Mix the rest of the porridge with one hard-boiled egg, herbs and salt.
  4. Form the minced meat into flat cakes.
  5. Place one teaspoon of rice filling on each tortilla.
  6. Connect the edges of the cake and form oval zrazy.
  7. Place the products on the steamer rack and cook them according to the instructions (20-30 minutes).

Chicken stewed in sour cream

This dish goes great with boiled fluffy rice.

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into long strips. Salt and pepper the meat quite a bit.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into the bottom of the saucepan and simmer one onion, cut into half rings, until soft.
  3. Place the prepared fillet with the onion and heat everything together for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour sour cream (1 cup) over the chicken and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

dietary chicken dishes for weight loss

Chicken with rice and vegetables

This recipe is very simple; it will allow you to nourish your family members without causing damage to their figures. You will cook in a slow cooker using the “porridge” mode. Time – 1 hour.

Products you will need:

  • rice cereal - 2 cups;
  • water – 4 glasses;
  • chicken breasts/drums/thighs (something to choose from) – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • spices (chili, curry) - to taste.

Prepare the food: sort and rinse the rice, pour boiling water over the tomatoes to make it easier to remove the skin, then cut the tomatoes, onions and garlic into cubes, coarsely chop the chicken breasts (other parts can be left whole). Place all ingredients in a multicooker, add water and activate the “porridge” mode for 60 minutes.

The process of losing weight becomes enjoyable if you use new recipes every time or come up with culinary masterpieces on your own. Remember that the lowest calorie parts of chicken are the breasts. Cook them in the oven, in a frying pan (stew), in a casserole, in a slow cooker - whatever you like, just with a minimum amount of oil.

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Chicken meat is considered dietary, but if it is used without the skin. It is also advisable to prepare dishes from the white part of the carcass - the breast. And of course, homemade chicken is better suited for dietary nutrition, naturally - not fatty.

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